public function _validate_icc_path(Validation $post, $field)
     if (!empty($post->{$field})) {
         if (!@is_file($post->{$field})) {
             $post->add_error($field, t("No ICC profile exists at the location <code>%icc_path</code>", array("icc_path" => $post->{$field})));
         $dcraw = rawphoto_graphics::detect_dcraw();
         if (version_compare($dcraw->version, "8.00", "<")) {
             $post->add_error($field, t("Versions of <em>dcraw</em> before <code>8.00</code> do not support an ICC profile"));
Example #2
  * Performs validation checks on the layer url and layer file - Checks that at least
  * one of them has been specified using the applicable validation rules
  * @param Validation $array Validation object containing the field names to be checked
 public function layer_url_file_check(Validation $array)
     // Ensure at least a layer URL or layer file has been specified
     if (empty($array->layer_url) and empty($array->layer_file) and empty($array->layer_file_old)) {
         $array->add_error('layer_url', 'atleast');
     // Add validation rule for the layer URL if specified
     if (!empty($array->layer_url) and (empty($array->layer_file) or empty($array->layer_file_old))) {
         $array->add_rules('layer_url', 'url');
     // Check if both the layer URL and the layer file have been specified
     if (!empty($array->layer_url) and (!empty($array->layer_file_old) or !empty($array->layer_file))) {
         $array->add_error('layer_url', 'both');
  * Validate the item name.  It can't conflict with other names, can't contain slashes or
  * trailing periods.
 public function valid_name(Validation $v, $field)
     $postage_band = ORM::factory("postage_band")->where("name", "=", $this->name)->find();
     if ($postage_band->loaded() && $postage_band->id != $this->id) {
         $v->add_error("name", "in_use");
 public function action_edit_field()
     $field_id = $this->request->param('options');
     xml::to_XML(array('field' => array('@id' => $field_id, '$content' => User::get_data_field_name($field_id))), $this->xml_content);
     if (count($_POST) && isset($_POST['field_name'])) {
         $post = new Validation($_POST);
         $post->rule('Valid::not_empty', 'field_name');
         if ($post->validate()) {
             $post_values = $post->as_array();
             if ($post_values['field_name'] != User::get_data_field_name($field_id) && !User::field_name_available($post_values['field_name'])) {
                 $post->add_error('field_name', 'User::field_name_available');
         // Retry
         if ($post->validate()) {
             $post_values = $post->as_array();
             User::update_field($field_id, $post_values['field_name']);
             $this->add_message('Field ' . $post_values['field_name'] . ' updated');
             $this->set_formdata(array('field_name' => $post_values['field_name']));
         } else {
             $this->add_error('Fix errors and try again');
             $this->set_formdata(array_intersect_key($post->as_array(), $_POST));
     } else {
         $this->set_formdata(array('field_name' => User::get_data_field_name($field_id)));
  * Performs validation checks on the geometry file - Checks that at least
  * one of them has been specified using the applicable validation rules
  * @param Validation $array Validation object containing the field names to be checked
 public function file_check(Validation $array)
     // Ensure at least a geometry URL or geometry file has been specified
     if (empty($array->kml_file) and empty($array->kml_file_old)) {
         $array->add_error('geometry_url', 'atleast');
Example #6
  * Validate the item name.  It can't conflict with other names, can't contain slashes or
  * trailing periods.
 public function valid_name(Validation $v, $field)
     Kohana_Log::add("error", print_r("valid_name!", 1));
     $product = ORM::factory("product")->where("name", "=", $this->name)->find();
     if ($product->loaded() && $product->id != $this->id) {
         $v->add_error("name", "in_use");
  * If we want to delete the record, we need to check that no dependents exist.
 public function __dependents(Validation $array, $field)
     if ($array['deleted'] == 'true') {
         $record = ORM::factory('termlists_term', $array['id']);
         if (count($record->children) != 0) {
             $array->add_error($field, 'has_children');
 public function _unique_email(Validation $array, $field)
     // check the database for existing records
     $email_exists = (bool) ORM::factory('launchingsoon_user')->where('email', $array[$field])->count_all();
     if ($email_exists) {
         // add error to validation object
         $array->add_error($field, 'email_exists');
Example #9
  * If we want to delete the record, we need to check that no dependents exist.
 public function _dependents(Validation $array, $field)
     if ($array['deleted'] == 'true') {
         $record = ORM::factory('termlist', $array['id']);
         if ($record->terms->count() != 0) {
             $array->add_error($field, 'has_taxa');
Example #10
  * Look if email and password match with db
  * @param Validation Validation object
  * @param string field that all goes on
  * @return boolean
 public function _url_is_free(Validation $array, $field)
     // Questing database if url string
     $url_is_free = $this->db->from(self::TN_PAGES)->where('url', $array[$field])->count_records();
     if ($url_is_free != 0) {
         $array->add_error($field, 'is_set');
     } else {
         return TRUE;
Example #11
  * Callback - check if payment exists in db
  * @return void
  * @param integer id of payment method 
 public function _exists(Validation $post)
     // If add->rules validation found any errors, get me out of here!
     if (array_key_exists('payment', $post->errors())) {
     // Check if shipping method exists
     $data = $this->db->select('id')->from(self::TN_PAYMENT)->where('id', $post['payment'])->get();
     if (count($data) <= 0) {
         // Add a validation error, this will cause $post->validate() to return FALSE
         $post->add_error('payment', 'required');
Example #12
 public function _admin_check_address(Validation $array, $input)
     if ($array[$input] == '') {
     // Fetch the lat and lon via Gmap
     list($lat, $lon) = Gmap::address_to_ll($array[$input]);
     if ($lat === NULL or $lon === NULL) {
         // Add an error
         $array->add_error($input, 'address');
     } else {
         // Set the latitude and longitude
         $_POST['lat'] = $lat;
         $_POST['lon'] = $lon;
Example #13
  * @method status_update
  * @abstract Post status update to Twitter
  * @author Josh Turmel
  * @
  * @return array
 public static function status_update($config)
     $username = isset($config['username']) ? $config['username'] : '';
     $password = isset($config['password']) ? $config['password'] : '';
     $status = isset($config['status']) ? $config['status'] : '';
     $v = new Validation(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'status' => $status));
     // TODO: Add in the real requirements by Twitter, for now just required
     $v->add_rules('username', 'required');
     $v->add_rules('password', 'required');
     $v->add_rules('status', 'required');
     if ($v->validate() === false) {
         return array('success' => false, 'errors' => $v->errors('twitter'));
     $appended_message = Kohana::config('twitter.appended_message');
     $max_length = self::status_length();
     if (strlen($status) > $max_length) {
         $status = substr($status, 0, $max_length - 2) . '...';
     // Now add appended_message
     $status = $status . $appended_message;
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'status=' . $status);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username . ':' . $password);
     $output = curl_exec($ch);
     // Check for success or failure
     if (empty($output)) {
         $v = new Validation(array('twitter_response' => ''));
         $v->add_error('twitter_response', 'connection_failed');
         return array('success' => false, 'errors' => $v->errors('twitter'));
     } else {
         $output = json_decode($output);
         if (isset($output->error) && $output->error == 'Could not authenticate you.') {
             $v = new Validation(array('twitter_response' => ''));
             $v->add_error('twitter_response', 'authentication_failed');
             return array('success' => false, 'errors' => $v->errors('twitter'));
         } else {
             $output->success = true;
             return $output;
Example #14
  * Checks if email address is associated with an account.
  * @param Validation $post $_POST variable with validation rules
 public function email_exists_chk(Validation $post)
     $users = ORM::factory('user');
     if (array_key_exists('resetemail', $post->errors())) {
     if (!$users->email_exists($post->resetemail)) {
         $post->add_error('resetemail', 'invalid');
Example #15
  * Ensures that only a superadmin can modify superadmin users, or upgrade a user to superadmin
  * @note this assumes the currently logged-in user isn't a superadmin
 public static function prevent_superadmin_modification(Validation $post, $field)
     if ($post[$field] == 'superadmin') {
         $post->add_error($field, 'superadmin_modify');
Example #16
  * Checks if parent_id for this category exists
  * @param Validation $post $_POST variable with validation rules
 public function parent_id_chk(Validation $post)
     // If add->rules validation found any errors, get me out of here!
     if (array_key_exists('parent_id', $post->errors())) {
     $category_id = $post->category_id;
     $parent_id = $post->parent_id;
     // This is a parent category - exit
     if ($parent_id == 0) {
     $parent_exists = ORM::factory('category')->where('id', $parent_id)->find();
     if (!$parent_exists->loaded) {
         // Parent Category Doesn't Exist
         $post->add_error('parent_id', 'exists');
     if (!empty($category_id) && $category_id == $parent_id) {
         // Category ID and Parent ID can't be the same!
         $post->add_error('parent_id', 'same');
Example #17
  * Checks if url already exists.
  * @param Validation $post $_POST variable with validation rules
 public function url_exists_chk(Validation $post)
     // If add->rules validation found any errors, get me out of here!
     if (array_key_exists('sharing_url', $post->errors())) {
     $sharing_type = $post->sharing_type && ($post->sharing_type == 1 || $post->sharing_type == 2) ? $post->sharing_type : 1;
     $share_exists = ORM::factory('sharing')->where('sharing_url', $this->_clean_urls($post->sharing_url))->find();
     if ($share_exists->loaded && $share_exists->id != $post->sharing_id && $share_exists->sharing_type == $sharing_type) {
         $post->add_error('sharing_url', 'exists');
Example #18
  * Checks if user_id is associated with an account.
  * @param Validation $post $_POST variable with validation rules 
 private function _user_name_chk($name, $post)
     $account = ORM::factory('user')->where("name", $name)->orwhere("username", $name)->orwhere("email", $name)->where("id !=" . $this->user->id)->find();
     if (!$account->loaded) {
         $post->add_error('private_to', 'exists');
Example #19
  * Checks if email address is associated with an account.
  * @param Validation $post $_POST variable with validation rules 
 public function email_exists_chk(Validation $post)
     if (array_key_exists('email', $post->errors())) {
     $users = ORM::factory('user')->where('id <> ' . $this->user_id);
     if ($users->email_exists($post->email)) {
         $post->add_error('email', 'exists');
Example #20
  * Validate the user name.  Make sure there are no conflicts.
 public function valid_name(Validation $v, $field)
     if (db::build()->from("groups")->where("name", "=", $this->name)->where("id", "<>", $this->id)->count_records() == 1) {
         $v->add_error("name", "conflict");
Example #21
  * Checks if translation for this report & locale exists
  * @param Validation $post $_POST variable with validation rules 
  * @param int $iid The unique incident_id of the original report
 public function translate_exists_chk(Validation $post)
     // If add->rules validation found any errors, get me out of here!
     if (array_key_exists('locale', $post->errors())) {
     $iid = $_GET['iid'];
     if (empty($iid)) {
         $iid = 0;
     $translate = ORM::factory('incident_lang')->where('incident_id', $iid)->where('locale', $post->locale)->find();
     if ($translate->loaded == true) {
         $post->add_error('locale', 'exists');
         // Not found
     } else {
Example #22
  * Check if bind config is OK
  * @see    $callbacks
  * @param  Validation  $array
  * @param  string      $field
 public static function bind_config(Validation $array, $field)
     if ($array['access'] & self::TYPE_BIND) {
         if (!isset($array[$field]) || !$array[$field]) {
             // Bind config is required is area type bind is set
             $array->add_error($field, 'required');
         } else {
             if (!in_array($array[$field], array_keys(self::area_types()))) {
                 // Invalid bind config, this should not happen(tm)
                 $array->add_error($field, 'invalid');
     } else {
         $array[$field] = null;
Example #23
  * This field cannot be changed after it's been set.
 public function read_only(Validation $v, $field)
     if ($this->loaded() && isset($this->changed[$field])) {
         $v->add_error($field, "read_only");
Example #24
  * Validate Custom Form Fields
  * @param Validation $post Validation object from form post
  * XXX This whole function is being done backwards
  * Need to pull the list of custom form fields first
  * Then look through them to see if they're set, not the other way around.
 public static function validate_custom_form_fields(&$post)
     $custom_fields = array();
     if (!isset($post->custom_field)) {
     /* XXX Checkboxes hackery
     			 Checkboxes are submitted in the post as custom_field[field_id-boxnum]
     			 This foreach loop consolidates them into one variable separated by commas.
     			 If no checkboxes are selected then the custom_field[] for that variable is not sent
     			 To get around that the view sets a hidden custom_field[field_id-BLANKHACK] field that
     			 ensures the checkbox custom_field is there to be tested.
     foreach ($post->custom_field as $field_id => $field_response) {
         $split = explode("-", $field_id);
         if (isset($split[1])) {
             // The view sets a hidden field for blankhack
             if ($split[1] == 'BLANKHACK') {
                 if (!isset($custom_fields[$split[0]])) {
                     // then no checkboxes were checked
                     $custom_fields[$split[0]] = '';
                 // E.Kala - Removed the else {} block; either way continue is still invoked
             if (isset($custom_fields[$split[0]])) {
                 $custom_fields[$split[0]] .= ",{$field_response}";
             } else {
                 $custom_fields[$split[0]] = $field_response;
         } else {
             $custom_fields[$split[0]] = $field_response;
     $post->custom_field = $custom_fields;
     // Kohana::log('debug', Kohana::debug($custom_fields));
     foreach ($post->custom_field as $field_id => $field_response) {
         $field_param = ORM::factory('form_field', $field_id);
         $custom_name = $field_param->field_name;
         // Validate that this custom field already exists
         if (!$field_param->loaded) {
             // Populate the error field
             //$errors[$field_id] = "The $custom_name field does not exist";
             $post->add_error('custom_field', 'not_exist', array($field_id));
         $max_auth = self::get_user_max_auth();
         $required_role = ORM::factory('role', $field_param->field_ispublic_submit);
         if (($required_role->loaded ? $required_role->access_level : 0) > $max_auth) {
             // Populate the error field
             $post->add_error('custom_field', 'permission', array($custom_name));
         // Validate that the field is required
         if ($field_param->field_required == 1 and $field_response == "") {
             $post->add_error('custom_field', 'required', array($custom_name));
         // Grab the custom field options for this field
         $field_options = self::get_custom_field_options($field_id);
         // Validate Custom fields for text boxes
         if ($field_param->field_type == 1 and isset($field_options) and $field_response != '') {
             if (isset($field_options['field_datatype'])) {
                 if ($field_options['field_datatype'] == 'email' and !valid::email($field_response)) {
                     $post->add_error('custom_field', 'email', array($custom_name));
                 if ($field_options['field_datatype'] == 'phonenumber' and !valid::phone($field_response)) {
                     $post->add_error('custom_field', 'phone', array($custom_name));
                 if ($field_options['field_datatype'] == 'numeric' and !valid::numeric($field_response)) {
                     $post->add_error('custom_field', 'numeric', array($custom_name));
         // Validate for date
         if ($field_param->field_type == 3 and $field_response != "") {
             $field_default = $field_param->field_default;
             if (!valid::date_mmddyyyy($field_response)) {
                 $post->add_error('custom_field', 'date_mmddyyyy', array($custom_name));
         // Validate multi-value boxes only have acceptable values
         if ($field_param->field_type >= 5 and $field_param->field_type <= 7) {
             $defaults = explode('::', $field_param->field_default);
             $options = array();
             if (preg_match("/[0-9]+-[0-9]+/", $defaults[0]) and count($defaults) == 1) {
                 $dashsplit = explode('-', $defaults[0]);
                 $start = $dashsplit[0];
                 $end = $dashsplit[1];
                 for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) {
                     array_push($options, $i);
             } else {
                 $options = array_map('trim', explode(',', $defaults[0]));
             $responses = explode(',', $field_response);
             foreach ($responses as $response) {
                 if (!in_array($response, $options) and $response != '') {
                     $post->add_error('custom_field', 'values', array($custom_name));
                     //$errors[$field_id] = "The $custom_name field does not include $response as an option";
         // Validate that a required checkbox is checked
         if ($field_param->field_type == 6 and $field_response == 'BLANKHACK' and $field_param->field_required == 1) {
             $post->add_error('custom_field', 'required', array($custom_name));
 public function _is_module_defined(Validation $post, $field)
     $module_name = strtolower(strtr($post[$field], " ", "_"));
     if (file_exists(MODPATH . "{$module_name}/")) {
         $post->add_error($field, "module_exists");
Example #26
  * Checks if translation for this report & locale exists
  * @param Validation $post $_POST variable with validation rules
  * @param int $iid The unique incident_id of the original report
 public function translate_exists_chk(Validation $post)
     // If add->rules validation found any errors, get me out of here!
     if (array_key_exists('locale', $post->errors())) {
     $iid = (isset($_GET['iid']) and intval($_GTE['iid'] > 0)) ? intval($_GET['iid']) : 0;
     // Load translation
     $translate = ORM::factory('incident_lang')->where('incident_id', $iid)->where('locale', $post->locale)->find();
     if ($translate->loaded) {
         $post->add_error('locale', 'exists');
     } else {
         // Not found
Example #27
  * Tests if an email accounts exists in the database for this alert
  * @param   mixed mobile number to check
  * @return  boolean
 public function _mobile_or_email(Validation $array)
     if (empty($array->alert_mobile) && empty($array->alert_email)) {
         $array->add_error('alert_mobile', 'one_required');
Example #28
  * Make sure we have a valid associated item id.
 public function valid_item(Validation $v, $field)
     if (db::build()->from("items")->where("id", "=", $this->item_id)->count_records() != 1) {
         $v->add_error("item_id", "invalid");
 public function action_edit_page()
     $id = $this->request->param('options');
     $content_page = new Content_Page($id);
     if ($content_page->get_page_id()) {
         $this->xml_content_page = $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('page'));
         // Get all tags associated with pages and images
         $this->xml_content_tags = $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tags'));
         $tags = array();
         foreach (Content_Page::get_tags() as $tag) {
             $tags[] = $tag;
         foreach (Content_Image::get_tags() as $tag) {
             foreach ($tags as $tag_to_check) {
                 if ($tag_to_check['name'] == $tag['name']) {
                     break 2;
             $tags[] = $tag;
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             $tag_node = $this->xml_content_tags->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tag', $tag['name']));
             $tag_node->setAttribute('id', $tag['id']);
         if (count($_POST) && isset($_POST['URI']) && isset($_POST['name'])) {
             if ($_POST['URI'] == '') {
                 $_POST['URI'] = $_POST['name'];
             $_POST['URI'] = URL::title($_POST['URI'], '-', TRUE);
             $post = new Validation($_POST);
             $post->rule('Valid::not_empty', 'name');
             if ($post->validate()) {
                 $post_values = $post->as_array();
                 $current_page_data = $content_page->get_page_data();
                 if ($post_values['name'] != $current_page_data['name'] && !Content_Page::page_name_available($post_values['name'])) {
                     $post->add_error('name', 'Content_Page::page_name_available');
                 if ($post_values['URI'] != $current_page_data['URI'] && !Content_Page::page_URI_available($post_values['URI'])) {
                     $post->add_error('URI', 'Content_Page::page_URI_available');
             // Retry
             if ($post->validate()) {
                 $tags = array();
                 foreach ($post_values['template_position'] as $nr => $template_position) {
                     if ($post_values['tag_id'][$nr] > 0) {
                         if (!isset($tags[$template_position])) {
                             $tags[$template_position] = array();
                         $tags[$template_position][] = $post_values['tag_id'][$nr];
                 $content_page->update_page_data($post_values['name'], $post_values['URI'], $tags);
                 $this->add_message('Page "' . $post_values['name'] . '" updated');
                 $page_data = $content_page->get_page_data();
             } else {
                 $this->add_error('Fix errors and try again');
                 // Fix template position data
                 $tmp_node = $this->xml_content->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tmp'));
                 foreach ($post_values['template_position'] as $nr => $template_position) {
                     $template_field_node = $tmp_node->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('template_field'));
                     $template_field_node->setAttribute('id', $template_position);
                     if ($post_values['tag_id'][$nr] > 0) {
                         $tag_node = $template_field_node->appendChild($this->dom->createElement('tag'));
                         $tag_node->setAttribute('id', $post_values['tag_id'][$nr]);
                 unset($post_values['template_position'], $post_values['tag_id']);
         } else {
             $page_data = $content_page->get_page_data();
          * Put the page data to the XML
         $page_data = $content_page->get_page_data();
         $page_data['template_fields'] = array();
         foreach ($page_data['tag_ids'] as $template_field_id => $tag_ids) {
             $page_data['template_fields'][$template_field_id . 'template_field'] = array('@id' => $template_field_id);
             foreach ($tag_ids as $tag_id) {
                 $page_data['template_fields'][$template_field_id . 'template_field'][$tag_id . 'tag'] = array('@id' => $tag_id);
         // Unset this, or it will cludge our XML
         // Set the page data to the page node
         xml::to_XML($page_data, $this->xml_content_page, NULL, 'id');
     } else {
Example #30
  * Checks if current password being passed is correct
  * @param Validation $post $_POST variable with validation rules
 public function current_pw_valid_chk(Validation $post)
     if (array_key_exists('current_password', $post->errors())) {
     $user = User_Model::get_user_by_id($this->user_id);
     if (!User_Model::check_password($user->email, $post->current_password)) {
         $post->add_error('current_password', 'incorrect');