getSearchResultColumns() public static method

The results can depend on the current user preferences, which search function was executed, and the $columns parameter.
public static getSearchResultColumns ( integer $search_type = null, array $columns = null )
$search_type integer The type of search that was executed. Currently only 'block' is supported.
$columns array The columns to return, overriding the defaults for some $search_type.
Example #1
  * Generates a table with ticket information.
  * @param array $tickets  A list of tickets.
  * @param string $tableClass  The DOM ID to use for the generated table.
  * @return string  Table HTML code.
 protected function _table($tickets, $tableId = null)
     if (!$tableId) {
         $tableId = get_class($this);
     $columns = isset($this->_params['columns']) ? $this->_params['columns'] : null;
     $sortby = $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('sortby');
     $sortdirclass = ' class="' . ($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('sortdir') ? 'sortup' : 'sortdown') . '"';
     $html = '<thead><tr><th' . ($sortby == 'id' ? $sortdirclass : '') . '>' . _("Id") . '</th>';
     foreach (Whups::getSearchResultColumns('block', $this->_params['columns']) as $name => $column) {
         if ($column == 'id') {
         $html .= '<th' . ($sortby == $column ? $sortdirclass : '') . '>' . $name . '</th>';
     $html .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
     foreach ($tickets as $ticket) {
         foreach (Whups::getSearchResultColumns('block', $columns) as $column) {
             $thevalue = Whups::formatColumn($ticket, $column);
             $sortval = '';
             if ($column == 'timestamp' || $column == 'due' || substr($column, 0, 5) == 'date_') {
                 $sortval = strlen($ticket[$column]) ? ' sortval="' . $ticket[$column] . '"' : '';
             $html .= '<td' . $sortval . '>' . (strlen($thevalue) ? $thevalue : '&nbsp;') . '</td>';
         $html .= '</tr>';
     $GLOBALS['page_output']->addScriptFile('tables.js', 'horde');
     return '<table id="' . htmlspecialchars($tableId) . '" class="horde-table sortable" style="width:100%">' . $html . '</tbody></table>';
Example #2
// See if we were passed a slug or id. Slug is tried first.
$slug = Horde_Util::getFormData('slug');
if ($slug) {
    $queue = $whups_driver->getQueueBySlugInternal($slug);
    $id = $queue['id'];
} else {
    $id = Horde_Util::getFormData('id');
    $queue = $whups_driver->getQueue($id);
if (!$id) {
    $notification->push(_("Invalid queue"), 'horde.error');
    Horde::url($prefs->getValue('whups_default_view') . '.php', true)->redirect();
$page_output->ajax = true;
$page_output->header(array('title' => sprintf(_("Open tickets in %s"), $queue['name'])));
$notification->notify(array('listeners' => 'status'));
$criteria = array('queue' => $id, 'category' => array('unconfirmed', 'new', 'assigned'));
try {
    $tickets = $whups_driver->getTicketsByProperties($criteria);
    $values = Whups::getSearchResultColumns();
    $self = Whups::urlFor('queue', $queue);
    $results = new Whups_View_Results(array('title' => sprintf(_("Open tickets in %s"), $queue['name']), 'results' => $tickets, 'values' => $values, 'url' => $self));
    $session->set('whups', 'last_search', $self);
} catch (Whups_Exception $e) {
    $notification->push(sprintf(_("There was an error locating tickets in this queue: %s"), $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
Example #3
            $whups_query->insertCriterion($path, Whups_Query::CRITERION_DUE, null, Whups_Query::OPERATOR_LESS, $info['date_due']['to']);
        if ($info['state_id']) {
            $path = $whups_query->insertBranch('', Whups_Query::TYPE_OR);
            foreach ($info['state_id'] as $state) {
                $whups_query->insertCriterion($path, Whups_Query::CRITERION_STATE, null, Whups_Query::OPERATOR_EQUAL, $state);
        $session->set('whups', 'query', $whups_query);
        Horde::url('query/index.php', true)->add('action', 'save')->redirect();
    try {
        $tickets = $whups_driver->getTicketsByProperties($info);
        $session->set('whups', 'last_search', Horde::url('search.php?' . _getSearchUrl($vars)));
        $results = new Whups_View_Results(array('title' => _("Search Results"), 'results' => $tickets, 'values' => Whups::getSearchResultColumns(), 'url' => $session->get('whups', 'last_search')));
        $beendone = true;
    } catch (Whups_Exception $e) {
        $notification->push(sprintf(_("There was an error performing your search: %s"), $tickets->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
$page_output->ajax = true;
$page_output->header(array('title' => _("Search")));
$notification->notify(array('listeners' => 'status'));
if ($results) {
    if (is_object($form)) {
        $form->setTitle(_("Refine Search"));
        $form->renderActive($renderer, $vars, Horde::url('search.php'), 'get');
Example #4
  * @throws Whups_Exception
 public function download(Horde_Variables $vars)
     global $injector, $whups_driver;
     switch ($vars->actionID) {
         case 'download_file':
             // Get the ticket details first.
             if (empty($vars->ticket)) {
             $details = $whups_driver->getTicketDetails($vars->ticket);
             // Check permissions on this ticket.
             if (!count(Whups::permissionsFilter($whups_driver->getHistory($vars->ticket), 'comment', Horde_Perms::READ))) {
                 throw new Whups_Exception(sprintf(_("You are not allowed to view ticket %d."), $vars->ticket));
             try {
                 $vfs = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Vfs')->create();
             } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                 throw new Whups_Exception(_("The VFS backend needs to be configured to enable attachment uploads."));
             try {
                 return array('data' => $vfs->read(Whups::VFS_ATTACH_PATH . '/' . $vars->ticket, $vars->file), 'name' => $vars->file);
             } catch (Horde_Vfs_Exception $e) {
                 throw new Whups_Exception(sprintf(_("Access denied to %s"), $vars->file));
         case 'report':
             $_templates = Horde::loadConfiguration('templates.php', '_templates', 'whups');
             $tpl = $vars->template;
             if (empty($_templates[$tpl])) {
                 throw new Whups_Exception(_("The requested template does not exist."));
             if ($_templates[$tpl]['type'] != 'searchresults') {
                 throw new Whups_Exception(_("This is not a search results template."));
             // Fetch all unresolved tickets assigned to the current user.
             $info = array('id' => explode(',', $vars->ids));
             $tickets = $whups_driver->getTicketsByProperties($info);
             foreach ($tickets as $id => $info) {
                 $tickets[$id]['#'] = $id + 1;
                 $tickets[$id]['link'] = Whups::urlFor('ticket', $info['id'], true, -1);
                 $tickets[$id]['date_created'] = strftime('%x', $info['timestamp']);
                 $tickets[$id]['owners'] = Whups::getOwners($info['id']);
                 $tickets[$id]['owner_name'] = Whups::getOwners($info['id'], false, true);
                 $tickets[$id]['owner_email'] = Whups::getOwners($info['id'], true, false);
                 if (!empty($info['date_assigned'])) {
                     $tickets[$id]['date_assigned'] = strftime('%x', $info['date_assigned']);
                 if (!empty($info['date_resolved'])) {
                     $tickets[$id]['date_resolved'] = strftime('%x', $info['date_resolved']);
                 // If the template has a callback function defined for data
                 // filtering, call it now.
                 if (!empty($_templates[$tpl]['callback'])) {
                     array_walk($tickets[$id], $_templates[$tpl]['callback']);
             Whups::sortTickets($tickets, isset($_templates[$tpl]['sortby']) ? $_templates[$tpl]['sortby'] : null, isset($_templates[$tpl]['sortdir']) ? $_templates[$tpl]['sortdir'] : null);
             $template = $injector->createInstance('Horde_Template');
             $template->set('tickets', $tickets);
             $template->set('now', strftime('%x'));
             $template->set('values', Whups::getSearchResultColumns(null, true));
             return array('data' => $template->parse($_templates[$tpl]['template']), 'name' => isset($_templates[$tpl]['filename']) ? $_templates[$tpl]['filename'] : 'report.html');
Example #5
    $tickets = $whups_driver->executeQuery($whups_query, $vars);
    $session->set('whups', 'last_search', Horde::url('query/run.php'));
if ($whups_query->id) {
$title = $whups_query->name ? $whups_query->name : _("Query Results");
$page_output->ajax = true;
$page_output->header(array('title' => $title));
$notification->notify(array('listeners' => 'status'));
echo $tabs->render($vars->get('action') ? $vars->get('action') : 'run');
if (!is_null($tickets)) {
    $subscription = null;
    if (isset($whups_query->id)) {
        $params = empty($whups_query->slug) ? array('id' => $whups_query->id) : array('slug' => $whups_query->slug);
        $subscription = Horde::link(Whups::urlFor('query_rss', $params, true, -1), _("Subscribe to this query")) . Horde::img('feed.png', _("Subscribe to this query")) . '</a>';
    $results = new Whups_View_Results(array('title' => $title, 'results' => $tickets, 'extra' => $subscription, 'values' => Whups::getSearchResultColumns(), 'url' => Horde::url('query/run.php')));
} else {
    $form->open($renderer, $vars, 'query/run.php');
    $renderer->renderFormActive($form, $vars);
    $renderer->submit(_("Execute Query"));
$session->set('whups', 'query', $whups_query);