/** * @fn user_quotes * @short Action method that shows a collection of user testimonials for software products. * @note This action is intented to be called from AJAX and does not show a full page layout. */ public function user_quotes() { if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $software = new Software(); if ($software->find_by_id($_GET['id']) === FALSE) { $this->flash(l('No such software product!'), 'error'); $this->redirect_to(array('action' => 'index')); } $software->has_many('software_quotes'); $quotes = $software->software_quotes; if (count($quotes) > 0) { $this->quotes = $quotes; $this->render(array('layout' => FALSE)); } else { $this->render(NULL); } } else { $this->redirect_to(array('action' => 'index')); } }
/** * @fn software_downloads_by_release * @short Action method that shows statistics on software downloads grouped by release * for a particular software product. */ public function software_downloads_by_release() { if (!isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $this->redirect_to(array('action' => 'software_list')); } $software = new Software(); if ($software->find_by_id($_REQUEST['id']) === FALSE) { $this->flash(l('No such software'), 'error'); $this->redirect_to(array('action' => 'software_list')); } $software->has_many('software_releases', array('order_by' => '`date` DESC')); $this->releases = $software->software_releases; }