  * Get the fork's parent post, set up a query, and load correct template.
  * Duplicates the functionality of /wp-includes/template-loader.php and includes
  * a lot of copypasta, but that's only to ensure that it follows the same logic.
 function choose_template()
     $p = get_queried_object_id();
     if (get_post_type($p) !== 'fork') {
     $pp = get_post($p)->post_parent;
     $parent = get_post($pp);
     if ($parent->post_type == 'page') {
         $query = array('page_id' => $pp);
     } else {
         $query = array('p' => $pp);
     $t = new WP_Query($query);
     $template = false;
     if ($t->is_404() && ($template = get_404_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_search() && ($template = get_search_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_tax() && ($template = get_taxonomy_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_front_page() && ($template = get_front_page_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_home() && ($template = get_home_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_attachment() && ($template = get_attachment_template())) {
         remove_filter('the_content', 'prepend_attachment');
     } elseif ($t->is_single() && ($template = get_single_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_page && ($template = get_page_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_category() && ($template = get_category_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_tag() && ($template = get_tag_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_author() && ($template = get_author_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_date() && ($template = get_date_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_archive() && ($template = get_archive_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_comments_popup() && ($template = get_comments_popup_template())) {
     } elseif ($t->is_paged() && ($template = get_paged_template())) {
     } else {
         $template = get_index_template();
     if ($template = apply_filters('template_include', $template)) {
         include $template;
  * Checks to see if we're in the main query and stores result as isMainQuery property
  * @param WP_Query $query Instance of WP_Query to check
  * @return mixed $query
  * @since 1.0
 function check_for_main_query($query)
     if ($this->force_run || !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query()) {
         if (!isset($_GET['swpjumpstart'])) {
             do_action('searchwp_log', 'check_for_main_query(): It is the main query');
         $this->isMainQuery = true;
         // plugin compat
         if ($query->is_search()) {
             do_action('searchwp_log', 'It is a search');
             remove_filter('pre_get_posts', 'CPTO_pre_get_posts');
             // Post Types Order
     return $query;
  * Filter `pre_get_posts`.
  * @param WP_Query $wp_the_query
  * @return WP_Query
 public function preGetPosts($wp_the_query)
     /** @var WP_Query $wp_the_query */
     if ($wp_the_query->is_search() && !$wp_the_query->is_admin && $wp_the_query->is_main_query()) {
         $this->keyword = $wp_the_query->query['s'];
         $this->limit = isset($wp_the_query->query_vars['posts_per_page']) ? $wp_the_query->query_vars['posts_per_page'] : 10;
         if (isset($wp_the_query->query_vars['paged'])) {
             $this->paged = intval($wp_the_query->query_vars['paged']);
             $this->paged = $this->paged > 0 ? $this->paged : 1;
         $offset = ($this->paged - 1) * $this->limit;
         try {
             $ret = $this->getOpenSearchClient()->search("default:'{$this->keyword}' AND post_status:'publish'", $offset, $this->limit);
         } catch (AliyunOpenSearchException $e) {
             wp_die(sprintf('搜索文章时发生错误:%s,请检查您的配置是否有误。<a href="%s" target="_blank">查看错误码说明</a>', $e->getMessage(), AliyunOpenSearch::getErrorCodeReferencesUrl()));
         $this->posts = $ret['posts'];
         $this->postCount = $ret['total'];
         $this->pageCount = ceil($this->postCount / $this->limit);
         foreach ($this->posts as $post) {
             $this->ids[] = $post->ID;
         $wp_the_query->query = array();
         $wp_the_query->query_vars['post_in'] = $this->ids;
         $wp_the_query->query_vars['post_type'] = null;
         $wp_the_query->query_vars['s'] = null;
         $wp_the_query->query_vars['paged'] = null;
         //            set_query_var('post__in', $this->ids);
         //            set_query_var('post_type', null);
         //            set_query_var('s', null);
         //            set_query_var('paged', null);
     return $wp_the_query;
Example #4
 * Translate args to ElasticPress compat format. This is the meat of what the module does
 * @param  WP_Query $query
 * @since  2.1
function ep_wc_translate_args($query)
    // Lets make sure this doesn't interfere with the CLI
    if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) {
    $product_name = $query->get('product', false);
    $post_parent = $query->get('post_parent', false);
     * Do nothing for single product queries
    if (!empty($product_name)) {
     * ElasticPress does not yet support post_parent queries
    if (!empty($post_parent)) {
     * Cant hook into WC API yet
    if (defined('WC_API_REQUEST') && WC_API_REQUEST) {
    // Flag to check and make sure we are in a WooCommerce specific query
    $integrate = false;
     * Force ElasticPress if we are querying WC taxonomy
    $tax_query = $query->get('tax_query', array());
    $supported_taxonomies = array('product_cat', 'pa_brand', 'product_tag', 'pa_sort-by');
    if (!empty($tax_query)) {
         * First check if already set taxonomies are supported WC taxes
        foreach ($tax_query as $taxonomy_array) {
            if (isset($taxonomy_array['taxonomy']) && in_array($taxonomy_array['taxonomy'], $supported_taxonomies)) {
                $integrate = true;
     * Next check if any taxonomies are in the root of query vars (shorthand form)
    foreach ($supported_taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
        $term = $query->get($taxonomy, false);
        if (!empty($term)) {
            $integrate = true;
            $terms = array($term);
            // to add child terms to the tax query
            if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical($taxonomy)) {
                $term_object = get_term_by('slug', $term, $taxonomy);
                $children = get_term_children($term_object->term_id, $taxonomy);
                if ($children) {
                    foreach ($children as $child) {
                        $child_object = get_term($child, $taxonomy);
                        $terms[] = $child_object->slug;
            $tax_query[] = array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $terms);
    $post_type = $query->get('post_type', false);
    if (!empty($tax_query)) {
        $query->set('tax_query', $tax_query);
        if (empty($post_type)) {
            $post_type = 'product';
        } elseif (is_array($post_type)) {
            $post_type[] = 'product';
        } else {
            $post_type = array($post_type, 'product');
        $query->set('post_type', $post_type);
     * Force ElasticPress if product post type query
    $supported_post_types = array('product', 'shop_order', 'shop_order_refund', 'product_variation');
    // For orders it queries an array of shop_order and shop_order_refund post types, hence an array_diff
    if (!empty($post_type) && (in_array($post_type, $supported_post_types) || is_array($post_type) && !array_diff($post_type, $supported_post_types))) {
        $integrate = true;
     * If we have a WooCommerce specific query, lets hook it to ElasticPress and make the query ElasticSearch friendly
    if ($integrate || $query->is_search()) {
        // Handles the WC Top Rated Widget
        if (has_filter('posts_clauses', array(WC()->query, 'order_by_rating_post_clauses'))) {
            remove_filter('posts_clauses', array(WC()->query, 'order_by_rating_post_clauses'));
            $query->set('orderby', 'meta_value_num');
            $query->set('meta_key', '_wc_average_rating');
         * We can't support any special fields parameters
        $fields = $query->get('fields', false);
        if ('ids' === $fields || 'id=>parent' === $fields) {
            $query->set('fields', 'default');
         * Handle meta queries
        $meta_query = $query->get('meta_query', array());
        $meta_key = $query->get('meta_key', false);
        $meta_value = $query->get('meta_value', false);
        if (!empty($meta_key) && !empty($meta_value)) {
            $meta_query[] = array('key' => $meta_key, 'value' => $meta_value);
            $query->set('meta_query', $meta_query);
         * Make sure filters are suppressed
        $query->query['suppress_filters'] = false;
        $query->set('suppress_filters', false);
        $orderby = $query->get('orderby');
        if (!empty($orderby) && 'rand' === $orderby) {
            $query->set('orderby', false);
            // Just order by relevance.
        $s = $query->get('s');
        if (empty($s)) {
            $query->query_vars['ep_integrate'] = true;
            $query->query['ep_integrate'] = true;
        } else {
            $query->set('orderby', false);
            // Just order by relevance.
            // Search query
            if ('shop_order' === $post_type) {
                $search_fields = $query->get('search_fields', array('post_title', 'post_content', 'post_excerpt'));
                $search_fields['meta'] = array_map('wc_clean', apply_filters('shop_order_search_fields', array('_order_key', '_billing_company', '_billing_address_1', '_billing_address_2', '_billing_city', '_billing_postcode', '_billing_country', '_billing_state', '_billing_email', '_billing_phone', '_shipping_address_1', '_shipping_address_2', '_shipping_city', '_shipping_postcode', '_shipping_country', '_shipping_state', '_billing_last_name', '_billing_first_name', '_shipping_first_name', '_shipping_last_name')));
                $query->set('search_fields', $search_fields);
            } elseif (empty($post_type) || 'product' === $post_type) {
                $search_fields = $query->get('search_fields', array('post_title', 'post_content', 'post_excerpt'));
                // Make sure we search skus on the front end
                $search_fields['meta'] = array('_sku');
                // Search by proper taxonomies on the front end
                $search_fields['taxonomies'] = array('category', 'post_tag', 'product_tag', 'product_cat');
                $query->set('search_fields', $search_fields);
         * Set orderby from GET param
         * Also make sure the orderby param affects only the main query
        if (!empty($_GET['orderby']) && $query->is_main_query()) {
            switch ($_GET['orderby']) {
                case 'popularity':
                    $query->set('orderby', ep_wc_get_orderby_meta_mapping('total_sales'));
                case 'price':
                case 'price-desc':
                    $query->set('orderby', ep_wc_get_orderby_meta_mapping('_price'));
                case 'rating':
                    $query->set('orderby', ep_wc_get_orderby_meta_mapping('_wc_average_rating'));
                case 'date':
                    $query->set('orderby', ep_wc_get_orderby_meta_mapping('date'));
                case 'ID':
                    $query->set('orderby', ep_wc_get_orderby_meta_mapping('ID'));
                    $query->set('orderby', ep_wc_get_orderby_meta_mapping('menu_order'));
                    // Order by menu and title.
Example #5
  * The rule of this ordering is: from the most specific to the least.
  * Most of the default WP Template Hierarchy is the same, but not all is followed.
  * For the full example of our lookup order plesase follow to:
  * For the default WP hierarchy follow to:
  * http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hierarchy
  * @param WP_Query $wp_query
  * @return array
 protected function defineLookupOrder(\WP_Query $wp_query)
     $result = [];
     if (!$wp_query) {
         return $result;
     // prepare vars
     $post = !empty($wp_query->posts) ? $wp_query->posts[0] : false;
     $post_type = $post ? $post->post_type : false;
     $post_slug = $post ? $post->post_name : false;
     $query_post_type = $wp_query->query_vars['post_type'];
     if (is_array($query_post_type)) {
         // it's not usual to have multiple post types on a rewrite rule
         // but even if there is, it's extremely inconsistent to rely on
         // a template name with multiple post types
         // if that's the case, the user will have to alter the template
         // order manually
         $query_post_type = false;
     // start the template hierarchy build up
     if ($wp_query->is_404()) {
         // 404-[post-type]
         // 404
         if ($query_post_type) {
             $result[] = '404-' . $query_post_type;
         $result[] = '404';
     } elseif ($wp_query->is_search()) {
         // search
         // archive
         $result[] = 'search';
         $result[] = 'archive';
     } elseif ($wp_query->is_front_page()) {
         // if is page on front:
         // front-page
         // page
         // singular
         // if is posts on front:
         // front-page
         // home
         // archive-[post-type]
         // [post-type]
         // archive
         $result[] = 'front-page';
         if ($post_type) {
             if ($post_type !== 'page') {
                 $result[] = 'home';
                 $result[] = 'archive-' . $post_type;
                 $result[] = $post_type;
                 $result[] = 'archive';
             } else {
                 $result[] = 'page';
                 $result[] = 'singular';
     } elseif ($wp_query->is_home()) {
         // home
         // archive-[post-type]
         // [post-type]
         // archive
         $result[] = 'home';
         if ($post_type) {
             $result[] = 'archive-' . $post_type;
             $result[] = $post_type;
             $result[] = 'archive';
         // for now this is not needed, test more
         // } elseif ($wp_query->is_post_type_archive()) {
         //     $result[] = 'archive-'.$query_post_type;
         //     $result[] = $query_post_type;
         //     $result[] = 'archive';
     } elseif ($wp_query->is_author()) {
         // author-[user-login]
         // author-[user-nicename]
         // author
         // archive
         if ($author = get_userdata($post->post_author)) {
             $result[] = 'author-' . $author->data->user_login;
             if ($author->data->user_login !== $author->data->user_nicename) {
                 $result[] = 'author-' . $author->data->user_nicename;
         $result[] = 'author';
         $result[] = 'archive';
     } elseif ($wp_query->is_tax() || $wp_query->is_tag() || $wp_query->is_category()) {
         // taxonomy-[taxonomy]-[term-slug]
         // taxonomy-[taxonomy]
         // taxonomy-[post-type]
         // taxonomy
         // archive-[post-type]
         // [post-type]
         // archive
         $term = get_queried_object();
         if (!empty($term->slug)) {
             $result[] = 'taxonomy-' . $term->taxonomy . '-' . $term->slug;
             $result[] = 'taxonomy-' . $term->taxonomy;
         if ($query_post_type) {
             $result[] = 'taxonomy-' . $query_post_type;
         $result[] = 'taxonomy';
         if ($query_post_type) {
             $result[] = 'archive-' . $query_post_type;
             $result[] = $query_post_type;
         $result[] = 'archive';
     } elseif ($wp_query->is_date()) {
         // date-[post-type]
         // date
         // archive-[post-type]
         // [post-type]
         // archive
         if ($query_post_type) {
             $result[] = 'date-' . $query_post_type;
         $result[] = 'date';
         if ($query_post_type) {
             $result[] = 'archive-' . $query_post_type;
             $result[] = $query_post_type;
         $result[] = 'archive';
     } elseif ($wp_query->is_archive()) {
         // archive-[post-type]
         // [post-type]
         // archive
         if ($query_post_type) {
             $result[] = 'archive-' . $query_post_type;
             $result[] = $query_post_type;
         $result[] = 'archive';
     } elseif ($wp_query->is_page()) {
         // page-[parent-slug]-[post-slug]
         // page-[post-slug]
         // [page-template-name]
         // page
         // singular
         if ($post->post_parent) {
             if ($parent_slug = get_slug($post->post_parent)) {
                 $result[] = 'page-' . $parent_slug . '-' . $post_slug;
         $result[] = 'page-' . $post_slug;
         // page templates can have their unique names, let's add them before the fallback
         if ($page_template_name = get_page_template_name($post->ID)) {
             $result[] = $page_template_name;
         $result[] = 'page';
         $result[] = 'singular';
     } elseif ($wp_query->is_attachment()) {
         // single-attachment-[slugfied-long-mime-type]
         // single-attachment-[slugfied-short-mime-type]
         // single-attachment
         // attachment
         // single
         // singular
         // slugfied-long-mime-type = image-jpeg
         // slugfied-short-mime-type = jpeg
         if (!empty($post->post_mime_type)) {
             $result[] = 'single-attachment-' . \Bond\to_slug($post->post_mime_type);
             $mime = explode('/', $post->post_mime_type);
             if (count($mime) > 1) {
                 $result[] = 'single-attachment-' . \Bond\to_slug($mime[1]);
             $result[] = 'single-attachment-' . $mime[0];
         $result[] = 'single-attachment';
         $result[] = 'attachment';
         $result[] = 'single';
         $result[] = 'singular';
     } elseif ($wp_query->is_single()) {
         // single-[post-type]-[post-slug]
         // single-[post-type]
         // [post-type]
         // single
         // singular
         $result[] = 'single-' . $post_type . '-' . $post_slug;
         $result[] = 'single-' . $post_type;
         $result[] = $post_type;
         $result[] = 'single';
         $result[] = 'singular';
     // everything is handled, allow a filter and go
     $result = apply_filters($this->hooks_prefix . '/lookup_order', $result);
     return $result;
Example #6
 * Make sure we search all relevant post types
 * @param  string $post_type
 * @param  WP_Query $query
 * @since  2.1
 * @return bool|string
function ep_use_searchable_post_types_on_any($post_type, $query)
    if ($query->is_search() && 'any' === $post_type) {
         * This is a search query
         * To follow WordPress conventions,
         * make sure we only search 'searchable' post types
        $searchable_post_types = ep_get_searchable_post_types();
        // If we have no searchable post types, there's no point going any further
        if (empty($searchable_post_types)) {
            // Have to return something or it improperly calculates the found_posts
            return false;
        // Conform the post types array to an acceptable format for ES
        $post_types = array();
        foreach ($searchable_post_types as $type) {
            $post_types[] = $type;
        // These are now the only post types we will search
        $post_type = $post_types;
    return $post_type;
  * Parse which page we are on using URL
 public function getPageObject($pageUrl)
     global $wp_rewrite;
     // If post type, we are using url_to_postid function
     $postId = url_to_postid($pageUrl);
     if ($postId) {
         $postType = get_post_type_object(get_post($postId)->post_type);
         return array('value' => $postId, 'title' => get_the_title($postId), 'type' => get_post($postId)->post_type, 'label' => is_array($postType->labels) ? $postType->labels['name'] : $postType->labels->name);
     $path = str_replace(get_site_url(), '', $pageUrl);
     $path = trim($path, '/');
     // If path is empty, then it is front page
     if (empty($path)) {
         return array('value' => get_option('page_on_front') ? get_option('page_on_front') : '', 'title' => '', 'type' => 'front_page', 'label' => __('Home Page'));
     // Otherwise, we will try to match through rewrite or by query
     $rewrite = $wp_rewrite->wp_rewrite_rules();
     if (is_array($rewrite) && count($rewrite) > 0) {
         foreach ($rewrite as $match => $query) {
             if (preg_match("#^{$match}#", $path, $matches) || preg_match("#^{$match}#", urldecode($path), $matches)) {
                 $query = preg_replace("!^.*\\?!", '', $query);
                 $query = addslashes(WP_MatchesMapRegex::apply($query, $matches));
                 parse_str($query, $query_vars);
     } else {
         $query = preg_replace("!^.*\\?!", '', $path);
         parse_str($query, $query_vars);
     // Workaround for fail pagename rewrite match
     if (isset($query_vars['pagename']) && strpos($query_vars['pagename'], '?') !== false) {
         $query = preg_replace("!^.*\\?!", '', $query_vars['pagename']);
         parse_str($query, $query_vars);
     $querypost = new WP_Query($query_vars);
     if ($querypost->is_date()) {
         if ($querypost->query_vars['m']) {
             $date = $querypost->query_vars['m'];
         } else {
             if ($querypost->is_day()) {
                 $date = $querypost->query_vars['year'] . zeroise($querypost->query_vars['monthnum'], 2) . zeroise($querypost->query_vars['day'], 2);
             } else {
                 if ($querypost->is_month()) {
                     $date = $querypost->query_vars['year'] . zeroise($querypost->query_vars['monthnum'], 2);
                 } else {
                     if ($querypost->is_year()) {
                         $date = $querypost->query_vars['year'];
         return array('value' => $date, 'title' => '', 'type' => 'archive', 'label' => __("Archive"));
     } else {
         if ($querypost->is_category() || $querypost->is_tag() || $querypost->is_tax()) {
             $tax_query = $querypost->tax_query->queries;
             $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($tax_query[0]['taxonomy']);
             if ($tax_query[0]['field'] == 'term_id') {
                 $term_id = $tax_query[0]['terms'][0];
             } else {
                 if ($tax_query[0]['field'] == 'slug') {
                     $term_id = get_term_by('slug', $tax_query[0]['terms'][0], $taxonomy->name)->term_id;
             return array('value' => $term_id, 'title' => get_term($term_id, $taxonomy->name)->name, 'type' => $taxonomy->name, 'label' => is_array($taxonomy->labels->name) ? $taxonomy->labels['name'] : $taxonomy->labels->name);
         } else {
             if ($querypost->is_search()) {
                 return array('value' => $querypost->query_vars['s'], 'title' => '', 'type' => 'search', 'label' => __("Search"));
             } else {
                 if ($querypost->is_home()) {
                     return array('value' => '', 'title' => '', 'type' => 'home', 'label' => __("Blog Home Page"));