Example #1
  * Default validation field
  * if validation failed method 
  * throw validation exception
 public function validate($value)
     $this->validation = new Validation(array($this->get_name() => $value));
     //$this->validation->label($this->get_name(), $this->get_name());
     if ($this->item['notnull']) {
         if ($value == null) {
             $this->validation->rule($this->get_name(), 'not_empty');
     if (!$this->validation->check()) {
         throw new Validation_Exception($this->validation);
     return $this->validation;
Example #2
 public function validate($data)
     $val = new Validation($data);
     foreach ($this->validator as $key => $rules) {
         foreach ($rules as $rule => $value) {
             if (is_numeric($rule)) {
                 $val->rule($key, $value);
             } else {
                 $val->rule($key, $rule, $value);
     return $val->errors();
 public function action_edit_field()
     $field_id = $this->request->param('options');
     xml::to_XML(array('field' => array('@id' => $field_id, '$content' => User::get_data_field_name($field_id))), $this->xml_content);
     if (count($_POST) && isset($_POST['field_name'])) {
         $post = new Validation($_POST);
         $post->rule('Valid::not_empty', 'field_name');
         if ($post->validate()) {
             $post_values = $post->as_array();
             if ($post_values['field_name'] != User::get_data_field_name($field_id) && !User::field_name_available($post_values['field_name'])) {
                 $post->add_error('field_name', 'User::field_name_available');
         // Retry
         if ($post->validate()) {
             $post_values = $post->as_array();
             User::update_field($field_id, $post_values['field_name']);
             $this->add_message('Field ' . $post_values['field_name'] . ' updated');
             $this->set_formdata(array('field_name' => $post_values['field_name']));
         } else {
             $this->add_error('Fix errors and try again');
             $this->set_formdata(array_intersect_key($post->as_array(), $_POST));
     } else {
         $this->set_formdata(array('field_name' => User::get_data_field_name($field_id)));
Example #4
 public function action_show()
     $arr = [];
     //Получаем данные из формы
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         //Проверяем введенные данные на корректность
         $post = new Validation($_POST);
         $post->rule('prime', 'not_empty')->rule('prime', 'numeric');
         if ($post->check()) {
             $max = $_POST['prime'];
             $arr = Controller_PrimeNumber::getPrime($max);
             Controller_DataArchive::saveDB($max, $arr);
         } else {
             $errors = $post->errors('comments');
     //Подготавливаем данные для вида
     $view = View::factory('index');
     if (isset($errors)) {
         $view->err = $errors;
     } else {
         if (!empty($arr)) {
             $view->arr = $arr;
Example #5
 public function action_entry()
     // Set employees node
     $employees_node = $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('employees'));
     $employees = array('0option' => array('@value' => '0', 'None'));
     $counter = 1;
     foreach (Employees::get() as $employee) {
         $employees[$counter . 'option'] = array('@value' => $employee['id'], $employee['lastname'] . ', ' . $employee['firstname']);
     xml::to_XML($employees, $employees_node);
     // This is for the select box
     if (count($_POST)) {
         $post = new Validation($_POST);
         $post->filter('floatval', 'sum');
         $post->filter('floatval', 'vat');
         $post->rule('strtotime', 'accounting_date');
         $post->rule('strtotime', 'transfer_date');
         $post->rule('Valid::not_empty', 'description');
         if ($post->Validate()) {
             $new_transaction_data = array('accounting_date' => $post->get('accounting_date'), 'transfer_date' => $post->get('transfer_date'), 'description' => $post->get('description'), 'journal_id' => $post->get('journal_id'), 'vat' => $post->get('vat'), 'sum' => $post->get('sum'), 'employee_id' => $post->get('employee_id'));
             if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
                 $transaction = new Transaction(NULL, $new_transaction_data);
                 $this->add_message('Transaction ' . $transaction->get_id() . ' added');
             } else {
                 $transaction = new Transaction($_GET['id']);
                 $this->add_message('Transaction ' . $transaction->get_id() . ' updated');
         } else {
     } elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $transaction = new Transaction($_GET['id']);
     } else {
         $this->set_formdata(array('accounting_date' => date('Y-m-d', time()), 'transfer_date' => date('Y-m-d', time())));
Example #6
 public function action_upload()
     $md5 = md5($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']);
     $file = $md5 . '_' . time() . '.' . pathinfo($_FILES['image']['name'])['extension'];
     $fileValidation = new Validation($_FILES);
     $fileValidation->rule('image', 'upload::valid');
     $fileValidation->rule('image', 'upload::type', array(':value', array('jpg', 'png')));
     if ($fileValidation->check()) {
         if ($path = Upload::save($_FILES['image'], $file, DIR_IMAGE)) {
             ORM::factory('File')->set('sid', $this->siteId)->set('name', $_FILES['image']['name'])->set('path', $file)->set('md5', $md5)->set('types', Model_File::FILE_TYPES_IMG)->set('created', time())->set('updated', time())->save();
             $site = ORM::factory('Site')->where('id', '=', $this->siteId)->where('uid', '=', $this->user['id'])->find();
             $site->set('logo', $file)->set('updated', time())->save();
             jsonReturn(1001, '上传成功!', '/media/image/data/' . $file);
         } else {
             jsonReturn(4444, '图片保存失败');
     } else {
         jsonReturn(4444, '图片上传失败');
Example #7
 public function onValidateDocument(Validation $validation, DataSource_Hybrid_Document $doc)
     if ($this->min !== NULL or $this->max !== NULL) {
         $min = $this->min !== NULL ? $this->min : -99999999999;
         $max = $this->max !== NULL ? $this->max : 99999999999;
         $validation->rule($this->name, 'range', array(':value', $min, $max));
     if (!empty($this->_props['regexp'])) {
         if (strpos($this->regexp, '::') !== FALSE) {
             list($class, $method) = explode('::', $this->regexp);
         } else {
             $class = 'Valid';
             $method = $this->regexp;
         if (method_exists($class, $method)) {
             $validation->rule($this->name, array($class, $method));
         } else {
             $validation->rule($this->name, 'regex', array(':value', $this->regexp));
     return parent::onValidateDocument($validation, $doc);
Example #8
 public function action_uploadavatar()
     $filename = time() . '_' . $_FILES['image']['name'];
     $file_validation = new Validation($_FILES);
     $file_validation->rule('image', 'upload::valid');
     $file_validation->rule('image', 'upload::type', array(':value', array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg')));
     if ($file_validation->check()) {
         if ($path = Upload::save($_FILES['image'], $filename, DIR_IMAGE)) {
             $image = CacheImage::instance();
             $src = $image->resize($filename, 100, 100);
             $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
             $user->avatar = $filename;
             $json = array('success' => 1, 'image' => $src);
         } else {
             $json = array('success' => 0, 'errors' => array('image' => 'The file is not a valid Image'));
     } else {
         $json = array('success' => 0, 'errors' => (array) $file_validation->errors('profile'));
     echo json_encode($json);
Example #9
 public function action_index()
     $installation_status = Kohana::$config->load('install.status');
     switch ($installation_status) {
         case NOT_INSTALLED:
             if (!$this->check_installation_parameters()) {
                 //$data['title']=__('Installation: something wrong');
                 // $this->data=Arr::merge($this->data, Helper::get_db_settings());
                 $this->data = Arr::merge($this->data, get_object_vars($this->install_config));
                 $res = View::factory('install_form', $this->data)->render();
                 //Model::factory('model_name')->model_method( $data );
             } else {
                 $_post = Arr::map('trim', $_POST);
                 $post = new Validation($_post);
                 $post->rule('db_path', 'not_empty')->rule('db_name', 'not_empty')->rule('db_login', 'not_empty')->rule('installer_login', 'not_empty')->rule('installer_password', 'not_empty');
                 if ($post->check()) {
                     if (!Model::factory('install')->install($err_list)) {
                         foreach ($err_list as $e) {
                             $this->data['errors'][] = $e['error'];
                         $res = View::factory('installing', $this->data)->render();
                     } else {
                         $res = View::factory('installing_ok', $this->data)->render();
                 } else {
                     // Кажется что-то случилось
                     //$data['title']=__('Installation: something wrong');
                     $this->data['errors'] = $post->errors('validation');
                     $res = View::factory('install_form', $this->data)->render();
         case INSTALLING:
             $res = View::factory('installing')->render();
         case INSTALLED:
             //                    $res = View::factory('/')->render();
             //                    $res = View::factory('/')->render();
     // Save result / Сохраняем результат
     $this->_result = $res;
  * Edit Tags
  * if id is set, instanciate an edit function
  * if not instanciate an add tag function.
 public function action_role()
     $this->xml_content_types = $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('roles'));
     xml::to_XML(Uvtag::get_tags(), $this->xml_content_types, 'role');
     if (!empty($_POST)) {
         $post = new Validation($_POST);
         $post->rule('Valid::not_empty', 'role');
         $post->rule('Valid::not_empty', 'uri');
         if (isset($role)) {
             $this->add_message('Role name updated');
         } else {
             if (Uvtag::add($post->get('role'), $post->get('uri'))) {
                 $this->add_message('Role "' . $post->get('name') . '" was added');
             } else {
                 $this->add_message('Role "' . $post->get('name') . '" could not be added');
     } elseif (isset($tag)) {
         // Set the form input to the tag name.
Example #11
 public function onValidateDocument(Validation $validation, DataSource_Hybrid_Document $doc)
     $validation->rule($this->name, 'color');
     return parent::onValidateDocument($validation, $doc);
Example #12
 public function action_payout()
     // Set employees node
     $employees_node = $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('employees'));
     $employees = array();
     $counter = 0;
     $employees_from_model = Employees::get();
     foreach ($employees_from_model as $employee) {
         $employees[$counter . 'option'] = array('@value' => $employee['id'], $employee['lastname'] . ', ' . $employee['firstname']);
     xml::to_XML($employees, $employees_node);
     // This is for the select box
     xml::to_XML($employees_from_model, $employees_node, 'employee', 'id');
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         if (count($_POST)) {
             $post = new Validation($_POST);
         xml::to_XML(array('statuses' => array('1option' => array('@value' => 'active', 'Active'), '2option' => array('@value' => 'inactive', 'Inactive'))), $this->xml_content);
         xml::to_XML($employee->get(), $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('employee')), NULL, 'id');
         $this->add_message('Employee ' . $_GET['id'] . ' information updated');
     } elseif (count($_POST)) {
         // Add new payout
         $post = new Validation($_POST);
         $post->rule('Valid::digit', 'amount');
         $post->rule('strtotime', 'date');
         if ($post->validate()) {
             $post_array = $post->as_array();
             $transaction_data = array('accounting_date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($post_array['date'])), 'transfer_date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($post_array['date'])), 'description' => 'Salary payout', 'journal_id' => NULL, 'vat' => 0, 'sum' => -$post_array['amount'], 'employee_id' => $post_array['employee_id']);
             $transaction = new Transaction(NULL, $transaction_data);
             if ($id = $transaction->get_id()) {
                 $this->add_message('New transaction added (ID ' . $id . ')');
             } else {
                 $this->add_error('Something f****d up');
         } else {
             $errors = $post->errors();
             if (isset($errors['date'])) {
                 $this->add_form_errors(array('date' => 'Invalid date format'));
             if (isset($errors['amount'])) {
                 $this->add_form_errors(array('amount' => 'Must be numbers ONLY'));
Example #13
  * Validate the data, returning array of errors (if any).
  * @return array
 public function validate()
     $validation = new Validation($this->_data);
     foreach ($this->_fields as $fieldName => $fieldOptions) {
         foreach (Arr::get($fieldOptions, 'rules', array()) as $fieldRule) {
             if (is_array($fieldRule)) {
                 // Take the 1st param as the name, the rest as params.
                 $ruleName = array_shift($fieldRule);
                 $ruleParams = $fieldRule;
             } else {
                 // Just use the rule as passed with no params.
                 $ruleName = $fieldRule;
                 $ruleParams = NULL;
             // Check if the named function is actually a method on this object.
             if (!function_exists($ruleName) && method_exists($this, $ruleName)) {
                 $ruleName = array($this, $ruleName);
             $validation->rule($fieldName, $ruleName, $ruleParams);
             $validation->label($fieldName, Arr::get($fieldOptions, 'label', $fieldName));
     if ($validation->check()) {
         $this->_errors = array();
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         if (!(bool) ($errorMessageFile = $this->_errorMessageFile)) {
             // Konform_Contact => 'konform/contact'
             $errorMessageFile = strtolower(str_replace('_', '/', get_class($this)));
         $this->_errors = $validation->errors($errorMessageFile);
         return FALSE;
Example #14
  * @param Validation $validation
  * @param DataSource_Hybrid_Document $doc
  * @return Validation
 public function onValidateDocument(Validation $validation, DataSource_Hybrid_Document $doc)
     $file = NULL;
     $types = $this->types;
     if ($validation->offsetExists($this->name)) {
         $file = $validation->offsetGet($this->name);
     if ($this->isreq === TRUE) {
         if (is_array($file)) {
             $validation->rules($this->name, array(array('Upload::not_empty')));
         } else {
             $validation->rules($this->name, array(array('not_empty')));
     if (is_array($file)) {
         $validation->rule($this->name, 'Upload::valid')->rule($this->name, 'Upload::size', array(':value', $this->max_size));
         if (!empty($types)) {
             $validation->rule($this->name, 'Upload::type', array(':value', $this->types));
     return parent::onValidateDocument($validation, $doc);
 public function action_user()
     $formdata = array();
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $user = new User($_GET['id'], FALSE, FALSE, 'default', FALSE);
         if (!$user->logged_in()) {
     if (!empty($_POST) && isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
         $post = new Validation($_POST);
         $post->filter('strtolower', 'username');
         $post->rule('Valid::not_empty', 'username');
         if (isset($user)) {
             if ($_POST['username'] != $user->get_username()) {
                 $post->rule('User::username_available', 'username');
         } else {
             $post->rule('User::username_available', 'username');
         if (!isset($user)) {
             $post->rule('Valid::not_empty', 'password');
         if (isset($_POST['do_add_field'])) {
             // Add another user data field and save no data, but repopulate the form fields
             if (!isset($_SESSION['detail_fields'])) {
                 $_SESSION['detail_fields'] = array();
             $_SESSION['detail_fields'][] = $_POST['add_field'];
             // Reconstruct the form data to repopulate the form
             $formdata = array();
             $counter = 0;
             $post_values = $post->as_array();
             foreach ($post_values as $field => $data) {
                 if (substr($field, 0, 8) == 'fieldid_') {
                     foreach ($data as $data_piece) {
                         $formdata['field_' . substr($field, 8) . '_' . $counter] = trim($data_piece);
                 } elseif ($field == 'username') {
                     $formdata[$field] = $post_values[$field];
         } else {
             // Check for form errors
             if ($post->validate()) {
                 // No form errors, add the user!
                 $post_values = $post->as_array();
                 // Erase the empty data fields
                 foreach ($post_values as $key => $value) {
                     if (substr($key, 0, 8) == 'fieldid_' && is_array($value)) {
                         foreach ($value as $nr => $value_piece) {
                             if ($value_piece == '') {
                 // Organize the field data and set the session fields
                 $fields = $_SESSION['detail_fields'] = array();
                 foreach ($post_values as $key => $value) {
                     if (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'field_') {
                         list($foobar, $field_id, $field_nr) = explode('_', $key);
                         $fields[User::get_data_field_name($field_id)][] = $value;
                 if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
                     // Actually add the user
                     User::new_user($post_values['username'], $post_values['password'], $fields);
                     $this->add_message('User ' . $post_values['username'] . ' added');
                 } elseif (isset($user)) {
                     $user->set_user_data(array_merge($fields, array('username' => $post_values['username'], 'password' => $post_values['password'])), TRUE);
                     $this->add_message('User data saved');
             } else {
                 // Form errors detected!
                 $this->add_error('Fix errors and try again');
                 $formdata = array();
                 $counter = 0;
                 $post_values = $post->as_array();
                 foreach ($post_values as $field => $data) {
                     if (substr($field, 0, 8) == 'fieldid_') {
                         foreach ($data as $data_piece) {
                             $formdata['field_' . substr($field, 8) . '_' . $counter] = trim($data_piece);
                     } elseif ($field == 'username') {
                         $formdata[$field] = $post_values[$field];
     if (isset($user)) {
         $formdata = array('username' => $user->get_username());
         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($user->get_user_data() as $field => $data) {
             foreach ($data as $data_piece) {
                 $formdata['field_' . User::get_data_field_id($field) . '_' . $counter] = $data_piece;
     if (!empty($_SESSION['detail_fields'])) {
         foreach ($_SESSION['detail_fields'] as $field_id) {
             $counter = 1;
             while (isset($formdata['field_' . $field_id . '_' . $counter])) {
             $formdata['field_' . $field_id . '_' . $counter] = '';
Example #16
  * Add validation rules to validation object
  * @param  Validation  Validation object
  * @return array
 protected function _check(Validation $data)
     foreach ($this->_fields as $name => $field) {
         if ($field['type'] === 'email') {
             $data->rule($name, 'email');
         if (Arr::get($field, 'required')) {
             $data->rule($name, 'required');
         if (Arr::get($field, 'unique')) {
             $data->rule($name, array(':model', '_is_unique'), array(':validation', $name));
         foreach (array('min_value', 'max_value', 'min_length', 'max_length') as $rule) {
             if (Arr::get($field, $rule) !== NULL) {
                 $data->rule($name, $rule, array(':value', $field[$rule]));
         if (isset($field['rules'])) {
             $data->rules($name, $field['rules']);
         if (isset($field['label'])) {
             $data->label($name, $field['label']);
     return $data;
 public function action_edit_image()
     $name = $this->request->param('options');
     if ($content_image = new Content_Image($name)) {
         $short_name = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - 4);
         $this->xml_content_image = $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('image'));
         $this->xml_content_image->setAttribute('name', $name);
         $this->xml_content_image->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('URL', 'user_content/images/' . $name));
         $tags_node = $this->xml_content_image->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tags'));
         if (count($_POST)) {
             $_POST['name'] = URL::title($_POST['name'], '-', TRUE);
             $post = new Validation($_POST);
             $post->rule('Valid::not_empty', 'name');
             $form_data = $post->as_array();
             if ($form_data['name'] != $short_name) {
                 $post->rule('Content_Image::image_name_available', 'name');
             // Check for form errors
             if ($post->validate()) {
                 // No form errors, edit image
                 $new_image_data = array();
                 foreach ($form_data['tag'] as $nr => $tag_name) {
                     if (!isset($new_image_data[$tag_name])) {
                         $new_image_data[$tag_name] = array();
                     $new_image_data[$tag_name][] = $form_data['tag_value'][$nr];
                 $content_image->set_data(array_merge($new_image_data, array('name' => $form_data['name'] . '.jpg')));
                 if ($form_data['name'] != $short_name) {
                     // If the image name have changed, we need to change the URL also
                     // Save the message for the new URL
                     $_SESSION['content']['image']['message'] = 'Image data saved';
                     // Redirect to the new name
                     $this->redirect('/admin/images/edit_image/' . $form_data['name'] . '.jpg');
                 $this->add_message('Image data saved');
                 $this->set_formdata(array('name' => $short_name));
                 $image_data = $content_image->get_data();
                 foreach ($image_data as $tag_name => $tag_values) {
                     foreach ($tag_values as $tag_value) {
                         $tag_node = $tags_node->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tag', $tag_value));
                         $tag_node->setAttribute('name', $tag_name);
                     if (!count($tag_values)) {
                         $tag_node = $tags_node->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tag'));
                         $tag_node->setAttribute('name', $tag_name);
             } else {
                 // Something is wrong. Fill form with unsaved data and push error
                 $this->set_formdata(array('name' => $form_data['name']));
                 foreach ($form_data['tag'] as $nr => $tag_name) {
                     if ($tag_name != '') {
                         $tag_node = $tags_node->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tag', $form_data['tag_value'][$nr]));
                         $tag_node->setAttribute('name', $tag_name);
         } else {
             $this->set_formdata(array('name' => $short_name));
             $image_data = $content_image->get_data();
             foreach ($image_data as $tag_name => $tag_values) {
                 foreach ($tag_values as $tag_value) {
                     $tag_node = $tags_node->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tag', $tag_value));
                     $tag_node->setAttribute('name', $tag_name);
                 if (!count($tag_values)) {
                     $tag_node = $tags_node->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tag'));
                     $tag_node->setAttribute('name', $tag_name);
         if (isset($_SESSION['content']['image']['message'])) {
     } else {
  * Tests Validation::check()
  * @test
  * @covers Validation::check
 public function test_check_stops_when_error_added_by_callback()
     $validation = new Validation(array('foo' => 'foo'));
     $validation->rule('foo', array($this, '_validation_callback'), array(':validation'))->rule('foo', 'min_length', array(':value', 20));
     $errors = $validation->errors();
     $expected = array('foo' => array(0 => '_validation_callback', 1 => NULL));
     $this->assertSame($errors, $expected);
Example #19
File: sign.php Project: anqh/core
  * Register with code
  * @param  Model_Invitation  $invitation
 public function _join(Model_Invitation $invitation)
     $user = new Model_User();
     $user->email = $invitation->email;
     // Handle post
     $errors = array();
     if ($_POST && !Arr::get($_POST, 'signup')) {
         $post = Arr::extract($_POST, array('username', 'password', 'password_confirm'));
         $validation = new Validation($post);
         $validation->rule('password_confirm', 'matches', array(':validation', 'password', 'password_confirm'));
         try {
             $user->username = $post['username'];
             $user->password = $post['password'];
             $user->created = time();
             // Delete used invitation
             // Login user
             Visitor::instance()->login($user, $_POST['password']);
         } catch (Validation_Exception $e) {
             $user->password = $user->password_confirm = null;
             $errors = $e->array->errors('validation');
     $this->view->add(View_Page::COLUMN_MAIN, $this->section_register($user, $errors, $invitation->code));
Example #20
 public function action_uploadlinkimg()
     $filename = 'link_' . time() . '_' . $_FILES['image']['name'];
     $file_validation = new Validation($_FILES);
     $file_validation->rule('image', 'upload::valid');
     $file_validation->rule('image', 'upload::type', array(':value', array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg')));
     if ($file_validation->check()) {
         if ($path = Upload::save($_FILES['image'], $filename, DIR_IMAGE)) {
             $images = CacheImage::instance();
             $src = $images->resize($filename, 400, 200);
             $json = array('success' => 1, 'image' => $src, 'filename' => $filename);
         } else {
             $json = array('success' => 0, 'errors' => array('image' => 'The file is not a valid Image'));
     } else {
         $json = array('success' => 0, 'errors' => (array) $file_validation->errors('profile'));
     echo json_encode($json);
Example #21
  * Check to ensure the user "owns" the gallery
  * @param Validation $validation
 public function validate($validation)
     $validation->rule('avatar-gallery[id]', array($this, 'user_has_avatar'), array(':validaiton', ':field', ':value'));
Example #22
  * Adds any validation rules/labels for validating _options
  *     public function build_validation(Validation $validation)
  *     {
  *         return parent::build_validation($validation)
  *             ->rule('paramname', 'not_empty'); // Require this param
  *     }
  * @param  Validation   the validation object to add rules to
  * @return Validation
 public function build_validation(Validation $validation)
     // Add a rule to each key making sure it's in the task
     foreach ($validation->data() as $key => $value) {
         $validation->rule($key, array($this, 'valid_option'), array(':validation', ':field'));
     return $validation;
Example #23
 public function onValidateDocument(Validation $validation, DataSource_Hybrid_Document $doc)
     $options = $this->get_options();
     if ($this->empty_value === TRUE) {
         $options = array(0) + $options;
     $validation->rule($this->name, 'array_key_exists', array(':value', $options));
     return parent::onValidateDocument($validation, $doc);
Example #24
  * Tests Validation::check()
  * @test
  * @covers Validation::check
  * @covers Validation::rule
  * @covers Validation::rules
  * @covers Validation::errors
  * @covers Validation::error
  * @dataProvider provider_check
  * @param array   $array            The array of data
  * @param array   $rules            The array of rules
  * @param array   $labels           The array of labels
  * @param boolean $expected         Is it valid?
  * @param boolean $expected_errors  Array of expected errors
 public function test_check($array, $rules, $labels, $expected, $expected_errors)
     $validation = new Validation($array);
     foreach ($labels as $field => $label) {
         $validation->label($field, $label);
     foreach ($rules as $field => $field_rules) {
         foreach ($field_rules as $rule) {
             $validation->rule($field, $rule[0], $rule[1]);
     $status = $validation->check();
     $errors = $validation->errors(TRUE);
     $this->assertSame($expected, $status);
     $this->assertSame($expected_errors, $errors);
     $validation = new validation($array);
     foreach ($rules as $field => $rules) {
         $validation->rules($field, $rules);
     $this->assertSame($expected, $validation->check());
Example #25
  * Правила валидации значения поля документа.
  * При сохранении документа происходит валидация значений его полей. 
  * Каждое поле прогоняется в цикле и происходит вызов этого метода.
  * @see DataSource_Hybrid_Document::validate()
  * @param Validation $validation
  * @param DataSource_Hybrid_Document
  * @return \Validation
 public function onValidateDocument(Validation $validation, DataSource_Hybrid_Document $doc)
     if ($this->isreq === TRUE and $this->is_required()) {
         $validation->rule($this->name, 'not_empty');
     if ($this->unique === TRUE) {
         $validation->rule($this->name, array($this, 'check_unique'), array(':value', $doc));
     return $validation->label($this->name, $this->header);
 public function action_edit_page()
     $id = $this->request->param('options');
     $content_page = new Content_Page($id);
     if ($content_page->get_page_id()) {
         $this->xml_content_page = $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('page'));
         // Get all tags associated with pages and images
         $this->xml_content_tags = $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tags'));
         $tags = array();
         foreach (Content_Page::get_tags() as $tag) {
             $tags[] = $tag;
         foreach (Content_Image::get_tags() as $tag) {
             foreach ($tags as $tag_to_check) {
                 if ($tag_to_check['name'] == $tag['name']) {
                     break 2;
             $tags[] = $tag;
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             $tag_node = $this->xml_content_tags->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tag', $tag['name']));
             $tag_node->setAttribute('id', $tag['id']);
         if (count($_POST) && isset($_POST['URI']) && isset($_POST['name'])) {
             if ($_POST['URI'] == '') {
                 $_POST['URI'] = $_POST['name'];
             $_POST['URI'] = URL::title($_POST['URI'], '-', TRUE);
             $post = new Validation($_POST);
             $post->rule('Valid::not_empty', 'name');
             if ($post->validate()) {
                 $post_values = $post->as_array();
                 $current_page_data = $content_page->get_page_data();
                 if ($post_values['name'] != $current_page_data['name'] && !Content_Page::page_name_available($post_values['name'])) {
                     $post->add_error('name', 'Content_Page::page_name_available');
                 if ($post_values['URI'] != $current_page_data['URI'] && !Content_Page::page_URI_available($post_values['URI'])) {
                     $post->add_error('URI', 'Content_Page::page_URI_available');
             // Retry
             if ($post->validate()) {
                 $tags = array();
                 foreach ($post_values['template_position'] as $nr => $template_position) {
                     if ($post_values['tag_id'][$nr] > 0) {
                         if (!isset($tags[$template_position])) {
                             $tags[$template_position] = array();
                         $tags[$template_position][] = $post_values['tag_id'][$nr];
                 $content_page->update_page_data($post_values['name'], $post_values['URI'], $tags);
                 $this->add_message('Page "' . $post_values['name'] . '" updated');
                 $page_data = $content_page->get_page_data();
             } else {
                 $this->add_error('Fix errors and try again');
                 // Fix template position data
                 $tmp_node = $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tmp'));
                 foreach ($post_values['template_position'] as $nr => $template_position) {
                     $template_field_node = $tmp_node->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('template_field'));
                     $template_field_node->setAttribute('id', $template_position);
                     if ($post_values['tag_id'][$nr] > 0) {
                         $tag_node = $template_field_node->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tag'));
                         $tag_node->setAttribute('id', $post_values['tag_id'][$nr]);
                 unset($post_values['template_position'], $post_values['tag_id']);
         } else {
             $page_data = $content_page->get_page_data();
          * Put the page data to the XML
         $page_data = $content_page->get_page_data();
         $page_data['template_fields'] = array();
         foreach ($page_data['tag_ids'] as $template_field_id => $tag_ids) {
             $page_data['template_fields'][$template_field_id . 'template_field'] = array('@id' => $template_field_id);
             foreach ($tag_ids as $tag_id) {
                 $page_data['template_fields'][$template_field_id . 'template_field'][$tag_id . 'tag'] = array('@id' => $tag_id);
         // Unset this, or it will cludge our XML
         // Set the page data to the page node
         xml::to_XML($page_data, $this->xml_content_page, NULL, 'id');
     } else {
Example #27
 public function onValidateDocument(Validation $validation, DataSource_Hybrid_Document $doc)
     $validation->rule($this->name, array($this, 'is_valid_documents_ids'));
     return parent::onValidateDocument($validation, $doc);