function getLocation($status, $data) { $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $location = ""; if ($status == 1) { // Get Office Location $sql = "select storagelocation_name from storagelocations where storagelocation_id = " . $data; $location = $DB->query_scalar($sql) . "<br /><br />"; } if ($status == 2) { // Get Employee Address $sql = "select Username from users where user_id = " . $data; $location = $DB->query_scalar($sql) . "<br /><br />"; } if ($status == 3) { $location = "Transferred<br/>"; } if ($status == 4 || $status == 5) { // Get customer address $sql = "select contacts.* from orders join contacts on orders.contact_id = contacts.contact_id where orders.order_id = " . $data; $result = $DB->query($sql); if ($result) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $location = $row["contact_address"] . "<br />" . $row["contact_city"] . " " . $row["contact_state"] . ", " . $row["contact_zipcode"]; } } return $location; }
private function validacao() { $conn = new conn(); if ($this->cpf != "" && $this->usuario == "" && $this->senha == "") { if ($this->cpf == "") { exit("<script>alert('Preencha algum dos campos para logar'); document.location='index.php';</script>"); } else { $this->path = $this->path != "" ? $this->path : "painel-validacao.php"; $where = " cpf = '" . $this->cpf . "' AND faz_validacao = 1 AND status = 1"; } } else { if ($this->usuario == "" || $this->senha == "") { exit("<script>alert('Preencha algum dos campos para logar'); document.location='index.php';</script>"); } else { $this->senha = sha1($this->senha); $this->path = $this->path != "" ? $this->path : "painel-index.php"; $where = " senha = '" . $this->senha . "' AND status = 1"; } } $cliente = $conn->read(array("id", "usuario"), $where, null, "usuario", "fetch"); if ($cliente) { $_SESSION["login"] = array(); $_SESSION["login"]["logado"] = "sim"; $_SESSION["login"]["id"] = $cliente['id']; $_SESSION["login"]["usuario"] = $cliente['usuario']; //print_r($_SESSION["login"]["usuario"]);exit(); if ($_SESSION["pedido_temp"]["usando"]) { exit("<script>alert('Login efetuado com sucesso.'); document.location='pedido.php?acao=addProd';</script>"); } exit("<script>alert('Login efetuado com sucesso.'); document.location='" . $this->path . "';</script>"); } else { unset($_SESSION["login"]); echo "<script>alert('Usuário ou senha inválida!'); history.back();</script>"; } }
public function sms_update() { $conn = new conn(); $funcionalidades = new funcionalidades(); $conn->update(array('campanha' => $funcionalidades->removeAcentos($this->nome), 'palavra_chave' => $this->palavras_chaves, 'descricao' => $this->descricao, 'validadeIni' => $funcionalidades->ChecaVariavel($this->valiadeDe, "data"), 'validadeFim' => $funcionalidades->ChecaVariavel($this->validadeAte, "data"), 'patrocinador' => $this->patrocinador, 'qtdCupons' => $this->qtd, 'dt_limiteCupom' => $funcionalidades->ChecaVariavel($this->dt_limiteCupom, "data"), 'mensagem_encerrado' => $funcionalidades->removeAcentos($this->mensagem_encerrado), 'contato' => $this->contato, 'mensagem' => $funcionalidades->removeAcentos($this->msg), 'status' => 1), "idSms = " . $this->idSms . "", "campanha_sms"); exit("<script>alert('Campanha atualizado com sucesso!');document.location.href='painel-index.php';</script>"); }
function converteComandosTxt($txt, $campanha, $dtvalidade) { //altera variaveis $conn = new conn(); $codigo = token(); $conn->insert(array('dtCad' => date("Y-m-d"), 'campanha' => $campanha, 'codigo_cupom' => $codigo, 'dtvalidade' => $dtvalidade, 'usuario_acao' => $_SESSION["login"]["usuario"], 'status' => 0), "", "cupom"); $txt = str_replace("&CODE&", $codigo, $txt); return $txt; }
public function LoadData() { $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM finance_options"; $result = $DB->query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $financeDetails[] = $row; } $DB->close(); return $financeDetails; }
private function validacao() { $funcoes = new funcionalidades(); $this->usuario = $funcoes->ChecaVariavel($this->usuario, "texto"); $this->senha = $this->senha == "" ? $this->senha : $this->sha_senha($this->senha); $this->data = $this->data; $conn = new conn(); if ($this->op != "alterar") { $conn->insert(array('dtCad' => $this->data, 'dtAlt' => $this->data, 'dtCad' => $this->data, 'usuario' => $this->usuario, 'senha' => $this->senha, 'cpf' => $this->cpf, 'faz_validacao ' => $this->validador, 'status' => $this->status), "", "usuario"); exit("<script>alert('Seu cadastro foi efetuado com sucesso!');document.location.href='painel-index.php';</script>"); } else { if ($this->senha == "") { $conn->update(array('dtAlt' => $this->data, 'usuario' => $this->usuario, 'cpf' => $this->cpf, 'faz_validacao ' => $this->validador, 'status' => $this->status), "id=" . $this->idCliente . "", "usuario"); } else { $conn->update(array('dtAlt' => $this->data, 'usuario' => $this->usuario, 'senha' => $this->senha, 'cpf' => $this->cpf, 'faz_validacao ' => $this->validador, 'status' => $this->status), "id=" . $this->idCliente . "", "usuario"); } exit("<script>alert('Seu cadastro foi alterado com sucesso!');document.location.href='painel-index.php';</script>"); } }
/** * Conecta com o banco de dados com o pattern singleton. * Retorna um objeto PDO! */ private static function Conectar() { try { if (self::$Connect == null) { $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . self::$Host . ';dbname=' . self::$Dbsa; $options = [PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES UTF8']; self::$Connect = new PDO($dsn, self::$User, self::$Pass, $options); } } catch (PDOException $e) { PHPErro($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()); die; } self::$Connect->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); return self::$Connect; }
public static function connect() { try { if (self::$pdoConn == null) { self::$dsn = "mysql:host=" . HOSTNAME . ";dbname=" . DBNAME . "; port=" . MYSQLPORT; self::$pdoConn = new PDO(self::$dsn, USERNAME, PASSWORD); self::$pdoConn->exec("set names utf8"); //self::$pdoConn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING); self::$pdoConn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); //self::$pdoConn->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, true); //parent::__construct(self::$pdoConn); } return self::$pdoConn; //parent::__construct(self::$pdoConn); } catch (PDOException $e) { if ($e->getCode() == '1049') { die('Erro mysql[1049]: O banco ' . strtoupper(DBNAME) . ' não existe'); } else { if ($e->getCode() == '2002') { die('Erro mysql[2002]: O host "' . strtoupper(HOSTNAME) . '" não é conhecido ou a porta de conexão está incorreta. <p><strong>Possíveis soluções: </strong></p> <ul> <li>Verifique se o caminho do host está correto.</li> <li>Verifique se a porta de conexão do mysql está correta (a porta padrão é: 3306).</li> </ul> '); } else { if ($e->getCode() == '1044') { die('Erro mysql[1044]: Acesso negado para o usuário "' . USERNAME . '@localhost" para banco de dados ' . strtoupper(DBNAME) . ' <p><strong>Possível solução: </strong>Verifique se o nome de usuário da conexão está correta.</p> <p>' . $e->getMessage() . ' '); } else { if ($e->getCode() == '1045') { die('Erro mysql[1044]: Acesso negado para o usuário "' . USERNAME . '@localhost" com senha para banco de dados ' . strtoupper(DBNAME) . '. <p><strong>Possível solução: </strong>Verifique se o nome de usuário e a senha da conexão estão corretas.</p> <p>' . $e->getMessage() . ' '); } else { die('Conexão falhou. Erro: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } } } }
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; if (!UserMay("Admin_ViewUsers")) { AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); ?> <div class="navMenu"> <div class="navHeaderdiv"><h1>Manage Users</h1></div> <div id="bulletManageInventory" style="height:auto;" class="navContent"> <div id="bullets"> <div class="divFilters"> <div> <label>Username:</label> <INPUT style="width:100%" id="tbUsernameV"> </div> <div> <label>Status:</label> <SELECT id="ddlStatusV" style="width:100%;"> <OPTION VALUE="%">Any</OPTION> <?php $products = $DB->getUserStatuses(); foreach ($products as $prod) {
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; ?> <?php $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $active_user = getLoggedUser($DB); ?> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> var locations = <?php echo json_encode($locations); ?> ; <?php if ($AgencyParams["EnableDTOffices"]) { ?> var DTOffices = <?php echo json_encode($AgencyParams["DTOffices"]); ?> ; <?php } ?> </SCRIPT>
<?php require_once './config.php'; require_once './class/conn.class.php'; require_once './class/wechat.class.php'; include './include/function.php'; header('Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); const ALREADY_BINDED = '你已经绑定过了'; const HELP = '支持的命令: 状态 , 查询@关键字 , 最新 , 热门'; $user_ptid = -1; $operation = 'NULL'; $text = ''; $keyword = ''; $user_openid = ''; $con = new conn(); $weObj = new Wechat($wechat_options); $weObj->valid(); $msg = $weObj->getRev()->getRevData(); //获取用户发送的消息 $user_openid = $weObj->getRev()->getRevFrom(); //获取用户openid $user_openid = $con->mres($user_openid); $msg = trim($msg['Content']); switch ($msg) { case '绑定': $operation = BIND; break; case '状态': $operation = STATUS; break; case '热门':
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; ?> <?php if (!isset($_REQUEST["product_id"])) { echo "Product ID not specified"; } else { $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $product_id = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["product_id"]); if (!is_numeric($product_id)) { die("Invalid Product_ID"); } // Make sure product_id is a number // Actions if (isset($_REQUEST["Action"])) { $action = $_REQUEST["Action"]; //echo $action; if ($action == "edit") { // ALL FORM INPUTS MUST BE SANITIZED $ProductName = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductName"]); $ProductModel = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductModel"]); $ProductDescription = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductDescription"]); $sql = "UPDATE PRODUCTS SET product_name = '" . $ProductName . "', product_model = '" . $ProductModel . "', product_description = '" . $ProductDescription . "' where product_id = " . $product_id; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); header("Location: ManageProducts.php"); }
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; $F = new FormElements(); $db = new conn(); $firephp->log($_REQUEST); if ($_REQUEST["report"]) { // Inventory Report if ($_REQUEST["report"] == "inventory") { if ($_REQUEST["StartDate"] && $_REQUEST["EndDate"]) { $db->connect(); $startDate = $db->Sanitize($_REQUEST["StartDate"]); $endDate = $db->Sanitize($_REQUEST["EndDate"]); $productType = $db->Sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductType"]); $db->close(); header("Location: NexusReport_Inventory.php?startDate=" . $startDate . "&endDate=" . $endDate . "&productType=" . $productType); } } $firephp->log($_REQUEST["report"]); $firephp->log($_REQUEST["generalSalesStartDate"]); $firephp->log($_REQUEST["generalSalesEndDate"]); // Individual Sale if ($_REQUEST["report"] == "IndividualOrder") { if ($_REQUEST["OrderID"]) { $db->connect(); $order_id = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["OrderID"]); $db->close(); header("Location: NexusReport_IndividualOrder.php?OrderID=" . $order_id); } }
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); error_reporting(E_ALL); require 'msclss/classAd.php'; require 'msclss/classUtilisateur.php'; require 'msclss/classUtilisateurSql.php'; // Nouvelle connexion PDO $conn = new conn(); $pdo = $conn->newCon(''); $utilisateurSql = new utilisateurSql($pdo); //Selection d'un utilisateur en base de donnée $utilisateur = $utilisateurSql->select('15'); // lecture variable utilisateur actif echo "Statu Actuel:" . $utilisateur->__get('utilisateurActif'); // Changment de la variable utilisateur actif $utilisateur->setUtilisateurActif(0); // Enregistrement de la nouvelle valeur utilisateur actif en base if ($utilisateurSql->updateActivation($utilisateur->__get('idutilisateur'), 1)) { echo "sauvegarde OK"; } else { echo "erreur"; list($pdoCode, $internalCode, $msg) = $pdo->errorInfo(); die(sprintf("erreur SQL : %d/%d, %s", $pdoCode, $internalCode, $msg)); //echo $pdo->errorCode(); } // lecture actif echo "Statu modifié:" . $utilisateur->__get('utilisateurActif'); // data d'un nouvel utilisateur $dataNouvelUtilisateur = ['utilisateurNom' => 'Nom', 'utilisateurPrenom' => 'Prenom', 'utilisateurVille' => 'Manosque', 'utilisateurMail' => date('Ymds:s'), 'utilisateurMdp' => 'motDePasse', 'utilisateurAdresse' => '23 rue de truc', 'utilisateurCodePostal' => '04100', 'utilisateurPays' => 'FR', 'utilisateurTel' => '0606060606']; // Déclaration du nouvel utilisateur
</form> <button type = 'submit' class = 'btn btn-success btn-block' id = 'bind-button'>绑定!</button> </div> </div> </div> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src = './js/ptweixin.js'></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php require_once './config.php'; require_once './class/conn.class.php'; include './include/function.php'; $user_openid = $_GET['openid']; $user_ptid = -1; $con = new conn(); if (bind_check()) { $sql = "SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = {$user_ptid} "; $result = $con->query($sql); $username = $result[0]['username']; ?> $('#bind-success').html('成功绑定账号:'+<?php echo "'{$username}'"; ?> ); $('#bind-success').show(); $('#bind-button').attr('disabled','disabled'); <?php } ?>
<?php require('./class/conn.class.php'); require_once('./config.php'); include('./include/function.php'); $con = new conn(); if(isset($_GET['openid']) && $_GET['openid']!='') $user_openid = $con->mres( $_GET['openid'] ); else exit; if(isset($_GET['torrent'])) $torrent = $con->mres( $_GET['torrent'] ) * 1; else exit; $url = "download.php?openid=$user_openid&torrent=$torrent"; ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"> <title>下载</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <script type="text/javascript" src = '' ></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/style.css"> </head> <body> <span id = 'openid' style = 'display:none'><?php echo $_GET['openid']; ?></span> <div class = 'container'> <div class = "panel panel-success"> <div class = 'panel-heading'> <h3 class = 'panel-title'>远程下载</h3> </div> <div class="alert alert-info" role="alert" id = 'download-success' style ='display:none'>下载成功</div> </div> </div>
<?php /** * @author qbuer * 建立依赖表 */ require_once './config.php'; require_once './class/conn.class.php'; $con = new conn(); $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `weixin` (\n\t\t\t`ptid` int(10) \tNOT NULL COMMENT '同users表的id' ,\n\t\t\t`openid` varchar(128) NOT NULL COMMENT '微信用户id' ,\n\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`ptid`)\n\t\t) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='用户表';"; $con->query($sql); $con->disconnect();
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; if (!UserMay("Admin_ViewTeams")) { AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); ?> <div class="navMenu"> <div class="navHeaderdiv"><h1>Manage Users</h1></div> <div id="bullets"> <div id="bulletManageInventory" style="height:auto;" class="navContent"> <div class="divFilters"> <div> <label>Leader Name:</label> <INPUT style="width:100%" id="tbNameV"> </div> <div> <label>Team Name:</label> <SELECT id="ddlTeamV" style="width:100%"> <OPTION value="%">Any</OPTION> <?php $teams = $DB->getTeams(); foreach ($teams as $team) { ?>
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; ?> <?php if ($_REQUEST) { if (isset($_REQUEST["Action"])) { if ($_REQUEST["Action"] == "insertCustomer") { $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $firstname = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["FirstName"]); $lastname = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["LastName"]); $displayname = $firstname . " " . $lastname; $email = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Email"]); $address = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Address"]); $city = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["City"]); $state = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["State"]); $zipcode = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ZipCode"]); $country = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Country"]); $phone = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Phone"]); $phonedetails = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["PhoneDetails"]); $notes = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Notes"]); $contacttype = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ContactType"]); $county = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["County"]); $newCustomer = $DB->addContact($firstname, $lastname, $displayname, $email, $address, $city, $state, $zipcode, $country, $phone, $phonedetails, $notes, $contacttype, $county); } } } ?>
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); // Get Parameters if (!$_REQUEST["startDate"] || !$_REQUEST["endDate"] || !$_REQUEST["user_id"]) { header("Location: /{$ROOTPATH}/reports"); } $params["endDate"] = date("Y/m/d", strtotime($DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["endDate"]))); $params["startDate"] = date("Y/m/d", strtotime($DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["startDate"]))); $params["user_id"] = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["user_id"]); // End Parameters // Get all Reports in range $sql = "SELECT * from orders join contacts on orders.contact_id = contacts.contact_id where order_status_id = 5 AND DateCompleted >= '" . $params["startDate"] . "' AND DateCompleted <= '" . $params["endDate"] . "' ORDER BY order_id"; $result = $DB->query($sql); if (!$result) { $DB->close(); echo "No Sales Found in that Date Range"; exit; } $orders = array(); while ($orderRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $orders[$orderRow["order_id"]] = $orderRow; } // Get All Users $users = getUserHash($DB); $orderHash = buildOrdersByUsersHash($DB, $users, $orders); $user_id = $params["user_id"]; // Build Order Hash by User
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; if (!UserMay("Admin_EditStorage")) { AccessDenied(); } $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); // Form Vars if ($_REQUEST) { if ($_REQUEST["Action"]) { $action = $_REQUEST["Action"]; //echo $action; if ($action == "addNew") { // ALL FORM INPUTS MUST BE SANITIZED $StorageLocationName = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["LocationName"]); $description = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Description"]); $sql = "INSERT INTO storagelocations (storagelocation_name, description ) VALUES ('" . $StorageLocationName . "', '" . $description . "')"; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); $DB->addHistory('storagelocations', $_SESSION["user_id"], "insert", ""); header("Location: ManageStorage.php"); } } } $DB->close(); ?> <div class="navMenu" id="navMenu"> <div id="bullets"> <div class="navHeaderdiv"><h1>Locations</h1></div> <div class="navBulletBorderTop"></div>
public function delete($where, $tabela) { /** *@param deleta registro no banco de dados *@return retorna 1 caso não ocorra erro *@throws $e */ try { $con = new conn(); $con->connect(); return $con->mysqli->query("DELETE FROM " . $tabela . " WHERE " . $where . ""); } catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) { return $this->errors($e, "delete"); } }
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); // Get Contact Types $sql = "select * from contact_types"; $result = $DB->query($sql); $types = array(); if ($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $types[] = $row; } } $firephp->log($types); // Form Vars if ($_REQUEST) { if (isset($_REQUEST["Action"])) { $action = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Action"]); $firephp->log($action); if ($action == "addNew") { $firstname = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["FirstName"]); $lastname = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["LastName"]); $displayname = $firstname . " " . $lastname; $email = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Email"]); $address = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Address"]); $address2 = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["Address2"]); $city = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["City"]); $state = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["State"]); $zipcode = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ZipCode"]);
<?php if (!$_SESSION) { session_start(); } require_once "classes/conexao.php"; require_once "classes/funcionalidades.php"; require_once "header.php"; $funcionalidades = new funcionalidades(); $conn = new conn(); /* $sqlWhere = " WHERE 1=1"; if ($dataB!="") { $sqlWhere .= " AND LIKE '%".cData2($dataB)."%'"; } if ($tipoB!="") { $sqlWhere .= " AND b.tipo='".$tipoB."'"; } if ($nomeB!="") { $sqlWhere .= " AND b.nome LIKE '%".$nomeB."%'"; } if ($statusB!="" || $statusB=="0") { $sqlWhere .= " AND b.status='".$statusB."'"; } */ $produtos = $conn->read(array("*"), "", "status ASC", "usuario", "query"); ?> <div class="container"> <?php if ($_SESSION["login"]["logado"] == "sim") { require_once "menu.php"; ?> <!--<h3>The columns titles are merged with the filters inputs thanks to the placeholders attributes</h3> <hr> <p>Inspired by this <a href="">snippet</a></p>--> <div class="row"> <div class="panel panel-primary filterable"> <div class="panel-heading">
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; ?> <?php $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); // Form Vars if ($_REQUEST) { if ($_REQUEST["Action"]) { $action = $_REQUEST["Action"]; //echo $action; if ($action == "addNew") { // ALL FORM INPUTS MUST BE SANITIZED $ProductType = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductType"]); $ProductName = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductName"]); $ProductModel = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductModel"]); $ProductDescription = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["ProductDescription"]); $sql = "INSERT INTO PRODUCTS (product_type, product_name, product_model, product_description) VALUES ('" . $ProductType . "', '" . $ProductName . "', '" . $ProductModel . "', '" . $ProductDescription . "')"; $DB->execute_nonquery($sql); header("Location: ManageProducts.php"); } } } $DB->close(); ?>
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); // Get Parameters if (!$_REQUEST["startDate"] || !$_REQUEST["endDate"]) { header("Location: /{$ROOTPATH}/reports"); } $params["endDate"] = date("Y/m/d", strtotime($DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["endDate"]))); $params["startDate"] = date("Y/m/d", strtotime($DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["startDate"]))); //$params["user_id"] = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["user_id"]); // End Parameters // Get all Reports in range $sql = "SELECT * from orders join contacts on orders.contact_id = contacts.contact_id where order_status_id = 5 AND DateCompleted >= '" . $params["startDate"] . "' AND DateCompleted <= '" . $params["endDate"] . "' ORDER BY order_id"; $result = $DB->query($sql); if (!$result) { $DB->close(); echo "No Sales Found in that Date Range"; exit; } $orders = array(); while ($orderRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $orders[$orderRow["order_id"]] = $orderRow; } // Get All Users $sql = "select * from users join teams on users.team_id = teams.team_id"; $result = $DB->query($sql); $users = array(); while ($userRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
<?php if (!$_SESSION) { session_start(); } require_once "classes/conexao.php"; require_once "classes/funcionalidades.php"; require_once "header.php"; $funcionalidades = new funcionalidades(); $conn = new conn(); /* $sqlWhere = " WHERE 1=1"; if ($dataB!="") { $sqlWhere .= " AND LIKE '%".cData2($dataB)."%'"; } if ($tipoB!="") { $sqlWhere .= " AND b.tipo='".$tipoB."'"; } if ($nomeB!="") { $sqlWhere .= " AND b.nome LIKE '%".$nomeB."%'"; } if ($statusB!="" || $statusB=="0") { $sqlWhere .= " AND b.status='".$statusB."'"; } */ $r = $conn->read(array("campanha"), "idSms = " . $_GET['idCamp'] . "", "status DESC", "campanha_sms", "fetch"); $sms = $conn->read(array("*"), "idCampanha = " . $_GET['idCamp'] . "", "status DESC", "sms", "query"); ?> <div class="container"> <?php if ($_SESSION["login"]["logado"] == "sim") { require_once "menu.php"; ?> <!--<h3>The columns titles are merged with the filters inputs thanks to the placeholders attributes</h3> <hr> <p>Inspired by this <a href="">snippet</a></p>--> <div class="row"> <div class="panel panel-primary filterable">
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; ?> <?php $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); if ($_REQUEST) { if (isset($_REQUEST["order_id"])) { $id = $DB->sanitize($_REQUEST["order_id"]); $sql = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_id = '" . $id . "'"; $firephp->log($sql); $result = $DB->query($sql); $firephp->log($result); if ($result) { $order = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $firephp->log($order); } } } $F = new FormElements(); ?> <div style="display: none"> <?php echo $F->ddlDealerRoles(false, "baseDealers"); ?> </div>
<?php include "./findconfig.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $ROOTPATH . "/Includes/Top.php"; $DB = new conn(); $DB->connect(); $sql = "Select * from StorageLocations"; $result = $DB->query($sql); if ($result) { ?> <TABLE class="data"> <th>id</th> <th>Location Name</th> <th>Commands</th> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { ?> <TR><TD><?php echo $row["storagelocation_id"]; ?> </TD> <TD><?php echo $row["storagelocation_name"]; ?> </TD> <TD><a href="#">Edit</a></TD> </TR> <?php } ?> </TABLE> <?php
<?php if (!$_SESSION) { session_start(); } require_once "classes/conexao.php"; require_once "classes/funcionalidades.php"; require_once "header.php"; $funcionalidades = new funcionalidades(); $conn = new conn(); $sms = $conn->read(array("*"), "idCampanha = " . $_GET['idCamp'] . "", "", "sms", "query"); $sqlWhere = "1=1"; if (isset($_GET['idCampanha']) || $_GET['idCampanha'] != "") { $sqlWhere .= " AND idCampanha = '" . $_GET['idCampanha'] . "'"; } ?> <div class="container"> <?php if ($_SESSION["login"]["logado"] == "sim") { require_once "menu.php"; ?> <!--<h3>The columns titles are merged with the filters inputs thanks to the placeholders attributes</h3> <hr> <p>Inspired by this <a href="">snippet</a></p>--> <div class="row" style="padding-left: 350px;padding-right: 350px;"> <div class="panel panel-primary filterable"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Gerenciador de logs</h3> </div> <div class="pull-right">