public function test_normalize() { $tests = array('FOO' => 'foo', ' foo' => 'foo', 'foo ' => 'foo', ' foo ' => 'foo', 'foo-bar' => 'foobar', ' FOo-bar ' => 'foobar'); foreach ($tests as $tag => $normalized_tag) { $this->assertEqual($normalized_tag, Tag::normalize($tag)); } }
public function removeTag($question, $tag) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(QuestionTagPeer::QUESTION_ID, $question->getId()); $c->add(QuestionTagPeer::USER_ID, $this->getId()); $c->add(QuestionTagPeer::NORMALIZED_TAG, Tag::normalize($tag)); QuestionTagPeer::doDelete($c); }
/** * Execute this filter. * * @param FilterChain The filter chain. * * @return void * @throws <b>FilterException</b> If an erro occurs during execution. */ public function execute($filterChain) { // execute this filter only once if (sfConfig::get('app_universe') && $this->isFirstCall()) { // is there a tag in the hostname? $request = $this->getContext()->getRequest(); $hostname = $request->getHost(); if (!preg_match($this->getParameter('host_exclude_regex'), $hostname) && ($pos = strpos($hostname, '.'))) { $tag = Tag::normalize(substr($hostname, 0, $pos)); // add a permanent tag constant sfConfig::set('app_permanent_tag', $tag); // add a custom stylesheet $this->getContext()->getResponse()->addStylesheet($tag); // is the tag a culture? if (is_readable(sfConfig::get('sf_app_i18n_dir') . '/messages.' . strtolower($tag) . '.xml')) { $this->getContext()->getUser()->setCulture(strtolower($tag)); } else { $this->getContext()->getUser()->setCulture('en'); } } } // execute next filter $filterChain->execute(); }
public function executeShow() { $this->question_pager = QuestionPeer::getPopularByTag($this->getRequestParameter('tag'), $this->getRequestParameter('page', 1)); $this->getResponse()->setTitle('askeet! » question tagged ' . Tag::normalize($this->getRequestParameter('tag'))); }
public function setTag($v) { parent::setTag($v); $this->setNormalizedTag(Tag::normalize($v)); }
public static function deleteSpam($moderator, $tag, $question_id = null) { if ($question_id === null) { $tags = self::getByNormalizedTag($tag); } else { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(self::NORMALIZED_TAG, Tag::normalize($tag)); $c->add(self::QUESTION_ID, $question_id); $tags = self::doSelect($c); } $con = Propel::getConnection(); try { $con->begin(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $user = $tag->getUser(); $user->setDeletions($user->getDeletions() + 1); $user->save(); $tag->delete(); } $con->commit(); $log = 'moderator "%s" deleted tag "%s"'; $log = sprintf($log, $moderator->getNickname(), $tag->getNormalizedTag()); sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->warning($log); } catch (PropelException $e) { $con->rollback(); throw $e; } }
public function hasTag($tag) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(QuestionTagPeer::QUESTION_ID, $this->getId()); $c->add(QuestionTagPeer::NORMALIZED_TAG, Tag::normalize($tag)); return QuestionTagPeer::doSelectOne($c) ? true : false; }