function downloadFile($url, $path) { if (isValidUrl($url)) { touch($path); $remoteFile = fopen($url, "rb"); if ($remoteFile) { $newFile = fopen($path, "wb"); if ($newFile) { while (!feof($remoteFile)) { fwrite($newFile, fread($remoteFile, 1024 * 8), 1024 * 8); } } } else { return false; } if ($remoteFile) { fclose($remoteFile); } if ($newFile) { fclose($newFile); } return true; } else { notFound(); return false; } }
function addShortUrl() { if (isset($_POST['url']) && $_POST['url']) { $link = $_POST['url']; if (isValidUrl($link)) { $result = insertShortUrl($link); $shortIsValid = $result['success']; while (!$shortIsValid) { $result = insertShortUrl($link); $shortIsValid = $result['success']; } echo DOMAIN_URL . $result['short']; } else { echo 'Invalid link !'; } } }
} } if (GETPOST('deletephoto')) $object->logo = ''; else if (! empty($_FILES['photo']['name'])) $object->logo = dol_sanitizeFileName($_FILES['photo']['name']); // Check parameters if (empty($_POST["cancel"])) { if (! empty($object->email) && ! isValidEMail($object->email)) { $langs->load("errors"); $error++; $errors[] = $langs->trans("ErrorBadEMail",$object->email); $action = ($action=='add'?'create':'edit'); } if (! empty($object->url) && ! isValidUrl($object->url)) { $langs->load("errors"); $error++; $errors[] = $langs->trans("ErrorBadUrl",$object->url); $action = ($action=='add'?'create':'edit'); } if ($object->fournisseur && ! $conf->fournisseur->enabled) { $langs->load("errors"); $error++; $errors[] = $langs->trans("ErrorSupplierModuleNotEnabled"); $action = ($action=='add'?'create':'edit'); } // Check for duplicate prof id for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) {
/** * Load data control * * @param int $action Action code * @return void */ function doActions(&$action) { global $conf, $user, $langs; if ($_POST["getcustomercode"]) { // We defined value code_client $_POST["code_client"] = "Acompleter"; } if ($_POST["getsuppliercode"]) { // We defined value code_fournisseur $_POST["code_fournisseur"] = "Acompleter"; } // Add new third party if (!$_POST["getcustomercode"] && !$_POST["getsuppliercode"] && ($action == 'add' || $action == 'update')) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/functions2.lib.php'; $error = 0; if (GETPOST("private") == 1) { $this->object->particulier = GETPOST("private"); $this->object->name = empty($conf->global->MAIN_FIRSTNAME_NAME_POSITION) ? trim($_POST["firstname"] . ' ' . $_POST["lastname"]) : trim($_POST["lastname"] . ' ' . $_POST["firstname"]); $this->object->civility_id = $_POST["civility_id"]; // Add non official properties $this->object->name_bis = $_POST["lastname"]; $this->object->firstname = $_POST["firstname"]; } else { $this->object->name = $_POST["nom"]; } $this->object->address = $_POST["adresse"]; $this->object->zip = $_POST["zipcode"]; $this->object->town = $_POST["town"]; $this->object->country_id = $_POST["country_id"]; $this->object->state_id = $_POST["state_id"]; $this->object->phone = $_POST["tel"]; $this->object->fax = $_POST["fax"]; $this->object->email = trim($_POST["email"]); $this->object->url = $_POST["url"]; $this->object->idprof1 = $_POST["idprof1"]; $this->object->idprof2 = $_POST["idprof2"]; $this->object->idprof3 = $_POST["idprof3"]; $this->object->idprof4 = $_POST["idprof4"]; $this->object->prefix_comm = $_POST["prefix_comm"]; $this->object->code_client = $_POST["code_client"]; $this->object->code_fournisseur = $_POST["code_fournisseur"]; $this->object->capital = $_POST["capital"]; $this->object->barcode = $_POST["barcode"]; $this->object->canvas = GETPOST("canvas"); $this->object->tva_assuj = $_POST["assujtva_value"]; // Local Taxes $this->object->localtax1_assuj = $_POST["localtax1assuj_value"]; $this->object->localtax2_assuj = $_POST["localtax2assuj_value"]; $this->object->tva_intra = $_POST["tva_intra"]; $this->object->forme_juridique_code = $_POST["forme_juridique_code"]; $this->object->effectif_id = $_POST["effectif_id"]; if (GETPOST("private") == 1) { $this->object->typent_id = dol_getIdFromCode($db, 'TE_PRIVATE', 'c_typent'); } else { $this->object->typent_id = $_POST["typent_id"]; } $this->object->client = $_POST["client"]; $this->object->fournisseur = $_POST["fournisseur"]; $this->object->commercial_id = $_POST["commercial_id"]; $this->object->default_lang = $_POST["default_lang"]; // Check parameters if (empty($_POST["cancel"])) { if (!empty($this->object->email) && !isValidEMail($this->object->email)) { $error = 1; $langs->load("errors"); $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorBadEMail", $this->object->email); $action = $action == 'add' ? 'create' : 'edit'; } if (!empty($this->object->url) && !isValidUrl($this->object->url)) { $error = 1; $langs->load("errors"); $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorBadUrl", $this->object->url); $action = $action == 'add' ? 'create' : 'edit'; } if ($this->object->fournisseur && !$conf->fournisseur->enabled) { $error = 1; $langs->load("errors"); $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorSupplierModuleNotEnabled"); $action = $action == 'add' ? 'create' : 'edit'; } } if (!$error) { if ($action == 'add') { $this->db->begin(); if (empty($this->object->client)) { $this->object->code_client = ''; } if (empty($this->object->fournisseur)) { $this->object->code_fournisseur = ''; } $result = $this->object->create($user); if ($result >= 0) { if ($this->object->particulier) { dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::doActions This thirdparty is a personal people", LOG_DEBUG); $contact = new Contact($this->db); $contact->civility_id = $this->object->civility_id; $contact->name = $this->object->name_bis; $contact->firstname = $this->object->firstname; $contact->address = $this->object->address; $contact->zip = $this->object->zip; $contact->town = $this->object->town; $contact->country_id = $this->object->country_id; $contact->socid = $this->object->id; // fk_soc $contact->status = 1; $contact->email = $this->object->email; $contact->priv = 0; $result = $contact->create($user); } } else { $this->errors = $this->object->errors; } if ($result >= 0) { $this->db->commit(); if ($this->object->client == 1) { header("Location: " . DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/fiche.php?socid=" . $this->object->id); return; } else { if ($this->object->fournisseur == 1) { header("Location: " . DOL_URL_ROOT . "/fourn/fiche.php?socid=" . $this->object->id); return; } else { header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?socid=" . $this->object->id); return; } } exit; } else { $this->db->rollback(); $this->errors = $this->object->errors; $action = 'create'; } } if ($action == 'update') { if ($_POST["cancel"]) { header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?socid=" . $this->object->id); exit; } $oldsoccanvas = dol_clone($this->object); // To avoid setting code if third party is not concerned. But if it had values, we keep them. if (empty($this->object->client) && empty($oldsoccanvas->code_client)) { $this->object->code_client = ''; } if (empty($this->object->fournisseur) && empty($oldsoccanvas->code_fournisseur)) { $this->object->code_fournisseur = ''; } $result = $this->object->update($this->object->id, $user, 1, $oldsoccanvas->codeclient_modifiable(), $oldsoccanvas->codefournisseur_modifiable()); if ($result >= 0) { header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?socid=" . $this->object->id); exit; } else { $reload = 0; $this->errors = $this->object->errors; $action = "edit"; } } } } if ($action == 'confirm_delete' && GETPOST("confirm") == 'yes') { $result = $this->object->delete($this->object->id); if ($result >= 0) { header("Location: " . DOL_URL_ROOT . "/societe/societe.php?delsoc=" . $this->object->nom . ""); exit; } else { $reload = 0; $this->errors = $this->object->errors; $action = ''; } } /* * Generate document */ if ($action == 'builddoc') { if (is_numeric(GETPOST('model'))) { $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentities("Model")); } else { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/modules/societe/modules_societe.class.php'; $this->object->fetch_thirdparty(); // Define output language $outputlangs = $langs; $newlang = ''; if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id')) { $newlang = GETPOST('lang_id'); } if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) { $newlang = $this->object->default_lang; } if (!empty($newlang)) { $outputlangs = new Translate("", $conf); $outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang); } $result = thirdparty_doc_create($this->db, $this->object->id, '', GETPOST('model', 'alpha'), $outputlangs); if ($result <= 0) { dol_print_error($this->db, $result); exit; } } } }
foreach ($links as $link) { $scrapedUrls[] = $link->nodeValue; } } else { $links = $xpath->query(".//h3[@class='r']/a/@href"); foreach ($links as $link) { $theLink = $link->nodeValue; $theLink = rel2abs($theLink, $url); $parts = GetQueryParameters(trim($theLink)); $foundUrl = "EMPTY"; if (isset($parts['url'])) { $foundUrl = urldecode($parts['url']); } elseif (isset($parts['q'])) { $foundUrl = urldecode($parts['q']); } if (isValidUrl($foundUrl)) { //$converter = new idna_convert(); << used to decode punycode //$foundUrl = $converter->decode($foundUrl); << used to decode punycode $scrapedUrls[] = $foundUrl; //echo "\n$foundUrl\t$theLink\n"; } } } } echo "\nKeyword {$kw} done!\n"; $records = array(); foreach ($scrapedUrls as $p => $u) { echo "{$u}\n"; $records[] = array("Date" => $today, "Keyword" => $kw, "Position" => $p + 1, "URL" => $u); } scraperwiki::save_sqlite(array("Date", "Keyword", "Position"), $records);
$error++; $errors[] = $langs->trans("ErrorBadUrl", $object->url); $action = $action == 'add' ? 'create' : 'edit'; } if ($object->fournisseur && !$conf->fournisseur->enabled) { $langs->load("errors"); $error++; $errors[] = $langs->trans("ErrorSupplierModuleNotEnabled"); $action = $action == 'add' ? 'create' : 'edit'; } if (!empty($object->webservices_url)) { //Check if has transport, without any the soap client will give error if (strpos($object->webservices_url, "http") === false) { $object->webservices_url = "http://" . $object->webservices_url; } if (!isValidUrl($object->webservices_url)) { $langs->load("errors"); $error++; $errors[] = $langs->trans("ErrorBadUrl", $object->webservices_url); $action = $action == 'add' ? 'create' : 'edit'; } } // We set country_id, country_code and country for the selected country $object->country_id = GETPOST('country_id') != '' ? GETPOST('country_id') : $mysoc->country_id; if ($object->country_id) { $tmparray = getCountry($object->country_id, 'all'); $object->country_code = $tmparray['code']; $object->country = $tmparray['label']; } // Check for duplicate or mandatory prof id for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
curl_close($c); if ($response->status == "OK") { $object->gps = array($response->results[0]->geometry->location->lat, $response->results[0]->geometry->location->lng); } else { $object->gps = array(0, 0); } } if (GETPOST('deletephoto')) $object->logo = ''; else if (!empty($_FILES['photo']['name'])) $object->logo = dol_sanitizeFileName($_FILES['photo']['name']); // Check parameters if (empty($_POST["cancel"])) { if (!empty($object->url->Web) && !isValidUrl($object->url->Web)) { $langs->load("errors"); $error++; $errors[] = $langs->trans("ErrorBadUrl", $object->url->Web); $action = ($action == 'add' ? 'create' : 'edit'); } if ($object->fournisseur && !$conf->fournisseur->enabled) { $langs->load("errors"); $error++; $errors[] = $langs->trans("ErrorSupplierModuleNotEnabled"); $action = ($action == 'add' ? 'create' : 'edit'); } /* for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) { $slabel="idprof".$i;
/** * Load data control */ function doActions($socid) { global $conf, $user, $langs; if ($_POST["getcustomercode"]) { // We defined value code_client $_POST["code_client"]="Acompleter"; } if ($_POST["getsuppliercode"]) { // We defined value code_fournisseur $_POST["code_fournisseur"]="Acompleter"; } // Add new third party if ((! $_POST["getcustomercode"] && ! $_POST["getsuppliercode"]) && ($_POST["action"] == 'add' || $_POST["action"] == 'update')) { require_once(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/lib/functions2.lib.php"); $error=0; if ($_POST["action"] == 'update') { // Load properties of company $this->object->fetch($socid); } if ($_REQUEST["private"] == 1) { $this->object->particulier = $_REQUEST["private"]; $this->object->nom = empty($conf->global->MAIN_FIRSTNAME_NAME_POSITION)?trim($_POST["prenom"].' '.$_POST["nom"]):trim($_POST["nom"].' '.$_POST["prenom"]); $this->object->nom_particulier = $_POST["nom"]; $this->object->prenom = $_POST["prenom"]; $this->object->civilite_id = $_POST["civilite_id"]; } else { $this->object->nom = $_POST["nom"]; } $this->object->address = $_POST["adresse"]; $this->object->adresse = $_POST["adresse"]; // TODO obsolete $this->object->cp = $_POST["zipcode"]; $this->object->ville = $_POST["town"]; $this->object->pays_id = $_POST["pays_id"]; $this->object->departement_id = $_POST["departement_id"]; $this->object->tel = $_POST["tel"]; $this->object->fax = $_POST["fax"]; $this->object->email = trim($_POST["email"]); $this->object->url = $_POST["url"]; $this->object->siren = $_POST["idprof1"]; $this->object->siret = $_POST["idprof2"]; $this->object->ape = $_POST["idprof3"]; $this->object->idprof4 = $_POST["idprof4"]; $this->object->prefix_comm = $_POST["prefix_comm"]; $this->object->code_client = $_POST["code_client"]; $this->object->code_fournisseur = $_POST["code_fournisseur"]; $this->object->capital = $_POST["capital"]; $this->object->gencod = $_POST["gencod"]; $this->object->canvas = $_REQUEST["canvas"]; $this->object->tva_assuj = $_POST["assujtva_value"]; // Local Taxes $this->object->localtax1_assuj = $_POST["localtax1assuj_value"]; $this->object->localtax2_assuj = $_POST["localtax2assuj_value"]; $this->object->tva_intra = $_POST["tva_intra"]; $this->object->forme_juridique_code = $_POST["forme_juridique_code"]; $this->object->effectif_id = $_POST["effectif_id"]; if ($_REQUEST["private"] == 1) { $this->object->typent_id = 8; // TODO predict another method if the field "special" change of rowid } else { $this->object->typent_id = $_POST["typent_id"]; } $this->object->client = $_POST["client"]; $this->object->fournisseur = $_POST["fournisseur"]; $this->object->fournisseur_categorie = $_POST["fournisseur_categorie"]; $this->object->commercial_id = $_POST["commercial_id"]; $this->object->default_lang = $_POST["default_lang"]; // Check parameters if (empty($_POST["cancel"])) { if (! empty($this->object->email) && ! isValidEMail($this->object->email)) { $error = 1; $langs->load("errors"); $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorBadEMail",$this->object->email); $_GET["action"] = $_POST["action"]=='add'?'create':'edit'; } if (! empty($this->object->url) && ! isValidUrl($this->object->url)) { $error = 1; $langs->load("errors"); $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorBadUrl",$this->object->url); $_GET["action"] = $_POST["action"]=='add'?'create':'edit'; } if ($this->object->fournisseur && ! $conf->fournisseur->enabled) { $error = 1; $langs->load("errors"); $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorSupplierModuleNotEnabled"); $_GET["action"] = $_POST["action"]=='add'?'create':'edit'; } } if (! $error) { if ($_POST["action"] == 'add') { $this->db->begin(); if (empty($this->object->client)) $this->object->code_client=''; if (empty($this->object->fournisseur)) $this->object->code_fournisseur=''; $result = $this->object->create($user); if ($result >= 0) { if ($this->object->particulier) { dol_syslog("This thirdparty is a personal people",LOG_DEBUG); $contact=new Contact($this->db); $contact->civilite_id = $this->object->civilite_id; $contact->name = $this->object->nom_particulier; $contact->firstname = $this->object->prenom; $contact->address = $this->object->address; $contact->cp = $this->object->cp; $contact->ville = $this->object->ville; $contact->fk_pays = $this->object->fk_pays; $contact->socid = $this->object->id; // fk_soc $contact->status = 1; $contact->email = $this->object->email; $contact->priv = 0; $result=$contact->create($user); } } else { $this->errors=$this->object->errors; } if ($result >= 0) { $this->db->commit(); if ( $this->object->client == 1 ) { Header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT."/comm/fiche.php?socid=".$this->object->id); return; } else { if ( $this->object->fournisseur == 1 ) { Header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT."/fourn/fiche.php?socid=".$this->object->id); return; } else { Header("Location: ".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?socid=".$this->object->id); return; } } exit; } else { $this->db->rollback(); $this->errors=$this->object->errors; $_GET["action"]='create'; } } if ($_POST["action"] == 'update') { if ($_POST["cancel"]) { Header("Location: ".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?socid=".$socid); exit; } $oldsoccanvas = new Canvas($this->db); $oldsoccanvas->getCanvas('thirdparty','card',$this->object->canvas); $result=$oldsoccanvas->control->object->fetch($socid); // To avoid setting code if third party is not concerned. But if it had values, we keep them. if (empty($this->object->client) && empty($oldsoccanvas->control->object->code_client)) $this->object->code_client=''; if (empty($this->object->fournisseur)&& empty($oldsoccanvas->control->object->code_fournisseur)) $this->object->code_fournisseur=''; //var_dump($soccanvas);exit; $result = $this->object->update($socid,$user,1,$oldsoccanvas->control->object->codeclient_modifiable(),$oldsoccanvas->control->object->codefournisseur_modifiable()); if ($result >= 0) { Header("Location: ".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?socid=".$socid); exit; } else { $this->object->id = $socid; $reload = 0; $this->errors = $this->object->errors; $_GET["action"]="edit"; } } } } if (GETPOST("action") == 'confirm_delete' && GETPOST("confirm") == 'yes') { $this->object->fetch($socid); $result = $this->object->delete($socid); if ($result >= 0) { Header("Location: ".DOL_URL_ROOT."/societe/societe.php?delsoc=".$this->object->nom.""); exit; } else { $reload = 0; $this->errors=$this->object->errors; $_GET["action"]=''; } } /* * Generate document */ if (GETPOST('action') == 'builddoc') // En get ou en post { if (is_numeric(GETPOST('model'))) { $this->error=$langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired",$langs->transnoentities("Model")); } else { require_once(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/includes/modules/societe/modules_societe.class.php'); $this->object->fetch($socid); $this->object->fetch_thirdparty(); // Define output language $outputlangs = $langs; $newlang=''; if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang) && GETPOST('lang_id') ) $newlang=GETPOST('lang_id'); if ($conf->global->MAIN_MULTILANGS && empty($newlang)) $newlang=$this->object->default_lang; if (! empty($newlang)) { $outputlangs = new Translate("",$conf); $outputlangs->setDefaultLang($newlang); } $result=thirdparty_doc_create($this->db, $this->object->id, '', GETPOST('model'), $outputlangs); if ($result <= 0) { dol_print_error($this->db,$result); exit; } else { Header ('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?socid='.$this->object->id.(empty($conf->global->MAIN_JUMP_TAG)?'':'#builddoc')); exit; } } } }
function new_config() { #Begin creation of config.php $config = "<?php\n"; #Define all the required variables for config.php $needed = array("os_ip", "os_pw", "pass_file", "cache_file", "log_file", "lang", "weather_provider", "wapikey"); #Cycle through each needed key foreach ($needed as $key) { #If required variable is not submitted then fail if (!isset($_REQUEST[$key])) { fail(); } $data = $_REQUEST[$key]; #If processing OS IP then check if the IP is valid and if not, fail with error code 2 if ($key == "os_ip") { if (!isValidUrl("http://" . $data)) { echo 2; exit; } $config .= "\$is_ospi = " . isOSPi("http://" . $data) . ";\n"; } #If processing password file then go ahead and generate it with proper username/password hash if ($key == "pass_file") { #If username or password is not submitted fail if (!isset($_REQUEST["username"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["password"])) { fail(); } $file = fopen($data, 'w'); #If unable to open the pass file fail if (!$file) { fail(); } else { $r = fwrite($file, $_REQUEST["username"] . ":" . base64_encode(sha1($_REQUEST["password"]))); if (!$r) { fail(); } fclose($file); } } #Attempt to make the cache file and log file file if ($key == "cache_file" || $key == "log_file") { make_file($data); } #Append current key/data pair to config.php string. $config .= "\$" . $key . " = '" . $data . "';\n"; } if (isset($_REQUEST["force_ssl"])) { $config .= "\$force_ssl=1;\n"; } else { $config .= "\$force_ssl=0;\n"; } if (isset($_REQUEST["local_assets"])) { $config .= "\$local_assets=1;\n"; } else { $config .= "\$local_assets=0;\n"; } #Attempt to open config.php for writing $file = fopen("config.php", 'w'); #If unable, fail if (!$file) { fail(); } #Write the config out $r = fwrite($file, $config . "?>"); #If unable to write the config, fail if (!$r) { fail(); } try { #Add the watcher for logs to crontab $output = shell_exec('crontab -l'); if (strpos($output, "/watcher.php >/dev/null 2>&1") === false) { file_put_contents('/tmp/crontab.txt', $output . '* * * * * cd ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '; php ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/watcher.php >/dev/null 2>&1' . PHP_EOL); exec('crontab /tmp/crontab.txt'); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 3; exit; } #Tell javascript action was succesful echo 1; }
*/ header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'); require 'www-header.php'; //PHP converts dots to underscore, so hub.mode becomes hub_mode if (!isset($_GET['hub_mode'])) { header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); echo "Parameter missing: hub.mode\n"; exit(1); } $hubMode = $_GET['hub_mode']; if (!isset($_GET['hub_topic'])) { header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); echo "Parameter missing: hub.topic\n"; exit(1); } if (!isValidUrl($_GET['hub_topic'])) { header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); echo "Invalid parameter value for hub.topic: Invalid URL\n"; exit(1); } $hubTopic = $_GET['hub_topic']; $subDb = new Subscriptions(); if ($hubMode == 'denied') { //TODO: Inspect Location header to retry subscription //TODO: remove subscription return; } else { if ($hubMode == 'subscribe') { //FIXME $pos = array_search($hubTopic, $GLOBALS['phinde']['subscriptions']); if ($pos === false) {
die("DB ERROR"); } while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($rs)) { $id = $obj->id; $celular = $obj->celular; $qrImgName = $id . ".jpg"; $downloadOk = getFtpFiles(FTP_PATH . "/{$qrImgName}"); if ($downloadOk === TRUE) { // leer qr $qrRead = readQRCode($qrImgName); // parse result if (qrFound($qrRead) === TRUE) { $qrFound = TRUE; $urlPush = readUrl($qrRead); // valido url if (isValidUrl($urlPush) === TRUE) { // send sms push $msgPush = "Ir a"; $push = new pushAntel($dbc->db, SMS_SC, $celular, $msgPush); $sent = $push->enviarPush($urlPush, $msgPush); } else { // send sms $msgSms = ERROR_MSG_BADURL; $sent = enviarSMS($celular, $msgSms); } // actualizo enviados if ($sent === TRUE) { $enviado = "OK"; } else { $enviado = "ERR"; }
/** * testIsValidURL * * @return void */ public function testIsValidUrl() { //Simple check $result = isValidUrl(''); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); $result = isValidUrl('goo=gle'); // This is good, it might be an alias of hostname $this->assertEquals(1, $result); //With scheme check $result = isValidUrl('', 1); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); $result = isValidUrl('', 1); $this->assertEquals(0, $result); //With password check invalid. This test should be ko but currently it is not //$result = isValidUrl('http://*****:*****@', 1, 1); //$this->assertEquals(0, $result); //With password check valid $result = isValidUrl('http://*****:*****', 1, 1); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); $result = isValidUrl('', 1, 1); $this->assertEquals(0, $result); //With port check $result = isValidUrl('', 0, 0, 1); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); $result = isValidUrl('', 0, 0, 1); $this->assertEquals(0, $result); //With path check $result = isValidUrl('', 0, 0, 0, 1); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); $result = isValidUrl('', 0, 0, 0, 0); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); //With query check $result = isValidUrl('', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); //With query check $result = isValidUrl('', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); $result = isValidUrl('', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); $this->assertEquals(0, $result); //With anchor check $result = isValidUrl('', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); $result = isValidUrl('', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); $this->assertEquals(0, $result); }