AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); // Form Vars if ($_REQUEST) { if ($_REQUEST["Action"]) { $action = $_REQUEST["Action"]; //echo $action; if ($action == "addNew") { // ALL FORM INPUTS MUST BE SANITIZED $StorageLocationName = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["LocationName"]); $description = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Description"]); $sql = "INSERT INTO storagelocations (storagelocation_name, description ) VALUES ('" . $StorageLocationName . "', '" . $description . "')"; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); $DB->addHistory('storagelocations', $_SESSION["user_id"], "insert", ""); header("Location: ManageStorage.php"); } } } $DB->close(); ?> <div class="navMenu" id="navMenu"> <div id="bullets"> <div class="navHeaderdiv"><h1>Locations</h1></div> <div class="navBulletBorderTop"></div> <div class="navBullet navBulletSelected" id="custBullet"><a href="#" id="custBulletLink">Add New Location</a></div> <div class="navBulletBorderBottom"></div> </div> <div class="navPageSpacing"></div> </div>
$ContactCity = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ContactCity"]); $ContactState = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ContactState"]); $ContactZipCode = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ContactZipCode"]); $ContactPhone = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ContactPhone"]); $ContactCell = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ContactCell"]); $dtoffice = ""; $firephp->log($_REQUEST["dtoffice"]); if (isset($_REQUEST["dtoffice"])) { $firephp->log("DT Set"); $dtoffice = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["dtoffice"]); } if ($action == "addNew" && !$user_id) { $sql = "INSERT INTO users (Username, user_password, FirstName, LastName, permission_role, team_id, License, Social, BirthDate, Address, Address2, HomeType, City, State, ZipCode, Phone, Cell, ContactFirstName, ContactLastName, ContactAddress, ContactAddress2, ContactCity, ContactState, ContactZipCode, ContactPhone, ContactCell, dtoffice) VALUES ('" . $Username . "', MD5('" . $Password . "'), '" . $FirstName . "', '" . $LastName . "', '" . $Role . "', " . $Team . ", '" . $License . "', '" . $Social . "', '" . $BirthDate . "', '" . $Address1 . "', '" . $Address2 . "', '" . $HomeType . "', '" . $City . "', '" . $State . "', '" . $ZipCode . "', '" . $Phone . "', '" . $Cell . "', '" . $ContactFirstName . "', '" . $ContactLastName . "', '" . $ContactAddress1 . "', '" . $ContactAddress2 . "', '" . $ContactCity . "', '" . $ContactState . "', '" . $ContactZipCode . "', '" . $ContactPhone . "', '" . $ContactCell . "', '" . $dtoffice . "')"; $firephp->log($sql); $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); $DB->addHistory('users', $_SESSION["user_id"], "insert", ""); header("Location: ManageUsers.php"); } if ($action == "update") { $Action = "update"; $sql = "UPDATE users SET FirstName = '" . $FirstName . "', LastName = '" . $LastName . "', permission_role = '" . $Role . "', team_id = '" . $Team . "', License = '" . $License . "', Social = '" . $Social . "', BirthDate = '" . $BirthDate . "', Address = '" . $Address1 . "', Address2 = '" . $Address2 . "', HomeType = '" . $HomeType . "', City = '" . $City . "', State = '" . $State . "', ZipCode = '" . $ZipCode . "', Phone = '" . $Phone . "', Cell = '" . $Cell . "', ContactFirstName = '" . $ContactFirstName . "', ContactLastName = '" . $ContactLastName . "', ContactAddress = '" . $ContactAddress1 . "', ContactAddress2 = '" . $ContactAddress2 . "', ContactCity = '" . $ContactCity . "', ContactState = '" . $ContactState . "', ContactZipCode = '" . $ContactZipCode . "', ContactPhone = '" . $ContactPhone . "', ContactCell = '" . $ContactCell . "', dtoffice = '" . $dtoffice . "' WHERE user_id = " . $user_id; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); $DB->addHistory('users', $_SESSION["user_id"], "update", ""); if ($Password && $Password != "dummytext") { $sql = "UPDATE users SET user_password = MD5('" . $Password . "') WHERE user_id = " . $user_id; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); $DB->addHistory('users', $_SESSION["user_id"], "update", ""); } header("Location: ManageUsers.php"); } }
$LastName = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["LastName"]); $user_id = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["user_id"]); $team_id = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["team_id"]); $status = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Status"]); $perm = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["perm"]); $sender = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["sender"]); $sql = "UPDATE users SET Username = '******', FirstName = '" . $FirstName . "', LastName = '" . $LastName . "', team_id = " . $team_id . ", Status='" . $status . "', permission_role = " . $perm . " WHERE user_id = " . $user_id; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); $sql = "SELECT users.*, teams.team_name from users left outer join teams on users.team_id = teams.team_id where user_id = " . $user_id . " and users.status != 'deleted'"; $error = $sql; $result = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $retArray[] = $row; $output = $retArray; } $DB->addHistory('users', $sender, "update", $username); $DB->close(); } if ($id == "updateInventoryStatus") { if (!UserMay("EditInventory")) { AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $date = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["date"]); $inventory_id = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["inventory_id"]); $status = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["status"]); $statusdata = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["statusdata"]); $statusdate = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["date"]); $receivedDate = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["receivedDate"]); $statusdatatext = '';
$DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); // Form Vars if ($_REQUEST) { if (isset($_REQUEST["Action"])) { $action = $_REQUEST["Action"]; //echo $action; if ($action == "addNew") { // ALL FORM INPUTS MUST BE SANITIZED $ProductType = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductType"]); $ProductName = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductName"]); $ProductModel = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductModel"]); $ProductDescription = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductDescription"]); $sql = "INSERT INTO products (product_type, product_name, product_model, product_description) VALUES ('" . $ProductType . "', '" . $ProductName . "', '" . $ProductModel . "', '" . $ProductDescription . "')"; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); $DB->addHistory('products', $_SESSION["user_id"], "insert", ""); header("Location: ManageProducts.php"); } } } $DB->close(); ?> <div class="navMenu" id="navMenu"> <div id="bullets"> <div class="navHeaderdiv"><h1>Products</h1></div> <div class="navBulletBorderTop"></div> <div class="navBullet navBulletSelected" id="custBullet"><a href="#" id="custBulletLink">Add New Product</a></div> <div class="navBulletBorderBottom"></div> </div> <div class="navPageSpacing"></div>
AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); // Form Vars if ($_REQUEST) { if ($_REQUEST["Action"]) { $action = $_REQUEST["Action"]; //echo $action; if ($action == "addNew") { // ALL FORM INPUTS MUST BE SANITIZED $TeamName = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["tbTeamName"]); $TeamLeader = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ddlTeamLeader"]); $sql = "INSERT INTO teams (team_name, team_leader) VALUES ('" . $TeamName . "', " . $TeamLeader . ")"; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); $DB->addHistory('teams', $_SESSION["user_id"], "insert", ""); header("Location: ManageTeams.php"); } } } $users = $DB->getUsers(); $DB->close(); ?> <div class="navMenu" id="navMenu"> <div id="bullets"> <div class="navHeaderdiv"><h1>Teams</h1></div> <div class="navBulletBorderTop"></div> <div class="navBullet navBulletSelected" id="custBullet"><a href="#" id="custBulletLink">Add New Team</a></div> <div class="navBulletBorderBottom"></div>