Example #1
protected static function conf_apply_values ()
	//NB: this is for sutiations, when modules or events are fetched when config file is not ready yet.
	//NB: for example, event to notify about fatal error, but if this error occured in config reading.
	if (is_null(self::$conf_xpath) || is_null(self::$conf_element))
		throw new coren_exception_/*!!!*/("Configuration is not ready for parsing.");

//!!!todo: make it so that extension is either loaded from config, or determined by coren's extension.
//!!!todo: so it is not contstant, and used only internally in coren main class.
//!!!todo: f.e., <load-class-extention='php'/> or <load-class-base='%s.php'/>
	if (!defined('COREN_EXTENSION')) define('COREN_EXTENSION', '.' . pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));//!!!!

/*rts*/	$query = "coren:rts-verbosity";
/*rts*/	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*rts*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Only one <rts-verbosity> element allowed.");
/*rts*/	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$rts_verbosity = trim($nodes->item(0)->nodeValue);
/*rts*/	$query = "coren:rts-prefix";
/*rts*/	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*rts*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Only one <rts-prefix> element allowed.");
/*rts*/	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$rts_prefix = $nodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
/*rts*/	$query = "coren:rts-suffix";
/*rts*/	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*rts*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Only one <rts-suffix> element allowed.");
/*rts*/	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$rts_suffix = $nodes->item(0)->nodeValue;

	$query = "coren:load-class-root";
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*xcc*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Too many root dependecies. Only one must be.");
	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$load_class_root = trim($nodes->item(0)->nodeValue);

	$query = "coren:load-class-path";
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
	foreach ($nodes as $node)
		//!!!todo: check if it has children (it must not; throw if it has them).
		//!!!todo: trim, then skip empty(?)
		self::$load_class_path[] = trim($node->nodeValue);

	$query = "coren:load-class-file";
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
	foreach ($nodes as $node)
		$class = $node->getAttributeNS(self::conf_xml_ns_uri, 'class');
		//!!!todo: check that class is not empty (i.e. is set); throw otherwise.
		//!!!todo: check if it has children (it must not; throw if it has them).
		//!!!todo: trim, then skip empty(?)
		self::$load_class_file[$class] = trim($node->nodeValue);

	$query = "coren:default-database";
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*err*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Only one <database> element allowed.");
	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$default_database = trim($nodes->item(0)->getAttributeNS(self::conf_xml_ns_uri, 'name'));

	$query = "coren:template-of-name";
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*err*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Only one <autoname> element allowed.");
	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$template_of_name = trim($nodes->item(0)->getAttributeNS(self::conf_xml_ns_uri, 'name'));

	$query = "coren:response-at-top";
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*err*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Only one <response-at-top> element allowed.");
	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$response_at_top = true;

	$query = "coren:response-prefix";
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*err*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Only one <response-prefix> element allowed.");
	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$response_prefix = $nodes->item(0)->nodeValue;;

	$query = "coren:response-suffix";
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*err*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Only one <response-suffix> element allowed.");
	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$response_suffix = $nodes->item(0)->nodeValue;;

	//!!!todo: <response-encoding>, <default-xslt-format> ?

	$query = "coren:prefetch-modules";
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*err*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Only one <prefetch-modules> element allowed.");
	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$prefetch_modules = true;

	$query = "coren:prefetch-handlers";
	$nodes = self::$conf_xpath->query($query, self::$conf_element);
/*err*/	if ($nodes->length > 1) throw new coren_exception_config_/*!!!*/("Only one <prefetch-handlers> element allowed.");
	if ($nodes->length > 0) self::$prefetch_handlers = true;