Example #1
 * Function to related two records of different entity types
function relateEntities($focus, $sourceModule, $sourceRecordId, $destinationModule, $destinationRecordIds)
    if (!is_array($destinationRecordIds)) {
        $destinationRecordIds = array($destinationRecordIds);
    $data = array();
    $data['focus'] = $focus;
    $data['sourceModule'] = $sourceModule;
    $data['sourceRecordId'] = $sourceRecordId;
    $data['destinationModule'] = $destinationModule;
    foreach ($destinationRecordIds as $destinationRecordId) {
        $data['destinationRecordId'] = $destinationRecordId;
        cbEventHandler::do_action('corebos.entity.link.before', $data);
        $focus->save_related_module($sourceModule, $sourceRecordId, $destinationModule, $destinationRecordId);
        $focus->trackLinkedInfo($sourceModule, $sourceRecordId, $destinationModule, $destinationRecordId);
        cbEventHandler::do_action('corebos.entity.link.after', $data);
Example #2
    $sid = $sessionManager->startSession($sessionId, $adoptSession);
    if (!$sessionId && !$operationManager->isPreLoginOperation()) {
        writeErrorOutput($operationManager, new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$AUTHREQUIRED, "Authentication required"));
    if (!$sid) {
        writeErrorOutput($operationManager, $sessionManager->getError());
    $userid = $sessionManager->get("authenticatedUserId");
    if ($userid) {
        $seed_user = new Users();
        $current_user = $seed_user->retrieveCurrentUserInfoFromFile($userid);
    } else {
        $current_user = null;
    $operationInput = $operationManager->sanitizeOperation($input);
    $includes = $operationManager->getOperationIncludes();
    foreach ($includes as $ind => $path) {
        require_once $path;
    cbEventHandler::do_action('corebos.audit.action', array(isset($current_user) ? $current_user->id : 0, 'Webservice', $operation, 0, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
    $rawOutput = $operationManager->runOperation($operationInput, $current_user);
    writeOutput($operationManager, $rawOutput);
} catch (WebServiceException $e) {
    writeErrorOutput($operationManager, $e);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    writeErrorOutput($operationManager, new WebServiceException(WebServiceErrorCode::$INTERNALERROR, "Unknown Error while processing request"));
 public function createRecords()
     $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $moduleName = $this->module;
     $focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($moduleName);
     $moduleHandler = vtws_getModuleHandlerFromName($moduleName, $this->user);
     $moduleMeta = $moduleHandler->getMeta();
     $moduleObjectId = $moduleMeta->getEntityId();
     $moduleFields = $moduleMeta->getModuleFields();
     $tableName = Import_Utils::getDbTableName($this->user);
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $tableName . ' WHERE status = ' . Import_Data_Controller::$IMPORT_RECORD_NONE;
     if ($this->batchImport) {
         $configReader = new ConfigReader('modules/Import/config.inc', 'ImportConfig');
         $importBatchLimit = $configReader->getConfig('importBatchLimit');
         $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $importBatchLimit;
     $result = $adb->query($sql);
     $numberOfRecords = $adb->num_rows($result);
     if ($numberOfRecords <= 0) {
     $fieldMapping = $this->fieldMapping;
     $fieldColumnMapping = $moduleMeta->getFieldColumnMapping();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfRecords; ++$i) {
         $row = $adb->raw_query_result_rowdata($result, $i);
         $rowId = $row['id'];
         $entityInfo = null;
         $fieldData = array();
         foreach ($fieldMapping as $fieldName => $index) {
             $fieldData[$fieldName] = $row[$fieldName];
         $mergeType = $this->mergeType;
         $createRecord = false;
         if (method_exists($focus, 'importRecord')) {
             $entityInfo = $focus->importRecord($this, $fieldData);
         } else {
             if (!empty($mergeType) && $mergeType != Import_Utils::$AUTO_MERGE_NONE) {
                 $queryGenerator = new QueryGenerator($moduleName, $this->user);
                 $fieldsList = array('id');
                 $mergeFields = $this->mergeFields;
                 foreach ($mergeFields as $index => $mergeField) {
                     if ($index != 0) {
                     $comparisonValue = $fieldData[$mergeField];
                     $fieldInstance = $moduleFields[$mergeField];
                     if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'owner') {
                         $userId = getUserId_Ol($comparisonValue);
                         $comparisonValue = getUserFullName($userId);
                     if ($fieldInstance->getFieldDataType() == 'reference') {
                         if (strpos($comparisonValue, '::::') > 0) {
                             $referenceFileValueComponents = explode('::::', $comparisonValue);
                         } else {
                             $referenceFileValueComponents = explode(':::', $comparisonValue);
                         if (count($referenceFileValueComponents) > 1) {
                             $comparisonValue = trim($referenceFileValueComponents[1]);
                     $queryGenerator->addCondition($mergeField, $comparisonValue, 'e');
                 $query = $queryGenerator->getQuery();
                 $duplicatesResult = $adb->query($query);
                 $noOfDuplicates = $adb->num_rows($duplicatesResult);
                 if ($noOfDuplicates > 0) {
                     if ($mergeType == Import_Utils::$AUTO_MERGE_IGNORE) {
                         $entityInfo['status'] = self::$IMPORT_RECORD_SKIPPED;
                     } elseif ($mergeType == Import_Utils::$AUTO_MERGE_OVERWRITE || $mergeType == Import_Utils::$AUTO_MERGE_MERGEFIELDS) {
                         for ($index = 0; $index < $noOfDuplicates - 1; ++$index) {
                             $duplicateRecordId = $adb->query_result($duplicatesResult, $index, $fieldColumnMapping['id']);
                             $entityId = vtws_getId($moduleObjectId, $duplicateRecordId);
                             vtws_delete($entityId, $this->user);
                         $baseRecordId = $adb->query_result($duplicatesResult, $noOfDuplicates - 1, $fieldColumnMapping['id']);
                         $baseEntityId = vtws_getId($moduleObjectId, $baseRecordId);
                         if ($mergeType == Import_Utils::$AUTO_MERGE_OVERWRITE) {
                             $fieldData = $this->transformForImport($fieldData, $moduleMeta);
                             $fieldData['id'] = $baseEntityId;
                             $entityInfo = vtws_update($fieldData, $this->user);
                             $entityInfo['status'] = self::$IMPORT_RECORD_UPDATED;
                             //Prepare data for event handler
                             $entityData = array();
                             $entityData['rowId'] = $rowId;
                             $entityData['tableName'] = $tableName;
                             $entityData['entityInfo'] = $entityInfo;
                             $entityData['fieldData'] = $fieldData;
                             $entityData['moduleName'] = $moduleName;
                             $entityData['user'] = $this->user;
                             cbEventHandler::do_action('corebos.entity.import.overwrite', $entityData);
                         if ($mergeType == Import_Utils::$AUTO_MERGE_MERGEFIELDS) {
                             $filteredFieldData = array();
                             $defaultFieldValues = $this->getDefaultFieldValues($moduleMeta);
                             foreach ($fieldData as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                                 if (!empty($fieldValue)) {
                                     $filteredFieldData[$fieldName] = $fieldValue;
                             $existingFieldValues = vtws_retrieve($baseEntityId, $this->user);
                             foreach ($existingFieldValues as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
                                 if (empty($fieldValue) && empty($filteredFieldData[$fieldName]) && !empty($defaultFieldValues[$fieldName])) {
                                     $filteredFieldData[$fieldName] = $fieldValue;
                             $filteredFieldData = $this->transformForImport($filteredFieldData, $moduleMeta, false, true);
                             $filteredFieldData['id'] = $baseEntityId;
                             $entityInfo = vtws_revise($filteredFieldData, $this->user);
                             $entityInfo['status'] = self::$IMPORT_RECORD_MERGED;
                             //Prepare data for event handler
                             $entityData = array();
                             $entityData['rowId'] = $rowId;
                             $entityData['tableName'] = $tableName;
                             $entityData['entityInfo'] = $entityInfo;
                             $entityData['fieldData'] = $fieldData;
                             $entityData['moduleName'] = $moduleName;
                             $entityData['user'] = $this->user;
                             cbEventHandler::do_action('corebos.entity.import.merge', $entityData);
                     } else {
                         $createRecord = true;
                 } else {
                     $createRecord = true;
             } else {
                 $createRecord = true;
             if ($createRecord) {
                 $fieldData = $this->transformForImport($fieldData, $moduleMeta);
                 if ($fieldData == null) {
                     $entityInfo = null;
                 } else {
                     $entityInfo = vtws_create($moduleName, $fieldData, $this->user);
                     $entityInfo['status'] = self::$IMPORT_RECORD_CREATED;
                     //Prepare data for event handler
                     $entityData = array();
                     $entityData['rowId'] = $rowId;
                     $entityData['tableName'] = $tableName;
                     $entityData['entityInfo'] = $entityInfo;
                     $entityData['fieldData'] = $fieldData;
                     $entityData['moduleName'] = $moduleName;
                     $entityData['user'] = $this->user;
                     cbEventHandler::do_action('corebos.entity.import.create', $entityData);
         if ($entityInfo == null) {
             $entityInfo = array('id' => null, 'status' => self::$IMPORT_RECORD_FAILED);
         $this->importedRecordInfo[$rowId] = $entityInfo;
         $this->updateImportStatus($rowId, $entityInfo);
     return true;
Example #4
  * Function to track when a record is unlinked to a given record
 function trackUnLinkedInfo($module, $crmid, $with_module, $with_crmid)
     global $current_user;
     $adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
     $currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $data = array();
     $data['sourceModule'] = $module;
     $data['sourceRecordId'] = $crmid;
     $data['destinationModule'] = $with_module;
     $data['destinationRecordId'] = $with_crmid;
     cbEventHandler::do_action('corebos.entity.link.delete', $data);
     $adb->pquery('UPDATE vtiger_crmentity SET modifiedtime = ?, modifiedby = ? WHERE crmid = ?', array($currentTime, $current_user->id, $crmid));
Example #5
// We check if we have the two new logo fields > if not we create them
$cnorg = $adb->getColumnNames('vtiger_organizationdetails');
if (!in_array('faviconlogo', $cnorg)) {
    $adb->query('ALTER TABLE `vtiger_organizationdetails` ADD `frontlogo` VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, ADD `faviconlogo` VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL');
$sql = "select * from vtiger_organizationdetails";
$result = $adb->pquery($sql, array());
//Handle for allowed organization logo/logoname likes UTF-8 Character
// $organization_logo = decode_html($adb->query_result($result,0,'logoname'));
// if(!file_exists('test/logo/'.$organization_logo)) $organization_logo='noimageloaded.png';
// $smarty->assign("LOGO",$organization_logo);
$favicon = decode_html($adb->query_result($result, 0, 'faviconlogo'));
if ($favicon == '') {
    $favicon = 'themes/images/favicon.ico';
} else {
    $favicon = 'test/logo/' . $favicon;
$smarty->assign("FAVICON", $favicon);
$frontlogo = decode_html($adb->query_result($result, 0, 'frontlogo'));
if ($frontlogo == '') {
    $frontlogo = 'noimageloaded.png';
$smarty->assign("FRONTLOGO", $frontlogo);
$companyDetails = array();
$companyDetails['name'] = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'organizationname');
$companyDetails['website'] = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'website');
$companyDetails['logo'] = $organization_logo;
$smarty->assign("COMPANY_DETAILS", $companyDetails);
Example #6
//added to get the theme . This is a bad fix as we need to know where the problem lies yet
if (isset($_SESSION['vtiger_authenticated_user_theme']) && $_SESSION['vtiger_authenticated_user_theme'] != '') {
    $theme = $_SESSION['vtiger_authenticated_user_theme'];
} else {
    $theme = $default_theme;
$Ajx_module = $module;
if ($module == 'Events') {
    $Ajx_module = 'Calendar';
if (!$viewAttachment && (!$viewAttachment && $action != 'home_rss') && $action != 'Tickerdetail' && $action != $Ajx_module . "Ajax" && $action != "chat" && $action != "HeadLines" && $action != 'massdelete' && $action != "DashboardAjax" && $action != "ActivityAjax") {
    // Under the SPL you do not have the right to remove this copyright statement.
    $copyrightstatement = "<style>\n\t\t.bggray\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tbackground-color: #dfdfdf;\n\t\t}\n\t.bgwhite\n\t{\n\t\tbackground-color: #FFFFFF;\n\t}\n\t.copy\n\t{\n\t\tfont-size:9px;\n\t\tfont-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;\n\t}\n\t</style>";
    if (!$skipFooters && $action != "about_us" && $action != "vtchat" && $action != "ChangePassword" && $action != "body" && $action != $module . "Ajax" && $action != 'Popup' && $action != 'ImportStep3' && $action != 'ActivityAjax' && $action != 'getListOfRecords') {
        echo $copyrightstatement;
        echo "<br><br><br><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=100% class=settingsSelectedUI >";
        echo "<tr><td class=small align=left><span style='color: rgb(153, 153, 153);'>Powered by " . getTranslatedString('APP_NAME') . " <span id='_vtiger_product_version_'>{$coreBOS_app_version}</span></span></td>";
        echo "<td class=small align=right><span>&copy; 2004-" . date('Y') . " <a href='{$coreBOS_app_url}' target='_blank'>{$coreBOS_app_name}</a> | <a href='copyright.html' target='_blank'>" . $app_strings['LNK_READ_LICENSE'] . "</a> | <a href='http://corebos.org/page/privacy-policy' target='_blank'>" . getTranslatedString('LNK_PRIVACY_POLICY') . "</a></span></td></tr></table>";
        //	echo "<table align='center'><tr><td align='center'>";
        // Under the Sugar Public License referenced above, you are required to leave in all copyright statements
        // in both the code and end-user application.
        //	if($calculate_response_time)
        //	{
        //		$endTime = microtime();
        //		$deltaTime = microtime_diff($startTime, $endTime);
        //		echo('&nbsp;Server response time: '.$deltaTime.' seconds.');
        //	}
        //	echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
    if ($action != 'mytkt_rss' && $action != 'home_rss' && $action != $module . "Ajax" && $action != "body" && $action != 'ActivityAjax') {
Example #7
    $tmp_file_name = $import_dir . "IMPORT_" . $focus->id;
    if (file_exists($tmp_file_name)) {
    $arr = $_SESSION['lastpage'];
    if (isset($_SESSION['lastpage'])) {
        header("Location: index.php?" . $arr);
    } else {
        header("Location: index.php");
} else {
    $sql = 'select failed_login_attempts from vtiger_users where user_name=?';
    $result = $adb->pquery($sql, array($focus->column_fields["user_name"]));
    $failed_login_attempts = 0;
    if ($result and $adb->num_rows($result) > 0) {
        $failed_login_attempts = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 0);
    $maxFailedLoginAttempts = GlobalVariable::getVariable('Application_MaxFailedLoginAttempts', 5);
    // Increment number of failed login attempts
    $query = 'UPDATE vtiger_users SET failed_login_attempts=COALESCE(failed_login_attempts,0)+1 where user_name=?';
    $adb->pquery($query, array($focus->column_fields['user_name']));
    $_SESSION['login_user_name'] = $focus->column_fields["user_name"];
    $_SESSION['login_password'] = $user_password;
    if (empty($_SESSION['login_error'])) {
        $_SESSION['login_error'] = $failed_login_attempts >= $maxFailedLoginAttempts ? $mod_strings['ERR_MAXLOGINATTEMPTS'] : $mod_strings['ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD'];
    cbEventHandler::do_action('corebos.audit.login.attempt', array(0, $focus->column_fields["user_name"], 'Login Attempt', 0, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
    // go back to the login screen.
    // create an error message for the user.
    header("Location: index.php");
Example #8
 function delete_related_module($module, $crmid, $with_module, $with_crmid)
     global $log, $adb;
     if ($with_module == 'Contacts') {
         if (!is_array($with_crmid)) {
             $with_crmid = array($with_crmid);
         $data = array();
         $data['sourceModule'] = $module;
         $data['sourceRecordId'] = $crmid;
         $data['destinationModule'] = $with_module;
         foreach ($with_crmid as $relcrmid) {
             $data['destinationRecordId'] = $relcrmid;
             cbEventHandler::do_action('corebos.entity.link.delete', $data);
             $adb->pquery('DELETE FROM vtiger_vendorcontactrel WHERE vendorid=? AND contactid=?', array($crmid, $relcrmid));
     } else {
         parent::delete_related_module($module, $crmid, $with_module, $with_crmid);
Example #9
 /** Function that Records the Logout info of the User
  *  @param ref variable $usname :: Type varchar
  *  @param ref variable $usip :: Type varchar
  *  @param ref variable $outime :: Type timestamp
  *  Returns the query result which contains the details of User Logout Info
 function user_logout(&$usname, &$usip, &$outtime)
     global $adb;
     cbEventHandler::do_action('corebos.audit.logout', array($usname, 'Users', 'Logout', $usname, date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
     $logid_qry = "SELECT max(login_id) AS login_id from vtiger_loginhistory where user_name=? and user_ip=?";
     $result = $adb->pquery($logid_qry, array($usname, $usip));
     $loginid = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "login_id");
     if ($loginid == '') {
     // update the user login info.
     $query = "Update vtiger_loginhistory set logout_time =?, status=? where login_id = ?";
     $result = $adb->pquery($query, array($this->db->formatDate($outtime, true), 'Signed off', $loginid)) or die("MySQL error: " . mysql_error());