$SqlUserName1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['SqlUserName1'])), '\\'); if (strlen($_POST['SqlPassword1']) > 5) { $SqlPassword1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['SqlPassword1'])), '\\'); } else { $SqlPassword1 = $SqlPassword; } $SqlDataBase1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['SqlDataBase1'])), '\\'); $Pre1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['Pre1'])), '\\'); $amsurl1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['amsurl1'])), '\\'); if ($amsurl1 && strrchr($amsurl1, '/') != '/') { $amsurl1 .= '/'; } $thread1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['thread1'])), '\\'); $clthread1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['clthread1'])), '\\'); $ggwthread1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['ggwthread1'])), '\\'); $timezone1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['timezone1'])), '\\'); $configdata = "<?php\ndefined('IN_NIUXAMS') or exit('Access Denied.');\n\$adname = '{$adname1}';\n\$adpassword = '******';\n\$SqlServer = '{$SqlServer1}';\n\$SqlUserName = '******';\n\$SqlPassword = '******';\n\$SqlDataBase = '{$SqlDataBase1}';\n\$Pre = '{$Pre1}';\n\$amsurl = '{$amsurl1}';\n\$thread = '{$thread1}';\n\$clthread = '{$clthread1}';\n\$ggwthread = '{$ggwthread1}';\n\$timezone = '{$timezone1}';\n"; file_put_contents('config.php', $configdata) or errwin('出错啦!config.php无法修改!请将程序目录和文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('修改基本参数', 'cssz', 1, getname()); okwin('恭喜你,修改参数成功了!'); exit; } /////////////////////////// $title = '基本参数设置'; require 'mo.head.php'; ?> <style> .cssz{ border-width:1px 0px 0px 1px; }
<?php define('NIUXAMS_ACCESS', 'addgg'); require 'common.php'; $menu = $_REQUEST['menu']; /////////////////////////// if ($menu == 'addgg') { $ggtitle = insql($_POST['ggtitle']); $ggdm = insql($_POST['ggdm']); $ggclass = insql($_POST['ggclass']); $ggwidth = insql($_POST['ggwidth']); $ggheight = insql($_POST['ggheight']); $gglei = insql($_POST['gglei']); $ggzu = insql($_POST['ggzu']); $ggtj = insql($_POST['ggtj']); $ggjfclass = insql($_POST['ggjfclass']); $ontid = date("YmdHis", time()); $path = $datadir . '/' . $thread . '-' . $ontid . '.js'; $path1 = $datadir . '/' . $thread . '-' . $ontid . '.php'; $path2 = $datadir . '/gglist.php'; if ($ggtj) { $ggcon = 'document.write(unescape("' . $ggdm . '"));' . "\r\n" . 'document.write(amsurl+\'counter.js?gid=' . $thread . '-' . $ontid . '&atyh=\'+atyh+\'"></script>\');'; } else { $ggcon = 'document.write(unescape("' . $ggdm . '"));'; } $ggcon1 = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $ggtitle . "\r\n" . $ggdm . "\r\n" . $ggclass . "\r\n" . $ggwidth . "\r\n" . $ggheight . "\r\n" . gnt() . "\r\n" . $ggzu . "\r\n" . $ggtj . "\r\n" . $ggjfclass . "\r\n" . $gglei; file_put_contents($path, $ggcon) or die('出错啦!无法创建.js文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); file_put_contents($path1, $ggcon1) or die('出错啦!无法创建.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $gglist = file($path2); if (!is_array($gglist)) { $gglist[] = '';
} } file_put_contents($datadir . '/ggclzulist.php', $zulist) or die($datadir . '/ggclzulist.php 禁止写入!'); $content = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggcllist.php'); $array = explode("\r\n", $content); array_shift($array); array_pop($array); foreach ($array as $gid) { $ggcld = insou1(file($datadir . '/' . $gid . '.php')); if ($ggcld[31] == $yggclzu . "\r\n") { $ggcld[31] = $xggclzu . "\r\n"; file_put_contents($datadir . '/' . $gid . '.php', $ggcld); } } } $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('修改广告策略类/组', ($xggcllei ? $yggcllei . ':' . $xggcllei . '|' : '') . ($xggclzu ? $yggclzu . ':' . $xggclzu : ''), 1, getname()); die('1'); } ////////////////////// if ($menu == 'editdelleizu') { $leiv = insql($_REQUEST['leiv']); $zuv = insql($_REQUEST['zuv']); $newggclleiv = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $leiv; file_put_contents($datadir . '/ggclleilist.php', $newggclleiv) or die($datadir . '/ggclleilist.php 禁止写入!'); $newggclzu = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $zuv; file_put_contents($datadir . '/ggclzulist.php', $newggclzu) or die($datadir . '/ggclzulist.php 禁止写入!'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('排列/删除广告策略类/组', $leiv . '|' . $zuv, 1, getname()); die('1'); }
$content = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggcllist.php'); $array = explode("\r\n", $content); array_shift($array); array_pop($array); if ($desc) { rsort($array); } else { sort($array); } $size = count($array); if ($page > ceil($size / $limit)) { $page = ceil($size / $limit); } /////////////////////////// if ($menu == 'ajax') { $ggwlx = (int) insql($_REQUEST['ggwlx']); $j = 0; $gglist = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $gid = $array[$i]; if ($gid) { $Serialnumber = $desc ? $size - $i : $i + 1; $ggd = file_get_contents($datadir . '/' . $gid . '.php'); $arrayd = array(); $arrayd = explode("\r\n", $ggd); array_shift($arrayd); if ($ggwlx == 0 && $arrayd[3] || $ggwlx && $arrayd[3] == 2) { if ($search == '' || $search && (strpos(unescape($arrayd[1]), unescape($search)) !== false || strpos($gid, unescape($search)) !== false)) { if ($arrayd[31] == $ggcllei || $ggcllei == -1) { if ($arrayd[30] == $ggclzu || $ggclzu == -1) { $j++;
/* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* 程序名称: 牛叉广告管理优化大师(NiuXams) /* 程序功能: 快速低成本建立自己网站的广告管理、智能投放系统! /* 程序开发: 牛叉软件(NiuXSoft.Com) /* 版权所有: [NiuXams] (C)2013-2099 NiuXSoft.Com /* 官方网站: niuxsoft.com Email: niuxsoft@163.com /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* 使用条款: /* 1.该软件个人非商业用途免费使用. /* 2.免费使用禁止修改版权信息和官方推广链接. /* 3.禁止任何衍生版本. /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ define('NIUXAMS_ACCESS', 'delggw'); require 'common.php'; $gids = insql($_POST['gids']); $menu = $_POST['menu']; $conn = new mysql(); /////////////////////////// if ($menu == 'delggw') { if (!$gids) { die('出错啦!gids为空!你让我删谁?'); } $arraygid = explode(' ', $gids); $file = $datadir . '/ggwlist.php'; $content = file_get_contents($file); $file1 = $datadir . '/ggwrecyclelist.php'; $content1 = file_get_contents($file1); if (strlen($content1) < 15) { $content1 = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n"; }
/* 官方网站: niuxsoft.com Email: niuxsoft@163.com /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* 使用条款: /* 1.该软件个人非商业用途免费使用. /* 2.免费使用禁止修改版权信息和官方推广链接. /* 3.禁止任何衍生版本. /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ define('NIUXAMS_ACCESS', 'ggrecycle'); require 'common.php'; /////////////////////////// $desc = insql($_REQUEST['desc']); $limit = insql($_REQUEST['limit']); $page = insql($_REQUEST['page']); $gglei = insql($_GET['gglei'] ? $_GET['gglei'] : ($_POST['gglei'] ? $_POST['gglei'] : unescape($_COOKIE['gglei']))); $ggzu = insql($_GET['ggzu'] ? $_GET['ggzu'] : ($_POST['ggzu'] ? $_POST['ggzu'] : unescape($_COOKIE['ggzu']))); $search = insql($_REQUEST['search']); $desc = $desc ? '' : 'DESC'; $limit = is_numeric($limit) && $limit > 1 ? $limit : 20; $page = is_numeric($page) && $page > 1 ? $page : 1; $gglei = $gglei == '' ? -1 : $gglei; $ggleil = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggleilist.php'); $ggll = explode("\r\n", $ggleil); array_shift($ggll); array_pop($ggll); $ggzu = $ggzu == '' ? -1 : $ggzu; $ggzul = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggzulist.php'); $ggz = explode("\r\n", $ggzul); array_shift($ggz); array_pop($ggz); $content = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggrecyclelist.php'); $array = explode("\r\n", $content);
$gid = $_REQUEST['gid']; $ggwd = file_get_contents($datadir . '/' . $gid . '.php') or errwin('出错啦!打开文件出错,请输入正确的gid!'); $arrayd = explode("\r\n", $ggwd); array_shift($arrayd); /////////////////////////// if ($menu == 'editggw') { $ggwtitle = insql($_POST['ggwtitle']); $ggwclass = insql($_POST['ggwclass']); $ggwwidth = insql($_POST['ggwwidth']); $ggwheight = insql($_POST['ggwheight']); $xzggcl = insql($_POST['xzggcl']); $bjgg = insql($_POST['bjgg']); $ggwlei = insql($_POST['ggwlei']); $ggwzu = insql($_POST['ggwzu']); $gid = insql($_POST['gid']); $gtime = insql($_POST['gtime']); if (!$ggwtitle) { die('标题不能为空!'); } require 'func.gg.php'; $path = $datadir . '/' . $gid . '.js'; $path1 = $datadir . '/' . $gid . '.php'; $ggwcon = ggwtojs($gid, $xzggcl, $ggwwidth, $ggwheight, $bjgg, $ggwclass); $ggwcon1 = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $gtime . "\r\n" . $ggwtitle . "\r\n" . $ggwclass . "\r\n" . $ggwwidth . "\r\n" . $ggwheight . "\r\n" . $xzggcl . "\r\n" . $bjgg . "\r\n" . $ggwzu . "\r\n" . $ggwlei; file_put_contents($path, $ggwcon) or die('出错啦!无法创建.js文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); file_put_contents($path1, $ggwcon1) or die('出错啦!无法创建.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('修改广告位', $gid, 1, getname()); die('1'); } ///////////////////////////
function acquery() { global $Pre; $gid = substr(insql($_GET['gid']), -14, 14); $sorc = insql($_GET['sorc']); $conn = new mysql(); if ($sorc == '1' && is_numeric($gid)) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfShows FROM {$Pre}niux_ams_counter where ac=1 and gid='{$gid}' and DATE(time)=CURDATE()"; echo $conn->getFieldsVal($sql, 'NumberOfShows'); } elseif ($sorc == '2' && is_numeric($gid)) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfClicks FROM {$Pre}niux_ams_counter where ac=2 and gid='{$gid}' and DATE(time)=CURDATE()"; echo $conn->getFieldsVal($sql, 'NumberOfClicks'); } }
<?php define('NIUXAMS_ACCESS', 'oplog'); require 'common.php'; $desc = insql($_REQUEST['desc']); $limit = insql($_REQUEST['limit']); $page = insql($_REQUEST['page']); $orderby = insql($_REQUEST['orderby']); $desc = $desc ? '' : 'DESC'; $limit = is_numeric($limit) && $limit > 1 ? $limit : 30; $page = is_numeric($page) && $page > 1 ? $page : 1; $orderby = strlen($orderby) > 1 && strlen($orderby) < 12 ? $orderby : 'id'; $conn = new mysql(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$Pre}niux_ams_oplog"; $total = $conn->getFieldsVal($sql, 0); if ($page > ceil($total / $limit)) { $page = ceil($total / $limit); } $kashi = $page * $limit - $limit; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$Pre}niux_ams_oplog ORDER BY {$orderby} {$desc} LIMIT {$kashi},{$limit}"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $list = ''; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $list .= '<tr class="list">'; $list .= '<td class="ui-widget-content uitd ct">' . $row['id'] . '</td>'; $list .= '<td class="ui-widget-content uitd ct"><span title="' . htmlspecialchars($row['username']) . '">' . cutstr($row['username'], 6) . '</span></td>'; $list .= '<td class="ui-widget-content uitd ct"><span title="' . htmlspecialchars($row['caozuo']) . '">' . cutstr($row['caozuo'], 6) . '</span></td>'; $list .= '<td class="ui-widget-content uitd ct">' . ($row['state'] ? '成功' : '失败') . '</td>'; $list .= '<td class="ui-widget-content uitd ct"><span title="' . htmlspecialchars($row['caozuofile']) . '">' . cutstr($row['caozuofile'], 8) . '</span></td>'; $list .= '<td class="ui-widget-content uitd ct">' . $row['time'] . '</td>'; $list .= '<td class="ui-widget-content uitd ct">' . $row['ip'] . '</td>';
$path = $datadir . '/' . $selectggmb . '.php'; if (!$selectggmb && !file_exists($path)) { die('无法删除选择的广告模板!'); } unlink($path) or die($selectggmb . '.php删除错误!'); $path1 = $datadir . '/ggtemplist.php'; $ggtl = file_get_contents($path1); $ggtl = str_replace($selectggmb . "\r\n", '', $ggtl); file_put_contents($path1, $ggtl) or die('出错啦!无法修改.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('删除广告模板', $selectggmb, 1, getname()); die('1'); ///////////////////// } elseif ($_REQUEST['menu'] == 'renewitem') { ///////////////////// $itemlist = htmlspecialchars(insql($_REQUEST['itemlist'])); $path1 = $datadir . '/ggtemplist.php'; $ggtl = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $itemlist; file_put_contents($path1, $ggtl) or die('出错啦!无法修改.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('排序广告模板', $itemlist, 1, getname()); die('1'); ///////////////////// } else { ///////////////////// $ggtl = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggtemplist.php'); $ggtla = explode("\r\n", $ggtl); array_shift($ggtla); array_pop($ggtla); $ggtemp_list = ''; $ggtemp_sortable = '';
$fbleorne = insql($_POST['fbleorne']); $fbl = insql($_POST['fbl']); $llqeorne = insql($_POST['llqeorne']); $llq = insql($_POST['llq']); $yuyeorne = insql($_POST['yuyeorne']); $yuy = insql($_POST['yuy']); $lyeorne = insql($_POST['lyeorne']); $vly = insql($_POST['vly']); $urleorne = insql($_POST['urleorne']); $url = insql($_POST['url']); $diyueorne = insql($_POST['diyueorne']); $diyu = insql($_POST['diyu']); $jreorne = insql($_POST['jreorne']); $jr = insql($_POST['jr']); $ggcllei = insql($_POST['ggcllei']); $ggclzu = insql($_POST['ggclzu']); $ontid = date("YmdHis", time()); $gid = $clthread . '-' . $ontid; if (!$cltitle) { die('标题不能为空!'); } if (!$wllx) { die('广告类型不能为空!'); } if (!$xzgg) { die('广告不能为空!'); } require 'func.gg.php'; $path = $datadir . '/' . $clthread . '-' . $ontid . '.js'; $path1 = $datadir . '/' . $clthread . '-' . $ontid . '.php'; $path2 = $datadir . '/' . 'ggcllist.php';
$focontent = file($fofile); array_shift($focontent); $focontent[] = $foname . ' ' . $fourl . "\r\n"; array_unshift($focontent, '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n"); file_put_contents($fofile, $focontent) or die($fofile . ' 禁止写入!'); die('1'); } elseif ($menu == 'editfo') { $oldfo = insql($_REQUEST['oldfo']); $newfoname = insql($_REQUEST['newfoname']); $newfourl = insql($_REQUEST['newfourl']); $fofile = $datadir . '/fo.' . md5(getname()) . '.php'; $focontent = file($fofile); array_shift($focontent); $folist = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n"; foreach ($focontent as $value) { $foarray = explode(' ', $value); if ($foarray[0] == $oldfo) { $folist .= $newfoname . ' ' . $newfourl . "\r\n"; } else { $folist .= $value; } } file_put_contents($fofile, $folist) or die($fofile . ' 禁止写入!'); die('1'); } elseif ($menu == 'delfo') { $fov = insql($_REQUEST['fov']); $fofile = $datadir . '/fo.' . md5(getname()) . '.php'; $folist = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $fov; file_put_contents($fofile, $folist) or die($fofile . ' 禁止写入!'); die('1'); }
$rank = htmlspecialchars(insql($_REQUEST['rank'])); $yhzname = htmlspecialchars(insql($_REQUEST['yhzname'])); $funcselect = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_REQUEST['funcselect'])), '|'); $rankfile = $datadir . '/access/' . $rank . '.access.php'; if (!is_file($rankfile)) { die('用户组序号不存在,无法修改!'); } $yhznr = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $yhzname . "\r\n" . $funcselect; file_put_contents($rankfile, $yhznr) or die('出错啦!' . $rankfile . ' 无法修改!请将程序目录和文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('修改用户组', $rank, 1, getname()); die('1'); ///////////////////// } elseif ($_REQUEST['menu'] == 'delyhz') { ///////////////////// $rank = htmlspecialchars(insql($_REQUEST['rank'])); $rankfile = $datadir . '/access/' . $rank . '.access.php'; if (!is_file($rankfile)) { die('用户组 ' . $rank . ' 不存在,删除失败!'); } unlink($rankfile) or die('出错啦!' . $rankfile . ' 无法删除!请将程序目录和文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('删除用户组', $rank, 1, getname()); die('1'); ///////////////////// } else { ///////////////////// $subadminlist = ''; foreach ($subadmin as $key => $value) { $accessdata = file($datadir . '/access/' . $value[1] . '.access.php'); array_shift($accessdata);
/* 2.免费使用禁止修改版权信息和官方推广链接. /* 3.禁止任何衍生版本. /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ define('NIUXAMS_ACCESS', 'addggw'); require 'common.php'; $menu = $_POST['menu']; /////////////////////////// if ($menu == 'addggw') { $ggwtitle = insql($_POST['ggwtitle']); $ggwclass = insql($_POST['ggwclass']); $ggwwidth = insql($_POST['ggwwidth']); $ggwheight = insql($_POST['ggwheight']); $xzggcl = insql($_POST['xzggcl']); $bjgg = insql($_POST['bjgg']); $ggwlei = insql($_POST['ggwlei']); $ggwzu = insql($_POST['ggwzu']); $ontid = date("YmdHis", time()); $gid = $ggwthread . '-' . $ontid; if (!$ggwtitle) { die('标题不能为空!'); } require 'func.gg.php'; $path = $datadir . '/' . $ggwthread . '-' . $ontid . '.js'; $path1 = $datadir . '/' . $ggwthread . '-' . $ontid . '.php'; $path2 = $datadir . '/ggwlist.php'; $ggwcon = ggwtojs($gid, $xzggcl, $ggwwidth, $ggwheight, $bjgg, $ggwclass); $ggwcon1 = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . gnt() . "\r\n" . $ggwtitle . "\r\n" . $ggwclass . "\r\n" . $ggwwidth . "\r\n" . $ggwheight . "\r\n" . $xzggcl . "\r\n" . $bjgg . "\r\n" . $ggwzu . "\r\n" . $ggwlei; file_put_contents($path, $ggwcon) or die('出错啦!无法创建.js文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); file_put_contents($path1, $ggwcon1) or die('出错啦!无法创建.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $ggwlist = file($path2); if (!is_array($ggwlist)) {
$content = file_get_contents($datadir . '/gglist.php'); $array = explode("\r\n", $content); array_shift($array); array_pop($array); if ($desc) { rsort($array); } else { sort($array); } $size = count($array); if ($page > ceil($size / $limit)) { $page = ceil($size / $limit); } /////////////////////////// if ($menu == 'ajax') { $wllx = (int) insql($_REQUEST['wllx']); $j = 0; $gglist = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $gid = $array[$i]; if ($gid) { $Serialnumber = $desc ? $size - $i : $i + 1; $ggd = file_get_contents($datadir . '/' . $gid . '.php'); $arrayd = array(); $arrayd = explode("\r\n", $ggd); array_shift($arrayd); if ($wllx == 0 && $arrayd[2] == 0 || $wllx && $arrayd[2]) { if ($search == '' || $search && (strpos(unescape($arrayd[0]), unescape($search)) !== false || strpos($gid, unescape($search)) !== false)) { if ($arrayd[9] == $gglei || $gglei == -1) { if ($arrayd[6] == $ggzu || $ggzu == -1) { $j++;
$dir = $datadir . '/updata/'; $arrayfid = explode(' ', $fids); foreach ($arrayfid as $fid) { $fidclass = explode('.', $fid); if (is_numeric($fidclass[0]) && strlen($fidclass[0]) == 14) { unlink($dir . $fid) or die($fid . "删除错误!请确认属性是否设置正确!"); } } $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('删除上传广告文件', $fids, 1, getname()); die('1'); } //////////////////////////// $desc = insql($_REQUEST['desc']); $limit = insql($_REQUEST['limit']); $page = insql($_REQUEST['page']); $desc = $desc ? '' : 'DESC'; $limit = is_numeric($limit) && $limit > 1 ? $limit : 30; $page = is_numeric($page) && $page > 1 ? $page : 1; $upath = $datadir . '/updata'; $upurl = $amsurl . $upath; $files = getfiles($upath); if ($desc) { rsort($files); } else { sort($files); } $total = count($files); if ($page > ceil($total / $limit)) { $page = ceil($total / $limit); }