Example #1

 *      [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *      The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 *      @version $Revision: 2048 $
if (!defined('IN_PHPB2B')) {
    exit('Not A Valid Entry Point');
uses("trade", "tradefield");
$trade = new Trades();
$trade_controller = new Trade();
$conditions = array();
$conditions[] = "Trade.status=1";
if (!empty($member->info['id'])) {
    $conditions[] = "Trade.member_id='" . $member->info['id'] . "'";
if (!empty($company->info['id'])) {
    $conditions[] = "Trade.company_id='" . $company->info['id'] . "'";
$amount = $trade->findCount(null, $conditions, "Trade.id");
setvar("TradeTypes", $tradetypes = $trade_controller->getTradeTypes());
setvar("TradeNames", $tradenames = $trade_controller->getTradeTypeNames());
setvar("paging", array('total' => $amount));
Example #2
 *      [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *      The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 *      @version $Revision: 2116 $
function smarty_block_offer($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat)
    global $_PB_CACHE;
    $conditions[] = "t.status='1'";
    $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack);
    if (empty($params['name'])) {
        $params['name'] = "offer";
    if (!class_exists("Trades")) {
        $trade = new Trades();
        $trade_controller = new Trade();
    } else {
        $trade = new Trades();
        $trade_controller = new Trade();
    if ($_PB_CACHE['setting']['offer_expire_method']) {
        switch ($_PB_CACHE['setting']['offer_expire_method']) {
            case "2":
                $conditions[] = "t.expire_time>" . $trade->timestamp;
            case "3":
                $conditions[] = "t.expire_time>" . $trade->timestamp;
    if (isset($params['type'])) {
        $type = explode(",", $params['type']);
        $type = array_unique($type);
        foreach ($type as $val) {
            switch ($val) {
                case 'image':
                    $conditions[] = "t.picture!=''";
                case 'urgent':
                    $conditions[] = "t.if_urgent='1'";
                case 'company':
                    $conditions[] = "t.company_id>0";
                case 'commend':
                    $conditions[] = "t.if_commend>0";
    if (isset($params['industryid'])) {
        if (isset($params['depth'])) {
            $depth = intval($params['depth']);
            if ($depth) {
                if (class_exists("Industries")) {
                    $industry = new Industries();
                    $industry_controller = new Industry();
                } else {
                    $industry = new Industries();
                    $industry_controller = new Industry();
                $ids_s = $industry->getConditionIds($params['industryid']);
                if (is_array($ids_s)) {
                    $ids_s = array_filter($ids_s);
                    $conditions['industry'] = "t.industry_id IN (" . implode(",", $ids_s) . ")";
                } else {
                    $conditions['industry'] = "t.industry_id='" . $ids_s . "'";
        } else {
            $conditions[] = "t.industry_id = '" . $params['industryid'] . "'";
    if (isset($params['areaid'])) {
        if (isset($params['depth'])) {
            $depth = intval($params['depth']);
            if ($depth) {
                global $industry;
                $ids_s = $industry->getConditionIds($params['areaid']);
                if (is_array($ids_s)) {
                    $ids_s = array_filter($ids_s);
                    $conditions['area'] = "t.area_id IN (" . implode(",", $ids_s) . ")";
                } else {
                    $conditions['area'] = "t.area_id='" . $ids_s . "'";
        } else {
            $conditions['area'] = "t.area_id = '" . $params['areaid'] . "'";
    if (!empty($_GET['industryid'])) {
        $conditions['industry'] = "t.industry_id=" . intval($_GET['industryid']);
    if (!empty($_GET['areaid'])) {
        $conditions['area'] = "t.area_id=" . intval($_GET['areaid']);
    if (isset($params['exclude'])) {
        $conditions[] = $trade->getExcludeIds($params['exclude']);
    if (isset($params['include'])) {
        $conditions[] = $trade->getIncludeIds($params['include']);
    if (isset($params['country_id'])) {
        $conditions[] = "t.country_id='" . $params['country_id'] . "'";
    if (isset($params['expday'])) {
        $conditions[] = "t.expire_time<'" . ($params['expday'] * 86400 + $trade->timestamp) . "'";
    if (isset($params['subday'])) {
        $conditions[] = "t.submit_time>'" . ($trade->timestamp - $params['expireday'] * 86400) . "'";
    if (isset($params['typeid'])) {
        if (!empty($params['typeid'])) {
            if (strpos($params['typeid'], ",") > 0) {
                $tmp_ids = explode(",", $params['typeid']);
                $conditions[] = "t.type_id in ('" . implode("','", $tmp_ids) . "')";
            } else {
                $conditions[] = "t.type_id='" . $params['typeid'] . "'";
    if (isset($params['urgent'])) {
        $conditions[] = "t.if_urgent='1'";
    if (!empty($params['memberid'])) {
        $conditions[] = "t.member_id='" . $params['memberid'] . "'";
    if (!empty($params['companyid'])) {
        $conditions[] = "t.company_id='" . $params['companyid'] . "'";
    if (isset($params['cash'])) {
        $conditions[] = "t.require_point>0";
    $orderby = null;
    $orderby = isset($params['orderby']) ? " ORDER BY " . trim($params['orderby']) . " " : " ORDER BY modified DESC";
    $limit = $offset = 0;
    if (isset($params['row'])) {
        $limit = $params['row'];
    if (isset($params['start'])) {
        $offset = $params['start'];
    if (isset($_GET['pos'])) {
        $offset = intval($_GET['pos']);
    $trade->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit);
    $mysql_limit = $trade->getLimitOffset();
    if (isset($params['limit'])) {
        $mysql_limit = " " . trim($params['limit']);
    if (!$params['recursive']) {
        $sql = "SELECT *,title as name,title as fulltitle,content as fullcontent FROM {$trade->table_prefix}trades t " . $trade->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $mysql_limit;
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT *,content as fullcontent FROM {$trade->table_prefix}trades t " . $trade->getCondition() . " ORDER BY t.display_order ASC,t.id DESC" . $mysql_limit;
    $offer_typenames = $trade_controller->getTradeTypes();
    if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) {
        $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $trade->GetArray($sql);
        if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) {
            return $repeat = false;
    if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) {
        require "function.the_url.php";
    if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) {
        $repeat = true;
        $item['rownum'] = $key;
        $item['iteration'] = ++$key;
        $url = smarty_function_the_url(array("id" => $item['id'], "typeid" => $item['type_id'], "module" => "offer"));
        $item['url'] = $url;
        $item['title'] = strip_tags($item['title']);
        $item['content'] = strip_tags($item['content']);
        if (isset($params['titlelen'])) {
            $item['title'] = mb_substr($item['title'], 0, $params['titlelen']);
        if (isset($params['infolen'])) {
            $item['content'] = mb_substr($item['content'], 0, $params['infolen']);
        if (isset($params['titlestart'])) {
            $item['title'] = $params['titlestart'] . $item['title'];
        $item['pubdate'] = df($item['submit_time']);
        $item['typeid'] = $item['type_id'];
        $item['typename'] = $offer_typenames[$item['type_id']];
        $item['src'] = $item['thumb'] = URL . "attachment/" . $item['picture'] . ".small.jpg";
        $item['link'] = '<a title="' . $item['fulltitle'] . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>';
        $item['style'] = parse_highlight($item['highlight']);
        $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item);
    } else {
        $repeat = false;
    if (!is_null($content)) {
        print $content;
    if (!$repeat) {
        $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array();
Example #3
     setvar("service_days", $service_interation > 100 ? 100 : $service_interation);
     $service_info = true;
 if (isset($service_interation)) {
     if ($service_interation >= 100) {
         $group_info = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT default_live_time,after_live_time FROM {$tb_prefix}membergroups WHERE id=" . $membergroup_id);
         $membergroup_id = $group_info['after_live_time'];
         $time_add = $membergroup->getServiceEndtime($group_info['default_live_time']);
         //		$pdb->Execute("UPDATE {$tb_prefix}members SET membergroup_id='".$group_info['after_live_time']."',service_start_date='".$time_stamp."',service_end_date='".$time_add."' WHERE id=".$the_memberid);
         $pdb->Execute("UPDATE {$tb_prefix}members SET membergroup_id='" . $group_info['after_live_time'] . "' WHERE id=" . $the_memberid);
 uaAssign(array("LastLogin" => date("Y-m-d H:i", $memberinfo['last_login'])));
 $offer_count = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT count(id) AS amount,type_id AS typeid FROM {$tb_prefix}trades WHERE member_id=" . $the_memberid . " GROUP BY type_id");
 $offer_stat = array();
 $types = $trade->getTradeTypes();
 if (!empty($offer_count)) {
     foreach ($offer_count as $offer_key => $offer_val) {
         $offer_stat[$types[$offer_val['typeid']]] = $offer_val['amount'];
     setvar("items_offer", $offer_stat);
 $pm_count = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT count(id) AS amount,type AS typename FROM {$tb_prefix}messages WHERE to_member_id=" . $the_memberid . " GROUP BY type");
 if (!empty($pm_count)) {
     $pm_result = array();
     foreach ($pm_count as $pm_val) {
         $pm_result[$pm_val['typename']] = intval($pm_val['amount']);
     setvar("pm", $pm_result);
 setvar("ServiceInfo", $service_info);
Example #4
    $ids = implode(",", $_POST['id']);
    $ids = "(" . $ids . ")";
    $sql = "DELETE FROM {$tb_prefix}favorites WHERE id IN " . $ids . " AND member_id=" . $_SESSION['MemberID'];
    $res = $pdb->Execute($sql);
    if (!$res) {
if (isset($_POST['do']) && isset($_POST['id'])) {
    if ($trade_model->checkExist($_POST['id'])) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$tb_prefix}favorites (target_id,member_id,type_id,created,modified) VALUE (" . $_POST['id'] . "," . $_SESSION['MemberID'] . ",1," . $time_stamp . "," . $time_stamp . ")";
        $result = $pdb->Execute($sql);
    if ($result) {
        echo "<script language='javascript'>window.close();</script>";
    } else {
        flash("been_favorited", '', 0);
$tpl_file = "favor";
$sql = "select f.id,t.id as offerid,t.title,t.type_id,f.created from {$tb_prefix}trades as t,{$tb_prefix}favorites as f where f.member_id=" . $pb_userinfo['pb_userid'] . " and f.target_id=t.id";
$result = $pdb->GetArray($sql);
if (!empty($result)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
        $result[$i]['pubdate'] = date("Y-m-d", $result[$i]['created']);
    setvar("Items", $result);
setvar("TradeTypes", $trade->getTradeTypes());
Example #5
 function detail()
     global $viewhelper, $G, $pb_user;
     $positions = $titles = array();
     uses("trade", "member", "company", "tradefield", "form", "industry", "area", "meta");
     $offer = new Tradefields();
     $area = new Areas();
     $meta = new Metas();
     $industry = new Industries();
     $company = new Companies();
     $trade = new Trade();
     $trade_model = new Trades();
     $member = new Members();
     //$typeoption = new Typeoption();
     $form = new Forms();
     setvar("Genders", cache_read("typeoption", 'gender'));
     setvar("PhoneTypes", cache_read("typeoption", 'phone_type'));
     $viewhelper->setTitle(L("offer", "tpl"));
     $viewhelper->setPosition(L("offer", "tpl"), "index.php?do=offer");
     if (isset($_GET['title'])) {
         $title = trim($_GET['title']);
         $res = $trade_model->findByTitle($title);
         $id = $res['id'];
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $info = $trade->info;
         if (empty($info['id'])) {
             flash("data_not_exists", '', 0);
         $info['title_clear'] = $info['title'];
         $info['title'] .= ($G['setting']['offer_expire_method'] == 1 || $G['setting']['offer_expire_method'] == 3) && $info['expdate'] < $offer->timestamp ? "[" . L("has_expired", "tpl") . "]" : '';
         $info['title'] .= !empty($info['if_urgent']) ? "[" . L("urgent_buy", "tpl") . "]" : '';
         if ($info['expdate'] < $offer->timestamp && $G['setting']['offer_expire_method'] == 2) {
             flash("has_been_expired", URL, 0, $info['title_clear'] . " ");
     } else {
         flash("data_not_exists", '', 0);
     if ($info['status'] != 1) {
         flash("under_checking", null, 0, $info['title_clear'] . " ");
     $trade_types = $trade->getTradeTypes();
     $viewhelper->setPosition($trade_types[$info['type_id']], "index.php?do=offer&action=lists&typeid=" . $info['type_id']);
     if ($info['require_point'] > 0) {
         //check member points
         if (empty($pb_user)) {
             flash("please_login_first", URL . "logging.php");
         $point = $member->field("points", "id='" . $pb_user['pb_userid'] . "'");
         if ($point < $info['require_point']) {
             flash("not_enough_points", URL, 0, $info['require_point']);
     $form_vars = array();
     if (isset($info['formattribute_ids'])) {
         $form_vars = $form->getAttributes(explode(",", $info['formattribute_ids']));
     setvar("ObjectParams", $form_vars);
     $info['pubdate'] = df($info['pubdate']);
     $info['expdate'] = df($info['expdate']);
     $info['image'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($info['picture']);
     $login_check = 1;
     if ($info['type_id'] == 1) {
         $login_check = $G['setting']['buy_logincheck'];
     } elseif ($info['type_id'] == 2) {
         $login_check = $G['setting']['sell_logincheck'];
     if (!empty($info['member_id'])) {
         $member_info = $member->getInfoById($info['member_id']);
         $info['link_people'] = $member_info['last_name'];
         $info['space_name'] = $member_info['space_name'];
         $info['tel'] = $member_info['tel'];
         $info['address'] = $member_info['address'];
         $info['zipcode'] = $member_info['zipcode'];
         $info['fax'] = $member_info['fax'];
         $info['site_url'] = $member_info['site_url'];
         setvar("MEMBER", $member_info);
     if (!empty($info['company_id'])) {
         $company_info = $company->getInfoById($info['company_id']);
         if (!empty($company_info)) {
             $info['companyname'] = $company_info['name'];
             $info['link_people'] = $company_info['link_man'];
             $info['address'] = $company_info['address'];
             $info['zipcode'] = $company_info['zipcode'];
             $info['site_url'] = pb_hidestr($company_info['site_url']);
             $info['tel'] = pb_hidestr($company_info['tel']);
             $info['fax'] = pb_hidestr($company_info['fax']);
         setvar("COMPANY", $company_info);
     setvar("LoginCheck", $login_check);
     $info['title'] = strip_tags($info['title']);
     $info['industry_names'] = $industry->disSubNames($info['industry_id'], null, true, "offer");
     $info['area_names'] = $area->disSubNames($info['area_id'], null, true, "offer");
     //delete the pre num.2011.9.1
     //		$info['tel'] = preg_replace('/\((.+?)\)/i', '', pb_hidestr($info['tel']));
     //		$info['fax'] = preg_replace('/\((.+?)\)/i', '', pb_hidestr($info['fax']));
     $info = pb_lang_split_recursive($info);
     setvar("item", $info);
     $meta_info = $meta->getSEOById($id, 'trade', false);
     empty($meta_info['title']) ? $viewhelper->setTitle($info['title'], $info['picture']) : $viewhelper->setTitle($meta_info['title']);
     empty($meta_info['description']) ? $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($info['content']) : $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($meta_info['description']);
     if (isset($meta_info['keyword'])) {
     setvar("forward", $this->url(array("module" => "offer", "id" => $id)));
Example #6

 *      [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 *      The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 *      @version $Revision: 2075 $
require "../libraries/common.inc.php";
require "room.share.php";
uses("trade", "product");
$product = new Products();
$trade = new Trades();
$trade_controller = new Trade();
$trade_type_names = $trade_controller->getTradeTypes();
$conditions = "member_id = " . $the_memberid;
$amount = $pdb->GetArray("select Trade.type_id as TradeTypeId,count(Trade.id) as CountTrade from " . $trade->getTable(true) . " where " . $conditions . " group by Trade.type_id");
if (is_array($amount)) {
    $stats = array();
    foreach ($amount as $val) {
        $stats[$val['TradeTypeId']] = array("Amount" => $val['CountTrade'], "name" => $trade_type_names[$val['TradeTypeId']]);
setvar("UserTradeStat", $stats);
setvar("ProductAmount", $product->findCount(null, $conditions, "Product.id"));