  * Executes view action.
 public function executeView()
     if (!$this->document->isArchive() && $this->document['redirects_to'] == NULL) {
         $user = $this->getUser();
         $prefered_cultures = $user->getCulturesForDocuments();
         $associated_parkings = c2cTools::sortArray(array_filter($this->associated_docs, array('c2cTools', 'is_parking')), 'elevation');
         if (count($associated_parkings)) {
             $associated_parkings = Association::createHierarchyWithBestName($associated_parkings, $prefered_cultures, array('type' => 'pp'));
             $associated_parkings = Parking::getAssociatedParkingsData($associated_parkings);
         $this->associated_parkings = $associated_parkings;
         $related_portals = array();
         Portal::getLocalPortals($related_portals, $this->associated_areas);
         $this->related_portals = $related_portals;
         $product_type_list = sfConfig::get('mod_products_types_list');
         $product_type_index_list = $this->document->get('product_type');
         $product_type_name_list = array();
         foreach ($product_type_index_list as $product_type_index) {
             $product_type_name_list[] = $this->__($product_type_list[$product_type_index]);
         $product_types = implode(', ', $product_type_name_list);
         $doc_name = $this->document->get('name');
         $title = $doc_name;
         if ($this->document->isArchive()) {
             $version = $this->getRequestParameter('version');
             $title .= ' :: ' . $this->__('revision') . ' ' . $version;
         $title .= ' :: ' . $product_types;
         $description = array($product_types . ' :: ' . $doc_name, $this->getAreasList());
         $this->getResponse()->addMeta('description', implode(' - ', $description));
 public function executeSwitchformfactor()
     $user = $this->getUser();
     if ($user->getAttribute('form_factor', 'desktop') === 'mobile') {
         $user->setAttribute('form_factor', 'desktop');
         if (!c2cTools::mobileRegexp()) {
             // delete form_factor cookie (not needed)
             $this->getResponse()->setCookie('form_factor', null, -1);
         } else {
             // set cookie so that we are sure to prevent redirection on next sessions
             $this->getResponse()->setCookie('form_factor', 'desktop', time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
     } else {
         $user->setAttribute('form_factor', 'mobile');
         if (c2cTools::mobileRegexp()) {
             // delete form_factor cookie (not needed)
             $this->getResponse()->setCookie('form_factor', null, -1);
         } else {
             // set cookie so that we are sure to set form factor correctly on next sessions
             $this->getResponse()->setCookie('form_factor', 'mobile', time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
     // redirect to referer
     return $this->redirect($this->getRequest()->getReferer());
 public function execute($filterChain)
     $context = $this->getContext();
     $user = $context->getUser();
     if ($this->isFirstCall() && !$user->hasAttribute('form_factor')) {
         // if you make changes here, be sure also to check web/forums/include/common.php
         // and check varnish vcl file
         $cookie = $context->getRequest()->getCookie('form_factor');
         if ($cookie === 'mobile' || $cookie === null && c2cTools::mobileRegexp()) {
             $user->setAttribute('form_factor', 'mobile');
         } else {
             $user->setAttribute('form_factor', 'desktop');
     if ($user->getAttribute('form_factor', 'desktop') === 'mobile') {
         // change layout for mobile_layout
         $context->getResponse()->setParameter($context->getModuleName() . '_' . $context->getActionName() . '_layout', 'mobile_layout', 'symfony/action/view');
         $context->getResponse()->addStylesheet('/static/css/mobile.css', 'last');
     } else {
         $context->getResponse()->addStylesheet('/static/css/print.css', 'print');
     // execute next filter
function loadRessources()
    $response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse();
    if (!c2cTools::mobileVersion()) {
        $response->addJavascript('/static/js/modal.js', 'last');
        $response->addStylesheet('/static/css/modal.css', 'last');
 public function execute(&$value, &$error)
     // file upload check
     foreach ($value['error'] as $error_code) {
         if ($error_code) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('upload_error');
             return false;
     $validation = sfConfig::get('app_images_validation');
     // weight check
     foreach ($value['size'] as $file_size) {
         if ($file_size > $validation['weight']) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('weight_error');
             return false;
     // type check
     // FIXME with symfony 1.0, the type is the one given by the browser
     // we prefer to use or own mime type checker (this is what is done in further
     // versions of symfony, using system file check)
     foreach ($value['tmp_name'] as $file) {
         $file_type = c2cTools::getMimeType($file);
         if (!in_array($file_type, $validation['mime_types'])) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('type_error');
             return false;
     foreach ($value['tmp_name'] as $k => $filename) {
         if ($value['type'][$k] != 'image/svg+xml') {
             list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename);
         } else {
             // are there any script?
             if (SVG::hasScript($filename)) {
                 $error = $this->getParameter('svg_script_error');
                 return false;
             // dimensions
             $dimensions = SVG::getSize($filename);
             if ($dimensions === false) {
                 $error = $this->getParameter('svg_error');
                 return false;
             } else {
                 list($width, $height) = $dimensions;
         // height/width check
         if ($width > $validation['max_size']['width'] || $height > $validation['max_size']['height']) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('max_dim_error');
             return false;
         if ($width < $validation['min_size']['width'] || $height < $validation['min_size']['height']) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('min_dim_error');
             return false;
     return true;
Example #6
function phone_link($phone = '')
    if (!empty($phone) && c2cTools::mobileVersion()) {
        $simple_phone = preg_replace('/\\(0\\)/', '', str_replace(array(' ', '.'), '', $phone));
        // if number is not only digits,+,- do not try to present it as a link
        if (!ereg('[0-9\\+-]+', $simple_phone)) {
            return $phone;
        $link = content_tag('a', $phone, array('href' => 'tel:' . $simple_phone));
        return $link;
    } else {
        return $phone;
Example #7
* Display flash message if needed
function display_flash_message($type)
    $flash = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getAttribute($type, null, 'symfony/flash');
    if ($flash) {
        $message = '<div class="' . $type . '" id="' . $type . '"><div>' . $flash . '</div></div>';
        if (!c2cTools::mobileVersion()) {
            // show feedback div, highlight it, and then fade it out and remove it
            $js = javascript_queue("\$('#{$type}').delay(3000).animate({opacity:0}, {duration:1500, complete: function() { \$(this).hide(); }});");
        } else {
            $js = javascript_queue("\$('#{$type}').click(function() { \$(this).hide(); });");
        return $message . $js;
 public function execute(&$value, &$error)
     $allowed_mime_types = $this->getParameterHolder()->get('allowed');
     $allowed_mime_types = is_array($allowed_mime_types) ? $allowed_mime_types : array($allowed_mime_types);
     // FIXME with symfony 1.0, the type is the one given by the browser
     // we prefer to use or own mime type checker (this is what is done in further
     // versions of symfony, using system file check)
     $mime_type = c2cTools::getMimeType($value['tmp_name']);
     if (!in_array($mime_type, $allowed_mime_types)) {
         $error = $this->getParameter('type_error');
         return false;
     return true;
function geocode_auto_complete($name, $service)
    $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion();
    $service_class = $service === 'nominatim' ? ' nominatim' : ' geonames';
    $out = input_tag($name, '', array('class' => 'geocode_auto_complete' . $service_class, 'placeholder' => __('enter place name'), 'data-noresult' => __('no results')));
    if ($mobile_version) {
        $out .= content_tag('span', '<br />' . __('autocomplete_help'), array('class' => 'mobile_auto_complete_background'));
        $out .= content_tag('span', 'X', array('class' => 'mobile_auto_complete_escape'));
    // following script will automatically intanciate geocode autocompleter
    $out .= javascript_queue('$.ajax({
      url: "' . minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/geocode_autocompleter.js') . '",
      dataType: "script",
      cache: true});');
    return $out;
Example #10
  * Move given image and its resized versions.
 public static function moveAll($file, $pathFrom, $pathTo)
     c2cTools::log("moving {$file} from {$pathFrom} to {$pathTo}");
     $types = sfConfig::get('app_images_types', array());
     list($file_name, $file_ext) = self::getFileNameParts($file);
     // move original
     $success = rename($pathFrom . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file, $pathTo . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);
     // move thumbs
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         $success = $success && rename($pathFrom . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name . $type['suffix'] . $file_ext, $pathTo . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name . $type['suffix'] . $file_ext);
     // move svg if any
     if (file_exists($pathFrom . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name . '.svg')) {
         $success = $success && rename($pathFrom . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name . '.svg', $pathTo . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name . '.svg');
     return $success;
Example #11
  * Adds given address to given mailing list.
  * @param string listname
  * @param string email
  * @return boolean status (true=success, false=failure)
 public static function subscribe($listname, $email)
     $conn = sfDoctrine::Connection();
     try {
         $sympa = new Sympa();
         $sympa->list_subscriber = $listname;
         $sympa->user_subscriber = $email;
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Subscription failed! For instance because email address was already registered.
         c2cTools::log("Failed adding address {$email} to list {$listname}: " . $e->getMessage());
         return false;
function language_select_list($module, $id, $current_language, $translated_languages)
    $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion();
    $items = array();
    foreach (Language::getAll() as $language => $value) {
        $lang = format_language_c2c($language);
        if ($current_language == $language) {
            $items[] = '<div class="current_lang">' . ($mobile_version ? $language : $lang) . '</div>';
        } else {
            $existing_lang = in_array($language, $translated_languages);
            $options = $existing_lang ? array('class' => 'translated') : array('class' => 'not_translated', 'rel' => 'nofollow');
            if (!$mobile_version) {
                $items[] = link_to($lang, "@document_by_id_lang?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$language}", $options);
            } else {
                $items[] = $existing_lang ? link_to($language, "@document_by_id_lang?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$language}", $options) : '<span class="not_translated">' . $language . '</span>';
    return implode(' |&nbsp;', $items);
Example #13
 public function executeGetmultipleselect()
     $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion();
     $separate_prefs = $this->hasRequestParameter('sep_prefs') ? $this->getRequestParameter('sep_prefs') : 'true';
     $separate_prefs = $separate_prefs == 'false' ? false : true;
     $area_type = $this->getRequestParameter('area_type');
     if (!$mobile_version) {
         $default_width = 'auto';
         $default_height = '350px';
     } else {
         $default_width = '216px';
         $default_height = '3.8em';
     $height = $this->hasRequestParameter('height') ? $this->getRequestParameter('height') . 'px' : $default_height;
     $width = $this->hasRequestParameter('width') ? $this->getRequestParameter('width') . 'px' : $default_width;
     $select_id = $this->hasRequestParameter('select_id') ? $this->getRequestParameter('select_id') : 'places';
     $select_name = $this->hasRequestParameter('select_id') ? $this->getRequestParameter('select_name') : 'areas';
     $areas = $this->getAreas($area_type, $separate_prefs);
     sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('Tag', 'Form'));
     return $this->renderText(select_tag($select_name, options_for_select($areas, $separate_prefs ? null : c2cPersonalization::getInstance()->getPlacesFilter()), array('id' => $select_id, 'multiple' => true, 'style' => 'width:' . $width . '; height:' . $height . ';')) . input_hidden_tag($select_id . '_type', $area_type));
 public function execute($filterChain)
     $context = $this->getContext();
     $session_user = $context->getUser();
     $cookie_name = sfConfig::get('app_remember_key_cookie_name', 'c2corg_remember');
     $cookie_value = $context->getRequest()->getCookie($cookie_name);
     if ($this->isFirstCall() && !$session_user->isConnected() && !is_null($cookie_value)) {
         c2cTools::log('{rememberFilter} user has a cookie, trying to auto login');
         $remember_key = RememberKey::getKey($cookie_value);
         if ($remember_key) {
             c2cTools::log('{rememberFilter} user found from his cookie');
             $user = $remember_key->getUser();
             if ($user->exists()) {
                 $session_user->signIn($user->get('private_data')->getLoginName(), $user->get('private_data')->getPassword(), true, true);
             // User has signed in, and is now correctly in symfony session. However, forums
             // and several personnalization functions rely on cookies, that will be sent with the request,
             // but are not yet 'available' from javascript if the value expired from previous sessions (they will be on next page)
             // easiest solution is to force the browser to reload the current page
             // we only do this for GET requests
             $request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
             if ($request->getMethod() == sfRequest::GET) {
                 // symfony 1.0 getUriPrefix is not working well with https on haproxy
                 // it then tries to redirect to https://site.org:80, which is wrong
                 $proto = $request->isSecure() ? 'https' : 'http';
                 $request_uri = $proto . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         } else {
             // delete cookie value in client so that no more requests are made to the db
             sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse()->setCookie($cookie_name, '');
             // log this
             c2cTools::log('{rememberFilter} user has unknown remember key!');
             c2cActions::statsdIncrement('bad_remember_cookie', 'symfony.' . sfConfig::get('sf_environment') . '.users.');
function start_section_tag($label, $container_id, $state = 'opened', $map = false, $first = false, $hide = false, $show_tip = true)
    $class = 'article_titre_bg';
    if ($first) {
        $class .= ' hfirst';
    $picto_class = $state == 'opened' ? 'picto_close' : 'picto_open';
    $status = __($state == 'opened' ? 'section close' : 'section open');
    $label = picto_tag($picto_class, '', array('id' => $container_id . '_toggle')) . __($label);
    if ($show_tip && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) {
        $label .= '<span id="tip_' . $container_id . '" class="tips">[' . $status . ']</span>';
        $up = '<a href="#header">' . picto_tag('action_up', __('menu'), array('class' => 'go_up')) . '</a>';
    } else {
        $up = '';
    $style = $hide ? '" style="display:none' : '';
    $html = '<div class="' . $class . '" id="' . $container_id . '_tbg' . $style . '">' . '<div class="title" id="' . $container_id . '_section_title" title="' . $status . '">' . '<a href="#" id="' . $container_id . '" data-toggle-view="' . $container_id . '">' . $label . '</a>' . $up . '</div>' . '</div>';
    if (!$map) {
        $display = $state == 'opened' && !$hide ? '' : ' style="display:none;"';
        $html .= '<section id="' . $container_id . '_section_container" class="section"' . $display . '>';
    return $html;
Example #16

use_helper('Language', 'Sections', 'Viewer', 'AutoComplete', 'General', 'MyForm');
$is_connected = $sf_user->isConnected();
$is_moderator = $sf_user->hasCredential(sfConfig::get('app_credentials_moderator'));
$id = $sf_params->get('id');
$lang = $document->getCulture();
$is_not_archive = !$document->isArchive();
$is_not_merged = !$document->get('redirects_to');
$mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion();
$show_link_tool = $is_not_archive && $is_not_merged && $is_connected && !$mobile_version;
display_page_header('articles', $document, $id, $metadata, $current_version, array('item_type' => 'http://schema.org/Article', 'nb_comments' => $nb_comments));
// lang-dependent content
echo start_section_tag('Article', 'description');
include_partial('documents/i18n_section', array('document' => $document, 'languages' => $sf_data->getRaw('languages'), 'needs_translation' => $needs_translation, 'images' => $associated_images, 'filter_image_type' => $document->get('article_type') == 1));
echo end_section_tag();
// lang-independent content starts here
echo start_section_tag('Information', 'data');
include_partial('data', array('document' => $document, 'nb_comments' => $nb_comments));
if ($is_not_archive) {
    echo '<div class="all_associations">';
    include_partial('areas/association', array('associated_docs' => $associated_areas, 'module' => 'areas'));
    echo '</div>';
echo end_section_tag();
if ($is_not_archive && $is_not_merged) {
    $is_personal_article = $document->get('article_type') == 2;
    // if the user is not a moderator, and personal article, use javascript to distinguish
    // between document author(s) and others
    $author_specific = !$is_moderator && $is_connected && $is_personal_article;
    if ($author_specific) {
 public function execute(&$value, &$error)
     // whether the image was sent via plupload or not
     $plupload = (bool) (!$this->getContext()->getRequest()->getParameter('noplupload', false));
     // file upload check
     if ($value['error']) {
         // if plupload was used, most probably the resized image
         // was too big, so provide custom error message
         if ($plupload) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('upload_resize_error');
         } else {
             $error = $this->getParameter('upload_error');
         return false;
     $validation = sfConfig::get('app_images_validation');
     if ($value['size'] > $validation['weight']) {
         // same as above (in this case, max_file_size from php.ini is bigger than $validation['weight'])
         if ($plupload) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('weight_resize_error');
         } else {
             $error = $this->getParameter('weight_error');
         return false;
     // type check
     // with symfony 1.0, the type is the one given by the browser
     // we prefer to use or own mime type checker (this is what is done in further
     // versions of symfony, using system file check)
     $mime_type = c2cTools::getMimeType($value['tmp_name']);
     if (!in_array($mime_type, $validation['mime_types'])) {
         $error = $this->getParameter('type_error');
         return false;
     if ($mime_type != 'image/svg+xml') {
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($value['tmp_name']);
     } else {
         // are there any script?
         if (SVG::hasScript($value['tmp_name'])) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('svg_script_error');
             return false;
         // dimensions
         $dimensions = SVG::getSize($value['tmp_name']);
         if ($dimensions === false) {
             $error = $this->getParameter('svg_error');
             return false;
         } else {
             list($width, $height) = $dimensions;
     // height/width check (max width not checked for SVG, it is automatically resized)
     if ($mime_type != 'image/svg+xml' && ($width > $validation['max_size']['width'] || $height > $validation['max_size']['height'])) {
         $error = $this->getParameter('max_dim_error');
         return false;
     if ($width < $validation['min_size']['width'] || $height < $validation['min_size']['height']) {
         $error = $this->getParameter('min_dim_error');
         return false;
     return true;
Example #18

$module = $sf_context->getModuleName();
if (!$document->isArchive()) {
    <div class="switch_lang">
        <div class="article_infos_titre">
    echo (c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? __('Switch lang short:') : __('Switch lang:')) . '</div>';
    echo language_select_list($module, $document->get('id'), $document->getCulture(), $sf_data->getRaw('languages'));
    // instead of $languages: XSS protection deactivation

if ($document->isAvailable()) {
    <div class="article_contenu">
    $i18n_args = array('document' => $document, 'needs_translation' => isset($needs_translation) ? $needs_translation : false, 'images' => isset($images) ? $images : null);
    if (isset($filter_image_type)) {
        $i18n_args['filter_image_type'] = $filter_image_type;
    if (isset($associated_books)) {
        $i18n_args['associated_books'] = $associated_books;
        $i18n_args['main_id'] = $document->get('id');
Example #19
function button_next($module, $current_id)
    $modname = strtolower(c2cTools::module2model($module));
    return link_to(__("next {$modname}"), "@goto_next?module={$module}&id={$current_id}", array('title' => __("Go to next {$modname}"), 'class' => 'action_next nav_edit'));

use_helper('Pagination', 'GeoJson');
$id = $sf_params->get('id');
$lang = $sf_params->get('lang');
$module = $sf_context->getModuleName();
$format = $sf_data->getRaw('format');
$use_keys = in_array('keys', $format);
$text_html = in_array('html', $format);
$add_gpx_track = in_array('track', $format);
$add_all_fields = in_array('full', $format);
$add_conditions = $add_all_fields || in_array('cond', $format);
$add_text = !in_array('notext', $format);
if (!isset($items) && $nb_results > 0) {
    $items = $pager->getResults('array', ESC_RAW);
    $items = Language::parseListItems($items, c2cTools::module2model($module));
} elseif ($nb_results == 0) {
    $items = array();
    $totalItems = $startIndex = $count = $hasPreviousPage = $hasNextPage = 0;
if (isset($pager)) {
    $totalItems = $pager->getNbResults();
    $startIndex = $pager->getMaxPerPage() * ($pager->getPage() - 1) + 1;
    $count = min($pager->getMaxPerPage(), $pager->getNbResults() - ($pager->getPage() - 1) * $pager->getMaxPerPage());
    $hasPreviousPage = $pager->getPage() != 1;
    $hasNextPage = $pager->getPage() != $pager->getLastPage() && $nb_results;
// compute prev and next uris
if ($hasPreviousPage || $hasNextPage) {
    $uri = _addUrlParameters(_getBaseUri(), array('page'));
    $uri .= _getSeparator($uri) . 'page=';
Example #21
 // If the posting user is logged in, increment his/her post count
 if (!$pun_user['is_guest']) {
     if ($pun_user['num_posts'] == 0) {
     $low_prio = $db_type == 'mysql' ? 'LOW_PRIORITY ' : '';
     $db->query('UPDATE ' . $low_prio . $db->prefix . 'users SET num_posts=num_posts+1, last_post=' . $now . ' WHERE id=' . $pun_user['id']) or error('Unable to update user', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
 // Redirect to "symfony app" after comment has been posted
 if ($is_comment) {
     $doc_param = get_doc_param($cur_posting['subject'] ? $cur_posting['subject'] : $subject);
     // clear symfony cache for the corresponding docs view, diff, history.. - in order to have number of comments properly displayed)
     c2cTools::clearCommentCache($doc_param[0], $doc_param[1]);
     // if this is the first comment on an outing or an image, we should send notifications to concerned people
     // and subscribe them to topic
     if ($fid) {
         $users = c2cTools::getUsersToNotify($doc_param[0]);
         if (!empty($users)) {
             // subscribe users to topic
             $values = array();
             foreach ($users as $user) {
                 $values[] = '(\'' . $user . "', '{$new_tid}')";
             $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $db->prefix . 'subscriptions (user_id, topic_id) VALUES ' . implode(', ', $values)) or error('Unable to add subscription', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
             // TODO maybe just continue silently if subscription fails?
             // send mails to concerned users
             require PUN_ROOT . 'include/email.php';
             $result = $db->query('SELECT id, language, email FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'users WHERE id IN (' . implode(', ', $users) . ')') or error('Unable to fetch user languages', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
             // TODO idem
             if ($db->num_rows($result) != count($users)) {
                 message($lang_common['Bad request']);
Example #22
        echo '<div class="all_associations col_right col_66 no_print">';
        include_partial('routes/association', array('associated_docs' => $associated_routes, 'module' => 'routes', 'document' => $document, 'show_link_to_delete' => $show_link_to_delete, 'type' => 'rr', 'strict' => false, 'display_info' => true, 'title' => 'variants'));
        if ($show_link_tool && !$mobile_version) {
            $modules_list = array('summits', 'sites', 'huts', 'parkings', 'routes', 'books', 'articles');
            $options = array('field_prefix' => 'multi_1');
            // try to determine the "center" of the route:
            // - centroid if it has track
            // - highest linked summits with coordinates
            if (check_not_empty_doc($document, 'lon')) {
                $options['suggest_near_docs'] = array('lon' => $document['lon'], 'lat' => $document['lat']);
            } else {
                $summits_with_geom = array_filter($sf_data->getRaw('associated_summits'), function ($n) {
                    return isset($n['pointwkt']);
                if (count($summits_with_geom)) {
                    $ref_summit = c2cTools::extractHighest($summits_with_geom);
                    $options['suggest_near_docs'] = array('lon' => $ref_summit['lon'], 'lat' => $ref_summit['lat']);
            if (isset($options['suggest_near_docs'])) {
                $options['suggest_exclude'] = array('summits' => get_directly_linked_ids($associated_summits), 'sites' => get_directly_linked_ids($associated_sites), 'huts' => get_directly_linked_ids($associated_huts), 'parkings' => get_directly_linked_ids($associated_parkings));
            echo c2c_form_add_multi_module('routes', $id, $modules_list, 3, $options);
        echo '</div>';
    include_partial('documents/geom_warning', array('document' => $document, 'message' => 'No GPX track, please edit this document to add some'));
echo end_section_tag();
// lang-dependent content
echo start_section_tag('Description', 'description');
Example #23
  * Overriddes the one in parent class 
  * this is because we sometimes have to do things when centroid coordinates have moved.
 protected function refreshGeoAssociations($id)
     c2cTools::log("Entering refreshGeoAssociations for outings linked with route {$id}");
     $associated_outings = Association::findAllAssociatedDocs($id, array('id', 'geom_wkt'), 'ro');
     if (count($associated_outings)) {
         $geoassociations = GeoAssociation::findAllAssociations($id, null, 'main');
         // we create new associations :
         //  (and delete old associations before creating the new ones)
         //  (and do not create outings-maps associations)
         foreach ($associated_outings as $outing) {
             $i = $outing['id'];
             if (!$outing['geom_wkt']) {
                 // replicate geoassoces from doc $id to outing $i and delete previous ones
                 // (because there might be geoassociations created by this same process)
                 // and we do not replicate map associations to outings
                 $nb_created = GeoAssociation::replicateGeoAssociations($geoassociations, $i, true, false);
                 c2cTools::log("created {$nb_created} geo associations for outing N° {$i}");
                 $this->clearCache('outings', $i, false, 'view');
/* In this section we put code for immediately hiding some sections according
 * to preferences stored in fold cookie
 * The sections are hidden (or not) right after they are created in the DOM in
 * order to prevent visual glitches. Thus, the javascript has to be ready from
 * the beginning. As the file is kept very small (less than 1kb) it is ok to inline
 * it, avoiding an extra request.
 * Following js code is the minified version of the web/static/fold_init*.js files
 * We have different vesions depending on the different use cases. Basically, the
 * following sections can be concerned:
 * - left navigation on standard version (every page)
 * - sections on home and portals
 * - map section (n that cases, some additional code is added by the map partials)
$mobile = c2cTools::mobileVersion();
$module = $sf_context->getModuleName();
$action = $sf_context->getActionName();
if ($mobile) {
    if ($action == 'home' || $module == 'portals' && $action == 'view') {
        // fold_init_home_mobile.js ~ 510b
(function(e,t){e.shouldHide=function(e,n){var o=/(?:^|;)\s?fold=([tfx]{20})(?:;|$)/.exec(t.cookie)
var s=e.section_open
for(var l=t.querySelectorAll("#"+n+" .nav_box_top"),i=0;i<l.length;i++)l[i].className+=" small"}}})(window.C2C=window.C2C||{},document)
    } else {
        // fold init_default_mobile.js ~280b
Example #25
 /** This function is used to validate an uploaded image.
  * It is quite similar to myImageValidator, except
  * that we cannot validate images one by one (when several ones
  * are uploaded at the same time). Thus, we have some custom
  * validation mechanism here
 public static function validate_image(&$value, &$error, $i)
     // file upload check
     if ($value['error'][$i]) {
         $error = 'file failed to upload';
         return false;
     $validation = sfConfig::get('app_images_validation');
     if ($value['size'][$i] > $validation['weight']) {
         $error = 'file is too big';
         return false;
     // type check
     // FIXME with symfony 1.0, the type is the one given by the browser
     // we prefer to use or own mime type checker (this is what is done in further
     // versions of symfony, using system file check)
     $mime_type = c2cTools::getMimeType($value['tmp_name'][$i]);
     if (!in_array($mime_type, $validation['mime_types'])) {
         $error = 'file has incorrect type';
         return false;
     if ($mime_type != 'image/svg+xml') {
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($value['tmp_name'][$i]);
     } else {
         // are there any script?
         if (SVG::hasScript($value['tmp_name'][$i])) {
             $error = 'file cannot contain scripts';
             return false;
         // dimensions
         $dimensions = SVG::getSize($value['tmp_name'][$i]);
         if ($dimensions === false) {
             $error = 'file is malformed SVG';
             return false;
         } else {
             list($width, $height) = $dimensions;
     // height/width check
     if ($width > $validation['max_size']['width'] || $height > $validation['max_size']['height']) {
         $error = 'file is too large';
         return false;
     if ($width < $validation['min_size']['width'] || $height < $validation['min_size']['height']) {
         $error = 'min_dim_error';
         return false;
     return true;
Example #26
 public function executeCdaredirect()
     if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST) {
         $module = $this->getRequestParameter('module');
         $join = '';
         $criteria = array();
         // tc criteria
         if ($module == 'routes') {
             $criteria[] = 'tp=1-2-4-5';
         } elseif ($module == 'outings') {
             $criteria[] = 'owtp=1';
         // area criteria
         $this->addListParam($criteria, 'areas');
         // activities criteria
         $this->addListParam($criteria, 'stags');
         // for paragliding activity
         $activities = $this->getRequestParameter('act');
         $group_activities = $activities;
         if ($key = array_search(8, $group_activities)) {
         $nb_grp = count($group_activities);
         $group_name = '';
         if ($nb_grp == 1) {
             $group_list = sfConfig::get('app_cda_activities_id');
             $group_name = $group_list[reset($group_activities)];
         if ($group_name == 'crag') {
             $key = array_search(400, $activities);
             if ($module == 'outings') {
                 $activities[$key] = 4;
             } else {
         if (count($activities)) {
             $criteria[] = 'act=' . implode('-', $activities);
         // module criteria
         if ($nb_grp == 1 && in_array($group_name, array('crag', 'climbing'))) {
             if ($module == 'routes' && $group_name == 'crag') {
                 $module = 'sites';
             if ($module == 'outings') {
                 if ($group_name == 'crag') {
                     $join = 'sites';
                 } else {
                     $join = 'routes';
         // around criteria
         if ($module == 'routes') {
             $around = 'parnd';
         } elseif ($module == 'sites') {
             $around = 'tarnd';
         } elseif ($module == 'outings') {
             if ($nb_grp == 1 && $group_name == 'crag') {
                 $around = 'tarnd';
             } else {
                 $around = 'sarnd';
         $has_around = $this->addAroundParam($criteria, 'arnd', $around);
         if ($has_around) {
             $join = '';
         // elevation critera
         if (!($nb_grp == 1 && $group_name == 'crag')) {
             $elevation = $this->getRequestParameter('elevation');
             if ($elevation >= 1 && $elevation <= 3) {
                 $elevation_range = sfConfig::get('app_cda_elevation_range');
                 $param = $elevation_range[$module . '_param'];
                 $value = $elevation_range[$elevation];
                 $criteria[] = "{$param}={$value}";
         // difficulty criteria
         if (!($nb_grp == 1 && $group_name == 'crag' && $module == 'outings')) {
             $difficulty = $this->getRequestParameter('difficulty');
             if ($nb_grp == 1 && $difficulty >= 1 && $difficulty <= 3) {
                 $group_info = sfConfig::get('app_cda_difficulty_range_' . $group_name);
                 $param = $group_info['param'];
                 $value = $group_info[$difficulty];
                 $criteria[] = "{$param}={$value}";
                 $join = '';
         // join criteria
         if (!empty($join)) {
             $criteria[] = "{$join}= ";
         $route = '@default?module=' . $module . '&action=list&' . implode('&', $criteria);
         c2cTools::log("redirecting to {$route}");
     } else {
         $this->setErrorAndRedirect('Invalid request parameters', '@cdasearch');
Example #27
 public static function buildListCriteria($params_list)
     $criteria = $conditions = $values = $joins = $joins_order = array();
     $criteria[0] = array();
     // conditions
     $criteria[1] = array();
     // values
     $criteria[2] = array();
     // joins
     $criteria[3] = array();
     // joins for order
     // criteria for disabling personal filter
     self::buildPersoCriteria($conditions, $values, $joins, $params_list, 'sites');
     // orderby criteria
     $orderby_list = c2cTools::getRequestParameterArray(array('orderby', 'orderby2', 'orderby3'));
     self::buildOrderCondition($joins_order, $orderby_list, array('tnam'), array('site_i18n', 'join_site'));
     // area criteria
     self::buildAreaCriteria($criteria, $params_list, 's');
     // return if no criteria
     if (isset($joins['all']) || empty($params_list)) {
         $criteria[0] = array_merge($criteria[0], $conditions);
         $criteria[1] = array_merge($criteria[1], $values);
         $criteria[2] += $joins;
         $criteria[3] += $joins_order;
         return $criteria;
     // site criteria
     $has_name = Site::buildSiteListCriteria($criteria, $params_list, true);
     if ($has_name === 'no_result') {
         return $has_name;
     // summit criteria
     $has_name = Summit::buildSummitListCriteria($criteria, $params_list, false, 'main_id');
     if ($has_name === 'no_result') {
         return $has_name;
     // hut criteria
     $has_name = Hut::buildHutListCriteria($criteria, $params_list, false, 'main_id');
     if ($has_name === 'no_result') {
         return $has_name;
     // parking criteria
     $has_name = Parking::buildParkingListCriteria($criteria, $params_list, false, 'main_id');
     if ($has_name === 'no_result') {
         return $has_name;
     // outing criteria
     $has_name = Outing::buildOutingListCriteria($criteria, $params_list, false, 'linked_id');
     if ($has_name === 'no_result') {
         return $has_name;
     // user criteria
     $has_name = User::buildUserListCriteria($criteria, $params_list, false, 'main_id');
     if ($has_name === 'no_result') {
         return $has_name;
     // image criteria
     $has_name = Image::buildImageListCriteria($criteria, $params_list, false);
     if ($has_name === 'no_result') {
         return $has_name;
     $criteria[0] = array_merge($criteria[0], $conditions);
     $criteria[1] = array_merge($criteria[1], $values);
     $criteria[2] += $joins;
     $criteria[3] += $joins_order;
     return $criteria;
Example #28
 $is_first = false;
 if ($module != 'users') {
     // name hierarchical display
     $name = $doc['name'];
     if ($level > 1 || $reduce_name) {
         if ($level > 1) {
             $cut_level = 3;
         } else {
             $cut_level = 2;
         $name_list = explode(' - ', $name, $cut_level);
         $name = array_pop($name_list);
     $name = c2cTools::multibyte_ucfirst($name);
     if (!$is_doc) {
         $url = "@document_by_id_lang_slug?module={$module}&id={$doc_id}" . '&lang=' . $doc['culture'] . '&slug=' . make_slug($doc['name']);
 } else {
     $name = $doc['name'];
     if (!$is_doc) {
         $url = "@document_by_id_lang?module={$module}&id={$doc_id}" . '&lang=' . $doc['culture'];
 echo $is_doc ? '<span class="current">' . $name . '</span>' : link_to($name, $url);
 // elevation info
 if (isset($doc['lowest_elevation']) && is_scalar($doc['lowest_elevation']) && $doc['lowest_elevation'] != $doc['elevation']) {
     echo '&nbsp; ' . $doc['lowest_elevation'] . __('meters') . __('range separator') . $doc['elevation'] . __('meters');
 } else {
     if (isset($doc['elevation']) && is_scalar($doc['elevation'])) {
Example #29
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $items = array();
if (count($items) == 0) {
    echo __('No recent changes available');
} else {
    <ul class="docs_changes">
    $list_item = 0;
    $max_items = c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? sfConfig::get('app_recent_documents_latest_docs_mobile_limit') : 100;
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        if ($list_item > $max_items) {
        // Add class to know if li is odd or even
        if ($list_item % 2 == 1) {
                <li class="odd">
        } else {
                <li class="even">
Example #30
function format_book_data($books, $type, $main_id, $is_moderator = false)
    $type_list = $type . '_list';
    $module = 'books';
    $main_module = c2cTools::Letter2Module(substr($type, 1, 1));
    $strict = 1;
    $html = '<div class="association_content_inside_field">';
    foreach ($books as $book) {
        $doc_id = $book['id'];
        $idstring = $type . '_' . $doc_id;
        $class = 'linked_elt';
        $html .= '<div class="' . $class . '" id="' . $idstring . '">' . '<div class="assoc_img picto_' . $module . '" title="' . ucfirst(__($module)) . '"></div>';
        $name = ucfirst($book['name']);
        $url = "@document_by_id_lang_slug?module={$module}&id={$doc_id}" . '&lang=' . $book['culture'] . '&slug=' . make_slug($book['name']);
        $html .= link_to($name, $url);
        if (isset($book['author']) && trim($book['author']) != '') {
            $html .= ' - ' . $book['author'];
        if (isset($book['publication_date']) && trim($book['publication_date']) != '') {
            $html .= ' - ' . $book['publication_date'];
        if ($is_moderator && $main_id && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) {
            $html .= c2c_link_to_delete_element($type, $doc_id, $main_id, false, $strict);
        $html .= '</div>';
    $html .= '</div>';
    return $html;