}*/ $template->assign("allcust", $allcust); $template->display("admincustomers.tpl"); } elseif ($action == "addcust") { if (!$userpermissions["admin"]["add"]) { $errtxt = $langfile["nopermission"]; $noperm = $langfile["accessdenied"]; $template->assign("errortext", "{$errtxt}<br>{$noperm}"); $template->display("error.tpl"); die; } if (!$end) { $end = 0; } $data = array('company' => getArrayVal($_POST, "company"), 'contact' => getArrayVal($_POST, "contact"), 'email' => getArrayVal($_POST, "email"), 'phone' => getArrayVal($_POST, "tel1"), 'mobile' => getArrayVal($_POST, "tel2"), 'url' => getArrayVal($_POST, "web"), 'address' => getArrayVal($_POST, "address"), 'zip' => getArrayVal($_POST, "zip"), 'city' => getArrayVal($_POST, "city"), 'country' => getArrayVal($_POST, "country"), 'state' => getArrayVal($_POST, "state"), 'desc' => getArrayVal($_POST, "desc")); $add = $companyObj->add($data); if ($add) { header("Location: admin.php?action=customers&mode=added"); } } elseif ($action == "assigncustomer") { } elseif ($action == "system") { $classes = array("overview" => "overview", "system" => "active", "users" => "users"); $languages_fin = array(); foreach ($languages as $lang) { $fin = countLanguageStrings($lang); if (!empty($langfile[$lang])) { $lang2 = $langfile[$lang]; $lang2 .= " (" . $fin . "%)"; $fin = array("val" => $lang, "str" => $lang2); } else { $lang2 = $lang . " (" . $fin . "%)";
require 'components/query_string_standard.php'; require 'subclasses/company.php'; $dbh_company = new company(); $object_name = 'dbh_company'; require 'components/create_form_data.php'; extract($arr_form_data); if ($_POST['btn_cancel']) { log_action('Pressed cancel button', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); redirect("listview_company.php?{$query_string}"); } if ($_POST['btn_submit']) { log_action('Pressed submit button', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $message .= $dbh_company->sanitize($arr_form_data)->lst_error; extract($arr_form_data); if ($dbh_company->check_uniqueness($arr_form_data)->is_unique) { //Good, no duplicate in database } else { $message = "Record already exists with the same primary identifiers!"; } if ($message == "") { $dbh_company->add($arr_form_data); redirect("listview_company.php?{$query_string}"); } } } require 'subclasses/company_html.php'; $html = new company_html(); $html->draw_header('Add Company', $message, $message_type); $html->draw_listview_referrer_info($filter_field_used, $filter_used, $page_from, $filter_sort_asc, $filter_sort_desc); $html->draw_controls('add'); $html->draw_footer();