Example #1
 * Theme functions for companies
function total_companies()
    if (!($companies = Registry::get('companies'))) {
        $companies = company::get();
        $companies = new Items($companies);
        Registry::set('companies', $companies);
    return $companies->length();
Example #2
  * Creates a user using company user defaults and attaches it to a company
  * User will be emailed a password when the cron job has run
  * @param object $data
  * @return userid
 public static function create($data)
     global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
     if ($data->companyid) {
         $company = new company($data->companyid);
         $c = $company->get('shortname');
         $data->company = $c->shortname;
     } else {
         $company = company::by_shortname($data->company);
     $defaults = $company->get_user_defaults();
     $user = (object) array_merge((array) $defaults, (array) $data);
     //$user->username = self::generate_username( $user->email );    //GWL : Remove Generate Usernaame From Email for Phone No.
     //$user->username = clean_param($user->username, PARAM_USERNAME);   //GWL : Remove Generate Usernaame From Email for Phone No.
     /* GWL : Get Usernamme as phone no. */
     $user->username = $user->phone;
     /* GWL : Get Usernamme as phone no. */
     // Deal with the company theme.
     $user->theme = $company->get_theme();
     if ($user->sendnewpasswordemails && !$user->preference_auth_forcepasswordchange) {
         throw new Exception(get_string('cannotemailnontemporarypasswords', 'local_iomad'));
      There are 8 possible combinations of password, sendbyemail and forcepasswordchange
      pwd     email yes   force change            -> temporary password
      pwd     email no    force change            -> temporary password
      pwd     email no    dont force change       -> not a temporary password
      no pwd  email yes   force change            -> create password -> store temp
      no pwd  email no    force change            -> create password -> store temp
      no pwd  email no    dont force change       -> create password -> store temp
      These two combinations shouldn't happen (caught by form validation and exception above):
      pwd    email yes dont force change->needs to be stored as temp password -> not secure
      no pwd email yes dont force change->create password->store temp->not secure
      The next set of variables ($sendemail, $passwordentered, $createpassword,
      $forcepasswordchange, $storetemppassword) are used to distinguish between
      the first 6 combinations and to take appropriate action.
     $sendemail = $user->sendnewpasswordemails;
     $passwordentered = !empty($user->newpassword);
     $createpassword = !$passwordentered;
     $forcepasswordchange = $user->preference_auth_forcepasswordchange;
     // Store temp password unless password was entered and it's not going to be send by
     // email nor is it going to be forced to change.
     $storetemppassword = !($passwordentered && !$sendemail && !$forcepasswordchange);
     if ($passwordentered) {
         $user->password = $user->newpassword;
         // Don't hash it, user_create_user will do that.
     $user->confirmed = 1;
     $user->mnethostid = 1;
     $user->maildisplay = 0;
     // Hide email addresses by default.
     // Create user record and return id.
     $id = user_create_user($user);
     $user->id = $id;
     // Passwords will be created and sent out on cron.
     if ($createpassword) {
         set_user_preference('create_password', 1, $user->id);
         $user->newpassword = generate_password();
         if (!empty($CFG->iomad_email_senderisreal)) {
             EmailTemplate::send('user_create', array('user' => $user, 'sender' => $USER));
         } else {
             EmailTemplate::send('user_create', array('user' => $user, 'headers' => serialize(array("To:" . $user->email . ", " . $USER->email))));
         $sendemail = false;
     if ($forcepasswordchange) {
         set_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', 1, $user->id);
     if ($createpassword) {
         $DB->set_field('user', 'password', hash_internal_user_password($user->newpassword), array('id' => $user->id));
     if ($storetemppassword) {
         // Store password as temporary password, sendemail if necessary.
         self::store_temporary_password($user, $sendemail, $user->newpassword);
     // Attach user to company.
     // Do we have a department?
     if (empty($data->departmentid)) {
         $departmentinfo = $DB->get_record('department', array('company' => $company->id, 'parent' => 0));
         $data->departmentid = $departmentinfo->id;
     // Deal with unset variable.
     if (empty($data->managertype)) {
         $data->managertype = 0;
     // Create the user association.
     $DB->insert_record('company_users', array('userid' => $user->id, 'companyid' => $company->id, 'managertype' => $data->managertype, 'departmentid' => $data->departmentid));
     if (isset($data->selectedcourses)) {
         self::enrol($user, array_keys($data->selectedcourses));
     return $user->id;
company_admin_fix_breadcrumb($PAGE, $linktext, $linkurl);
echo $OUTPUT->header();
$companyids = $DB->get_records_menu('company', array(), 'id, name');
//$companyids['none'] = get_string('nocompany', 'block_iomad_company_admin');
$companyids[''] = get_string('selectacompany', 'block_iomad_company_admin');
$companyselect = new single_select(new moodle_url('/local/company_navigation/manage_company.php'), 'companyid', $companyids, $companyid);
$companyselect->label = get_string('company', 'block_iomad_company_admin');
$companyselect->formid = 'choosecompany';
echo html_writer::tag('div', $OUTPUT->render($companyselect), array('id' => 'iomad_company_selector')) . '</br>';
// get company detail
if ($companyid) {
    $company = new company($companyid);
    $table = new html_table();
    $table->head = array(get_string('companyadminstration', 'local_company_navigation', $company->get_name()));
    if ($company->get()) {
        // check company record exist and set it to session variable as current company
        $SESSION->currenteditingcompany = $company->id;
    if (isset($SESSION->currenteditingcompany)) {
        $companymanagelinks = get_company_manage_links($SESSION->currenteditingcompany);
        foreach ($companymanagelinks as $linktext => $linkurl) {
            $link = $linktext;
            if ($linkurl) {
                $link = '<a href=' . $linkurl . '>' . $linktext . '</a>';
            $table->data[] = array($link);
        if ($companymanagelinks) {
            echo html_writer::table($table);