  * constructor 
  * @uses WiziappLayoutComponent::init()
  * @param string $layout the layout name
  * @param array $data the data the components relays on
  * @return WiziappImagesAlbumCellItem
 function WiziappImagesAlbumCellItem($layout = 'L1', $data)
     if (count($data[0]['images']) < 2) {
         return FALSE;
     parent::init($layout, $data);
  * before the wiziappLayoutComponent::process() will kick in, we need to 
  * do a bit of processing ourselfs to get the image information.
  * This component knows how to handle wordpress attachments and predefined
  * images objects that follows wiziappImage structure
  * @see wiziappImage 
  * @uses wiziappLayoutComponent::process();
 function process()
     if (isset($this->data[1]) && $this->data[1]) {
         // We got the image from a plugin, it follows our api....
         $this->image = (object) $this->data[0];
     } else {
         // We got the image from wordpress gallery, fit it to our API
         $attachment_id = $this->data[0]->ID;
         $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, 'wiziapp-iphone');
         $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, 'wiziapp-thumbnail');
         $imageDetails = get_post($attachment_id);
         $caption = $imageDetails->post_excerpt;
         if (empty($caption)) {
             $caption = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $imageDetails->post_title);
         $this->image = new wiziappImage($thumb[0], $image[0], $imageDetails->post_content, $attachment_id, $imageDetails->post_parent, $caption);
  * constructor 
  * @uses WiziappLayoutComponent::init()
  * @param string $layout the layout name
  * @param array $data the data the components relays on
  * @return WiziappLinkCellItem
 function WiziappLinkCellItem($layout = 'L1', $data)
     parent::init($layout, $data);
  * before the wiziappLayoutComponent::process() will kick in, we need to 
  * do a bit of processing ourselfs to get the post information from wordpress.
  * @uses wiziappLayoutComponent::process();
 function process()
     $this->post = get_post($this->data[0]);
  * constructor 
  * @uses WiziappLayoutComponent::init()
  * @param string $layout the layout name
  * @param array $data the data the components relays on
  * @return WiziappAudioCellItem
 function WiziappVideoGalleryCellItem($layout = 'L1', $data)
     parent::init($layout, $data);
  * constructor 
  * @uses WiziappLayoutComponent::init()
  * @param string $layout the layout name
  * @param array $data the data the components relays on
  * @return WiziappVideosAlbumCellItem
 function WiziappVideosAlbumCellItem($layout = 'L2', $data)
     parent::init($layout, $data);
  * constructor 
  * @uses WiziappLayoutComponent::init()
  * @param string $layout the layout name
  * @param array $data the data the components relays on
  * @return WiziappCategoryCellItem
 function WiziappScrollingCategoryCellItem($layout = 'L1', $data)
     parent::init($layout, $data);
  * constructor 
  * @uses WiziappLayoutComponent::init()
  * @param string $layout the layout name
  * @param array $data the data the components relays on
  * @return WiziappArchiveSummeryCellItem
 function WiziappArchiveSummeryCellItem($layout = 'L1', $data)
     parent::init($layout, $data);