<?php // kontrola jadra if (!defined('_core')) { exit; } // titulek, obsah $title = $query['title']; if (_template_autoheadings && $query['autotitle'] == 1) { $content .= "<h1>" . $title . "</h1>"; } _extend('call', 'page.section.aftertitle', $extend_args); _extend('call', 'page.section.content.before', $extend_args); $content .= _parseHCM($query['content']); _extend('call', 'page.section.content.after', $extend_args); // komentare if ($query['var1'] == 1 and _comments) { require_once _indexroot . 'require/functions-posts.php'; $content .= _postsOutput(1, $id, $query['var3']); }
<?php // kontrola jadra if (!defined('_core')) { exit; } // titulek $title = $query['title']; if (_template_autoheadings && $query['autotitle']) { $content .= "<h1>" . $query['title'] . "</h1>\n"; _extend('call', 'page.gallery.aftertitle', $extend_args); } // obsah _extend('call', 'page.gallery.content.before', $extend_args); if ($query['content'] != "") { $content .= _parseHCM($query['content']) . "\n\n<div class='hr'><hr /></div>\n\n"; } _extend('call', 'page.gallery.content.after', $extend_args); // obrazky $paging = _resultPaging(_indexOutput_url, $query['var2'], "images", "home=" . $id); $images = DB::query("SELECT * FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-images` WHERE home=" . $id . " ORDER BY ord " . $paging[1]); $images_number = DB::size($images); if ($images_number != 0) { $usetable = $query['var1'] != -1; if (_pagingmode == 1 or _pagingmode == 2) { $content .= $paging[0]; } if ($usetable) { $content .= "<table class='gallery'>\n"; } else { $content .= "<div class='gallery'>\n";
/** * Vypis boxu daneho sloupce * @param string $column nazev sloupce * @param bool $return vratit misto vypisu 1/0 * @return string|null */ function _templateBoxes($column = 1, $return = false) { $output = "\n"; if (!_notpublicsite or _loginindicator) { // nacist boxy if (isset(SL::$registry['template_columns'][$column])) { $boxes = SL::$registry['template_columns'][$column]; } else { $boxes = array(); $query = DB::query('SELECT title,content,class FROM `' . _mysql_prefix . '-boxes` WHERE visible=1 AND `column`=' . DB::val($column) . (_loginindicator ? '' : ' AND `public`=1') . ' ORDER BY ord'); while ($item = DB::row($query)) { $boxes[] = $item; } DB::free($query); } // extend $extendOutput = _extend('buffer', 'tpl.boxes', array('boxes' => $boxes, 'column' => $column)); if ('' !== $extendOutput) { return $extendOutput; } // obsah if (_template_boxes_parent != "") { $output .= "<" . _template_boxes_parent . ">\n"; } foreach ($boxes as $item) { // kod titulku if ($item['title'] != "") { $title = "<" . _template_boxes_title . " class='box-title'>" . $item['title'] . "</" . _template_boxes_title . ">\n"; } else { $title = ""; } // titulek venku if (_template_boxes_title_inside == 0 and $title != "") { $output .= $title; } // starttag polozky if (_template_boxes_item != "") { $output .= "<" . _template_boxes_item . " class='box-item" . (isset($item['class']) ? ' ' . $item['class'] : '') . "'>\n"; } // titulek vevnitr if (_template_boxes_title_inside == 1 and $title != "") { $output .= $title; } // obsah $output .= _parseHCM($item['content']); // endtag polozky if (_template_boxes_item != "") { $output .= "\n</" . _template_boxes_item . ">"; } // spodek boxu if (_template_boxes_bottom == 1) { $output .= "<" . _template_boxes_item . " class='box-bottom'></" . _template_boxes_item . ">\n\n"; } else { $output .= "\n\n"; } } if (_template_boxes_parent != "") { $output .= "</" . _template_boxes_parent . ">\n"; } } // vypis vysledku if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; }
/style/system.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <title><?php echo $query['title'] . " " . _titleseparator . " " . _title; ?> </title> </head> <body onload="setTimeout('this.print();', 500);"> <p id="informations"><?php echo "<strong>" . $_lang['global.source'] . ":</strong> <a href='" . $url . "'>" . $url . "</a>" . _template_listinfoseparator . "<strong>" . $_lang['article.posted'] . ":</strong> " . _formatTime($query['time']) . _template_listinfoseparator . "<strong>" . $_lang['article.author'] . ":</strong> " . _linkUser($query['author'], null, true, true); ?> </p> <h1><?php echo $query['title']; ?> </h1> <p><?php echo (isset($query['picture_uid']) ? "<img class='list-perex-image' src='" . _pictureStorageGet(_indexroot . 'pictures/articles/', null, $query['picture_uid'], 'jpg') . "' alt='" . $query['title'] . "' />" : '') . $query['perex']; ?> </p> <?php echo _parseHCM($query['content']); ?> </body> </html><?php } } }
<base href="./../" target="_blank" /> <link href="admin/remote/style.css.php?s=<?php echo _adminscheme . ($scheme_dark ? '&d' : '') . '&' . _cacheid; ?> " type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="admin/remote/style.custom.css?<?php echo _cacheid; ?> " type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */var sl_indexroot = '';/* ]]> */</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo _indexroot; ?> remote/jscript.php?<?php echo _cacheid . '&' . _language; ?> "></script> <title>Admin custom index</title> </head> <body> <div id="custom-wrapper"> <?php echo _parseHCM(SL::$settings['admin_index_custom']); ?> </div> </body> </html>
/** * Filtorvat HCM moduly v textu na zaklade opravneni * @param string $content vstupni text * @return string */ function _filtrateHCM($content) { // odstraneni HCM php modulu if (!_loginright_adminhcmphp) { $filter = array('php', 'setlayout'); _extend('call', 'hcm.filter.php', array('filter' => &$filter)); $GLOBALS['__input'] = array(true, $filter); $content = _parseHCM($content, '_parseHCM_filter'); unset($GLOBALS['__input']); } return $content; }
} else { $info['rateform'] .= "<td>" . $x . "</td>\n"; } } if ($i == 0) { $info['rateform'] .= "<td rowspan='2'><img src='" . _templateImage("icons/rate-bad.png") . "' alt='bad' class='icon' /></td>\n"; } $info['rateform'] .= "</tr>\n"; } $info['rateform'] .= "\n<tr><td colspan='7'><input type='submit' value='" . $_lang['article.rate.submit'] . " >' /></td></tr>\n</table>\n"; } $info['rateform'] .= _xsrfProtect() . "</form>\n"; } // infobox if ($query['infobox'] != "") { $info['infobox'] = _parseHCM($query['infobox']); } // sestaveni kodu if (count(_arrayRemoveValue($info, null)) != 0) { // zacatek tabulky $content .= "\n<div class='anchor'><a name='ainfo'></a></div>\n<table class='article-info'>\n<tr class='valign-top'>\n"; // prvni bunka if ($info['basicinfo'] != null or $info['idlink'] != null or $info['rateresults'] != null or $info['infobox'] != null and $info['rateform'] != null) { $content .= "<td>" . $info['basicinfo'] . $info['idlink'] . $info['rateresults']; // vlozeni formulare pro hodnoceni, pokud je infobox obsazen if ($info['rateform'] != null and ($info['infobox'] != null or $info['basicinfo'] == null)) { $content .= ($info['basicinfo'] != null ? "<br />" : '') . "<br />" . $info['rateform']; $rateform_used = true; } $content .= "\n</td>\n"; }