Example #1
 public function display_activities($events, $tasks, $phonecalls)
     $gb = $this->init_module(Utils_GenericBrowser::module_name(), 'activities', 'activities');
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Type'), 'wrapmode' => 'nowrap', 'width' => 8), array('name' => __('Subject'), 'width' => 20), array('name' => __('Date/Deadline'), 'wrapmode' => 'nowrap', 'width' => 8), array('name' => __('Employees'), 'width' => 11), array('name' => __('Customers'), 'width' => 11), array('name' => __('Attachments'), 'width' => 4)));
     $amount = 0;
     if ($this->display['events']) {
         $amount += count($events);
     if ($this->display['tasks']) {
         $amount += count($tasks);
     if ($this->display['phonecalls']) {
         $amount += count($phonecalls);
     $limit = $gb->get_limit($amount);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $limit['offset'] + $limit['numrows'] && $i < $amount; $i++) {
         if ($this->display['events'] && count($events)) {
             $ev = current($events);
         } else {
             $ev = array('start' => -1);
         if ($this->display['tasks'] && count($tasks)) {
             $t = current($tasks);
             if (!$t['deadline']) {
                 $t['deadline'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $t['deadline'] = strtotime($t['deadline']);
         } else {
             $t = array('deadline' => -1);
         if ($this->display['phonecalls'] && count($phonecalls)) {
             $ph = current($phonecalls);
             $ph['date_and_time'] = strtotime($ph['date_and_time']);
         } else {
             $ph = array('date_and_time' => -1);
         $maxt = max($ev['start'], $t['deadline'], $ph['date_and_time']);
         $gb_row = $gb->get_new_row();
         if ($ev['start'] == $maxt) {
             $v = array_shift($events);
             if ($i >= $limit['offset'] && $v) {
                 if (isset($v['view_action'])) {
                     $view_href = $v['view_action'];
                 } else {
                     $view_href = $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'view_event'), array($v['id']));
                 $title = '<a ' . $view_href . '>' . $v['title'] . '</a>';
                 if (isset($v['description']) && $v['description'] != '') {
                     $title = '<span ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs($v['description'], false) . '>' . $title . '</span>';
                 $gb_row->add_info(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info('crm_meeting', $v['id']));
                 $gb_row->add_data(__('Meeting'), $title, Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($v['start'], $v['duration'] == -1 ? false : 2), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_contact(array('employees' => $v['employees']), false, array('id' => 'employees', 'param' => ';CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company')), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_company_contact(array('customers' => $v['customers']), false, array('id' => 'customers', 'param' => ';::')), Utils_AttachmentCommon::count('crm_meeting/' . $v['id']));
         } elseif ($t['deadline'] == $maxt) {
             $v = array_shift($tasks);
             $v = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::filter_record_by_access('task', $v);
             if ($i >= $limit['offset'] && $v) {
                 $gb_row->add_info(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info('task', $v['id']));
                 $gb_row->add_data(__('Task'), CRM_TasksCommon::display_title($v, false), !isset($v['deadline']) || !$v['deadline'] ? __('No deadline') : Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($v['deadline'], false, true, false), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_contact($v, false, array('id' => 'employees', 'param' => ';CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company')), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_company_contact($v, false, array('id' => 'customers')), Utils_AttachmentCommon::count('task/' . $v['id']));
         } else {
             $v = array_shift($phonecalls);
             $v = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::filter_record_by_access('phonecall', $v);
             if ($i >= $limit['offset'] && $v) {
                 $gb_row->add_info(Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info('phonecall', $v['id']));
                 $gb_row->add_data(__('Phonecall'), CRM_PhoneCallCommon::display_subject($v), Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($v['date_and_time'], 2), CRM_ContactsCommon::display_contact($v, false, array('id' => 'employees', 'param' => ';CRM_ContactsCommon::contact_format_no_company')), CRM_PhoneCallCommon::display_contact_name($v, false), Utils_AttachmentCommon::count('phonecall/' . $v['id']));
Example #2
  * Get html formatted info about record
  * @param int $id Record's ID
  * @return string html with info about record
 public function get_html_record_info($id)
     return Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info($this->tab, $id);
Example #3
    public function mini_view($cols, $crits, $order, $info=null, $limit=null, $conf = array('actions_edit'=>true, 'actions_info'=>true), & $opts = array()){
        $gb = $this->init_module('Utils/GenericBrowser',$this->tab,$this->tab);
        $field_hash = array();
        foreach($this->table_rows as $field => $args)
            $field_hash[$args['id']] = $field;
        $header = array();
        $callbacks = array();
        foreach($cols as $k=>$v) {
            if (isset($v['callback'])) $callbacks[] = $v['callback'];
            else $callbacks[] = null;
            if (is_array($v)) {
                $arr = array('name'=>_V($field_hash[$v['field']])); // TRSL
				if (isset($v['width'])) $arr['width'] = $v['width'];
                $cols[$k] = $v['field'];
            } else {
                $arr = array('name'=>_V($field_hash[$v])); // TRSL
                $cols[$k] = $v;
            if (isset($v['label'])) $arr['name'] = $v['label'];
            $arr['wrapmode'] = 'nowrap';
            $header[] = $arr;

        $clean_order = array();
        foreach($order as $k=>$v) {
    	    if ($k==':Visited_on') $field_hash[$k] = $k;
    	    if ($k==':Fav') $field_hash[$k] = $k;
    	    if ($k==':Edited_on') $field_hash[$k] = $k;
            if ($k==':id') $field_hash[$k] = $k;
            $clean_order[] = array('column'=>$field_hash[$k],'order'=>$field_hash[$k],'direction'=>$v);
        if ($limit!=null && !isset($conf['force_limit'])) {
            $limit = array('offset'=>0, 'numrows'=>$limit);
            $records_qty = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_records_count($this->tab, $crits);
            if ($records_qty>$limit['numrows']) {
                if ($this->get_module_variable('no_limit_in_mini_view',false)) {
                    $opts['actions'][] = '<a '.Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Display first %d records', array($limit['numrows']))).' '.$this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'set_no_limit_in_mini_view'), array(false)).'><img src="'.Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('Utils_RecordBrowser','show_some.png').'" border="0"></a>';
                    $limit = null;
                } else {
                    print(__('Displaying %s of %s records', array($limit['numrows'], $records_qty)));
                    $opts['actions'][] = '<a '.Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Display all records')).' '.$this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'set_no_limit_in_mini_view'), array(true)).'><img src="'.Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('Utils_RecordBrowser','show_all.png').'" border="0"></a>';
        $records = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_records($this->tab, $crits, array(), $clean_order, $limit);
        foreach($records as $v) {
            $gb_row = $gb->get_new_row();
            $arr = array();
            foreach($cols as $k=>$w) {
                if (!isset($callbacks[$k])) $s = $this->get_val($field_hash[$w], $v, false, $this->table_rows[$field_hash[$w]]);
                else $s = call_user_func($callbacks[$k], $v);
                $arr[] = $s;
            if (is_callable($info)) {
                $additional_info = call_user_func($info, $v);
            } else $additional_info = '';
            if (!is_array($additional_info) && isset($additional_info)) $additional_info = array('notes'=>$additional_info);
            if (isset($additional_info['notes'])) $additional_info['notes'] = $additional_info['notes'].'<hr />';
            if (isset($additional_info['row_attrs'])) $gb_row->set_attrs($additional_info['row_attrs']);
            if (isset($conf['actions_info']) && $conf['actions_info']) $gb_row->add_info($additional_info['notes'].Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info($this->tab, $v['id']));
            if (isset($conf['actions_view']) && $conf['actions_view']) $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this,'navigate'),array('view_entry', 'view',$v['id'])),'View');
            if (isset($conf['actions_edit']) && $conf['actions_edit']) if ($this->get_access('edit',$v)) $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this,'navigate'),array('view_entry', 'edit',$v['id'])),'Edit');
            if (isset($conf['actions_delete']) && $conf['actions_delete']) if ($this->get_access('delete',$v)) $gb_row->add_action($this->create_confirm_callback_href(__('Are you sure you want to delete this record?'),array($this,'delete_record'),array($v['id'], false)),'Delete');
            if (isset($conf['actions_history']) && $conf['actions_history']) {
                $r_info = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_record_info($this->tab, $v['id']);
                if ($r_info['edited_on']===null) $gb_row->add_action('','This record was never edited',null,'history_inactive');
                else $gb_row->add_action($this->create_callback_href(array($this,'navigate'),array('view_edit_history', $v['id'])),'View edit history',null,'history');
            $this->call_additional_actions_methods($v, $gb_row);
Example #4
 public function body()
     if (!Base_AclCommon::check_permission('View Activity Report')) {
     $rb_tabs = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT tab, caption FROM recordbrowser_table_properties ORDER BY caption');
     foreach ($rb_tabs as $k => $v) {
         $rb_tabs[$k] = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_caption($k);
     $form = $this->init_module('Libs/QuickForm');
     $users_count = DB::GetOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM user_login') > Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Utils_RecordBrowser', 'enable_autocomplete');
     if ($users_count) {
         $crits = array('!login' => '');
         $fcallback = array('CRM_ContactsCommon', 'contact_format_no_company');
         $form->addElement('autoselect', 'user', __('User'), array(), array(array('CRM_ContactsCommon', 'autoselect_contact_suggestbox'), array($crits, $fcallback)), $fcallback);
     } else {
         $users = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT id, id FROM user_login');
         foreach ($users as $k => $u) {
             $users[$k] = Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($u, true);
         $users = array('' => '[' . __('All') . ']') + $users;
         $form->addElement('select', 'user', __('User'), $users);
     $form->addElement('multiselect', 'recordsets', __('Record Type'), $rb_tabs);
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'new', __('New record'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'edit', __('Record edit'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'delete_restore', __('Record Delete/restore'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'file', __('Files'));
     $form->addElement('datepicker', 'start_date', __('Start Date'));
     $form->addElement('datepicker', 'end_date', __('End Date'));
     //$form->addElement('submit', 'submit', __('Show'));
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('search', __('Show'), $form->get_submit_form_href());
     $filters = $this->get_module_variable('filters', array('user' => '', 'new' => 1, 'edit' => 1, 'delete_restore' => 1, 'recordsets' => array_keys($rb_tabs), 'start_date' => date('Y-m-01'), 'end_date' => date('Y-m-d')));
     if ($form->validate()) {
         $filters = $form->exportValues();
         $this->set_module_variable('filters', $filters);
     $theme = $this->init_module('Base/Theme');
     $form->assign_theme('form', $theme);
     $filters['recordsets'] = array_flip($filters['recordsets']);
     foreach ($rb_tabs as $k => $v) {
         if (!isset($filters['recordsets'][$k])) {
     $gb = $this->init_module('Utils/GenericBrowser', null, 'activity_report');
     $gb->set_table_columns(array(array('name' => __('Date'), 'width' => 40), array('name' => __('User'), 'width' => 40), array('name' => __('Type'), 'width' => 40), array('name' => __('Label')), array('name' => __('Actions taken'), 'width' => 40)));
     $tables = array();
     if ($users_count) {
         $filters['user'] = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact($filters['user']);
         $filters['user'] = $filters['user']['login'];
     $af_where = array();
     foreach ($rb_tabs as $k => $t) {
         $af_where[] = 'ual.local ' . DB::like() . ' ' . DB::Concat(DB::qstr($k . '/'), DB::qstr('%'));
     $af_where = count($af_where) ? ' (' . implode(' OR ', $af_where) . ')' : 'TRUE ';
     $e_where = array();
     $c_where = '';
     if ($filters['user']) {
         $e_where[] = ' edited_by = ' . $filters['user'];
         $c_where = ' created_by = ' . $filters['user'];
         $af_where .= ' AND uaf.created_by = ' . $filters['user'];
     if (isset($filters['edit'])) {
         if (!isset($filters['delete_restore'])) {
             $e_where[] = ' ehd.field!=' . DB::qstr('id');
     } else {
         if (isset($filters['delete_restore'])) {
             $e_where[] = ' ehd.field=' . DB::qstr('id');
     if ($filters['start_date']) {
         $date = DB::qstr(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($filters['start_date'])));
         $af_where .= ' AND uaf.created_on >= ' . $date;
         $c_where .= ($c_where ? ' AND' : '') . ' created_on >= ' . $date;
         $e_where[] = ' edited_on >= ' . $date;
     if ($filters['end_date']) {
         $date = DB::qstr(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($filters['end_date'])));
         $af_where .= ' AND uaf.created_on <= ' . $date;
         $c_where .= ($c_where ? ' AND' : '') . ' created_on <= ' . $date;
         $e_where[] = ' edited_on <= ' . $date;
     if (!empty($e_where)) {
         $e_where = ' WHERE' . implode(' AND', $e_where);
     } else {
         $e_where = '';
     if ($c_where) {
         $c_where = ' WHERE' . $c_where;
     $postgre_cast_type = DB::is_postgresql() ? '::varchar' : '';
     // **** files ****
     if (isset($filters['file'])) {
         $tables[] = 'SELECT uaf.id AS id,uaf.created_on AS edited_on,uaf.created_by AS edited_by, ual.local AS r_id, ' . DB::qstr('') . ' AS tab, ' . DB::qstr('file') . ' AS action FROM utils_attachment_file uaf INNER JOIN utils_attachment_data_1 ua ON uaf.attach_id=ua.id INNER JOIN utils_attachment_local ual ON ua.id=ual.attachment WHERE original!=' . DB::qstr('') . ' AND ' . $af_where;
     // **** edit ****
     if (isset($filters['edit']) || isset($filters['delete_restore'])) {
         foreach ($rb_tabs as $k => $t) {
             $tables[] = 'SELECT id, edited_on, edited_by, ' . $k . '_id' . $postgre_cast_type . ' as r_id, ' . DB::qstr($k) . ' as tab, ' . DB::qstr('edit') . ' as action FROM ' . $k . '_edit_history eh LEFT JOIN ' . $k . '_edit_history_data ehd ON ehd.edit_id=eh.id' . $e_where;
     // **** create ****
     if (isset($filters['new'])) {
         foreach ($rb_tabs as $k => $t) {
             $tables[] = 'SELECT 0 AS id, created_on AS edited_on, created_by AS edited_by, id' . $postgre_cast_type . ' as r_id, ' . DB::qstr($k) . ' as tab, ' . DB::qstr('create') . ' as action FROM ' . $k . '_data_1' . $c_where;
     if (!empty($tables)) {
         $tables = implode(' UNION ', $tables);
         $limit = DB::GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' . $tables . ') AS tmp');
         $limit = $gb->get_limit($limit);
         $ret = DB::SelectLimit('SELECT * FROM (' . $tables . ') AS tmp ORDER BY edited_on DESC', $limit['numrows'], $limit['offset']);
         while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
             $user = Base_UserCommon::get_user_label($row['edited_by']);
             $action = '';
             $link = '';
             switch ($row['action']) {
                 case 'edit':
                     $details = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT field, old_value FROM ' . $row['tab'] . '_edit_history_data WHERE edit_id=%d', array($row['id']));
                     if (isset($details['id'])) {
                         $action = $details['id'] == 'DELETED' ? __('Deleted') : __('Restored');
                     } else {
                         $action = __('Edited');
                         $action = '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::tooltip_leightbox_mode() . ' ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::ajax_open_tag_attrs(array('Utils_RecordBrowserCommon', 'get_edit_details_label'), array($row['tab'], $row['r_id'], $row['id']), 500) . '>' . $action . '</a>';
                     $r_id = $row['r_id'];
                 case 'create':
                     $action = __('Created');
                     $r_id = $row['r_id'];
                 case 'file':
                     $action = __('Attachment') . ': ';
                     $action .= $row['id'] == 0 ? __('New') : __('Updated');
                     $id = explode('/', $row['r_id']);
                     $row['tab'] = $id[0];
                     $r_id = $id[1];
                 case 'note':
                     $action = __('Note') . ': ';
                     $action .= $row['id'] == 0 ? __('New') : __('Updated');
                     $id = explode('/', $row['r_id']);
                     $row['tab'] = $id[0];
                     $r_id = $id[1];
             if (!Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_access($row['tab'], 'view', Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_record($row['tab'], $r_id))) {
                 $link = __('Access restricted');
                 $action = strip_tags($action);
             } else {
                 $link = Utils_TooltipCommon::create('<img src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('Utils_RecordBrowser', 'info.png') . '">', Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_html_record_info($row['tab'], $r_id), false);
                 $link .= '&nbsp;';
                 $link .= Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_default_linked_label($row['tab'], $r_id, false, false);
             $gb->add_row(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($row['edited_on']), $user, $rb_tabs[$row['tab']], $link, $action);
     Base_ThemeCommon::load_css('Utils_RecordBrowser', 'changes_list');