function __construct() { set_time_limit(0); cachemgr::init(false); cacheobject::init(false); kernel::$console_output = true; set_error_handler(array(&$this, 'error_handle')); if (file_exists(ROOT_DIR . '/config/config.php')) { require ROOT_DIR . '/config/config.php'; $this->status['config'] = ROOT_DIR . '/config/config.php'; } else { $this->status['config'] = 'false'; } include APP_DIR . '/base/defined.php'; //为shell设置BASE_URL if (!defined('BASE_URL')) { if ($shell_base_url = app::get('base')->getConf('shell_base_url')) { define('BASE_URL', $shell_base_url); } else { trigger_error('please login backend first!', E_USER_NOTICE); } } date_default_timezone_set(defined('DEFAULT_TIMEZONE') ? 'Etc/GMT' . (DEFAULT_TIMEZONE >= 0 ? DEFAULT_TIMEZONE * -1 : '+' . DEFAULT_TIMEZONE * -1) : 'UTC'); $this->buildin_commander = new base_shell_buildin($this); }
static function boot() { $pathinfo = request::getPathInfo(); // 生成part if (isset($pathinfo[1])) { if ($p = strpos($pathinfo, '/', 2)) { $part = substr($pathinfo, 0, $p); } else { $part = $pathinfo; } } else { $part = '/'; } if ($part == '/openapi') { return kernel::single('base_rpc_service')->process($pathinfo); } elseif ($part == '/app-doc') { //cachemgr::init(); return kernel::single('base_misc_doc')->display($pathinfo); } // 确认是否安装流程. 如果是安装流程则开启debug. 如果不是则检查是否安装, 如果未安装则跳到安装流程 // 目前其他的url, 都应移到routes中进行 // if ($part == '/setup') { config::set('app.debug', true); } else { static::checkInstalled(); } cacheobject::init(); static::registRouteMiddleware(); $response = route::dispatch(request::instance()); // 临时处理方式 kernel::single('base_session')->close(); $response->send(); exit; }
function __construct() { if (!kernel::is_online()) { die('error'); } cacheobject::init(); self::$is_start = true; }
public function __construct() { set_time_limit(0); cachemgr::init(false); cacheobject::init(false); vmc::$console_output = true; set_error_handler(array(&$this, 'error_handle')); $this->buildin_commander = new base_shell_buildin($this); }
function __construct() { if (!kernel::is_online()) { die('error'); } else { require ROOT_DIR . '/config/config.php'; @(include APP_DIR . '/base/defined.php'); } cachemgr::init(); cacheobject::init(); }
function __construct() { if (!kernel::is_online()) { die('error'); } else { @(include APP_DIR . '/base/defined.php'); } cachemgr::init(); cacheobject::init(); self::$is_start = true; }
function __construct() { if (!kernel::is_online()) { die('error'); } else { @(include APP_DIR . '/base/defined.php'); } cachemgr::init(); cacheobject::init(); self::$is_start = true; //@file_put_contents(ROOT_DIR.'/api_post_log.txt', json_encode($_POST)); }
public function maintenance_theme_files($platform, $theme_dir = '') { if (!$theme_dir) { return; } set_time_limit(0); cacheobject::init(false); header('Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8'); ignore_user_abort(false); ob_implicit_flush(1); ini_set('implicit_flush', true); kernel::$console_output = true; while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_flush(); } echo str_repeat("", 1024); echo '<pre>'; echo '>update themes' . "\n"; if ($theme_dir == THEME_DIR) { $dir = new DirectoryIterator($theme_dir); foreach ($dir as $file) { $filename = $file->getFilename(); if ($filename[0] == '.') { continue; } else { $this->update_theme_widgets($platform, $filename); } } } else { $this->update_theme_widgets($platform, $theme_dir); } echo 'ok.</pre>'; }
public function touch_theme_tmpl($theme) { $db = app::get('site')->database(); $qb = $db->createQueryBuilder(); $rows = $qb->select('*')->from('site_themes_tmpl')->where('theme=' . $qb->createPositionalParameter($theme))->execute()->fetchAll(); if ($rows) { array_push($rows, array('tmpl_path' => 'block/header.html'), array('tmpl_path' => 'block/footer.html')); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->touch_tmpl_file($theme . '/' . $row['tmpl_path']); } kernel::single('site_theme_base')->set_theme_cache_version($theme); } $cache_keys = $db->executeQuery('SELECT `prefix`, `key` FROM base_kvstore WHERE `prefix` IN ("cache/template", "cache/theme")')->fetchAll(); foreach ($cache_keys as $value) { base_kvstore::instance($value['prefix'])->get_controller()->delete($value['key']); } app::get('base')->database()->executeUpdate('DELETE FROM base_kvstore WHERE `prefix` IN ("cache/template", "cache/theme")'); //todo cacheobject touch tmpl时清缓存 cacheobject::init(true); cacheobject::clean($msg); cacheobject::init(false); return true; }
static function boot() { set_error_handler(array('kernel', 'exception_error_handler')); try { if (!self::register_autoload()) { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/autoload.php'; } require ROOT_DIR . '/config/mapper.php'; if (self::is_online()) { require ROOT_DIR . '/config/config.php'; } @(include APP_DIR . '/base/defined.php'); date_default_timezone_set(defined('DEFAULT_TIMEZONE') ? 'Etc/GMT' . (DEFAULT_TIMEZONE >= 0 ? DEFAULT_TIMEZONE * -1 : '+' . DEFAULT_TIMEZONE * -1) : 'UTC'); self::$url_app_map = $urlmap; foreach (self::$url_app_map as $flag => $value) { self::$app_url_map[$value['app']] = $flag; } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { self::strip_magic_quotes($_GET); self::strip_magic_quotes($_POST); } $pathinfo = self::request()->get_path_info(); $jump = false; if (isset($pathinfo[1])) { if ($p = strpos($pathinfo, '/', 2)) { $part = substr($pathinfo, 0, $p); } else { $part = $pathinfo; $jump = true; } } else { $part = '/'; } if ($part == '/api') { return kernel::single('base_rpc_service')->process($pathinfo); } elseif ($part == '/openapi') { return kernel::single('base_rpc_service')->process($pathinfo); } elseif ($part == '/app-doc') { //cachemgr::init(); return kernel::single('base_misc_doc')->display($pathinfo); } if (isset(self::$url_app_map[$part])) { if ($jump) { $request_uri = self::request()->get_request_uri(); $urlinfo = parse_url($request_uri); $query = $urlinfo['query'] ? '?' . $urlinfo['query'] : ''; header('Location: ' . $urlinfo['path'] . '/' . $query); exit; } else { $app = self::$url_app_map[$part]['app']; $prefix_len = strlen($part) + 1; kernel::set_lang(self::$url_app_map[$part]['lang']); } } else { $app = self::$url_app_map['/']['app']; $prefix_len = 1; kernel::set_lang(self::$url_app_map['/']['lang']); } if (!$app) { readfile(ROOT_DIR . '/app/base/readme.html'); exit; } if (!self::is_online()) { if (file_exists(APP_DIR . '/setup/app.xml')) { if ($app != 'setup') { //todo:进入安装check setcookie('LOCAL_SETUP_URL', app::get('setup')->base_url(1), 0, '/'); header('Location: ' . kernel::base_url() . '/app/setup/check.php'); exit; } } else { echo '<h1>System is Offline, install please.</h1>'; exit; } } // 检查是否手机端 if (base_mobiledetect::is_mobile()) { base_mobiledetect::select_terminator($part, $_GET['ignore_ua_check'], self::$url_app_map); } if (isset($pathinfo[$prefix_len])) { $path = substr($pathinfo, $prefix_len); } else { $path = ''; } //init cachemgr if ($app == 'setup') { cachemgr::init(false); } else { cachemgr::init(); cacheobject::init(); } //get app router self::$__router = app::get($app)->router(); self::$__router->dispatch($path); } catch (Exception $e) { base_errorpage::exception_handler($e); } }
<?php ob_implicit_flush(1); require __DIR__ . '/../../bootstrap/start.php'; kernel::$console_output = true; cacheobject::init(false); // 时区设置 //$timezone = config::get('app.timezone', 8); //date_default_timezone_set('Etc/GMT'.($timezone>=0?($timezone*-1):'+'.($timezone*-1))); if (!defined('BASE_URL')) { if ($shell_base_url = app::get('base')->getConf('shell_base_url')) { define('BASE_URL', $shell_base_url); } else { echo 'Please install ecstore first, and login to the backend '; } }
function command_cacheclean() { logger::info('Cache Clear...'); if (cacheobject::clean($msg)) { logger::info($msg ? $msg : '...Clear Success'); } else { logger::info($msg ? $msg : '...Clear Failure'); } cacheobject::init(false); }
function __construct() { require ROOT_DIR . '/config/config.php'; @(include APP_DIR . '/base/defined.php'); cacheobject::init(); }