Example #1
 function update()
     global $CFG;
     global $CURMAN;
     $old = new cluster($this->id);
     $parent_obj = new cluster($this->parent);
     $this->depth = empty($parent_obj->depth) ? 1 : $parent_obj->depth + 1;
     $result = parent::update();
     if ($this->parent != $old->parent) {
         $cluster_context_level = context_level_base::get_custom_context_level('cluster', 'block_curr_admin');
         $cluster_context_instance = get_context_instance($cluster_context_level, $this->id);
         // find all subclusters and adjust their depth
         $delta_depth = $this->depth - $old->depth;
         $sql = "UPDATE {$CURMAN->db->prefix_table(CLSTTABLE)}\n                       SET depth = depth + {$delta_depth}\n                     WHERE id IN (SELECT instanceid\n                                    FROM {$CURMAN->db->prefix_table('context')}\n                                   WHERE contextlevel = {$cluster_context_level}\n                                     AND path LIKE '{$cluster_context_instance->path}/%')";
         execute_sql($sql, false);
         // Blank out the depth and path for associated records and child records in context table
         $sql = "UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}context\n                       SET depth=0, path=NULL\n                     WHERE id={$cluster_context_instance->id} OR path LIKE '{$cluster_context_instance->path}/%'";
         execute_sql($sql, false);
         // Rebuild any blanked out records in context table
     $plugins = cluster::get_plugins();
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         require_once CURMAN_DIRLOCATION . '/cluster/' . $plugin . '/lib.php';
         call_user_func('cluster_' . $plugin . '_update', $this);
     $result = $result && field_data::set_for_context_from_datarecord('cluster', $this);
     events_trigger('crlm_cluster_updated', $this);
     return $result;