Example #1
     // Add Query to Stopwords
     $stopwords = $stopwordDictionary->returnStopwords();
     // Can use Title or Snippets for Clusters - Using Snippets
     //$aggTitles = $aggregator1->returnResultSetAggTitles();
     // Get array of snippets in list
     //$aggSnippets = $aggregator1->returnResultSetAggSnippets();
     // Find the cluster terms of interest
     // But don't include stopwords
     //$cluster1->findTerms($aggTitles, $stopwords);
     $cluster1->findTerms($aggregator1->returnResultSetAggSnippets(), $stopwords);
     // Count Term Freq
     // Set most frequet terms
     echo '<div class="row"><div class="span3"><h2>F-Clusters</h2>';
     // Print Clustered Terms
     // $cluster1->displayMostFrequentBinTerms($q);
     echo '</div><div class="span5"><h2>Results</h2>';
     // Print Cluser Term Results
     $aggregator1->printResultSetAggCluster(isset($_GET['term']) ? $_GET['term'] : ($_GET['term'] = ''));
     // end of DIV
     echo '</div></div> <!-- End of Class row -->';
     // Query Timer
     $time_post = microtime(true);
     $exec_time = $time_post - $time_pre;
     echo '</br>Query Time: ' . $exec_time;
 } else {