Example #1
function button_next($module, $current_id)
    $modname = strtolower(c2cTools::module2model($module));
    return link_to(__("next {$modname}"), "@goto_next?module={$module}&id={$current_id}", array('title' => __("Go to next {$modname}"), 'class' => 'action_next nav_edit'));
 public function executeTooltipPreview()
     $module = $this->getRequestParameter('module');
     $id = $this->getRequestParameter('id');
     if ($module == 'users' && !$this->getUser()->isConnected() && !UserPrivateData::hasPublicProfile($id)) {
         $this->name = $this->__('not available');
     } else {
         $model = c2cTools::module2model($module);
         $langs = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getPreferedLanguageList();
         $i18n = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('m.culture, m.name')->from("{$model}I18n m")->where('m.id = ?', array($id))->execute();
         $old_lang = 200;
         foreach ($i18n as $name) {
             $lang_pos = array_search($name->get('culture'), $langs);
             if ($lang_pos === false) {
                 $lang_pos = 10;
             // test if language is prefered over the older
             if ($lang_pos < $old_lang) {
                 $old_lang = $lang_pos;
                 $uname = $name->get('name');
         $this->name = $uname;

use_helper('Pagination', 'GeoJson');
$id = $sf_params->get('id');
$lang = $sf_params->get('lang');
$module = $sf_context->getModuleName();
$format = $sf_data->getRaw('format');
$use_keys = in_array('keys', $format);
$text_html = in_array('html', $format);
$add_gpx_track = in_array('track', $format);
$add_all_fields = in_array('full', $format);
$add_conditions = $add_all_fields || in_array('cond', $format);
$add_text = !in_array('notext', $format);
if (!isset($items) && $nb_results > 0) {
    $items = $pager->getResults('array', ESC_RAW);
    $items = Language::parseListItems($items, c2cTools::module2model($module));
} elseif ($nb_results == 0) {
    $items = array();
    $totalItems = $startIndex = $count = $hasPreviousPage = $hasNextPage = 0;
if (isset($pager)) {
    $totalItems = $pager->getNbResults();
    $startIndex = $pager->getMaxPerPage() * ($pager->getPage() - 1) + 1;
    $count = min($pager->getMaxPerPage(), $pager->getNbResults() - ($pager->getPage() - 1) * $pager->getMaxPerPage());
    $hasPreviousPage = $pager->getPage() != 1;
    $hasNextPage = $pager->getPage() != $pager->getLastPage() && $nb_results;
// compute prev and next uris
if ($hasPreviousPage || $hasNextPage) {
    $uri = _addUrlParameters(_getBaseUri(), array('page'));
    $uri .= _getSeparator($uri) . 'page=';

use_helper('Date', 'History', 'MyForm', 'Language', 'Viewer', 'WikiTabs', 'SmartFormat', 'sfBBCode');
use_javascript('/static/js/diff.js', 'last');
use_javascript('/static/js/history_tools.js', 'last');
$is_moderator = $sf_user->hasCredential(sfConfig::get('app_credentials_moderator'));
$module = $sf_context->getModuleName();
$model = c2cTools::module2model($module);
$i18n_archive = $model . 'I18nArchive';
$lang = $sf_params->get('lang');
$id = $sf_params->get('id');
$table_list_even_odd = 0;
$slug = make_slug($document[$i18n_archive]['name']);
echo display_title(isset($title_prefix) ? $title_prefix . __('&nbsp;:') . ' ' . $document_name : $document_name, $module);
echo '<div id="nav_space">&nbsp;</div>';
echo tabs_list_tag($id, $lang, $exists_in_lang, 'history', null, $slug, $nb_comments);
echo display_content_top('doc_content');
echo start_content_tag($module . '_content');
echo __('Viewing history from %1% in %2%', array('%1%' => $document_name, '%2%' => format_language_c2c($lang)));

echo __('Legend:') . ' * = ' . __('current version') . ', <strong>' . __('minor_tag') . '</strong> = ' . __('minor modification');

echo form_tag("@document_diff_post?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$lang}", array('method' => 'post'));
  * Executes easy upload action
  * Due to a limitation in flash... only the name of the file is usable
  * so other informations are sent by reference...
 public function executeUpload()
     $document_id = $this->getRequestParameter('document_id');
     $mod = $this->getRequestParameter('mod');
     $redir_route = "@document_by_id?module={$mod}&id={$document_id}";
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST) {
         // check if user has the rights to upload images to the document
         $user = $this->getUser();
         $user_id = $user->getId();
         $user_valid = true;
         switch ($mod) {
             case 'users':
                 if ($user_id != $document_id) {
                     $user_valid = false;
             case 'outings':
                 if (!Association::find($user_id, $document_id, 'uo')) {
                     $user_valid = false;
             case 'images':
                 $image = Document::find('Image', $document_id, array('image_type'));
                 if (!$image) {
                 $creator = $image->getCreator();
                 if ($image->get('image_type') == 2 && $creator['id'] != $user_id) {
                     $user_valid = false;
             case 'articles':
                 $article = Document::find('Article', $document_id, array('article_type'));
                 if ($article->get('article_type') == 2 && !Association::find($user_id, $document_id, 'uc')) {
                     $user_valid = false;
         if (!$user_valid && !$user->hasCredential('moderator')) {
             return $this->setErrorAndRedirect('Operation not allowed', $redir_route);
         c2cTools::log('uploading files');
         $temp_dir = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . sfConfig::get('app_images_temp_directory_name') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         if (!is_dir($temp_dir) || !is_writable($temp_dir)) {
             return $this->setErrorAndRedirect('image dir unavailable', $redir_route);
         $uploaded_files = $request->getFiles();
         $uploaded_files = $uploaded_files['image_file'];
         $images_names = $this->getRequestParameter('name');
         $images_categories = $this->hasRequestParameter('categories') ? $this->getRequestParameter('categories') : array();
         $images_types = $this->getRequestParameter('image_type');
         // Note: sfWebRequest::getFile...() methods cannot be used directy since uploaded files
         // are transmitted in a image[] POST var that does not fit with those methods.
         foreach ($uploaded_files['tmp_name'] as $key => $filename) {
             $unique_filename = c2cTools::generateUniqueName();
             $file_ext = Images::detectExtension($filename);
             c2cTools::log("processing file {$unique_filename}");
             // upload file in a temporary folder
             $new_location = $temp_dir . $unique_filename . $file_ext;
             c2cTools::log("moving file to {$new_location}");
             if (!move_uploaded_file($filename, $new_location)) {
                 return $this->setErrorAndRedirect('Failed moving uploaded file', $redir_route);
             // svg
             if ($file_ext == '.svg') {
                 if (!SVG::rasterize($temp_dir, $unique_filename, $file_ext)) {
                     return $this->setErrorAndRedirect('Failed rasterizing svg file', $redir_route);
             // if jpg, check if we need orientation changes
             if ($file_ext == '.jpg') {
             c2cTools::log('resizing image');
             // generate thumbnails (ie. resized images: "BI"/"SI")
             Images::generateThumbnails($unique_filename, $file_ext, $temp_dir);
             // retrieve image caption (name)
             $name = array_key_exists($key, $images_names) ? $images_names[$key] : $this->__('Give me a name');
             // save image in DB and move temp files in the main dir
             c2cTools::log('saving image');
             $activities = array();
             $document = Document::find('Document', $document_id, array('id', 'module'));
             if (!$document) {
                 return 0;
             $model = c2cTools::module2model($document->get('module'));
             if (in_array($model, array('Outing', 'Article', 'Book', 'Hut', 'Image', 'Route'))) {
                 $document = Document::find($model, $document_id, array('activities'));
                 $activities = $document->get('activities');
             } elseif ($model == 'Site') {
                 $activities = array(4);
                 // rock_climbing for sites by default
             $image_type = $images_types[$key];
             $categories = array_key_exists($key, $images_categories) ? $images_categories[$key] : array();
             $image_id = Image::customSave($name, $unique_filename . $file_ext, $document_id, $user_id, $model, $activities, $categories, $image_type);
             $nb_created = gisQuery::createGeoAssociations($image_id, false);
             c2cTools::log("created {$nb_created} geo associations for image {$image_id}");
             // TODO: handle errors with thumbnails generation and data saving?
         // remove cache of calling page
         $this->clearCache($mod, $document_id, false, 'view');
         // a new image has been uploaded, clear cache for images lists and whatsnew
         $this->clearCache('images', 0, true);
         return $this->setNoticeAndRedirect('image successfully uploaded', $redir_route . '#images');
     } else {
         switch ($mod) {
             case 'articles':
                 // default license depends on the article type
                 $article = Document::find('Article', $document_id);
                 $this->default_license = $article->get('article_type');
             case 'books':
                 $this->default_license = 1;
             case 'huts':
                 $this->default_license = 1;
             case 'images':
                 // default license is that of associated image
                 $image = Document::find('Image', $document_id);
                 $this->default_license = $image->get('license');
             case 'outings':
                 $this->default_license = 2;
             case 'parkings':
                 $this->default_license = 1;
             case 'routes':
                 $this->default_license = 1;
             case 'sites':
                 $this->default_license = 1;
             case 'summits':
                 $this->default_license = 1;
             case 'products':
                 $this->default_license = 1;
             case 'users':
                 $this->default_license = 2;
                 $this->default_license = 2;
     // display form

use_helper('History', 'SmartDate', 'SmartFormat', 'General', 'sfBBCode');

$current_module = $sf_context->getModuleName();
if (!isset($model)) {
    $model = c2cTools::module2model($current_module);
$archive = $model;
$i18n_archive = $model . 'I18n';
if (count($items) == 0) {
    <p id="recent-changes"><?php 
    echo __('No recent changes available');
} else {
    <ul id="recent-changes">
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $module_name = $item[$archive]['module'];
        $id = $item['document_id'];
        $lang = $item['culture'];
        $version = $item['version'];
        $link = '@document_by_id?module=users&id=' . $item['document_id'];
 public static function addAssociatedDocuments(&$docs, $type, $is_main, $data_fields = array(), $i18n_fields = array())
     if (count($docs) == 0 || empty($data_fields) && empty($i18n_fields)) {
         return array();
     $modules = c2cTools::Type2Modules($type);
     $main_module = $modules['main'];
     $linked_module = $modules['linked'];
     if (empty($main_module) || empty($linked_module)) {
         return array();
     $doc_ids = array();
     foreach (array_keys($docs) as $key) {
         $id = $docs[$key]['id'];
         $doc_ids[] = $id;
         $docs[$id] = $docs[$key];
     // retrieve associations
     if ($main_module == $linked_module) {
         $associations = Association::countAll($doc_ids, $type);
         $module = $main_module;
     } elseif ($is_main) {
         $associations = Association::countAllLinked($doc_ids, $type);
         $module = $linked_module;
     } else {
         $associations = Association::countAllMain($doc_ids, $type);
         $module = $main_module;
     if (count($associations) == 0) {
         return array();
     $linked_ids = array();
     foreach ($associations as $assoc) {
         if ($is_main) {
             $doc_id = $assoc['main_id'];
             $linked_id = $assoc['linked_id'];
         } else {
             $doc_id = $assoc['linked_id'];
             $linked_id = $assoc['main_id'];
         $linked_ids[] = $linked_id;
         if (isset($docs[$doc_id]['linked_docs'])) {
             $docs[$doc_id]['linked_docs'] = array_merge($docs[$doc_id]['linked_docs'], array($linked_id));
         } else {
             $docs[$doc_id]['linked_docs'] = array($linked_id);
     $linked_ids = array_unique($linked_ids);
     $conditions = array();
     foreach ($linked_ids as $id) {
         $conditions[] = '?';
     // retrieve info on the linked docs (name etc)
     $model = c2cTools::module2model($module);
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from("{$model} m")->where('m.id IN ( ' . implode(', ', $conditions) . ' )', $linked_ids);
     if (!in_array('id', $data_fields)) {
         $data_fields[] = 'id';
     $q->addSelect('m.' . implode(', m.', $data_fields));
     $has_name = false;
     if (!empty($i18n_fields)) {
         if (in_array('name', $i18n_fields)) {
             if (!in_array('search_name', $i18n_fields)) {
                 $i18n_fields[] = 'search_name';
                 $i18n_fields[] = 'culture';
             $has_name = true;
         $q->addSelect('mi.' . implode(', mi.', $i18n_fields))->leftJoin('m.' . $model . 'I18n mi');
     $linked_docs_info = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine::FETCH_ARRAY);
     if ($has_name) {
         $user_prefered_langs = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getCulturesForDocuments();
         $linked_docs_info = Language::getTheBest($linked_docs_info, $model);
     // add linked docs info into $docs
     foreach ($docs as $doc_id => $doc) {
         if (isset($doc['linked_docs'])) {
             foreach ($doc['linked_docs'] as $key => $linked_doc_id) {
                 $docs[$doc_id]['linked_docs'][$key] = $linked_docs_info[$linked_doc_id];

$module = $sf_context->getModuleName();
$module_i18n = c2cTools::module2model($module) . 'I18n';
echo 'window.c2cwgt.insertContent("';
echo $div;
echo '",[';
$out = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
    $i18n = $item->getRaw($module_i18n);
    $i18n = $i18n[0];
    $lang = $i18n['culture'];
    $id = $item['id'];
    array_push($out, '["' . htmlentities($i18n['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '","' . url_for("@document_by_id_lang_slug?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$lang}&slug=" . make_slug($i18n['name']), true) . '"]');
echo implode(',', $out);
echo ']);';