Example #1
  * update_tag_list
  * Update the tags list based on commated list (ex. tag1,tag2,tag3,..)
 public static function update_tag_list($tags_comma, $type, $object_id, $overwrite)
     debug_event('tag.class', 'Updating tags for values {' . $tags_comma . '} type {' . $type . '} object_id {' . $object_id . '}', '5');
     $ctags = Tag::get_top_tags($type, $object_id);
     $editedTags = explode(",", $tags_comma);
     if (is_array($ctags)) {
         foreach ($ctags as $ctid => $ctv) {
             if ($ctv['id'] != '') {
                 $ctag = new Tag($ctv['id']);
                 debug_event('tag.class', 'Processing tag {' . $ctag->name . '}...', '5');
                 $found = false;
                 foreach ($editedTags as $tk => $tv) {
                     if ($ctag->name == $tv) {
                         $found = true;
                 if ($found) {
                     debug_event('tag.class', 'Already found. Do nothing.', '5');
                 } else {
                     if ($overwrite) {
                         debug_event('tag.class', 'Not found in the new list. Delete it.', '5');
                         $ctag->remove_map($type, $object_id);
     // Look if we need to add some new tags
     foreach ($editedTags as $tk => $tv) {
         if ($tv != '') {
             debug_event('tag.class', 'Adding new tag {' . $tv . '}', '5');
             Tag::add($type, $object_id, $tv, false);
Example #2
 public function format($details = true)
     $this->f_name = $this->name;
     $this->f_link = '<a href="' . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/broadcast.php?id=' . $this->id . '">' . scrub_out($this->f_name) . '</a>';
     if ($details) {
         $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('broadcast', $this->id);
         $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags, true, 'broadcast');
Example #3
  * format
  * this function takes the object and reformats some values
 public function format($details = true)
     $this->f_name = trim($this->prefix . " " . $this->name);
     $this->link = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/tvshows.php?action=show&tvshow=' . $this->id;
     $this->f_link = '<a href="' . $this->link . '" title="' . $this->f_name . '">' . $this->f_name . '</a>';
     if ($details) {
         $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('tvshow', $this->id);
         $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags, true, 'tvshow');
     return true;
Example #4
 public function format($details = true)
     if ($details) {
         $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('channel', $this->id);
         $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags, true, 'channel');
Example #5
  * format
  * this function takes an array of artist
  * information and reformats the relevent values
  * so they can be displayed in a table for example
  * it changes the title into a full link.
 public function format()
     /* Combine prefix and name, trim then add ... if needed */
     $name = trim($this->prefix . " " . $this->name);
     $this->f_name = $name;
     $this->f_full_name = trim(trim($this->prefix) . ' ' . trim($this->name));
     // If this is a fake object, we're done here
     if ($this->_fake) {
         return true;
     if ($this->catalog_id) {
         $this->f_link = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/artists.php?action=show&catalog=' . $this->catalog_id . '&artist=' . $this->id;
         $this->f_name_link = "<a href=\"" . $this->f_link . "\" title=\"" . $this->f_full_name . "\">" . $name . "</a>";
     } else {
         $this->f_link = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/artists.php?action=show&artist=' . $this->id;
         $this->f_name_link = "<a href=\"" . $this->f_link . "\" title=\"" . $this->f_full_name . "\">" . $name . "</a>";
     // Get the counts
     $extra_info = $this->_get_extra_info($this->catalog_id);
     //Format the new time thingy that we just got
     $min = sprintf("%02d", floor($extra_info['time'] / 60) % 60);
     $sec = sprintf("%02d", $extra_info['time'] % 60);
     $hours = floor($extra_info['time'] / 3600);
     $this->f_time = ltrim($hours . ':' . $min . ':' . $sec, '0:');
     $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('artist', $this->id);
     $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags);
     $this->object_cnt = $extra_info['object_cnt'];
     return true;
Example #6
  * format
  * This is the format function for this object. It sets cleaned up
  * albumĀ information with the base required
  * f_link, f_name
 public function format()
     $web_path = AmpConfig::get('web_path');
     /* Pull the advanced information */
     $data = $this->_get_extra_info();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $this->{$key} = $value;
     /* Truncate the string if it's to long */
     $this->f_name = $this->full_name;
     $this->f_link_src = $web_path . '/albums.php?action=show&album=' . scrub_out($this->id);
     $this->f_name_link = "<a href=\"" . $this->f_link_src . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->full_name) . "\">" . scrub_out($this->f_name);
     // Looking if we need to combine or display disks
     if ($this->disk && (!$this->allow_group_disks || $this->allow_group_disks && !AmpConfig::get('album_group'))) {
         $this->f_name_link .= " <span class=\"discnb\">[" . T_('Disk') . " " . $this->disk . "]</span>";
     $this->f_name_link .= "</a>";
     $this->f_link = $this->f_name_link;
     $this->f_title = $this->full_name;
     if ($this->artist_count == '1') {
         $artist = trim(trim($this->artist_prefix) . ' ' . trim($this->artist_name));
         $this->f_artist_name = $artist;
         $this->f_artist_link = "<a href=\"{$web_path}/artists.php?action=show&amp;artist=" . $this->artist_id . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->artist_name) . "\">" . $artist . "</a>";
         $this->f_artist = $artist;
     } else {
         $this->f_artist_link = "<span title=\"{$this->artist_count} " . T_('Artists') . "\">" . T_('Various') . "</span>";
         $this->f_artist = T_('Various');
         $this->f_artist_name = $this->f_artist;
     if ($this->year == '0') {
         $this->year = "N/A";
     $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('album', $this->id);
     $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags);
Example #7
 private static function addVideo(SimpleXMLElement $xml, Video $video, $details = false)
     $id = self::getVideoId($video->id);
     $xvid = $xml->addChild('Video');
     $xvid->addAttribute('ratingKey', $id);
     $xvid->addAttribute('key', self::getMetadataUri($id));
     $xvid->addAttribute('title', $video->f_title);
     if ($video->release_date) {
         $year = date('Y', $video->release_date);
         if ($year) {
             $xvid->addAttribute('year', $year);
         $xvid->addAttribute('originallyAvailableAt', $video->f_release_date);
     $rating = new Rating($video->id, "video");
     $rating_value = $rating->get_average_rating();
     if ($rating_value > 0) {
         $xvid->addAttribute('rating', intval($rating_value * 2));
     $time = $video->time * 1000;
     $xvid->addAttribute('duration', $time);
     $xvid->addAttribute('addedAt', '');
     $xvid->addAttribute('updatedAt', '');
     $xvid->addAttribute('thumb', self::getMetadataUri($id) . '/thumb/' . $id);
     $xmedia = $xvid->addChild('Media');
     $xmedia->addAttribute('id', $id);
     // Same ID that video => OK?
     $xmedia->addAttribute('duration', $time);
     $xmedia->addAttribute('bitrate', intval($video->bitrate / 1000));
     $xmedia->addAttribute('audioChannels', $video->channels);
     // Type != Codec != Container, but that's how Ampache works today...
     $xmedia->addAttribute('audioCodec', $video->audio_codec);
     $xmedia->addAttribute('videoCodec', $video->video_codec);
     $xmedia->addAttribute('container', $video->type);
     $xmedia->addAttribute('width', $video->resolution_x);
     $xmedia->addAttribute('height', $video->resolution_y);
     //$xmedia->addAttribute('videoResolution', 'sd'); // TODO
     //$xmedia->addAttribute('aspectRatio', '1.78'); // TODO
     $xmedia->addAttribute('videoFrameRate', intval(ceil($video->frame_rate)) . 'p');
     $xpart = $xmedia->addChild('Part');
     $partid = self::getPartId($id);
     $xpart->addAttribute('id', $partid);
     $xpart->addAttribute('key', self::getPartUri($partid, $video->type));
     $xpart->addAttribute('duration', $time);
     $xpart->addAttribute('file', $video->file);
     $xpart->addAttribute('size', $video->size);
     $xpart->addAttribute('container', $video->type);
     // TODO: support Writer/Director tags here as part of Video/
     <Writer tag="Grant Scharbo" />
     <Writer tag="Richard Hatem" />
     <Director tag="Terry McDonough" />
     $tags = Tag::get_top_tags('video', $video->id);
     if (is_array($tags)) {
         foreach ($tags as $tag_id => $tag) {
             $xgenre = $xvid->addChild('Genre');
             $xgenre->addAttribute('id', $tag['id']);
             $xgenre->addAttribute('tag', $tag['name']);
     if ($details) {
         // Subtitles
         $subtitles = $video->get_subtitles();
         foreach ($subtitles as $subtitle) {
             $streamid = hexdec(bin2hex($subtitle['lang_code'])) . $partid;
             $xstream = $xpart->addChild('Stream');
             $xstream->addAttribute('id', $streamid);
             $xstream->addAttribute('key', '/library/streams/' . $streamid);
             $xstream->addAttribute('streamType', '3');
             $xstream->addAttribute('codec', 'srt');
             $xstream->addAttribute('language', $subtitle['lang_name']);
             $xstream->addAttribute('languageCode', $subtitle['lang_code']);
             $xstream->addAttribute('format', 'srt');
         // TODO: support real audio/video streams!
         <Stream id="93" streamType="1" codec="mpeg4" index="0" bitrate="833" bitDepth="8" chromaSubsampling="4:2:0" colorSpace="yuv" duration="2989528" frameRate="23,976" gmc="0" height="352" level="5" profile="asp" qpel="0" scanType="progressive" width="624" />
         <Stream id="94" streamType="2" selected="1" codec="mp3" index="1" channels="2" bitrate="135" bitrateMode="vbr" duration="2989488" samplingRate="48000" />
     return $xvid;
Example #8
  * songs
  * This returns an xml document from an array of song ids.
  * (Spiffy isn't it!)
 public static function songs($songs)
     if (count($songs) > self::$limit or self::$offset > 0) {
         $songs = array_slice($songs, self::$offset, self::$limit);
     $string = "";
     // Foreach the ids!
     foreach ($songs as $song_id) {
         $song = new Song($song_id);
         // If the song id is invalid/null
         if (!$song->id) {
         $tag_string = self::tags_string(Tag::get_top_tags('song', $song_id));
         $rating = new Rating($song_id, 'song');
         $art_url = Art::url($song->album, 'album', $_REQUEST['auth']);
         $string .= "<song id=\"" . $song->id . "\">\n" . "\t<title><![CDATA[" . $song->title . "]]></title>\n" . "\t<artist id=\"" . $song->artist . '"><![CDATA[' . $song->get_artist_name() . "]]></artist>\n" . "\t<album id=\"" . $song->album . '"><![CDATA[' . $song->get_album_name() . "]]></album>\n" . $tag_string . "\t<filename><![CDATA[" . $song->file . "]]></filename>\n" . "\t<track>" . $song->track . "</track>\n" . "\t<time>" . $song->time . "</time>\n" . "\t<year>" . $song->year . "</year>\n" . "\t<bitrate>" . $song->bitrate . "</bitrate>\n" . "\t<mode>" . $song->mode . "</mode>\n" . "\t<mime>" . $song->mime . "</mime>\n" . "\t<url><![CDATA[" . Song::play_url($song->id) . "]]></url>\n" . "\t<size>" . $song->size . "</size>\n" . "\t<mbid>" . $song->mbid . "</mbid>\n" . "\t<album_mbid>" . $song->album_mbid . "</album_mbid>\n" . "\t<artist_mbid>" . $song->artist_mbid . "</artist_mbid>\n" . "\t<art><![CDATA[" . $art_url . "]]></art>\n" . "\t<preciserating>" . $rating->get_user_rating() . "</preciserating>\n" . "\t<rating>" . $rating->get_user_rating() . "</rating>\n" . "\t<averagerating>" . $rating->get_average_rating() . "</averagerating>\n" . "</song>\n";
     // end foreach
     return self::_header() . $string . self::_footer();
Example #9
  * songs
  * This returns an xml document from an array of song ids.
  * (Spiffy isn't it!)
 public static function songs($songs, $playlist_data = '')
     if (count($songs) > self::$limit or self::$offset > 0) {
         $songs = array_slice($songs, self::$offset, self::$limit);
     $string = "";
     // Foreach the ids!
     foreach ($songs as $song_id) {
         $song = new Song($song_id);
         // If the song id is invalid/null or disabled
         if (!$song->id || !$song->enabled) {
         $playlist_track_string = self::playlist_song_tracks_string($song, $playlist_data);
         $tag_string = self::tags_string(Tag::get_top_tags('song', $song_id));
         $rating = new Rating($song_id, 'song');
         $art_url = Art::url($song->album, 'album', $_REQUEST['auth']);
         $string .= "<song id=\"" . $song->id . "\">\n" . "\t<title><![CDATA[" . $song->title . "]]></title>\n" . "\t<artist id=\"" . $song->artist . '"><![CDATA[' . $song->get_artist_name() . "]]></artist>\n" . "\t<album id=\"" . $song->album . '"><![CDATA[' . $song->get_album_name() . "]]></album>\n";
         if ($song->albumartist) {
             $string .= "\t<albumartist id=\"" . $song->albumartist . "\"><![CDATA[" . $song->get_album_artist_name() . "]]></albumartist>\n";
         $string .= $tag_string . "\t<filename><![CDATA[" . $song->file . "]]></filename>\n" . "\t<track>" . $song->track . "</track>\n" . $playlist_track_string . "\t<time>" . $song->time . "</time>\n" . "\t<year>" . $song->year . "</year>\n" . "\t<bitrate>" . $song->bitrate . "</bitrate>\n" . "\t<rate>" . $song->rate . "</rate>\n" . "\t<mode>" . $song->mode . "</mode>\n" . "\t<mime>" . $song->mime . "</mime>\n" . "\t<url><![CDATA[" . Song::play_url($song->id, '', 'api') . "]]></url>\n" . "\t<size>" . $song->size . "</size>\n" . "\t<mbid>" . $song->mbid . "</mbid>\n" . "\t<album_mbid>" . $song->album_mbid . "</album_mbid>\n" . "\t<artist_mbid>" . $song->artist_mbid . "</artist_mbid>\n" . "\t<albumartist_mbid>" . $song->albumartist_mbid . "</albumartist_mbid>\n" . "\t<art><![CDATA[" . $art_url . "]]></art>\n" . "\t<preciserating>" . ($rating->get_user_rating() ?: 0) . "</preciserating>\n" . "\t<rating>" . ($rating->get_user_rating() ?: 0) . "</rating>\n" . "\t<averagerating>" . ($rating->get_average_rating() ?: 0) . "</averagerating>\n" . "\t<composer>" . $song->composer . "</composer>\n" . "\t<channels>" . $song->channels . "</channels>\n" . "\t<comment><![CDATA[" . $song->comment . "]]></comment>\n";
         $string .= "\t<publisher><![CDATA[" . $song->label . "]]></publisher>\n" . "\t<language>" . $song->language . "</language>\n" . "\t<replaygain_album_gain>" . $song->replaygain_album_gain . "</replaygain_album_gain>\n" . "\t<replaygain_album_peak>" . $song->replaygain_album_peak . "</replaygain_album_peak>\n" . "\t<replaygain_track_gain>" . $song->replaygain_track_gain . "</replaygain_track_gain>\n" . "\t<replaygain_track_peak>" . $song->replaygain_track_peak . "</replaygain_track_peak>\n";
         foreach ($song->tags as $tag) {
             $string .= "\t<genre><![CDATA[" . $tag['name'] . "]]></genre>\n";
         $string .= "</song>\n";
     // end foreach
     return self::_header() . $string . self::_footer();
Example #10
 public function format()
     $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('channel', $this->id);
     $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags);
Example #11
  * format
  * This formats a video object so that it is human readable
 public function format($details = true)
     $this->f_title = scrub_out($this->title);
     $this->f_full_title = $this->f_title;
     $this->link = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/video.php?action=show_video&video_id=" . $this->id;
     $this->f_link = "<a href=\"" . $this->link . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_title) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_title) . "</a>";
     $this->f_codec = $this->video_codec . ' / ' . $this->audio_codec;
     if ($this->resolution_x || $this->resolution_y) {
         $this->f_resolution = $this->resolution_x . 'x' . $this->resolution_y;
     if ($this->display_x || $this->display_y) {
         $this->f_display = $this->display_x . 'x' . $this->display_y;
     // Format the Bitrate
     $this->f_bitrate = intval($this->bitrate / 1000) . "-" . strtoupper($this->mode);
     $this->f_video_bitrate = (string) intval($this->video_bitrate / 1000);
     if ($this->frame_rate) {
         $this->f_frame_rate = $this->frame_rate . ' fps';
     // Format the Time
     $min = floor($this->time / 60);
     $sec = sprintf("%02d", $this->time % 60);
     $this->f_time = $min . ":" . $sec;
     $hour = sprintf("%02d", floor($min / 60));
     $min_h = sprintf("%02d", $min % 60);
     $this->f_time_h = $hour . ":" . $min_h . ":" . $sec;
     if ($details) {
         // Get the top tags
         $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('video', $this->id);
         $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags, true, 'video');
     $this->f_length = floor($this->time / 60) . ' ' . T_('minutes');
     $this->f_file = $this->f_title . '.' . $this->type;
     if ($this->release_date) {
         $this->f_release_date = date('Y-m-d', $this->release_date);
Example #12
  * format
  * This takes the current song object
  * and does a ton of formating on it creating f_??? variables on the current
  * object
 public function format($details = true)
     if ($details) {
         // Get the top tags
         $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('song', $this->id);
         $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags, true, 'song');
     // Format the album name
     $this->f_album_full = $this->get_album_name();
     $this->f_album = $this->f_album_full;
     // Format the artist name
     $this->f_artist_full = $this->get_artist_name();
     $this->f_artist = $this->f_artist_full;
     // Format the album_artist name
     $this->f_albumartist_full = $this->get_album_artist_name();
     // Format the title
     $this->f_title_full = $this->title;
     $this->f_title = $this->title;
     // Create Links for the different objects
     $this->link = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/song.php?action=show_song&song_id=" . $this->id;
     $this->f_link = "<a href=\"" . scrub_out($this->link) . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_artist) . " - " . scrub_out($this->title) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_title) . "</a>";
     $this->f_album_link = "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/albums.php?action=show&amp;album=" . $this->album . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_album_full) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_album) . "</a>";
     $this->f_artist_link = "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/artists.php?action=show&amp;artist=" . $this->artist . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_artist_full) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_artist) . "</a>";
     if (!empty($this->albumartist)) {
         $this->f_albumartist_link = "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/artists.php?action=show&amp;artist=" . $this->albumartist . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_albumartist_full) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_albumartist_full) . "</a>";
     // Format the Bitrate
     $this->f_bitrate = intval($this->bitrate / 1000) . "-" . strtoupper($this->mode);
     // Format the Time
     $min = floor($this->time / 60);
     $sec = sprintf("%02d", $this->time % 60);
     $this->f_time = $min . ":" . $sec;
     $hour = sprintf("%02d", floor($min / 60));
     $min_h = sprintf("%02d", $min % 60);
     $this->f_time_h = $hour . ":" . $min_h . ":" . $sec;
     // Format the track (there isn't really anything to do here)
     $this->f_track = (string) $this->track;
     // Format the size
     $this->f_size = UI::format_bytes($this->size);
     $this->f_lyrics = "<a title=\"" . scrub_out($this->title) . "\" href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/song.php?action=show_lyrics&song_id=" . $this->id . "\">" . T_('Show Lyrics') . "</a>";
     $this->f_file = $this->f_artist . ' - ';
     if ($this->track) {
         $this->f_file .= $this->track . ' - ';
     $this->f_file .= $this->f_title . '.' . $this->type;
     $this->f_publisher = $this->label;
     $this->f_composer = $this->composer;
Example #13
  * format
  * This takes the current song object
  * and does a ton of formating on it creating f_??? variables on the current
  * object
 public function format()
     // Format the filename
     preg_match("/^.*\\/(.*?)\$/", $this->file, $short);
     if (is_array($short) && isset($short[1])) {
         $this->f_file = htmlspecialchars($short[1]);
     // Format the album name
     $this->f_album_full = $this->get_album_name();
     $this->f_album = $this->f_album_full;
     // Format the artist name
     $this->f_artist_full = $this->get_artist_name();
     $this->f_artist = $this->f_artist_full;
     // Format the title
     $this->f_title_full = $this->title;
     $this->f_title = $this->title;
     // Create Links for the different objects
     $this->link = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/song.php?action=show_song&song_id=" . $this->id;
     $this->f_link = "<a href=\"" . scrub_out($this->link) . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_artist) . " - " . scrub_out($this->title) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_title) . "</a>";
     $this->f_album_link = "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/albums.php?action=show&amp;album=" . $this->album . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_album_full) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_album) . "</a>";
     $this->f_artist_link = "<a href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/artists.php?action=show&amp;artist=" . $this->artist . "\" title=\"" . scrub_out($this->f_artist_full) . "\"> " . scrub_out($this->f_artist) . "</a>";
     // Format the Bitrate
     $this->f_bitrate = intval($this->bitrate / 1000) . "-" . strtoupper($this->mode);
     // Format the Time
     $min = floor($this->time / 60);
     $sec = sprintf("%02d", $this->time % 60);
     $this->f_time = $min . ":" . $sec;
     // Format the track (there isn't really anything to do here)
     $this->f_track = $this->track;
     // Get the top tags
     $this->tags = Tag::get_top_tags('song', $this->id);
     $this->f_tags = Tag::get_display($this->tags);
     // Format the size
     $this->f_size = UI::format_bytes($this->size);
     $this->f_lyrics = "<a title=\"" . scrub_out($this->title) . "\" href=\"" . AmpConfig::get('web_path') . "/song.php?action=show_lyrics&song_id=" . $this->id . "\">" . T_('Show Lyrics') . "</a>";
     return true;
Example #14
 public static function addAlbum($xml, $album)
     $id = self::getAlbumId($album->id);
     $xdir = $xml->addChild('Directory');
     self::addAlbumMeta($xdir, $album);
     $xdir->addAttribute('ratingKey', $id);
     $xdir->addAttribute('key', self::getMetadataUri($id) . '/children');
     $xdir->addAttribute('title', $album->f_title);
     $artistid = self::getArtistId($album->artist_id);
     $xdir->addAttribute('parentRatingKey', $artistid);
     $xdir->addAttribute('parentKey', self::getMetadataUri($artistid));
     $xdir->addAttribute('parentTitle', $album->f_artist);
     $xdir->addAttribute('leafCount', $album->song_count);
     if ($album->year != 0 && $album->year != 'N/A') {
         $xdir->addAttribute('year', $album->year);
     $rating = new Rating($album->id, "album");
     $rating_value = $rating->get_average_rating();
     if ($rating_value > 0) {
         $xdir->addAttribute('rating', intval($rating_value * 2));
     $tags = Tag::get_top_tags('album', $album->id);
     if (is_array($tags)) {
         foreach ($tags as $tag_id => $value) {
             $tag = new Tag($tag_id);
             $xgenre = $xdir->addChild('Genre');
             $xgenre->addAttribute('tag', $tag->name);