setConfigDir() public static method

Set the directory for configuration files for the given configuration set.
public static setConfigDir ( string $path, string $configSet = 'simplesaml' )
$path string The directory which contains the configuration files.
$configSet string The configuration set. Defaults to 'simplesaml'.
Example #1
  * Constructor
  * Note that the person is tied to a OAuth datastore here
 function __construct($person = NULL)
     /* Find the path to simpelsamlphp and run the autoloader */
     try {
         $sspdir = Config::get_config('simplesaml_path');
     } catch (KeyNotFoundException $knfe) {
         echo "Cannot find path to simplesaml. This install is not valid. Aborting.<br />\n";
         Logger::log_event(LOG_ALERT, "Trying to instantiate simpleSAMLphp without a configured path.");
     require_once $sspdir . '/lib/_autoload.php';
     SimpleSAML_Configuration::setConfigDir($sspdir . '/config');
     $this->oauthStore = new OAuthDataStore_Confusa();
     $this->oauthServer = new sspmod_oauth_OAuthServer($this->oauthStore);
     $hmac_method = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
     $req = OAuthRequest::from_request();
     list($consumer, $this->accessToken) = $this->oauthServer->verify_request($req);
     $this->isAuthenticated = isset($this->accessToken);
Example #2
 * based on an XML metadata file.
/* This is the base directory of the simpleSAMLphp installation. */
$baseDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
/* Add library autoloader. */
require_once $baseDir . '/lib/_autoload.php';
/* No need to try to create a session here. */
if (!SimpleSAML_Module::isModuleEnabled('metarefresh')) {
    echo "You need to enable the metarefresh module before this script can be used.\n";
    echo "You can enable it by running the following command:\n";
    echo '  echo >"' . $baseDir . '/modules/metarefresh/enable' . "\"\n";
/* Initialize the configuration. */
SimpleSAML_Configuration::setConfigDir($baseDir . '/config');
/* $outputDir contains the directory we will store the generated metadata in. */
$outputDir = $baseDir . '/metadata-generated';
/* $toStdOut is a boolean telling us wheter we will print the output to stdout instead
 * of writing it to files in $outputDir.
$toStdOut = FALSE;
/* $validateFingerprint contains the fingerprint of the certificate which should have been used
 * to sign the EntityDescriptor in the metadata, or NULL if fingerprint validation shouldn't be
 * done.
$validateFingerprint = NULL;
/* This variable contains the files we will parse. */
$files = array();
/* Parse arguments. */
$progName = array_shift($argv);
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env php
/* This is the base directory of the simpleSAMLphp installation. */
$baseDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
/* Add library autoloader. */
require_once $baseDir . '/lib/_autoload.php';
/* Initialize the configuration. */
$configdir = SimpleSAML\Utils\Config::getConfigDir();
$progName = array_shift($argv);
$debug = FALSE;
$dryrun = FALSE;
foreach ($argv as $a) {
    if (strlen($a) === 0) {
    if (strpos($a, '=') !== FALSE) {
        $p = strpos($a, '=');
        $v = substr($a, $p + 1);
        $a = substr($a, 0, $p);
    } else {
        $v = NULL;
    /* Map short options to long options. */
    $shortOptMap = array('-d' => '--debug');
    if (array_key_exists($a, $shortOptMap)) {
        $a = $shortOptMap[$a];
    switch ($a) {
        case '--help':
Example #4
 public function getDiscoPath()
     $sspdir = Config::get_config('simplesaml_path');
     require_once $sspdir . 'lib/_autoload.php';
     SimpleSAML_Configuration::setConfigDir($sspdir . '/config');
     $sspConfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
     $discoPath = "https://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "/" . $sspConfig->getString('baseurlpath') . "module.php/saml/disco.php?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
     return $discoPath;