/** * @param WP_Query $query * @param String $pagenow * @return bool */ private function is_join_filter_active($query, $pagenow) { global $sitepress_settings; $is_media_upload = $pagenow === 'media-upload.php'; $is_attachment_and_cant_be_translated = $query->is_attachment() ? !$this->is_media_and_cant_be_translated('attachment') : false; return !$is_media_upload || !$is_attachment_and_cant_be_translated || isset($query->queried_object) && isset($query->queried_object->ID) && $query->queried_object->ID == $sitepress_settings['urls']['root_page']; }
/** * Get the fork's parent post, set up a query, and load correct template. * * Duplicates the functionality of /wp-includes/template-loader.php and includes * a lot of copypasta, but that's only to ensure that it follows the same logic. * */ function choose_template() { $p = get_queried_object_id(); if (get_post_type($p) !== 'fork') { return; } $pp = get_post($p)->post_parent; $parent = get_post($pp); if ($parent->post_type == 'page') { $query = array('page_id' => $pp); } else { $query = array('p' => $pp); } $t = new WP_Query($query); $template = false; if ($t->is_404() && ($template = get_404_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_search() && ($template = get_search_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_tax() && ($template = get_taxonomy_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_front_page() && ($template = get_front_page_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_home() && ($template = get_home_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_attachment() && ($template = get_attachment_template())) { remove_filter('the_content', 'prepend_attachment'); } elseif ($t->is_single() && ($template = get_single_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_page && ($template = get_page_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_category() && ($template = get_category_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_tag() && ($template = get_tag_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_author() && ($template = get_author_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_date() && ($template = get_date_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_archive() && ($template = get_archive_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_comments_popup() && ($template = get_comments_popup_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_paged() && ($template = get_paged_template())) { } else { $template = get_index_template(); } if ($template = apply_filters('template_include', $template)) { include $template; } return; }
/** * @param string $where * @param WP_Query $query * * @return string */ function posts_where_filter($where, $query) { global $pagenow, $wp_taxonomies, $sitepress, $sitepress_settings; //exceptions $post_type = false; if (isset($query->queried_object) && isset($query->queried_object->ID) && $query->queried_object->ID == $sitepress_settings['urls']['root_page']) { return $where; } // determine post type $debug_backtrace = $this->get_backtrace(0, true, false); //Limit to a maximum level? foreach ($debug_backtrace as $o) { if ($o['function'] == 'apply_filters_ref_array' && $o['args'][0] == 'posts_where') { $post_type = $o['args'][1][1]->query_vars['post_type']; break; } } // case of taxonomy archive if (empty($post_type) && $query->is_tax()) { $tax = $query->get('taxonomy'); $post_type = $wp_taxonomies[$tax]->object_type; foreach ($post_type as $k => $v) { if (!$this->is_translated_post_type($v)) { unset($post_type[$k]); } } if (empty($post_type)) { return $where; } // don't filter } if (!$post_type) { $post_type = 'post'; } if (is_array($post_type) && !empty($post_type)) { $none_translated = true; foreach ($post_type as $ptype) { if ($this->is_translated_post_type($ptype)) { $none_translated = false; } } if ($none_translated) { return $where; } } else { if (!$this->is_translated_post_type($post_type) && 'any' != $post_type) { return $where; } } $attachment_is_translatable = $sitepress->is_translated_post_type('attachment'); if (($pagenow == 'upload.php' || $pagenow == 'media-upload.php' || $query->is_attachment()) && !$attachment_is_translatable) { return $where; } $current_language = $sitepress->get_current_language(); $requested_id = false; // Fix for when $sitepress->get_current_language() does not return the correct value (e.g. when request is made for an attachment, an iframe or an ajax call) if (isset($_REQUEST['attachment_id']) && $_REQUEST['attachment_id']) { $requested_id = $_REQUEST['attachment_id']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['post_id']) && $_REQUEST['post_id']) { $requested_id = $_REQUEST['post_id']; } if ($requested_id) { $post_type = get_post_type($requested_id); $current_language = $sitepress->get_language_for_element($requested_id, 'post_' . $post_type); if (!$current_language) { $current_language = $sitepress->get_current_language(); } } if ('all' != $this->this_lang) { if ('any' == $post_type) { $condition = " AND (t.language_code='" . esc_sql($current_language) . "' OR t.language_code IS NULL )"; } else { $condition = " AND t.language_code='" . esc_sql($current_language) . "'"; } } else { $condition = ''; } $where .= $condition; return $where; }
/** * @param WP_Query $query * @param String $pagenow * * @return bool */ private function is_join_filter_active($query, $pagenow) { $is_attachment_and_cant_be_translated = $query->is_attachment() ? $this->is_media_and_cant_be_translated('attachment') : false; return $pagenow !== 'media-upload.php' && !$is_attachment_and_cant_be_translated && !$this->is_queried_object_root($query); }
/** * The rule of this ordering is: from the most specific to the least. * Most of the default WP Template Hierarchy is the same, but not all is followed. * * For the full example of our lookup order plesase follow to: * * For the default WP hierarchy follow to: * http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hierarchy * * @param WP_Query $wp_query * @return array */ protected function defineLookupOrder(\WP_Query $wp_query) { $result = []; if (!$wp_query) { return $result; } // prepare vars $post = !empty($wp_query->posts) ? $wp_query->posts[0] : false; $post_type = $post ? $post->post_type : false; $post_slug = $post ? $post->post_name : false; $query_post_type = $wp_query->query_vars['post_type']; if (is_array($query_post_type)) { // it's not usual to have multiple post types on a rewrite rule // but even if there is, it's extremely inconsistent to rely on // a template name with multiple post types // if that's the case, the user will have to alter the template // order manually $query_post_type = false; } // start the template hierarchy build up if ($wp_query->is_404()) { // 404-[post-type] // 404 if ($query_post_type) { $result[] = '404-' . $query_post_type; } $result[] = '404'; } elseif ($wp_query->is_search()) { // search // archive $result[] = 'search'; $result[] = 'archive'; } elseif ($wp_query->is_front_page()) { // if is page on front: // front-page // page // singular // if is posts on front: // front-page // home // archive-[post-type] // [post-type] // archive $result[] = 'front-page'; if ($post_type) { if ($post_type !== 'page') { $result[] = 'home'; $result[] = 'archive-' . $post_type; $result[] = $post_type; $result[] = 'archive'; } else { $result[] = 'page'; $result[] = 'singular'; } } } elseif ($wp_query->is_home()) { // home // archive-[post-type] // [post-type] // archive $result[] = 'home'; if ($post_type) { $result[] = 'archive-' . $post_type; $result[] = $post_type; $result[] = 'archive'; } // for now this is not needed, test more // } elseif ($wp_query->is_post_type_archive()) { // $result[] = 'archive-'.$query_post_type; // $result[] = $query_post_type; // $result[] = 'archive'; } elseif ($wp_query->is_author()) { // author-[user-login] // author-[user-nicename] // author // archive if ($author = get_userdata($post->post_author)) { $result[] = 'author-' . $author->data->user_login; if ($author->data->user_login !== $author->data->user_nicename) { $result[] = 'author-' . $author->data->user_nicename; } } $result[] = 'author'; $result[] = 'archive'; } elseif ($wp_query->is_tax() || $wp_query->is_tag() || $wp_query->is_category()) { // taxonomy-[taxonomy]-[term-slug] // taxonomy-[taxonomy] // taxonomy-[post-type] // taxonomy // archive-[post-type] // [post-type] // archive $term = get_queried_object(); if (!empty($term->slug)) { $result[] = 'taxonomy-' . $term->taxonomy . '-' . $term->slug; $result[] = 'taxonomy-' . $term->taxonomy; } if ($query_post_type) { $result[] = 'taxonomy-' . $query_post_type; } $result[] = 'taxonomy'; if ($query_post_type) { $result[] = 'archive-' . $query_post_type; $result[] = $query_post_type; } $result[] = 'archive'; } elseif ($wp_query->is_date()) { // date-[post-type] // date // archive-[post-type] // [post-type] // archive if ($query_post_type) { $result[] = 'date-' . $query_post_type; } $result[] = 'date'; if ($query_post_type) { $result[] = 'archive-' . $query_post_type; $result[] = $query_post_type; } $result[] = 'archive'; } elseif ($wp_query->is_archive()) { // archive-[post-type] // [post-type] // archive if ($query_post_type) { $result[] = 'archive-' . $query_post_type; $result[] = $query_post_type; } $result[] = 'archive'; } elseif ($wp_query->is_page()) { // page-[parent-slug]-[post-slug] // page-[post-slug] // [page-template-name] // page // singular if ($post->post_parent) { if ($parent_slug = get_slug($post->post_parent)) { $result[] = 'page-' . $parent_slug . '-' . $post_slug; } } $result[] = 'page-' . $post_slug; // page templates can have their unique names, let's add them before the fallback if ($page_template_name = get_page_template_name($post->ID)) { $result[] = $page_template_name; } $result[] = 'page'; $result[] = 'singular'; } elseif ($wp_query->is_attachment()) { // single-attachment-[slugfied-long-mime-type] // single-attachment-[slugfied-short-mime-type] // single-attachment // attachment // single // singular // slugfied-long-mime-type = image-jpeg // slugfied-short-mime-type = jpeg if (!empty($post->post_mime_type)) { $result[] = 'single-attachment-' . \Bond\to_slug($post->post_mime_type); $mime = explode('/', $post->post_mime_type); if (count($mime) > 1) { $result[] = 'single-attachment-' . \Bond\to_slug($mime[1]); } $result[] = 'single-attachment-' . $mime[0]; } $result[] = 'single-attachment'; $result[] = 'attachment'; $result[] = 'single'; $result[] = 'singular'; } elseif ($wp_query->is_single()) { // single-[post-type]-[post-slug] // single-[post-type] // [post-type] // single // singular $result[] = 'single-' . $post_type . '-' . $post_slug; $result[] = 'single-' . $post_type; $result[] = $post_type; $result[] = 'single'; $result[] = 'singular'; } // everything is handled, allow a filter and go $result = apply_filters($this->hooks_prefix . '/lookup_order', $result); return $result; }