Example #1
File: upgrade.php Project: n8b/VMN
 * Returns a list of upgrade files relative to the $upgrade_path dir.
 * @param string $upgrade_path The directory that has upgrade scripts
 * @return array|false
 * @access private
 * @todo the wire and groups plugins and the installer are using this
function elgg_get_upgrade_files($upgrade_path = null)
    if (!$upgrade_path) {
        $upgrade_path = elgg_get_root_path() . 'engine/lib/upgrades/';
    $upgrade_path = sanitise_filepath($upgrade_path);
    $handle = opendir($upgrade_path);
    if (!$handle) {
        return false;
    $upgrade_files = array();
    while ($upgrade_file = readdir($handle)) {
        // make sure this is a well formed upgrade.
        if (is_dir($upgrade_path . '$upgrade_file')) {
        $upgrade_version = elgg_get_upgrade_file_version($upgrade_file);
        if (!$upgrade_version) {
        $upgrade_files[] = $upgrade_file;
    return $upgrade_files;
Example #2
 * Read a folder structure for a zip file
 * @param ElggObject $folder  the folder to read
 * @param string     $prepend current prefix
 * @return array
function file_tools_get_zip_structure($folder, $prepend)
    $entries = [];
    if (!empty($prepend)) {
        $prepend = ltrim(sanitise_filepath($prepend), '/');
    if (empty($folder)) {
        $parent_guid = 0;
    } else {
        $parent_guid = $folder->getGUID();
    // get subfolder of this folder
    $entities = new ElggBatch('elgg_get_entities_from_metadata', ['type' => 'object', 'subtype' => FILE_TOOLS_SUBTYPE, 'limit' => false, 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => ['parent_guid' => $parent_guid]]);
    /* @var $subfolder ElggObject */
    foreach ($entities as $subfolder) {
        $path = $prepend . $subfolder->title;
        $entries[] = ['directory' => $path, 'files' => file_tools_has_files($subfolder->getGUID())];
        $entries = array_merge($entries, file_tools_get_zip_structure($subfolder, $path));
    return $entries;
Example #3
  * Loads the plugin by GUID or path.
  * @warning Unlike other ElggEntity objects, you cannot null instantiate
  *          ElggPlugin. You must point it to an actual plugin GUID or location.
  * @param mixed $plugin The GUID of the ElggPlugin object or the path of the plugin to load.
  * @throws PluginException
 public function __construct($plugin)
     if (!$plugin) {
         throw new PluginException(elgg_echo("PluginException:NullInstantiated"));
     // ElggEntity can be instantiated with a guid or an object.
     // @todo plugins w/id 12345
     if (is_numeric($plugin) || is_object($plugin)) {
         $this->path = elgg_get_plugins_path() . $this->getID();
     } else {
         $plugin_path = elgg_get_plugins_path();
         // not a full path, so assume an id
         // use the default path
         if (strpos($plugin, $plugin_path) !== 0) {
             $plugin = $plugin_path . $plugin;
         // path checking is done in the package
         $plugin = sanitise_filepath($plugin);
         $this->path = $plugin;
         $path_parts = explode("/", rtrim($plugin, "/"));
         $plugin_id = array_pop($path_parts);
         $this->pluginID = $plugin_id;
         // check if we're loading an existing plugin
         $existing_plugin = elgg_get_plugin_from_id($this->pluginID);
         $existing_guid = null;
         if ($existing_plugin) {
             $existing_guid = $existing_plugin->guid;
         // load the rest of the plugin
     if ($this->site_guid == elgg_get_site_entity()->getGUID()) {
Example #4
 * When given a full path, finds translation files for a language and loads them
 * This function was added in 1.9.4 to make it possible to load translations
 * for individual languages on-demand. This is needed in order to send
 * notifications in the recipient's language (see #3151 and #7241).
 * @todo Replace this function in 1.10 by adding $language as the third parameter
 *       to register_translations().
 * @access private
 * @since 1.9.4
 * @param string $path     Full path of the directory (with trailing slash)
 * @param string $language Language code
 * @return bool success
function _elgg_register_translations_for_language($path, $language)
    global $CONFIG;
    $path = sanitise_filepath($path);
    // Make a note of this path just in case we need to register this language later
    if (!isset($CONFIG->language_paths)) {
        $CONFIG->language_paths = array();
    $CONFIG->language_paths[$path] = true;
    $language_file = "{$path}{$language}.php";
    if (!file_exists($language_file)) {
        elgg_log("Could not find language file: {$language_file}", 'NOTICE');
        return false;
    $result = (include_once $language_file);
    elgg_log("Translations loaded from: {$language_file}", "INFO");
    // The old (< 1.9) translation files call add_translation() independently.
    // The new ones however just return the translations array. In this case
    // we need to add the translation here.
    if (is_array($result)) {
        return add_translation($language, $result);
    return true;
Example #5
  * When given a full path, finds translation files and loads them
  * @param string $path     Full path
  * @param bool   $load_all If true all languages are loaded, if
  *                         false only the current language + en are loaded
  * @return bool success
 function registerTranslations($path, $load_all = false)
     $path = sanitise_filepath($path);
     // Make a note of this path just incase we need to register this language later
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['_ELGG']->language_paths)) {
         $GLOBALS['_ELGG']->language_paths = array();
     $GLOBALS['_ELGG']->language_paths[$path] = true;
     // Get the current language based on site defaults and user preference
     $current_language = $this->getCurrentLanguage();
     _elgg_services()->logger->info("Translations loaded from: {$path}");
     // only load these files unless $load_all is true.
     $load_language_files = array('en.php', "{$current_language}.php");
     $load_language_files = array_unique($load_language_files);
     $handle = opendir($path);
     if (!$handle) {
         _elgg_services()->logger->error("Could not open language path: {$path}");
         return false;
     $return = true;
     while (false !== ($language = readdir($handle))) {
         // ignore bad files
         if (substr($language, 0, 1) == '.' || substr($language, -4) !== '.php') {
         if (in_array($language, $load_language_files) || $load_all) {
             $result = (include_once $path . $language);
             if ($result === false) {
                 $return = false;
             } elseif (is_array($result)) {
                 $this->addTranslation(basename($language, '.php'), $result);
     return $return;
Example #6
 * Serves up screenshots for plugins from
 * admin_plugin_screenshot/<plugin_id>/<size>/<ss_name>.<ext>
 * @param array $pages The pages array
 * @return bool
 * @access private
function _elgg_admin_plugin_screenshot_page_handler($pages)
    set_input('plugin_id', elgg_extract(0, $pages));
    set_input('size', elgg_extract(1, $pages, 'thumbnail'));
    // the rest of the string is the filename
    $filename_parts = array_slice($pages, 2);
    $filename = implode('/', $filename_parts);
    $filename = sanitise_filepath($filename, false);
    set_input('filename', $filename);
    echo elgg_view_resource('admin/plugin_screenshot.img');
    return true;
Example #7
 * A default page handler
 * Tries to locate a suitable file to include. Only works for core pages, not plugins.
 * @param array  $page    The page URL elements
 * @param string $handler The base handler
 * @return true|false Depending on success
 * @deprecated 1.8
function default_page_handler($page, $handler)
    global $CONFIG;
    elgg_deprecated_notice("default_page_handler is deprecated", "1.8");
    $page = implode('/', $page);
    // protect against including arbitary files
    $page = str_replace("..", "", $page);
    $callpath = $CONFIG->path . $handler . "/" . $page;
    if (is_dir($callpath)) {
        $callpath = sanitise_filepath($callpath);
        $callpath .= "index.php";
        if (file_exists($callpath)) {
            if (include $callpath) {
                return TRUE;
    } else {
        if (file_exists($callpath)) {
            include $callpath;
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Example #8
  * Returns the plugin's full path with trailing slash.
  * @return string
 public function getPath()
     return sanitise_filepath($this->path);
Example #9
 * Loads configuration related to Elgg as an application
 * This runs on the engine boot and loads from the datalists database table.
 * @see _elgg_engine_boot()
 * @access private
function _elgg_load_application_config()
    global $CONFIG;
    $install_root = str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
    $defaults = array('path' => "{$install_root}/", 'plugins_path' => "{$install_root}/mod/", 'language' => 'en', 'pluginspath' => "{$install_root}/mod/");
    foreach ($defaults as $name => $value) {
        if (empty($CONFIG->{$name})) {
            $CONFIG->{$name} = $value;
    $GLOBALS['_ELGG']->view_path = "{$install_root}/views/";
    // set cookie values for session and remember me
    if (!is_memcache_available()) {
    // allow sites to set dataroot and simplecache_enabled in settings.php
    if (isset($CONFIG->dataroot)) {
        $CONFIG->dataroot = sanitise_filepath($CONFIG->dataroot);
        $GLOBALS['_ELGG']->dataroot_in_settings = true;
    } else {
        $dataroot = datalist_get('dataroot');
        if (!empty($dataroot)) {
            $CONFIG->dataroot = $dataroot;
        $GLOBALS['_ELGG']->dataroot_in_settings = false;
    if (isset($CONFIG->simplecache_enabled)) {
        $GLOBALS['_ELGG']->simplecache_enabled_in_settings = true;
    } else {
        $simplecache_enabled = datalist_get('simplecache_enabled');
        if ($simplecache_enabled !== false) {
            $CONFIG->simplecache_enabled = $simplecache_enabled;
        } else {
            $CONFIG->simplecache_enabled = 1;
        $GLOBALS['_ELGG']->simplecache_enabled_in_settings = false;
    $system_cache_enabled = datalist_get('system_cache_enabled');
    if ($system_cache_enabled !== false) {
        $CONFIG->system_cache_enabled = $system_cache_enabled;
    } else {
        $CONFIG->system_cache_enabled = 1;
    // needs to be set before system, init for links in html head
    $CONFIG->lastcache = (int) datalist_get("simplecache_lastupdate");
    $GLOBALS['_ELGG']->i18n_loaded_from_cache = false;
    // this must be synced with the enum for the entities table
    $CONFIG->entity_types = array('group', 'object', 'site', 'user');
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author Curverider Ltd
 * @link http://elgg.org/
// Set failsafe again incase we get an exception thrown
if (is_installed()) {
if (get_input('settings') == 'go') {
    if (!datalist_get('default_site')) {
        // Sanitise
        $path = sanitise_filepath(get_input('path'));
        $dataroot = sanitise_filepath(get_input('dataroot'));
        $url = sanitise_filepath(get_input('wwwroot'));
        // Blank?
        if ($dataroot == "/") {
            throw new InstallationException(elgg_echo('InstallationException:DatarootBlank'));
        // That it's valid
        if (stripos($dataroot, $path) !== false) {
            throw new InstallationException(sprintf(elgg_echo('InstallationException:DatarootUnderPath'), $dataroot));
        // Check data root is writable
        if (!is_writable($dataroot)) {
            throw new InstallationException(sprintf(elgg_echo('InstallationException:DatarootNotWritable'), $dataroot));
        $site = new ElggSite();
        $site->name = get_input('sitename');
        $site->url = $url;
Example #11
  * Returns a list of upgrade files relative to the $upgrade_path dir.
  * @param string $upgrade_path The up
  * @return array|false
 protected function getUpgradeFiles($upgrade_path = null)
     if (!$upgrade_path) {
         $upgrade_path = _elgg_services()->config->get('path') . 'engine/lib/upgrades/';
     $upgrade_path = sanitise_filepath($upgrade_path);
     $handle = opendir($upgrade_path);
     if (!$handle) {
         return false;
     $upgrade_files = array();
     while ($upgrade_file = readdir($handle)) {
         // make sure this is a wellformed upgrade.
         if (is_dir($upgrade_path . '$upgrade_file')) {
         $upgrade_version = $this->getUpgradeFileVersion($upgrade_file);
         if (!$upgrade_version) {
         $upgrade_files[] = $upgrade_file;
     return $upgrade_files;
Example #12

$current_dir = elgg_extract('current_dir', $vars);
$current_dir = sanitise_filepath($current_dir);
$root_dir = elgg_get_data_path() . $current_dir;
if (!is_dir($root_dir)) {
    echo elgg_format_element('div', [], elgg_echo('dataroot_browser:list:invalid_dir'));
$dir_data = scandir($root_dir);
// breadcrumb
echo elgg_view('dataroot_browser/breadcrumb', ['current_dir' => $current_dir]);
// go through all folders/file in this dir
$dir_items = [];
$file_items = [];
$dir_classes = ['dataroot_browser_name', 'dataroot_browser_folder'];
$file_classes = ['dataroot_browser_name', 'dataroot_browser_file'];
$posix_getpwuid = is_callable('posix_getpwuid');
$base_url = 'admin/administer_utilities/dataroot_browser';
$download_url = 'action/dataroot_browser/download';
$delete_url = 'action/dataroot_browser/delete_file';
$dh = new DirectoryIterator($root_dir);
foreach ($dh as $file) {
    $cells = [];
    if ($file->isDot()) {
    $last_modified = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $file->getMTime());
    if ($posix_getpwuid) {
        $owner = posix_getpwuid($file->getOwner());
        $owner = elgg_extract('name', $owner, $file->getOwner());
 * Loads configuration related to Elgg as an application
 * This runs on the engine boot and loads from the datalists database table.
 * @see _elgg_engine_boot()
 * @access private
function _elgg_load_application_config()
    $install_root = str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
    $defaults = array('path' => "{$install_root}/", 'view_path' => "{$install_root}/views/", 'plugins_path' => "{$install_root}/mod/", 'language' => 'en', 'viewpath' => "{$install_root}/views/", 'pluginspath' => "{$install_root}/mod/");
    foreach ($defaults as $name => $value) {
        if (empty($CONFIG->{$name})) {
            $CONFIG->{$name} = $value;
    // set cookie values for session and remember me
    if (!isset($CONFIG->cookies)) {
        $CONFIG->cookies = array();
    if (!isset($CONFIG->cookies['session'])) {
        $CONFIG->cookies['session'] = array();
    $session_defaults = session_get_cookie_params();
    $session_defaults['name'] = 'Elgg';
    $CONFIG->cookies['session'] = array_merge($session_defaults, $CONFIG->cookies['session']);
    if (!isset($CONFIG->cookies['remember_me'])) {
        $CONFIG->cookies['remember_me'] = array();
    $session_defaults['name'] = 'elggperm';
    $session_defaults['expire'] = strtotime("+30 days");
    $CONFIG->cookies['remember_me'] = array_merge($session_defaults, $CONFIG->cookies['remember_me']);
    // load entire datalist
    // This can cause OOM problems when the datalists table is large
    // @todo make a list of datalists that we want to get in one grab
    if (!is_memcache_available()) {
        $result = get_data("SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}datalists");
        if ($result) {
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                $DATALIST_CACHE[$row->name] = $row->value;
    $path = datalist_get('path');
    if (!empty($path)) {
        $CONFIG->path = $path;
    // allow sites to set dataroot and simplecache_enabled in settings.php
    if (isset($CONFIG->dataroot)) {
        $CONFIG->dataroot = sanitise_filepath($CONFIG->dataroot);
        $CONFIG->dataroot_in_settings = true;
    } else {
        $dataroot = datalist_get('dataroot');
        if (!empty($dataroot)) {
            $CONFIG->dataroot = $dataroot;
        $CONFIG->dataroot_in_settings = false;
    if (isset($CONFIG->simplecache_enabled)) {
        $CONFIG->simplecache_enabled_in_settings = true;
    } else {
        $simplecache_enabled = datalist_get('simplecache_enabled');
        if ($simplecache_enabled !== false) {
            $CONFIG->simplecache_enabled = $simplecache_enabled;
        } else {
            $CONFIG->simplecache_enabled = 1;
        $CONFIG->simplecache_enabled_in_settings = false;
    $system_cache_enabled = datalist_get('system_cache_enabled');
    if ($system_cache_enabled !== false) {
        $CONFIG->system_cache_enabled = $system_cache_enabled;
    } else {
        $CONFIG->system_cache_enabled = 1;
    // initialize context here so it is set before the first get_input call
    $CONFIG->context = array();
    // needs to be set before system, init for links in html head
    $CONFIG->lastcache = (int) datalist_get("simplecache_lastupdate");
    $CONFIG->i18n_loaded_from_cache = false;
    // this must be synced with the enum for the entities table
    $CONFIG->entity_types = array('group', 'object', 'site', 'user');
Example #14

$language = get_input('language');
if (empty($language)) {
$base_path = elgg_get_data_path() . 'translation_editor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$filename = $base_path . $language . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'translation_editor_cleanup.json';
$filename = sanitise_filepath($filename, false);
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
$contents = file_get_contents($filename);
$removed = json_decode($contents, true);
$fh = tmpfile();
fputcsv($fh, ['Plugin ID', 'key', 'translation'], ';');
foreach ($removed as $plugin_id => $translations) {
    if (!is_array($translations)) {
    foreach ($translations as $key => $value) {
        fputcsv($fh, [$plugin_id, $key, $value], ';');
// read the csv in to a var before output
$contents = '';
while (!feof($fh)) {
  * Returns array of all plugin files
  * @param array $valid_extensions array of extensions of files that will be returned
  * @return \SplFileInfo[]
 private function getPluginFiles($valid_extensions = ['php', 'html', 'js'])
     $skip_folders = ['.git', 'vendor', 'vendors', '.svn'];
     $files = [];
     $base_path = sanitise_filepath(elgg_get_plugins_path() . $this->plugin->getID());
     $directory = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($base_path, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
     $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory);
     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
         $file_folder = sanitise_filepath($file->getPath());
         $file_folder = str_replace($base_path, '', $file_folder);
         foreach ($skip_folders as $skip) {
             if (strpos($file_folder, $skip) === 0) {
                 continue 2;
         if (!in_array($file->getExtension(), $valid_extensions)) {
         $files[] = $file;
     return $files;
Example #16
  * Initialize the site including site entity, plugins, and configuration
  * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars
  * @return bool
 protected function saveSiteSettings($submissionVars)
     // ensure that file path, data path, and www root end in /
     $submissionVars['dataroot'] = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['dataroot']);
     $submissionVars['wwwroot'] = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['wwwroot']);
     $site = new ElggSite();
     $site->name = strip_tags($submissionVars['sitename']);
     $site->url = $submissionVars['wwwroot'];
     $site->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
     $site->email = $submissionVars['siteemail'];
     $guid = $site->save();
     if (!$guid) {
         return FALSE;
     // bootstrap site info
     $this->CONFIG->site_guid = $guid;
     $this->CONFIG->site_id = $guid;
     $this->CONFIG->site = $site;
     _elgg_services()->datalist->set('installed', time());
     _elgg_services()->datalist->set('dataroot', $submissionVars['dataroot']);
     _elgg_services()->datalist->set('default_site', $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->datalist->set('version', elgg_get_version());
     _elgg_services()->datalist->set('simplecache_enabled', 1);
     _elgg_services()->datalist->set('system_cache_enabled', 1);
     _elgg_services()->datalist->set('simplecache_lastupdate', time());
     // @todo plugins might use this, but core doesn't. remove in 2.0
     _elgg_services()->datalist->set('path', $this->CONFIG->path);
     // new installations have run all the upgrades
     $upgrades = elgg_get_upgrade_files("{$this->CONFIG->path}engine/lib/upgrades/");
     _elgg_services()->datalist->set('processed_upgrades', serialize($upgrades));
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('view', 'default', $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('language', 'en', $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('default_access', $submissionVars['siteaccess'], $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('allow_registration', TRUE, $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('walled_garden', FALSE, $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('allow_user_default_access', '', $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('default_limit', 10, $site->getGUID());
     return TRUE;
Example #17

$file = get_input('file');
$file = sanitise_filepath($file, false);
// no file
if (empty($file)) {
$file_path = elgg_get_data_path() . $file;
// file doesn't exist or is directory
if (!file_exists($file_path) || is_dir($file_path)) {
$contents = file_get_contents($file_path);
// empty file
if (empty($contents)) {
$filename = basename($file_path);
$mimetype = 'application/octet-stream';
if (is_callable('finfo_open')) {
    $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
    $mimetype = finfo_file($finfo, $file_path);
header("Pragma: public");
header("Content-type: {$mimetype}");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$filename}\"");
header("Content-Length: " . strlen($contents));
echo $contents;
Example #18
 * When given a full path, finds translation files and loads them
 * @param string $path     Full path
 * @param bool   $load_all If true all languages are loaded, if
 *                         false only the current language + en are loaded
 * @return void
function register_translations($path, $load_all = false)
    global $CONFIG;
    $path = sanitise_filepath($path);
    // Make a note of this path just incase we need to register this language later
    if (!isset($CONFIG->language_paths)) {
        $CONFIG->language_paths = array();
    $CONFIG->language_paths[$path] = true;
    // Get the current language based on site defaults and user preference
    $current_language = get_current_language();
    elgg_log("Translations loaded from: {$path}");
    // only load these files unless $load_all is true.
    $load_language_files = array('en.php', "{$current_language}.php");
    $load_language_files = array_unique($load_language_files);
    $handle = opendir($path);
    if (!$handle) {
        elgg_log("Could not open language path: {$path}", 'ERROR');
        return false;
    $return = true;
    while (false !== ($language = readdir($handle))) {
        // ignore bad files
        if (substr($language, 0, 1) == '.' || substr($language, -4) !== '.php') {
        if (in_array($language, $load_language_files) || $load_all) {
            if (!(include_once $path . $language)) {
                $return = false;
    return $return;
global $CONFIG;
// block non-admin users
if (get_input('settings') == 'go') {
    if (datalist_get('default_site')) {
        $site = get_entity(datalist_get('default_site'));
        if (!$site instanceof ElggSite) {
            throw new InstallationException(elgg_echo('InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite'));
        $site->description = get_input('sitedescription');
        $site->name = get_input('sitename');
        $site->email = get_input('siteemail');
        $site->url = get_input('wwwroot');
        datalist_set('path', sanitise_filepath(get_input('path')));
        datalist_set('dataroot', sanitise_filepath(get_input('dataroot')));
        if (get_input('simplecache_enabled')) {
        } else {
        if (get_input('viewpath_cache_enabled')) {
        } else {
        set_config('language', get_input('language'), $site->getGUID());
        set_config('default_access', get_input('default_access'), $site->getGUID());
        if (get_input('allow_user_default_access')) {
            set_config('allow_user_default_access', 1, $site->getGUID());
        } else {
 * Update the user profile icon based on profile_sync data
 * @param string $event  the name of the event
 * @param string $type   the type of the event
 * @param mixed  $object supplied object
 * @return void
function theme_haarlem_intranet_profile_sync_profile_icon($event, $type, $object)
    if (empty($object) || !is_array($object)) {
    $user = elgg_extract('entity', $object);
    if (empty($user) || !elgg_instanceof($user, 'user')) {
    // handle icons
    $datasource = elgg_extract('datasource', $object);
    $source_row = elgg_extract('source_row', $object);
    if (empty($datasource) || empty($source_row)) {
    // handle custom icon
    $fh = new ElggFile();
    $fh->owner_guid = $user->getGUID();
    $icon_sizes = elgg_get_config('icon_sizes');
    $icon_path = elgg_extract('profielfoto', $source_row);
    $icon_path = profile_sync_filter_var($icon_path);
    if (empty($icon_path)) {
        // remove icon
        foreach ($icon_sizes as $size => $info) {
            if ($fh->exists()) {
    $csv_location = $datasource->csv_location;
    if (empty($csv_location)) {
    $csv_filename = basename($csv_location);
    $base_location = rtrim(str_ireplace($csv_filename, "", $csv_location), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    $icon_path = sanitise_filepath($icon_path, false);
    // prevent abuse (like ../../......)
    $icon_path = ltrim($icon_path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    // remove beginning /
    $icon_path = $base_location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $icon_path;
    // concat base location and rel path
    // icon exists
    if (!file_exists($icon_path)) {
    // was csv image updated
    $csv_iconsize = @filesize($icon_path);
    if ($csv_iconsize !== false) {
        $csv_iconsize = md5($csv_iconsize);
        $icontime = $user->haarlem_icontime;
        if ($csv_iconsize === $icontime) {
            // icons are the same
    // try to get the user icon
    $icon_contents = file_get_contents($icon_path);
    if (empty($icon_contents)) {
    // make sure we have a hash to save
    if ($csv_iconsize === false) {
        $csv_iconsize = strlen($icon_contents);
        $csv_iconsize = md5($csv_iconsize);
    // write icon to a temp location for further handling
    $tmp_icon = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $user->getGUID());
    file_put_contents($tmp_icon, $icon_contents);
    // resize icon
    $icon_updated = false;
    foreach ($icon_sizes as $size => $icon_info) {
        $icon_contents = get_resized_image_from_existing_file($tmp_icon, $icon_info["w"], $icon_info["h"], $icon_info["square"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $icon_info["upscale"]);
        if (empty($icon_contents)) {
        $icon_updated = true;
    // did we have a successfull icon upload?
    if ($icon_updated) {
        $user->haarlem_icontime = $csv_iconsize;
    // cleanup
Example #21
  * Initialize the site including site entity, plugins, and configuration
  * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars
  * @return bool
 protected function saveSiteSettings($submissionVars)
     // ensure that file path, data path, and www root end in /
     $submissionVars['dataroot'] = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['dataroot']);
     $submissionVars['wwwroot'] = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['wwwroot']);
     $site = new ElggSite();
     $site->name = strip_tags($submissionVars['sitename']);
     $site->url = $submissionVars['wwwroot'];
     $site->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
     $site->email = $submissionVars['siteemail'];
     $guid = $site->save();
     if (!$guid) {
         return FALSE;
     // bootstrap site info
     $this->CONFIG->site_guid = $guid;
     $this->CONFIG->site = $site;
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('installed', time());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('dataroot', $submissionVars['dataroot']);
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('default_site', $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('version', elgg_get_version());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('simplecache_enabled', 1);
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('system_cache_enabled', 1);
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('simplecache_lastupdate', time());
     // new installations have run all the upgrades
     $upgrades = elgg_get_upgrade_files(\Elgg\Application::elggDir()->getPath("/engine/lib/upgrades/"));
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('processed_upgrades', $upgrades);
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('view', 'default', $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('language', 'en', $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('default_access', $submissionVars['siteaccess'], $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('allow_registration', TRUE, $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('walled_garden', FALSE, $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('allow_user_default_access', '', $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('default_limit', 10, $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('security_protect_upgrade', true, $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('security_notify_admins', true, $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('security_notify_user_password', true, $site->getGUID());
     _elgg_services()->configTable->set('security_email_require_password', true, $site->getGUID());
     return TRUE;
Example #22
 * Options are saved among metadata on the site object, entries
 * in the datalist table, and entries in the config table.
 * @package Elgg.Core
 * @subpackage Administration.Site
$site = elgg_get_site_entity();
if (!$site) {
    throw new InstallationException("The system is missing an ElggSite entity!");
if (!$site instanceof ElggSite) {
    throw new InstallationException("Passing a non-ElggSite to an ElggSite constructor!");
$site->url = rtrim(get_input('wwwroot', '', false), '/') . '/';
datalist_set('path', sanitise_filepath(get_input('path', '', false)));
$dataroot = sanitise_filepath(get_input('dataroot', '', false));
// check for relative paths
if (stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') === 0) {
    if (strpos($dataroot, ':') !== 1) {
        $msg = elgg_echo('admin:configuration:dataroot:relative_path', array($dataroot));
} else {
    if (strpos($dataroot, '/') !== 0) {
        $msg = elgg_echo('admin:configuration:dataroot:relative_path', array($dataroot));
datalist_set('dataroot', $dataroot);
Example #23

$path = get_input('path');
$path = sanitise_filepath($path, false);
if (empty($path)) {
$logging_base_dir = elgg_get_data_path() . 'elasticsearch/';
// check if the requested file exists
$filename = $logging_base_dir . $path;
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
// get contents
$contents = file_get_contents($filename);
// begin download
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
header('Content-Disposition: Attachment; filename=' . basename($filename));
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($contents));
echo $contents;
Example #24
  * Returns the plugin's full path with trailing slash.
  * @return string
 public function getPath()
     $result = false;
     if ($this->path) {
         $result = sanitise_filepath($this->path);
     } else {
         $result = elgg_get_plugins_path() . $this->getID();
         $result = sanitise_filepath($result);
         $this->path = $result;
     return $result;
Example #25
  * Initialize the site including site entity, plugins, and configuration
  * @param array $submissionVars Submitted vars
  * @return bool
 protected function saveSiteSettings($submissionVars)
     global $CONFIG;
     // ensure that file path, data path, and www root end in /
     $submissionVars['path'] = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['path']);
     $submissionVars['dataroot'] = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['dataroot']);
     $submissionVars['wwwroot'] = sanitise_filepath($submissionVars['wwwroot']);
     $site = new ElggSite();
     $site->name = $submissionVars['sitename'];
     $site->url = $submissionVars['wwwroot'];
     $site->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
     $site->email = $submissionVars['siteemail'];
     $guid = $site->save();
     if (!$guid) {
         return FALSE;
     // bootstrap site info
     $CONFIG->site_guid = $guid;
     $CONFIG->site = $site;
     datalist_set('installed', time());
     datalist_set('path', $submissionVars['path']);
     datalist_set('dataroot', $submissionVars['dataroot']);
     datalist_set('default_site', $site->getGUID());
     datalist_set('version', get_version());
     datalist_set('simplecache_enabled', 1);
     datalist_set('system_cache_enabled', 1);
     // new installations have run all the upgrades
     $upgrades = elgg_get_upgrade_files($submissionVars['path'] . 'engine/lib/upgrades/');
     datalist_set('processed_upgrades', serialize($upgrades));
     set_config('view', 'default', $site->getGUID());
     set_config('language', 'en', $site->getGUID());
     set_config('default_access', $submissionVars['siteaccess'], $site->getGUID());
     set_config('allow_registration', TRUE, $site->getGUID());
     set_config('walled_garden', FALSE, $site->getGUID());
     set_config('allow_user_default_access', '', $site->getGUID());
     return TRUE;
Example #26
 * Serves up screenshots for plugins from
 * admin_plugin_screenshot/<plugin_id>/<size>/<ss_name>.<ext>
 * @param array $pages The pages array
 * @return bool
 * @access private
function admin_plugin_screenshot_page_handler($pages)
    // only admins can use this for security
    $plugin_id = elgg_extract(0, $pages);
    // only thumbnail or full.
    $size = elgg_extract(1, $pages, 'thumbnail');
    // the rest of the string is the filename
    $filename_parts = array_slice($pages, 2);
    $filename = implode('/', $filename_parts);
    $filename = sanitise_filepath($filename, false);
    $plugin = new ElggPlugin($plugin_id);
    if (!$plugin) {
        $file = elgg_get_root_path() . '_graphics/icons/default/medium.png';
    } else {
        $file = $plugin->getPath() . $filename;
        if (!file_exists($file)) {
            $file = elgg_get_root_path() . '_graphics/icons/default/medium.png';
    header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
    // resize to 100x100 for thumbnails
    switch ($size) {
        case 'thumbnail':
            echo get_resized_image_from_existing_file($file, 100, 100, true);
        case 'full':
            echo file_get_contents($file);
    return true;
  * Load a plugin package from mod/$id or by full path.
  * @param string $plugin   The ID (directory name) or full path of the plugin.
  * @param bool   $validate Automatically run isValid()?
  * @throws PluginException
 public function __construct($plugin, $validate = true)
     $plugin_path = elgg_get_plugins_path();
     // @todo wanted to avoid another is_dir() call here.
     // should do some profiling to see how much it affects
     if (strpos($plugin, $plugin_path) === 0 || is_dir($plugin)) {
         // this is a path
         $path = sanitise_filepath($plugin);
         // the id is the last element of the array
         $path_array = explode('/', trim($path, '/'));
         $id = array_pop($path_array);
     } else {
         // this is a plugin id
         // strict plugin names
         if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9\\.\\-_]/i', $plugin)) {
             throw new PluginException(elgg_echo('PluginException:InvalidID', array($plugin)));
         $path = "{$plugin_path}{$plugin}/";
         $id = $plugin;
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         throw new PluginException(elgg_echo('PluginException:InvalidPath', array($path)));
     $this->path = $path;
     $this->id = $id;
     if ($validate && !$this->isValid()) {
         if ($this->errorMsg) {
             throw new PluginException(elgg_echo('PluginException:InvalidPlugin:Details', array($plugin, $this->errorMsg)));
         } else {
             throw new PluginException(elgg_echo('PluginException:InvalidPlugin', array($plugin)));
     return true;
 * @package Elgg
 * @subpackage Core
 * @author Curverider Ltd
 * @link http://elgg.org/
// Set failsafe again incase we get an exception thrown
if (is_installed()) {
if (get_input('settings') == 'go') {
    if (!datalist_get('default_site')) {
        // Sanitise
        $path = sanitise_filepath(get_input('path'));
        $dataroot = sanitise_filepath(get_input('dataroot'));
        // Blank?
        if ($dataroot == "/") {
            throw new InstallationException(elgg_echo('InstallationException:DatarootBlank'));
        // That it's valid
        if (stripos($dataroot, $path) !== false) {
            throw new InstallationException(sprintf(elgg_echo('InstallationException:DatarootUnderPath'), $dataroot));
        // Check data root is writable
        if (!is_writable($dataroot)) {
            throw new InstallationException(sprintf(elgg_echo('InstallationException:DatarootNotWritable'), $dataroot));
        $site = new ElggSite();
        $site->name = get_input('sitename');
        $site->url = get_input('wwwroot');
Example #29
 * Returns a list of files in $directory.
 * Only returns files.  Does not recurse into subdirs.
 * @param string $directory  Directory to look in
 * @param array  $exceptions Array of filenames to ignore
 * @param array  $list       Array of files to append to
 * @param mixed  $extensions Array of extensions to allow, NULL for all. Use a dot: array('.php').
 * @return array Filenames in $directory, in the form $directory/filename.
function elgg_get_file_list($directory, $exceptions = array(), $list = array(), $extensions = NULL)
    $directory = sanitise_filepath($directory);
    if ($handle = opendir($directory)) {
        while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
            if (!is_file($directory . $file) || in_array($file, $exceptions)) {
            if (is_array($extensions)) {
                if (in_array(strrchr($file, '.'), $extensions)) {
                    $list[] = $directory . $file;
            } else {
                $list[] = $directory . $file;
    return $list;
Example #30
 * Run the profile synchronization based on the provided configuration
 * @param ElggObject $sync_config The sync configuration
 * @return void
function profile_sync_proccess_configuration(ElggObject $sync_config)
    if (!elgg_instanceof($sync_config, 'object', 'profile_sync_config')) {
    $datasource = $sync_config->getContainerEntity();
    if (!elgg_instanceof($datasource, 'object', 'profile_sync_datasource')) {
    $sync_match = json_decode($sync_config->sync_match, true);
    $datasource_id = $sync_config->datasource_id;
    $profile_id = $sync_config->profile_id;
    $lastrun = (int) $sync_config->lastrun;
    $ban_user = (bool) $sync_config->ban_user;
    $unban_user = (bool) $sync_config->unban_user;
    profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Last run timestamp: {$lastrun} (" . date(elgg_echo('friendlytime:date_format'), $lastrun) . ")" . PHP_EOL);
    $profile_fields = elgg_get_config('profile_fields');
    if (!$ban_user && !$unban_user && empty($sync_match) || $datasource_id === '' || empty($profile_id)) {
        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), 'Configuration error', true);
    if (!in_array($profile_id, ['name', 'username', 'email']) && !array_key_exists($profile_id, $profile_fields)) {
        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Invalid profile identifier: {$profile_id}", true);
    switch ($datasource->datasource_type) {
        case 'mysql':
            $sync_source = new ProfileSyncMySQL($datasource, $lastrun);
        case 'csv':
            $sync_source = new ProfileSyncCSV($datasource, $lastrun);
            profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Invalid datasource type: {$datasource->datasource_type}", true);
    if (!$sync_source->connect()) {
        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), 'Unable to connect to the datasource', true);
    $datasource_id_fallback = $sync_config->datasource_id_fallback;
    $profile_id_fallback = $sync_config->profile_id_fallback;
    $create_user = (bool) $sync_config->create_user;
    $notify_user = (bool) $sync_config->notify_user;
    $create_user_name = false;
    $create_user_email = false;
    $create_user_username = false;
    if ($create_user) {
        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), 'User creation is allowed');
        foreach ($sync_match as $datasource_col => $datasource_config) {
            list($datasource_col) = explode(PROFILE_SYNC_DATASOURCE_COL_SEPERATOR, $datasource_col);
            switch ($datasource_config['profile_field']) {
                case 'name':
                    $create_user_name = $datasource_col;
                case 'email':
                    $create_user_email = $datasource_col;
                case 'username':
                    $create_user_username = $datasource_col;
        if ($create_user_name === false || $create_user_username === false || $create_user_email === false) {
            profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), 'Missing information to create users');
            profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "- name: {$create_user_name}");
            profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "- email: {$create_user_email}");
            profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "- username: {$create_user_username}");
            $create_user = false;
    if ($ban_user) {
        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), 'Matching users will be banned');
    if ($unban_user) {
        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), 'Matching users will be unbanned');
    if ($ban_user && $create_user) {
        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), 'Both create and ban users is allowed, don\'t know what to do', true);
    if ($unban_user && $create_user) {
        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), 'Both create and unban users is allowed, don\'t know what to do', true);
    if ($ban_user && $unban_user) {
        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), 'Both ban and unban users is allowed, don\'t know what to do', true);
    // start the sync process
    $default_access = get_default_access();
    $ia = elgg_set_ignore_access(true);
    $site = elgg_get_site_entity();
    // we want to cache entity metadata on first __get()
    $metadata_cache = _elgg_services()->metadataCache;
    if ($metadata_cache instanceof ElggVolatileMetadataCache) {
        // elgg 1.10
    $counters = ['source rows' => 0, 'empty source id' => 0, 'duplicate email' => 0, 'duplicate name' => 0, 'duplicate profile field' => 0, 'user not found' => 0, 'user created' => 0, 'user banned' => 0, 'user unbanned' => 0, 'empty attributes' => 0, 'invalid profile field' => 0, 'invalid source field' => 0, 'processed users' => 0];
    $base_location = '';
    if ($sync_source instanceof ProfileSyncCSV) {
        // get base path
        $csv_location = $datasource->csv_location;
        $csv_filename = basename($csv_location);
        $base_location = rtrim(str_ireplace($csv_filename, '', $csv_location), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    while (($source_row = $sync_source->fetchRow()) !== false) {
        $counters['source rows']++;
        // let other plugins change the row data
        $params = ['datasource' => $datasource, 'sync_config' => $sync_config, 'source_row' => $source_row];
        $source_row = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('source_row', 'profile_sync', $params, $source_row);
        if (!is_array($source_row) || empty($source_row[$datasource_id])) {
            $counters["empty source id"]++;
        // find user
        $datasource_used_id = $datasource_id;
        $profile_used_id = $profile_id;
        $datasource_unique_id = elgg_extract($datasource_id, $source_row);
        $user = profile_sync_find_user($profile_id, $datasource_unique_id, $sync_config, $counters);
        // fallback user
        if (empty($user) && $datasource_id_fallback !== '' && !empty($source_row[$datasource_id_fallback]) && !empty($profile_id_fallback)) {
            // 			profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "User not found: {$profile_id} => {$datasource_unique_id} trying fallback");
            $profile_used_id = $profile_id_fallback;
            $datasource_used_id = $datasource_id_fallback;
            $datasource_unique_id = elgg_extract($datasource_id_fallback, $source_row);
            $user = profile_sync_find_user($profile_id_fallback, $datasource_unique_id, $sync_config, $counters);
        // check if we need to create a user
        if (empty($user) && $create_user) {
            $pwd = generate_random_cleartext_password();
            try {
                // convert to utf-8
                $username = profile_sync_filter_var($source_row[$create_user_username]);
                $name = profile_sync_filter_var($source_row[$create_user_name]);
                $email = profile_sync_filter_var($source_row[$create_user_email]);
                $user_guid = register_user($username, $pwd, $name, $email);
                if (!empty($user_guid)) {
                    $counters['user created']++;
                    profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Created user: {$name}");
                    $user = get_user($user_guid);
                    if ($notify_user) {
                        $subject = elgg_echo('useradd:subject');
                        $body = elgg_echo('useradd:body', [$user->name, $site->name, $site->url, $user->username, $pwd]);
                        notify_user($user->getGUID(), $site->getGUID(), $subject, $body);
            } catch (RegistrationException $r) {
                $name = profile_sync_filter_var($source_row[$create_user_name]);
                profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Failure creating user: {$name} - {$r->getMessage()}");
        // did we get a user
        if (empty($user)) {
            $counters['user not found']++;
            profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "User not found: {$profile_used_id} => {$datasource_unique_id}");
        } else {
            $counters['processed users']++;
        // ban the user
        if ($ban_user) {
            // already banned?
            if (!$user->isBanned()) {
                $counters['user banned']++;
                $user->ban("Profile Sync: {$sync_config->title}");
                profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "User banned: {$user->name} ({$user->username})");
        // unban the user
        if ($unban_user) {
            // already banned?
            if ($user->isBanned()) {
                $counters['user unbanned']++;
                profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "User unbanned: {$user->name} ({$user->username})");
        // start of profile sync
        $special_sync_fields = ['name', 'username', 'email', 'user_icon_relative_path', 'user_icon_full_path'];
        foreach ($sync_match as $datasource_col => $profile_config) {
            list($datasource_col) = explode(PROFILE_SYNC_DATASOURCE_COL_SEPERATOR, $datasource_col);
            $profile_field = elgg_extract('profile_field', $profile_config);
            $access = (int) elgg_extract('access', $profile_config, $default_access);
            $override = (bool) elgg_extract('always_override', $profile_config, true);
            if (!in_array($profile_field, $special_sync_fields) && !array_key_exists($profile_field, $profile_fields)) {
                $counters['invalid profile field']++;
            if (!isset($source_row[$datasource_col])) {
                $counters['invalid source field']++;
            $value = elgg_extract($datasource_col, $source_row);
            $value = profile_sync_filter_var($value);
            switch ($profile_field) {
                case 'email':
                    if (!is_email_address($value)) {
                        continue 2;
                case 'username':
                    if ($override && $user->username !== $value) {
                        // new username, check for availability
                        if (get_user_by_username($value)) {
                            // already taken
                            profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "New username: {$value} for {$user->name} is already taken");
                            continue 2;
                case 'name':
                    if (empty($value)) {
                        $counters['empty attributes']++;
                        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Empty user attribute: {$datasource_col} for user {$user->name}");
                        continue 2;
                    if (isset($user->{$profile_field}) && !$override) {
                        // don't override profile field
                        // 						profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Profile field already set: {$profile_field} for user {$user->name}");
                        continue 2;
                    // check for the same value
                    if ($user->{$profile_field} === $value) {
                        // same value, no need to update
                        continue 2;
                    // save user attribute
                    $user->{$profile_field} = $value;
                case 'user_icon_relative_path':
                    // get a user icon based on a relative file path/url
                    // only works with file based datasources (eg. csv)
                    if (!$sync_source instanceof ProfileSyncCSV) {
                        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Can't fetch relative user icon path in non CSV datasouces: trying user {$user->name}");
                        continue 2;
                    // make new icon path
                    if (!empty($value)) {
                        $value = sanitise_filepath($value, false);
                        // prevent abuse (like ../../......)
                        $value = ltrim($value, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
                        // remove beginning /
                        $value = $base_location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value;
                        // concat base location and rel path
                case 'user_icon_full_path':
                    // get a user icon based on a full file path/url
                    if (!empty($user->icontime) && !$override) {
                        // don't override icon
                        // 						profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "User already has an icon: {$user->name}");
                        continue 2;
                    // upload new icon
                    $icon_sizes = elgg_get_config('icon_sizes');
                    $fh = new ElggFile();
                    $fh->owner_guid = $user->getGUID();
                    if (empty($value) && $user->icontime) {
                        // no icon, so unset current icon
                        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Removing icon for user: {$user->name}");
                        foreach ($icon_sizes as $size => $icon_info) {
                        // on to the next field
                        continue 2;
                    // try to get the user icon
                    $icon_contents = file_get_contents($value);
                    if (empty($icon_contents)) {
                        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Unable to fetch user icon: {$value} for user {$user->name}");
                        continue 2;
                    // was csv image updated
                    $csv_icontime = @filemtime($value);
                    if ($csv_icontime !== false && isset($user->icontime)) {
                        $csv_icontime = sanitise_int($csv_icontime);
                        $icontime = sanitise_int($user->icontime);
                        if ($csv_icontime === $icontime) {
                            // base image has same modified time as user icontime, so skipp
                            // 							profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "No need to update user icon for user: {$user->name}");
                            continue 2;
                    if ($csv_icontime === false) {
                        $csv_icontime = time();
                    // write icon to a temp location for further handling
                    $tmp_icon = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $user->getGUID());
                    file_put_contents($tmp_icon, $icon_contents);
                    // resize icon
                    $icon_updated = false;
                    foreach ($icon_sizes as $size => $icon_info) {
                        $icon_contents = get_resized_image_from_existing_file($tmp_icon, $icon_info['w'], $icon_info['h'], $icon_info['square'], 0, 0, 0, 0, $icon_info['upscale']);
                        if (empty($icon_contents)) {
                        $icon_updated = true;
                    // did we have a successfull icon upload?
                    if ($icon_updated) {
                        $user->icontime = $csv_icontime;
                    // cleanup
                    // check overrides
                    if (isset($user->{$profile_field}) && !$override) {
                        // don't override profile field
                        // 						profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Profile field already set: {$profile_field} for user {$user->name}");
                        continue 2;
                    // convert tags
                    if ($profile_fields[$profile_field] === 'tags') {
                        $value = string_to_tag_array($value);
                    // remove existing value
                    if (empty($value)) {
                        if (isset($user->{$profile_field})) {
                        continue 2;
                    // check for the same value
                    if ($user->{$profile_field} === $value) {
                        // same value, no need to update
                        continue 2;
                    // 					profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "Updating {$profile_field} with value {$value} old value {$user->$profile_field}");
                    // get the access of existing profile data
                    $access = profile_sync_get_profile_field_access($user->getGUID(), $profile_field, $access);
                    // save new value
                    $user->setMetadata($profile_field, $value, '', false, $user->getGUID(), $access);
        // let others know we updated the user
        $update_event_params = ['entity' => $user, 'source_row' => $source_row, 'sync_config' => $sync_config, 'datasource' => $datasource];
        elgg_trigger_event('update_user', 'profile_sync', $update_event_params);
        // cache cleanup
    profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), PHP_EOL . 'End processing: ' . date(elgg_echo('friendlytime:date_format')) . PHP_EOL);
    foreach ($counters as $name => $count) {
        profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), "{$name}: {$count}");
    // close logfile
    profile_sync_log($sync_config->getGUID(), null, true);
    // save last run
    $sync_config->lastrun = time();
    // cleanup datasource cache
    // re-enable db caching
    // restore access
    if ($metadata_cache instanceof ElggVolatileMetadataCache) {
        // elgg 1.10
    } elseif ($metadata_cache instanceof \Elgg\Cache\MetadataCache) {
        // elgg 1.11+