private function processImport($file) { if (Session::has('username') && (Session::get('user_type') == "Root" || Session::get('user_type') == "Admin")) { if (!in_array($file->getClientOriginalExtension(), array("xls", "xlsx", "csv"))) { Input::flash(); return Redirect::to('assets/software/import')->with('message', "Invalid file selected."); } else { $filename = "upload-" . str_random(9) . "." . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $file->move("uploads", $filename); $readFile = "uploads/" . $filename; $reader = Excel::selectSheetsByIndex(0)->load($readFile, function ($reader) { })->get(); /* * Before validating each rows of the file uploaded, the file itself is checked if it has the valid attributes (columns) * using the algorithm found below. * * 1. File is read. * 2. Boolean variable $excelIsValid to check if the file is valid. Set to false by default. * */ $excelChecker = Excel::selectSheetsByIndex(0)->load($readFile, function ($reader) { })->get()->toArray(); $excelIsValid = false; /* * 3. Loop through the excel file and check if at least once all the columns have been present. * 4. If it does, $excelIsValid is set to true. * 5. If $excelIsValid is still false by end of the loop, it is automatically assumed that the file is: * A.) Empty * B.) Does not have the right attributes. * C.) Has valid columns, but does not have any valid entry. * */ foreach ($excelChecker as $ex) { if (isset($ex["productkey"]) && isset($ex["softwaretype"]) && isset($ex["status"])) { $excelIsValid = true; } } /* 6. If file is invalid, redirect to import form and return an error. */ if (!$excelIsValid) { Input::flash(); File::delete($readFile); return Redirect::to('assets/software/import')->with('message', "Excel file has invalid attributes. Please download the form."); } /* * CHECKING EXCEL FILE FOR ERRORS WHILE READING THE ROWS * * 1. $hasError is a Boolean variable that is simply used to tell if any error has been found. * This variable is, by default, set to false. If any error has been detected, it is set to true, * regardless of how many errors has been detected. * * 2. $rowIndex indexes which row the reader is currently reading. Default value set to 1 because * the first row of excel files is automatically set as the attribute row. When the reader reads each row, * $rowIndex is incremented. For example, reader is currently reading row 2, $rowIndex will then be incremented, * setting its value to 2, thus the row number. * * 3. $rowsWithErrors is the array of the rows with errors. To explain further, let's say excel file has 10 readable (non-attrib) * rows. No errors were found from rows number 2-8, but errors were found in rows 9, 10, and 11. These 9, 10, and 11 * will then be in the $rowsWithError. * * 4. $error array is the variable that will be used to collect all errors found from the excel file. * This is a two-dimensional array. * * */ $hasError = false; //Detects if there are any errors. $hasCorrectRows = false; $rowIndex = 1; //Indexes which row the reader is reading. $rowsWithErrors = array(); //This is used to contain in an array the row numbers of the rows with error. $error = array(); //Error details collector. foreach ($reader as $r) { /* * 5. Here, we immediately increment the value of $rowIndex, since the variable will be used in the core logic of this method. * * 6. $errorCount variable is a variable used in every loop. Set to 0 when the loop begins, so it always comes back to 0 for every loop. * $errorCount is used to track the number of errors for the current row. This variable goes hand in hand with the * $rowsWithError array when publishing the rows with errors, and the error details for each row with error. * * This is how $rowsWithError and $rowCount will be used: * * for each $rowWithErrors: * Row $rowWithErrors Index: * Errors Found : * $rowCount 1. Foo bar * $rowCount 2. Jane Doe etc.. * * */ $rowIndex += 1; $errorCount = 0; //Counts the number of errors for the currect row. $rowHasError = false; //Check if this row has error. I will use this before the reading of the row ends. // If $rowHasError is still false by end of the reading, then I will write it in the database. $warranty_start = !empty(trim($r->warrantystart)) ? trim($r->warrantystart) : "1994-04-16"; $validator = Validator::make(array("software asset tag" => trim($r->assettag), "product key" => trim($r->productkey), "employee number" => trim($r->employeenumber), "laptop serial number" => trim($r->laptopsn), "software type" => trim($r->softwaretype), "warranty start date" => trim($r->warrantystart), "warranty end date" => trim($r->warrantyend), "status" => trim($r->status)), array("software asset tag" => "required|unique:tbl_software_assets,asset_tag|unique:tbl_assets,asset_tag", "product key" => "required", "employee number" => "exists:tbl_employees,employee_number", "laptop serial number" => "exists:tbl_assets,serial_number", "software type" => "required|exists:tbl_software_types,software_type", "warranty start date" => "required_with:warranty end date|date:Y-m-d", "warranty end date" => "date:Y-m-d|after:" . $warranty_start, "status" => "required|in:Available,PWU,Retired,Test Case,Lost"), array("after" => "The :attribute must be after the warranty start date.")); if ($validator->fails()) { /* 7. When error has been found, $rowsWithError is immediately updated. Also, $hasError and $rowHasError are set to true.*/ $hasError = true; $rowHasError = true; $rowsWithErrors[$rowIndex] = $rowIndex; /* 8. Then I will check which fields have errors. * * 9. If an error has been found in a certain field, * I will loop through the errors found on that field, increment the $errorCount (which, again, tracks * how many errors has been found on a certain row.), update the two-dimensional $error array. * Please note that the first array of $error contains the row number which the errors found belong to. * */ if ($validator->messages()->get("software asset tag")) { foreach ($validator->messages()->get("software asset tag") as $e) { $errorCount += 1; $error[$rowIndex][$errorCount] = $errorCount . ". " . $e . "<br/>"; } } if ($validator->messages()->get("product key")) { foreach ($validator->messages()->get("product key") as $e) { $errorCount += 1; $error[$rowIndex][$errorCount] = $errorCount . ". " . $e . "<br/>"; } } if ($validator->messages()->get("employee number")) { foreach ($validator->messages()->get("employee number") as $e) { $errorCount += 1; $error[$rowIndex][$errorCount] = $errorCount . ". " . $e . "<br/>"; } } if ($validator->messages()->get("laptop serial number")) { foreach ($validator->messages()->get("laptop serial number") as $e) { $errorCount += 1; $error[$rowIndex][$errorCount] = $errorCount . ". " . $e . "<br/>"; } } if ($validator->messages()->get("software type")) { foreach ($validator->messages()->get("software type") as $e) { $errorCount += 1; $error[$rowIndex][$errorCount] = $errorCount . ". " . $e . "<br/>"; } } if ($validator->messages()->get("warranty start date")) { foreach ($validator->messages()->get("warranty start date") as $e) { $errorCount += 1; $error[$rowIndex][$errorCount] = $errorCount . ". " . $e . "<br/>"; } } if ($validator->messages()->get("warranty end date")) { foreach ($validator->messages()->get("warranty end date") as $e) { $errorCount += 1; $error[$rowIndex][$errorCount] = $errorCount . ". " . $e . "<br/>"; } } if ($validator->messages()->get("status")) { foreach ($validator->messages()->get("status") as $e) { $errorCount += 1; $error[$rowIndex][$errorCount] = $errorCount . ". " . $e . "<br/>"; } } } if ($r->status != "Lost" && Employee::where("employee_number", "=", $r->employeenumber)->whereIn("status", array("OJT Graduate", "Graduate", "Resigned", "Obsolete"))->first()) { $hasError = true; //This will only matter if no errors has been found above. $rowHasError = true; //This will only matter if no errors has been found above. $rowsWithErrors[$rowIndex] = $rowIndex; //This will only matter if no errors has been found above. $errorCount += 1; $error[$rowIndex][$errorCount] = $errorCount . ". " . "Cannot assign an asset to employees no longer working in the company." . "<br/>"; } if (trim($r->laptopsn) != null && !Asset::where("serial_number", "=", $r->laptopsn)->whereHas("classification", function ($q) { $q->where("name", "=", "Laptops"); })->first()) { $hasError = true; //This will only matter if no errors has been found above. $rowHasError = true; //This will only matter if no errors has been found above. $rowsWithErrors[$rowIndex] = $rowIndex; //This will only matter if no errors has been found above. $errorCount += 1; $error[$rowIndex][$errorCount] = $errorCount . ". " . "Cannot assign software asset to non-laptop assets. Please check the serial number and try again." . "<br/>"; } if (!$rowHasError) { $hasCorrectRows = true; $software_type_id = SoftwareType::where("software_type", "=", $r->softwaretype)->get(array("id"))->first(); //Create the asset $software = new Software(); $software->asset_tag = trim($r->assettag) != null ? trim($r->assettag) : null; $software->product_key = trim($r->productkey); $software->employee_number = trim($r->employeenumber) != null ? trim($r->employeenumber) : null; $software->assigned_to_serial_number = trim($r->laptopsn) != null ? trim($r->laptopsn) : null; $software->location = trim($r->location) != null ? trim($r->location) : null; $software->software_type_id = $software_type_id->id; $software->warranty_start = trim($r->warrantystart); $software->warranty_end = trim($r->warrantyend); $software->status = trim($r->status); $software->notes = trim($r->notes) != null ? trim($r->notes) : null; $software->date_added = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $software->save(); //Log the new asset to asset logs if (!empty(trim($r->employeenumber))) { $employee = Employee::where("employee_number", "=", trim($r->employeenumber))->first(); $desc = "Software Asset <strong>" . $software->asset_tag . "</strong> added to the database and assigned to employee <strong>" . $employee->first_name . " " . $employee->last_name . "</strong> with asset status <strong>" . $software->status . "</strong>."; } else { $desc = "Software Asset <strong>" . $software->asset_tag . "</strong> added to the database with status <strong>" . $software->status . "</strong>."; } $softwareLog = new SoftwareLog(); $softwareLog->user_id = Session::get("user_id"); $softwareLog->software_id = $software->id; $softwareLog->employee_id = !empty($software->employee->id) ? $software->employee->id : null; $softwareLog->description = $desc; $softwareLog->transaction = "History"; $softwareLog->save(); //Parallel logging to system logs $desc = "(" . Session::get('user_type') . ") " . "<strong>" . Session::get('username') . "</strong> added software asset <strong>" . $software->asset_tag . "</strong>."; $newLog = new UserLog(); $newLog->description = $desc; $newLog->user_id = Session::get('user_id'); $newLog->type = "System"; $newLog->save(); } } File::delete($readFile); if ($hasCorrectRows) { //Log the changes made $desc = "(" . Session::get("user_type") . ") <b>" . Session::get("username") . "</b> has imported data to software assets database. "; $newLog = new UserLog(); $newLog->description = $desc; $newLog->user_id = Session::get('user_id'); $newLog->type = "System"; $newLog->save(); } return $this->importResult($hasError, $hasCorrectRows, $rowsWithErrors, $error); } } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } }