public function index() { header('Location:index.php?app=b2c&ctl=admin_setting&act=index'); die; $dashboard_from = $this->_request->get_post('f'); $dashboard_to = $this->_request->get_post('t'); $default_enter = true; if (!$dashboard_to) { $dashboard_to = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); } else { $default_enter = false; } if (!$dashboard_from) { $dashboard_from = strtotime('-1 week', $dashboard_to); } else { $default_enter = false; } //权限带入 $user = vmc::singleton('desktop_user'); $is_super = $user->is_super(); $group = $user->group(); $group = (array) $group; //统一时间格式 if (strpos($dashboard_from, ':')) { $dashboard_from = strtotime($dashboard_from); $dashboard_to = strtotime($dashboard_to); } if ($dashboard_from > $dashboard_to) { $tmp_t = $dashboard_to; $dashboard_to = $dashboard_from; $dashboard_from = $tmp_t; } //桌面挂件排序,用户自定义 if ($default_enter && cacheobject::get('desktop.dashboard.widgets' . $dashboard_to, $cache_data) && isset($cache_data['data'])) { $this->pagedata['cached_time'] = $cache_data['cached_time']; $widgets = $cache_data['data']; } else { foreach (vmc::servicelist('desktop.widgets') as $key => $obj) { if ($is_super || in_array(get_class($obj), $group)) { $item = array('title' => $obj->get_title(), 'layout' => $obj->get_layout(), 'html' => $obj->get_html($dashboard_from, $dashboard_to), 'order' => $obj->get_order()); if (method_exists($obj, 'get_classname')) { $item['classname'] = $obj->get_classname(); } $widgets[$item['layout']][] = $item; } } if ($default_enter) { $cache_data = array('cached_time' => time(), 'data' => $widgets); cacheobject::set('desktop.dashboard.widgets' . $dashboard_to, $cache_data, time() + 86400); //缓存24小时 } } $this->pagedata['widgets'] = $widgets; $this->pagedata['dashboard_from'] = $dashboard_from; $this->pagedata['dashboard_to'] = $dashboard_to; //快捷 $this->pagedata['tody'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))); $this->pagedata['from_arr'] = array('w' => date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime('-1 week', strtotime($this->pagedata['tody']))), 'm' => date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime('-1 month', strtotime($this->pagedata['tody']))), 'q' => date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime('-3 month', strtotime($this->pagedata['tody'])))); $this->display('dashboard.html'); }
private function _set_session($value, $ttl) { if (WITHOUT_CACHE === true) { return base_kvstore::instance('sessions')->store($this->_get_cache_key(), $value, $ttl); } else { return cacheobject::set($this->_get_cache_key(), $value, $ttl + time()); } }
private function __setKvArea() { base_kvstore::instance('ecos')->store('areaFileContents', $this->areaFileContents); if (config::get('cache.enabled', true)) { cacheobject::set('areaKvdata', array()); } return true; }
private function _set_session($value, $ttl) { if (!config::get('cache.enabled', true)) { return base_kvstore::instance('sessions')->store($this->_get_cache_key(), $value, $ttl); } else { return cacheobject::set($this->_get_cache_key(), $value, $ttl + time()); } }
function verify_key($key) { $sess_id = kernel::single('base_session')->sess_id(); $key = $key . $sess_id; if (defined('WITHOUT_CACHE') && !constant('WITHOUT_CACHE')) { cacheobject::set($key, $this->obj->get_code()); } else { base_kvstore::instance('vcode')->store($key, $this->obj->get_code()); } }
/** * Compile the view at the given path. * * @param string $path * @return string */ public function compile(base_view_object_interface $object) { $this->setObject($object); $contents = $this->compileString($object->get()); if (config::get('cache.enabled', false) == true) { $cache = ['lastModified' => time(), 'contents' => $contents]; cacheobject::set($this->getCompiledCacheKey($object), $cache); } return $contents; }
static function verify($key, $value) { $value = strtolower($value); $sess_id = kernel::single('base_session')->sess_id(); $vcodekey = $key . $sess_id; if (config::get('cache.enabled', true)) { cacheobject::get($vcodekey, $vcode); //使用后则是过期 cacheobject::set($vcodekey, $vcode, time() - 1); } else { base_kvstore::instance('vcode')->fetch($vcodekey, $vcode); //使用后则是过期 base_kvstore::instance('vcode')->store($vcodekey, $vcode, 1); } if ($vcode == strval($value)) { return true; } return false; }
public function get_access_token($bind_id = false, $app_define = false) { if ($app_define) { $app_id = $app_define['app_id']; $app_secret = $app_define['app_secret']; } else { $bind = app::get('wechat')->model('bind')->dump($bind_id); $app_id = $bind['appid']; $app_secret = $bind['appsecret']; } $http_client = vmc::singleton('base_httpclient'); if (!cacheobject::get('wechat_access_token_' . $app_id, $access_token) || !$access_token) { $access_token_action = "{$app_id}&secret={$app_secret}"; $respnese = $http_client->get($access_token_action); $respnese = json_decode($respnese, 1); $access_token = $respnese['access_token']; if ($access_token) { cacheobject::set('wechat_access_token_' . $app_id, $access_token, time() + $respnese['expires_in']); } } return $access_token; }
public function delete_vcode($account, $type, $vcodeData) { $vcode = $this->randomkeys(6); $vcodeData['vcode'] = $vcode; $key = $this->get_vcode_key($account, $type); if (WITHOUT_CACHE === true) { base_kvstore::instance('vcode/account')->store($key, $vcodeData, $this->ttl); } else { cacheobject::set($key, $vcodeData, $this->ttl + time()); } return $vcodeData; }
/** * 获得子类. */ public function children($parent_id) { $cache_expired = $this->touch_cache(); if (cacheobject::get('b2c-gcat-tree-cache-' . $parent_id, $children) && $children && $cache_expired > 0) { return $children; } else { $children = $this->getList('*', array('parent_id' => $parent_id), 0, -1, ' p_order ASC'); $children = utils::array_change_key($children, 'cat_id'); cacheobject::set('b2c-gcat-tree-cache-' . $parent_id, $children, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30); return $children; } }
public function send_email($type, $email, $content) { if (!($tmpl = $this->sendtypeToTmpl($type))) { return false; } $vcodeData = $this->checkVcode($email, $type); $vcode = $this->randomkeys(6); $vcodeData['account'] = $email; $vcodeData['vcode'] = $vcode; $vcodeData['count'] = 1; $vcodeData['createtime'] = date('Ymd'); $vcodeData['lastmodify'] = time(); $data['shopname'] = app::get('sysconf')->getConf(''); $data['vcode'] = $content . "&vcode=" . $vcode; $key = $this->getVcodeKey($email, $type); $result = messenger::sendEmail($email, $tmpl, $data); if ($result['rsp'] == "fail") { throw new \LogicException(app::get('system')->_('邮件发送失败,请检查邮箱格式是否正确!')); } if (defined('WITHOUT_CACHE') && !constant('WITHOUT_CACHE')) { cacheobject::set($key, $vcodeData, 3600 * 24); } else { base_kvstore::instance('vcode/account')->store($key, $vcodeData, 3600 * 24); } return true; }
private function get_access_token($action_url) { if (!cacheobject::get('b2c_sms_platform_access_token_' . md5($action_url), $access_token) || !$access_token) { $res = $this->net->post($action_url); $res = json_decode($res, 1); $access_token = $res['access_token']; if ($access_token) { cacheobject::set('b2c_sms_platform_access_token_' . md5($action_url), $access_token, time() + $res['expires_in']); } } return $access_token; }
/** * 不破坏缓存情况下的商品统计 */ public function counter($args = array()) { $args = array_merge((array) $args, $this->req_params); $mdl_goods = app::get('b2c')->model('goods'); $gid = $args['goods_id']; if (!$gid) { return false; } $db = vmc::database(); $kv = base_kvstore::instance('b2c_counter'); foreach ($args as $key => $value) { $value = intval($value); $update_sql = false; if ($value < 1) { $value = 1; } switch ($key) { case 'view_count': $this->history($gid); //UV型统计 24小时同一IP记录一次 $c_key = 'view_count_uv_' . $gid . '_' . base_request::get_remote_addr(); cacheobject::get($c_key, $time); $kv->fetch('view_w_count_time', $vw_last_update); if (!$time || strtotime('+1 day', $time) < time()) { //获得周标记 if ($vw_last_update > strtotime('-1 week')) { $update_sql = "UPDATE vmc_b2c_goods SET view_count=view_count+{$value},view_w_count=view_w_count+{$value} WHERE goods_id={$gid}"; } else { $update_sql = "UPDATE vmc_b2c_goods SET view_count=view_count+{$value},view_w_count={$value} WHERE goods_id={$gid}"; $kv->store('view_w_count_time', time()); } cacheobject::set($c_key, time(), 86400 + time()); } break; case 'buy_count': //验证 if (md5($gid . 'buy_count' . $value * 1024) != $args['buy_count_sign']) { break; } //获得周标记 $kv->fetch('buy_w_count_time', $bw_last_update); if ($bw_last_update > strtotime('-1 week')) { $update_sql = "UPDATE vmc_b2c_goods SET buy_count=buy_count+{$value},buy_w_count=buy_w_count+{$value} WHERE goods_id={$gid}"; } else { $update_sql = "UPDATE vmc_b2c_goods SET buy_count=buy_count+{$value},buy_w_count={$value} WHERE goods_id={$gid}"; $kv->store('buy_w_count_time', time()); } break; case 'comment_count': if (md5($gid . 'comment_count' . $value * 1024) == $args['comment_count_sign']) { $update_sql = "UPDATE vmc_b2c_goods SET comment_count=comment_count+{$value} WHERE goods_id={$gid}"; } break; } if ($update_sql) { logger::info($update_sql); $db->exec($update_sql, true); } } }