getString() public method

An exception will be thrown if this option isn't a string, or if this option isn't found, and no default value is given.
public getString ( string $name, mixed $default = self::REQUIRED_OPTION ) : string | mixed
$name string The name of the option.
$default mixed A default value which will be returned if the option isn't found. The option will be required if this parameter isn't given. The default value can be any value, including null.
return string | mixed The option with the given name, or $default if the option isn't found and $default is specified.
  * Constructor
  * @param \SimpleSAML_Configuration $configuration Configuration object
 public function __construct(\SimpleSAML_Configuration $configuration)
     $this->configuration = $configuration;
     $this->localeDir = $this->configuration->resolvePath('locales');
     $this->language = new Language($configuration);
     $this->langcode = $this->language->getPosixLanguage($this->language->getLanguage());
     $this->i18nBackend = $this->configuration->getString('language.i18n.backend', self::SSP_I18N_BACKEND);
Example #2
  * Check that the user has access to the statistics.
  * If the user doesn't have access, send the user to the login page.
 public static function checkAccess(SimpleSAML_Configuration $statconfig)
     $protected = $statconfig->getBoolean('protected', FALSE);
     $authsource = $statconfig->getString('auth', NULL);
     $allowedusers = $statconfig->getValue('allowedUsers', NULL);
     $useridattr = $statconfig->getString('useridattr', 'eduPersonPrincipalName');
     $acl = $statconfig->getValue('acl', NULL);
     if ($acl !== NULL && !is_string($acl) && !is_array($acl)) {
         throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('Invalid value for \'acl\'-option. Should be an array or a string.');
     if (!$protected) {
     if (SimpleSAML\Utils\Auth::isAdmin()) {
         // User logged in as admin. OK.
         SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Statistics auth - logged in as admin, access granted');
     if (!isset($authsource)) {
         // If authsource is not defined, init admin login.
     /* We are using an authsource for login. */
     $as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple($authsource);
     // User logged in with auth source.
     SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Statistics auth - valid login with auth source [' . $authsource . ']');
     // Retrieving attributes
     $attributes = $as->getAttributes();
     if (!empty($allowedusers)) {
         // Check if userid exists
         if (!isset($attributes[$useridattr][0])) {
             throw new Exception('User ID is missing');
         // Check if userid is allowed access..
         if (in_array($attributes[$useridattr][0], $allowedusers)) {
             SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Statistics auth - User granted access by user ID [' . $attributes[$useridattr][0] . ']');
         SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Statistics auth - User denied access by user ID [' . $attributes[$useridattr][0] . ']');
     } else {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Statistics auth - no allowedUsers list.');
     if (!is_null($acl)) {
         $acl = new sspmod_core_ACL($acl);
         if ($acl->allows($attributes)) {
             SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Statistics auth - allowed access by ACL.');
         SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Statistics auth - denied access by ACL.');
     } else {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Statistics auth - no ACL configured.');
     throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('Access denied to the current user.');
Example #3
  * Initializes this discovery service.
  * The constructor does the parsing of the request. If this is an invalid request, it will throw an exception.
  * @param array  $metadataSets Array with metadata sets we find remote entities in.
  * @param string $instance The name of this instance of the discovery service.
 public function __construct(array $metadataSets, $instance)
     parent::__construct($metadataSets, $instance);
     $this->discoconfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getConfig('module_discopower.php');
     $this->cdcDomain = $this->discoconfig->getString('cdc.domain', null);
     if ($this->cdcDomain !== null && $this->cdcDomain[0] !== '.') {
         // ensure that the CDC domain starts with a dot ('.') as required by the spec
         $this->cdcDomain = '.' . $this->cdcDomain;
     $this->cdcLifetime = $this->discoconfig->getInteger('cdc.lifetime', null);
Example #4
  * Constructor
  * @param \SimpleSAML_Configuration $configuration Configuration object
 public function __construct(\SimpleSAML_Configuration $configuration)
     $this->configuration = $configuration;
     $this->availableLanguages = $this->configuration->getArray('language.available', array('en'));
     $this->defaultLanguage = $this->configuration->getString('language.default', 'en');
     $this->languageParameterName = $this->configuration->getString('', 'language');
     $this->customFunction = $this->configuration->getArray('language.get_language_function', null);
     $this->rtlLanguages = $this->configuration->getArray('language.rtl', array());
     if (isset($_GET[$this->languageParameterName])) {
         $this->setLanguage($_GET[$this->languageParameterName], $this->configuration->getBoolean('language.parameter.setcookie', true));
  * Initialize this EntitySource.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $config  The configuration.
 public function __construct(sspmod_aggregator2_Aggregator $aggregator, SimpleSAML_Configuration $config)
     $this->logLoc = 'aggregator2:' . $aggregator->getId() . ': ';
     $this->aggregator = $aggregator;
     $this->url = $config->getString('url');
     $this->sslCAFile = $config->getString('ssl.cafile', NULL);
     if ($this->sslCAFile === NULL) {
         $this->sslCAFile = $aggregator->getCAFile();
     $this->certificate = $config->getString('cert', NULL);
     $this->cacheId = sha1($this->url);
     $this->cacheTag = sha1(serialize($config));
Example #6
 private static function enrichForDecryptionProvider(SimpleSAML_Configuration $configuration, array &$baseConfiguration)
     if ($configuration->has('sharedKey')) {
         $baseConfiguration['sharedKey'] = $configuration->getString('sharedKey', NULL);
     if ($configuration->has('new_privatekey')) {
         $baseConfiguration['privateKeys'][] = new SAML2_Configuration_PrivateKey($configuration->getString('new_privatekey'), SAML2_Configuration_PrivateKey::NAME_NEW, $configuration->getString('new_privatekey_pass', NULL));
     if ($configuration->getBoolean('assertion.encryption', FALSE)) {
         $baseConfiguration['privateKeys'][] = new SAML2_Configuration_PrivateKey($configuration->getString('privatekey'), SAML2_Configuration_PrivateKey::NAME_DEFAULT, $configuration->getString('privatekey_pass', NULL));
         if ($configuration->has('encryption.blacklisted-algorithms')) {
             $baseConfiguration['blacklistedEncryptionAlgorithms'] = $configuration->get('encryption.blacklisted-algorithms');
  * Build a new logging handler based on files.
 public function __construct(\SimpleSAML_Configuration $config)
     // get the metadata handler option from the configuration
     $this->logFile = $config->getPathValue('loggingdir', 'log/') . $config->getString('logging.logfile', 'simplesamlphp.log');
     $this->processname = $config->getString('logging.processname', 'SimpleSAMLphp');
     if (@file_exists($this->logFile)) {
         if (!@is_writeable($this->logFile)) {
             throw new \Exception("Could not write to logfile: " . $this->logFile);
     } else {
         if (!@touch($this->logFile)) {
             throw new \Exception("Could not create logfile: " . $this->logFile . " The logging directory is not writable for the web server user.");
  * Subscribe to an address
  * @param int    $uid          Uid of user
  * @param string $subscription The address to subscribe
  * @param string $type         Type of subscription
  * @return bool Return true on success and false on error
 public function subscribe($uid, $subscription, $type = null)
     if (is_null($type)) {
         $type = $this->_config->getString('messenger.default', 'INBOX');
     // Check if subscription already exists
     $st = self::execute('SELECT * 
          FROM `' . self::$prefix . 'subscription`
          WHERE `uid` = ? AND `subscription` = ?', array($uid, $subscription));
     if ($st === false) {
         return false;
     if ($st->rowCount() > 0) {
         return false;
     // Insert new subscription
     $st = self::execute('INSERT INTO `' . self::$prefix . 'subscription` 
         (`uid`, `subscription`, `type`, `created`, `ip`) 
         (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);', array($uid, $subscription, $type, date('c'), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
     if ($st === false) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::error('JANUS: Error fetching all entities');
         return false;
     return self::$db->lastInsertId();
Example #9
  * Create an output from a configuration object.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $config  The configuration object.
  * @return
 private static function createOutput(SimpleSAML_Configuration $config)
     $cls = $config->getString('class');
     $cls = SimpleSAML_Module::resolveClass($cls, 'Stats_Output', 'SimpleSAML_Stats_Output');
     $output = new $cls($config);
     return $output;
Example #10
  * Initialize the output.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $config  The configuration for this output.
 public function __construct(SimpleSAML_Configuration $config)
     $logLevel = $config->getString('level', 'notice');
     $this->logger = array('SimpleSAML_Logger', $logLevel);
     if (!is_callable($this->logger)) {
         throw new Exception('Invalid log level: ' . var_export($logLevel, TRUE));
  * Create new entity with parsed entityid
  * Create a new entity and give the user access to the entity.
  * @param string $entityid Entity id for the new entity
  * @param string $type     Entity type
  * @return sspmod_janus_Entity|bool Returns the entity or false on error.
  * @since Method available since Release 1.0.0
 public function createNewEntity($entityid, $type)
     if ($this->isEntityIdInUse($entityid, $errorMessage)) {
         return $errorMessage;
     if ($this->hasEntityIdBeenUsed($entityid, $errorMessage)) {
         return $errorMessage;
     $startstate = $this->_config->getString('workflowstate.default');
     // Get the default ARP
     $default_arp = '0';
     $st = $this->execute("SELECT aid FROM " . self::$prefix . "arp WHERE is_default = TRUE AND deleted = ''");
     if ($st) {
         $rows = $st->fetchAll();
         if (count($rows) === 1) {
             $default_arp = $rows[0]['aid'];
     // Instantiate a new entity
     $entity = new sspmod_janus_Entity($this->_config, true);
     $entity->setRevisionnote('Entity created.');
     $st = $this->execute('INSERT INTO ' . self::$prefix . 'hasEntity 
         (`uid`, `eid`, `created`, `ip`) 
         (?, ?, ?, ?);', array($this->_user->getUid(), $entity->getEid(), date('c'), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
     if ($st === false) {
         return 'error_db';
     $ec = new sspmod_janus_EntityController($this->_config);
     $update = false;
     // Get metadatafields for new type
     $nm_mb = new sspmod_janus_MetadatafieldBuilder($this->_config->getArray('metadatafields.' . $type));
     $metadatafields = $nm_mb->getMetadatafields();
     // Add all required fileds
     foreach ($metadatafields as $mf) {
         if (isset($mf->required) && $mf->required === true) {
             $ec->addMetadata($mf->name, $mf->default);
             $update = true;
     if ($update === true) {
     // Reset list of entities
     $this->_entities = null;
     return $entity->getEid();
  * Build a new logging handler based on syslog.
 public function __construct(\SimpleSAML_Configuration $config)
     $facility = $config->getInteger('logging.facility', defined('LOG_LOCAL5') ? constant('LOG_LOCAL5') : LOG_USER);
     $processname = $config->getString('logging.processname', 'SimpleSAMLphp');
     // Setting facility to LOG_USER (only valid in Windows), enable log level rewrite on windows systems
     if (System::getOS() === System::WINDOWS) {
         $this->isWindows = true;
         $facility = LOG_USER;
     openlog($processname, LOG_PID, $facility);
Example #13
  * Receive a SAML 2 message sent using the HTTP-Artifact binding.
  * Throws an exception if it is unable receive the message.
  * @return SAML2_Message The received message.
  * @throws Exception
 public function receive()
     if (array_key_exists('SAMLart', $_REQUEST)) {
         $artifact = base64_decode($_REQUEST['SAMLart']);
         $endpointIndex = bin2hex(substr($artifact, 2, 2));
         $sourceId = bin2hex(substr($artifact, 4, 20));
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Missing SAMLArt parameter.');
     $metadataHandler = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();
     $idpMetadata = $metadataHandler->getMetaDataConfigForSha1($sourceId, 'saml20-idp-remote');
     if ($idpMetadata === NULL) {
         throw new Exception('No metadata found for remote provider with SHA1 ID: ' . var_export($sourceId, TRUE));
     $endpoint = NULL;
     foreach ($idpMetadata->getEndpoints('ArtifactResolutionService') as $ep) {
         if ($ep['index'] === hexdec($endpointIndex)) {
             $endpoint = $ep;
     if ($endpoint === NULL) {
         throw new Exception('No ArtifactResolutionService with the correct index.');
     SAML2_Utils::getContainer()->getLogger()->debug("ArtifactResolutionService endpoint being used is := " . $endpoint['Location']);
     //Construct the ArtifactResolve Request
     $ar = new SAML2_ArtifactResolve();
     /* Set the request attributes */
     require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../simplesamlphp/modules/saml/lib/Message.php');
     /* Sign the request */
     sspmod_saml_Message::addSign($this->spMetadata, $idpMetadata, $ar);
     // Shoaib - moved from the SOAPClient.
     $soap = new SAML2_SOAPClient();
     // Send message through SoapClient
     /** @var SAML2_ArtifactResponse $artifactResponse */
     $artifactResponse = $soap->send($ar, $this->spMetadata);
     if (!$artifactResponse->isSuccess()) {
         return false;
     $xml = $artifactResponse->getAny();
     if ($xml === NULL) {
         /* Empty ArtifactResponse - possibly because of Artifact replay? */
         return NULL;
     $samlResponse = SAML2_Message::fromXML($xml);
     $samlResponse->addValidator(array(get_class($this), 'validateSignature'), $artifactResponse);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['RelayState'])) {
     return $samlResponse;
Example #14
  * Initialize an IdP.
  * @param string $id  The identifier of this IdP.
 private function __construct($id)
     $this->id = $id;
     $metadata = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();
     $globalConfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
     if (substr($id, 0, 6) === 'saml2:') {
         if (!$globalConfig->getBoolean('enable.saml20-idp', FALSE)) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('enable.saml20-idp disabled in config.php.');
         $this->config = $metadata->getMetaDataConfig(substr($id, 6), 'saml20-idp-hosted');
     } elseif (substr($id, 0, 6) === 'saml1:') {
         if (!$globalConfig->getBoolean('enable.shib13-idp', FALSE)) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('enable.shib13-idp disabled in config.php.');
         $this->config = $metadata->getMetaDataConfig(substr($id, 6), 'shib13-idp-hosted');
     } elseif (substr($id, 0, 5) === 'adfs:') {
         if (!$globalConfig->getBoolean('enable.adfs-idp', FALSE)) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('enable.adfs-idp disabled in config.php.');
         $this->config = $metadata->getMetaDataConfig(substr($id, 5), 'adfs-idp-hosted');
         try {
             /* This makes the ADFS IdP use the same SP associations as the SAML 2.0 IdP. */
             $saml2EntityId = $metadata->getMetaDataCurrentEntityID('saml20-idp-hosted');
             $this->associationGroup = 'saml2:' . $saml2EntityId;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             /* Probably no SAML 2 IdP configured for this host. Ignore the error. */
     } else {
     if ($this->associationGroup === NULL) {
         $this->associationGroup = $this->id;
     $auth = $this->config->getString('auth');
     if (SimpleSAML_Auth_Source::getById($auth) !== NULL) {
         $this->authSource = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple($auth);
     } else {
         $this->authSource = new SimpleSAML_Auth_BWC($auth, $this->config->getString('authority', NULL));
Example #15
  * This functions finds what key & certificate files should be used to sign the metadata
  * for the given entity.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $config Our SimpleSAML_Configuration instance.
  * @param array                    $entityMetadata The metadata of the entity.
  * @param string                   $type A string which describes the type entity this is, e.g. 'SAML 2 IdP' or
  *     'Shib 1.3 SP'.
  * @return array An associative array with the keys 'privatekey', 'certificate', and optionally 'privatekey_pass'.
  * @throws Exception If the key and certificate used to sign is unknown.
 private static function findKeyCert($config, $entityMetadata, $type)
     // first we look for metadata.privatekey and metadata.certificate in the metadata
     if (array_key_exists('metadata.sign.privatekey', $entityMetadata) || array_key_exists('metadata.sign.certificate', $entityMetadata)) {
         if (!array_key_exists('metadata.sign.privatekey', $entityMetadata) || !array_key_exists('metadata.sign.certificate', $entityMetadata)) {
             throw new Exception('Missing either the "metadata.sign.privatekey" or the' . ' "metadata.sign.certificate" configuration option in the metadata for' . ' the ' . $type . ' "' . $entityMetadata['entityid'] . '". If one of' . ' these options is specified, then the other must also be specified.');
         $ret = array('privatekey' => $entityMetadata['metadata.sign.privatekey'], 'certificate' => $entityMetadata['metadata.sign.certificate']);
         if (array_key_exists('metadata.sign.privatekey_pass', $entityMetadata)) {
             $ret['privatekey_pass'] = $entityMetadata['metadata.sign.privatekey_pass'];
         return $ret;
     // then we look for default values in the global configuration
     $privatekey = $config->getString('metadata.sign.privatekey', null);
     $certificate = $config->getString('metadata.sign.certificate', null);
     if ($privatekey !== null || $certificate !== null) {
         if ($privatekey === null || $certificate === null) {
             throw new Exception('Missing either the "metadata.sign.privatekey" or the' . ' "metadata.sign.certificate" configuration option in the global' . ' configuration. If one of these options is specified, then the other' . ' must also be specified.');
         $ret = array('privatekey' => $privatekey, 'certificate' => $certificate);
         $privatekey_pass = $config->getString('metadata.sign.privatekey_pass', null);
         if ($privatekey_pass !== null) {
             $ret['privatekey_pass'] = $privatekey_pass;
         return $ret;
     // as a last resort we attempt to use the privatekey and certificate option from the metadata
     if (array_key_exists('privatekey', $entityMetadata) || array_key_exists('certificate', $entityMetadata)) {
         if (!array_key_exists('privatekey', $entityMetadata) || !array_key_exists('certificate', $entityMetadata)) {
             throw new Exception('Both the "privatekey" and the "certificate" option must' . ' be set in the metadata for the ' . $type . ' "' . $entityMetadata['entityid'] . '" before it is possible to sign metadata' . ' from this entity.');
         $ret = array('privatekey' => $entityMetadata['privatekey'], 'certificate' => $entityMetadata['certificate']);
         if (array_key_exists('privatekey_pass', $entityMetadata)) {
             $ret['privatekey_pass'] = $entityMetadata['privatekey_pass'];
         return $ret;
     throw new Exception('Could not find what key & certificate should be used to sign the metadata' . ' for the ' . $type . ' "' . $entityMetadata['entityid'] . '".');
Example #16
  * Find template path.
  * This function locates the given template based on the template name. It will first search for the template in
  * the current theme directory, and then the default theme.
  * The template name may be on the form <module name>:<template path>, in which case it will search for the
  * template file in the given module.
  * @param string $template The relative path from the theme directory to the template file.
  * @return string The absolute path to the template file.
  * @throws Exception If the template file couldn't be found.
 private function findTemplatePath($template, $throw_exception = true)
     $result = $this->findModuleAndTemplateName($template);
     $templateModule = $result[0] ? $result[0] : 'default';
     $templateName = $result[1];
     $tmp = explode(':', $this->configuration->getString('theme.use', 'default'), 2);
     if (count($tmp) === 2) {
         $themeModule = $tmp[0];
         $themeName = $tmp[1];
     } else {
         $themeModule = null;
         $themeName = $tmp[0];
     // first check the current theme
     if ($themeModule !== null) {
         // .../module/<themeModule>/themes/<themeName>/<templateModule>/<templateName>
         $filename = \SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleDir($themeModule) . '/themes/' . $themeName . '/' . $templateModule . '/' . $templateName;
     } elseif ($templateModule !== 'default') {
         // .../module/<templateModule>/templates/<templateName>
         $filename = \SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleDir($templateModule) . '/templates/' . $templateName;
     } else {
         // .../templates/<theme>/<templateName>
         $filename = $this->configuration->getPathValue('templatedir', 'templates/') . $templateName;
     if (file_exists($filename)) {
         return $filename;
     // not found in current theme
     \SimpleSAML\Logger::debug($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ' - Template: Could not find template file [' . $template . '] at [' . $filename . '] - now trying the base template');
     // try default theme
     if ($templateModule !== 'default') {
         // .../module/<templateModule>/templates/<templateName>
         $filename = \SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleDir($templateModule) . '/templates/' . $templateName;
     } else {
         // .../templates/<templateName>
         $filename = $this->configuration->getPathValue('templatedir', 'templates/') . '/' . $templateName;
     if (file_exists($filename)) {
         return $filename;
     // not found in default template
     if ($throw_exception) {
         // log error and throw exception
         $error = 'Template: Could not find template file [' . $template . '] at [' . $filename . ']';
         \SimpleSAML\Logger::critical($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ' - ' . $error);
         throw new Exception($error);
     } else {
         // missing template expected, return NULL
         return null;
Example #17
  * Translate the name of an attribute.
  * @param string $name The attribute name.
  * @return string The translated attribute name, or the original attribute name if no translation was found.
 public function getAttributeTranslation($name)
     // normalize attribute name
     $normName = strtolower($name);
     $normName = str_replace(":", "_", $normName);
     // check for an extra dictionary
     $extraDict = $this->configuration->getString('attributes.extradictionary', null);
     if ($extraDict !== null) {
         $dict = $this->getDictionary($extraDict);
         if (array_key_exists($normName, $dict)) {
             return $this->getPreferredTranslation($dict[$normName]);
     // search the default attribute dictionary
     $dict = $this->getDictionary('attributes');
     if (array_key_exists('attribute_' . $normName, $dict)) {
         return $this->getPreferredTranslation($dict['attribute_' . $normName]);
     // no translations found
     return $name;
Example #18
  * Handles a request to this discovery service.
  * The IdP disco parameters should be set before calling this function.
 public function handleRequest()
     // no choice made. Show discovery service page
     $idpList = $this->getIdPList();
     $idpList = $this->filterList($idpList);
     $preferredIdP = $this->getRecommendedIdP();
     $idpintersection = array_intersect(array_keys($idpList), $this->getScopedIDPList());
     if (sizeof($idpintersection) > 0) {
         $idpList = array_intersect_key($idpList, array_fill_keys($idpintersection, null));
     $idpintersection = array_values($idpintersection);
     if (sizeof($idpintersection) == 1) {
         $this->log('Choice made [' . $idpintersection[0] . '] (Redirecting the user back. returnIDParam=' . $this->returnIdParam . ')');
         \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::redirectTrustedURL($this->returnURL, array($this->returnIdParam => $idpintersection[0]));
      * Make use of an XHTML template to present the select IdP choice to the user. Currently the supported options
      * is either a drop down menu or a list view.
     switch ($this->config->getString('idpdisco.layout', 'links')) {
         case 'dropdown':
             $templateFile = 'selectidp-dropdown.php';
         case 'links':
             $templateFile = 'selectidp-links.php';
             throw new Exception('Invalid value for the \'idpdisco.layout\' option.');
     $t = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($this->config, $templateFile, 'disco');
     $t->data['idplist'] = $idpList;
     $t->data['preferredidp'] = $preferredIdP;
     $t->data['return'] = $this->returnURL;
     $t->data['returnIDParam'] = $this->returnIdParam;
     $t->data['entityID'] = $this->spEntityId;
     $t->data['urlpattern'] = htmlspecialchars(\SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::getSelfURLNoQuery());
     $t->data['rememberenabled'] = $this->config->getBoolean('idpdisco.enableremember', false);
  * Getter for the LDAP connection object. Created this getter
  * rather than setting in the constructor to avoid unnecessarily
  * connecting to LDAP when it might not be needed.
  * @return sspmod_ldap_LdapConnection
 protected function getLdap()
     // Check if already connected
     if ($this->ldap) {
         return $this->ldap;
     // Get the connection specific options
     $hostname = $this->config->getString('ldap.hostname');
     $port = $this->config->getInteger('ldap.port', 389);
     $enable_tls = $this->config->getBoolean('ldap.enable_tls', false);
     $debug = $this->config->getBoolean('ldap.debug', false);
     $timeout = $this->config->getInteger('ldap.timeout', 0);
     $username = $this->config->getString('ldap.username', null);
     $password = $this->config->getString('ldap.password', null);
     // Log the LDAP connection
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug($this->title . 'Connecting to LDAP server;' . ' Hostname: ' . $hostname . ' Port: ' . $port . ' Enable TLS: ' . ($enable_tls ? 'Yes' : 'No') . ' Debug: ' . ($debug ? 'Yes' : 'No') . ' Timeout: ' . $timeout . ' Username: '******' Password: '******'*', strlen($password)));
     // Connect to the LDAP server to be queried during processing
     $this->ldap = new SimpleSAML_Auth_LDAP($hostname, $enable_tls, $debug, $timeout, $port);
     $this->ldap->bind($username, $password);
     // All done
     return $this->ldap;
Example #20
     * Build a authentication response.
     * @param array $idp  Metadata for the IdP the response is sent from.
     * @param array $sp  Metadata for the SP the response is sent to.
     * @param string $shire  The endpoint on the SP the response is sent to.
     * @param array|NULL $attributes  The attributes which should be included in the response.
     * @return string  The response.
    public function generate(SimpleSAML_Configuration $idp, SimpleSAML_Configuration $sp, $shire, $attributes)
        assert('$attributes === NULL || is_array($attributes)');
        if ($sp->hasValue('scopedattributes')) {
            $scopedAttributes = $sp->getArray('scopedattributes');
        } elseif ($idp->hasValue('scopedattributes')) {
            $scopedAttributes = $idp->getArray('scopedattributes');
        } else {
            $scopedAttributes = array();
        $id = SimpleSAML\Utils\Random::generateID();
        $issueInstant = SimpleSAML\Utils\Time::generateTimestamp();
        // 30 seconds timeskew back in time to allow differing clocks.
        $notBefore = SimpleSAML\Utils\Time::generateTimestamp(time() - 30);
        $assertionExpire = SimpleSAML\Utils\Time::generateTimestamp(time() + 60 * 5);
        # 5 minutes
        $assertionid = SimpleSAML\Utils\Random::generateID();
        $spEntityId = $sp->getString('entityid');
        $audience = $sp->getString('audience', $spEntityId);
        $base64 = $sp->getBoolean('base64attributes', FALSE);
        $namequalifier = $sp->getString('NameQualifier', $spEntityId);
        $nameid = SimpleSAML\Utils\Random::generateID();
        $subjectNode = '<Subject>' . '<NameIdentifier' . ' Format="urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier"' . ' NameQualifier="' . htmlspecialchars($namequalifier) . '"' . '>' . htmlspecialchars($nameid) . '</NameIdentifier>' . '<SubjectConfirmation>' . '<ConfirmationMethod>' . 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:cm:bearer' . '</ConfirmationMethod>' . '</SubjectConfirmation>' . '</Subject>';
        $encodedattributes = '';
        if (is_array($attributes)) {
            $encodedattributes .= '<AttributeStatement>';
            $encodedattributes .= $subjectNode;
            foreach ($attributes as $name => $value) {
                $encodedattributes .= $this->enc_attribute($name, $value, $base64, $scopedAttributes);
            $encodedattributes .= '</AttributeStatement>';
         * The SAML 1.1 response message
        $response = '<Response xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol"
    xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol" xmlns:xsd=""
    xmlns:xsi="" IssueInstant="' . $issueInstant . '"
    MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1"
    Recipient="' . htmlspecialchars($shire) . '" ResponseID="' . $id . '">
        <StatusCode Value="samlp:Success" />
    <Assertion xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion"
        AssertionID="' . $assertionid . '" IssueInstant="' . $issueInstant . '"
        Issuer="' . htmlspecialchars($idp->getString('entityid')) . '" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1">
        <Conditions NotBefore="' . $notBefore . '" NotOnOrAfter="' . $assertionExpire . '">
                <Audience>' . htmlspecialchars($audience) . '</Audience>
        <AuthenticationStatement AuthenticationInstant="' . $issueInstant . '"
            AuthenticationMethod="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:am:unspecified">' . $subjectNode . '
        ' . $encodedattributes . '
        return $response;
Example #21
  * Load private key from metadata.
  * This function loads a private key from a metadata array. It searches for the
  * following elements:
  * 'privatekey'  Name of a private key file in the cert-directory.
  * 'privatekey_pass'  Password for the private key.
  * It returns and array with the following elements:
  * 'PEM'  Data for the private key, in PEM-format
  * 'password'  Password for the private key.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $metadata  The metadata array the private key should be loaded from.
  * @param bool $required  Whether the private key is required. If this is TRUE, a
  *                        missing key will cause an exception. Default is FALSE.
  * @param string $prefix  The prefix which should be used when reading from the metadata
  *                        array. Defaults to ''.
  * @return array|NULL  Extracted private key, or NULL if no private key is present.
 public static function loadPrivateKey(SimpleSAML_Configuration $metadata, $required = FALSE, $prefix = '')
     $file = $metadata->getString($prefix . 'privatekey', NULL);
     if ($file === NULL) {
         /* No private key found. */
         if ($required) {
             throw new Exception('No private key found in metadata.');
         } else {
             return NULL;
     $file = SimpleSAML_Utilities::resolveCert($file);
     $data = @file_get_contents($file);
     if ($data === FALSE) {
         throw new Exception('Unable to load private key from file "' . $file . '"');
     $ret = array('PEM' => $data);
     if ($metadata->hasValue($prefix . 'privatekey_pass')) {
         $ret['password'] = $metadata->getString($prefix . 'privatekey_pass');
     return $ret;
  * Add a certificate.
  * Helper function for adding a certificate to the metadata.
  * @param \SAML2\XML\md\RoleDescriptor $rd The RoleDescriptor the certificate should be added to.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration    $metadata The metadata of the entity.
 private function addCertificate(\SAML2\XML\md\RoleDescriptor $rd, SimpleSAML_Configuration $metadata)
     $keys = $metadata->getPublicKeys();
     if ($keys !== null) {
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             if ($key['type'] !== 'X509Certificate') {
             if (!isset($key['signing']) || $key['signing'] === true) {
                 $this->addX509KeyDescriptor($rd, 'signing', $key['X509Certificate']);
             if (!isset($key['encryption']) || $key['encryption'] === true) {
                 $this->addX509KeyDescriptor($rd, 'encryption', $key['X509Certificate']);
     if ($metadata->hasValue('https.certData')) {
         $this->addX509KeyDescriptor($rd, 'signing', $metadata->getString('https.certData'));
Example #23
  * Build a authentication response based on information in the metadata.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata  The metadata of the IdP.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata  The metadata of the SP.
  * @param string $consumerURL  The Destination URL of the response.
 private static function buildResponse(SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata, $consumerURL)
     $signResponse = $spMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.sign.response', NULL);
     if ($signResponse === NULL) {
         $signResponse = $idpMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.sign.response', TRUE);
     $r = new SAML2_Response();
     if ($signResponse) {
         sspmod_saml_Message::addSign($idpMetadata, $spMetadata, $r);
     return $r;
Example #24
  * This function sends the SOAP message to the service location and returns SOAP response
  * @param SAML2_Message $m  The request that should be sent.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $srcMetadata  The metadata of the issuer of the message.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $dstMetadata  The metadata of the destination of the message.
  * @return SAML2_Message  The response we received.
 public function send(SAML2_Message $msg, SimpleSAML_Configuration $srcMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $dstMetadata = NULL)
     $issuer = $msg->getIssuer();
     $ctxOpts = array('ssl' => array('capture_peer_cert' => TRUE));
     // Determine if we are going to do a MutualSSL connection between the IdP and SP  - Shoaib
     if ($srcMetadata->hasValue('saml.SOAPClient.certificate')) {
         $ctxOpts['ssl']['local_cert'] = SimpleSAML_Utilities::resolveCert($srcMetadata->getString('saml.SOAPClient.certificate'));
         if ($srcMetadata->hasValue('saml.SOAPClient.privatekey_pass')) {
             $ctxOpts['ssl']['passphrase'] = $srcMetadata->getString('saml.SOAPClient.privatekey_pass');
     } else {
         /* Use the SP certificate and privatekey if it is configured. */
         $privateKey = SimpleSAML_Utilities::loadPrivateKey($srcMetadata);
         $publicKey = SimpleSAML_Utilities::loadPublicKey($srcMetadata);
         if ($privateKey !== NULL && $publicKey !== NULL && isset($publicKey['PEM'])) {
             $keyCertData = $privateKey['PEM'] . $publicKey['PEM'];
             $file = SimpleSAML_Utilities::getTempDir() . '/' . sha1($keyCertData) . '.pem';
             if (!file_exists($file)) {
                 SimpleSAML_Utilities::writeFile($file, $keyCertData);
             $ctxOpts['ssl']['local_cert'] = $file;
             if (isset($privateKey['password'])) {
                 $ctxOpts['ssl']['passphrase'] = $privateKey['password'];
     // do peer certificate verification
     if ($dstMetadata !== NULL) {
         $peerPublicKeys = $dstMetadata->getPublicKeys('signing', TRUE);
         $certData = '';
         foreach ($peerPublicKeys as $key) {
             if ($key['type'] !== 'X509Certificate') {
             $certData .= "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . chunk_split($key['X509Certificate'], 64) . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
         $peerCertFile = SimpleSAML_Utilities::getTempDir() . '/' . sha1($certData) . '.pem';
         if (!file_exists($peerCertFile)) {
             SimpleSAML_Utilities::writeFile($peerCertFile, $certData);
         // create ssl context
         $ctxOpts['ssl']['verify_peer'] = TRUE;
         $ctxOpts['ssl']['verify_depth'] = 1;
         $ctxOpts['ssl']['cafile'] = $peerCertFile;
     $context = stream_context_create($ctxOpts);
     if ($context === NULL) {
         throw new Exception('Unable to create SSL stream context');
     $options = array('uri' => $issuer, 'location' => $msg->getDestination(), 'stream_context' => $context);
     $x = new SoapClient(NULL, $options);
     // Add soap-envelopes
     $request = $msg->toSignedXML();
     $request = self::START_SOAP_ENVELOPE . $request->ownerDocument->saveXML($request) . self::END_SOAP_ENVELOPE;
     SimpleSAML_Utilities::debugMessage($request, 'out');
     $action = '';
     $version = '1.1';
     $destination = $msg->getDestination();
     /* Perform SOAP Request over HTTP */
     $soapresponsexml = $x->__doRequest($request, $destination, $action, $version);
     if ($soapresponsexml === NULL || $soapresponsexml === "") {
         throw new Exception('Empty SOAP response, check peer certificate.');
     SimpleSAML_Utilities::debugMessage($soapresponsexml, 'in');
     // Convert to SAML2_Message (DOMElement)
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     if (!$dom->loadXML($soapresponsexml)) {
         throw new Exception('Not a SOAP response.');
     $soapfault = $this->getSOAPFault($dom);
     if (isset($soapfault)) {
         throw new Exception($soapfault);
     //Extract the message from the response
     $xml = $dom->firstChild;
     /* Soap Envelope */
     $samlresponse = SAML2_Utils::xpQuery($dom->firstChild, '/soap-env:Envelope/soap-env:Body/*[1]');
     $samlresponse = SAML2_Message::fromXML($samlresponse[0]);
     /* Add validator to message which uses the SSL context. */
     self::addSSLValidator($samlresponse, $context);
     SimpleSAML_Logger::debug("Valid ArtifactResponse received from IdP");
     return $samlresponse;
Example #25
  * Build a authentication response based on information in the metadata.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $srcMetadata  The metadata of the sender (IdP).
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $dstMetadata  The metadata of the recipient (SP).
 public static function buildResponse(SimpleSAML_Configuration $srcMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $dstMetadata, $consumerURL)
     $signResponse = $dstMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.sign.response', NULL);
     if ($signResponse === NULL) {
         $signResponse = $srcMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.sign.response', TRUE);
     $r = new SAML2_Response();
     if ($signResponse) {
         self::addSign($srcMetadata, $dstMetadata, $r);
     return $r;
Example #26
  * This function receives a SAML 1.1 artifact.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata  The metadata of the SP.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata  The metadata of the IdP.
  * @return string  The <saml1p:Response> element, as an XML string.
 public static function receive(SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata)
     $artifacts = self::getArtifacts();
     $request = self::buildRequest($artifacts);
     \SimpleSAML\Utils\XML::debugSAMLMessage($request, 'out');
     $url = $idpMetadata->getDefaultEndpoint('ArtifactResolutionService', array('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:bindings:SOAP-binding'));
     $url = $url['Location'];
     $peerPublicKeys = $idpMetadata->getPublicKeys('signing', TRUE);
     $certData = '';
     foreach ($peerPublicKeys as $key) {
         if ($key['type'] !== 'X509Certificate') {
         $certData .= "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . chunk_split($key['X509Certificate'], 64) . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
     $file = SimpleSAML\Utils\System::getTempDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . sha1($certData) . '.crt';
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         SimpleSAML\Utils\System::writeFile($file, $certData);
     $spKeyCertFile = \SimpleSAML\Utils\Config::getCertPath($spMetadata->getString('privatekey'));
     $opts = array('ssl' => array('verify_peer' => TRUE, 'cafile' => $file, 'local_cert' => $spKeyCertFile, 'capture_peer_cert' => TRUE, 'capture_peer_chain' => TRUE), 'http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'content' => $request, 'header' => 'SOAPAction:' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: text/xml'));
     // Fetch the artifact
     $response = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::fetch($url, $opts);
     if ($response === FALSE) {
         throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('Failed to retrieve assertion from IdP.');
     \SimpleSAML\Utils\XML::debugSAMLMessage($response, 'in');
     // Find the response in the SOAP message
     $response = self::extractResponse($response);
     return $response;
Example #27
  * Retrieve the encryption key for the given entity.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $metadata  The metadata of the entity.
  * @return XMLSecurityKey  The encryption key.
 public static function getEncryptionKey(SimpleSAML_Configuration $metadata)
     $sharedKey = $metadata->getString('sharedkey', NULL);
     if ($sharedKey !== NULL) {
         $key = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::AES128_CBC);
         return $key;
     $keys = $metadata->getPublicKeys('encryption', TRUE);
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         switch ($key['type']) {
             case 'X509Certificate':
                 $pemKey = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . chunk_split($key['X509Certificate'], 64) . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
                 $key = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_OAEP_MGF1P, array('type' => 'public'));
                 return $key;
     throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('No supported encryption key in ' . var_export($metadata->getString('entityid'), TRUE));
Example #28
  * Send a SAML1 SSO request to an IdP.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata  The metadata of the IdP.
  * @param array $state  The state array for the current authentication.
 private function startSSO1(SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata, array $state)
     $idpEntityId = $idpMetadata->getString('entityid');
     $state['saml:idp'] = $idpEntityId;
     $ar = new SimpleSAML_XML_Shib13_AuthnRequest();
     $id = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, 'saml:sp:sso');
     $useArtifact = $idpMetadata->getBoolean('saml1.useartifact', NULL);
     if ($useArtifact === NULL) {
         $useArtifact = $this->metadata->getBoolean('saml1.useartifact', FALSE);
     if ($useArtifact) {
         $shire = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('saml/sp/saml1-acs.php/' . $this->authId . '/artifact');
     } else {
         $shire = SimpleSAML\Module::getModuleURL('saml/sp/saml1-acs.php/' . $this->authId);
     $url = $ar->createRedirect($idpEntityId, $shire);
     SimpleSAML\Logger::debug('Starting SAML 1 SSO to ' . var_export($idpEntityId, TRUE) . ' from ' . var_export($this->entityId, TRUE) . '.');
Example #29
  * Generate an Instance ID based on the database configuration.
  * @param \SimpleSAML_Configuration $config Configuration class
  * @return string $instanceId
 private static function generateInstanceId($config)
     $assembledConfig = array('master' => array('database.dsn' => $config->getString('database.dsn'), 'database.username' => $config->getString('database.username', null), 'database.password' => $config->getString('database.password', null), 'database.prefix' => $config->getString('database.prefix', ''), 'database.persistent' => $config->getBoolean('database.persistent', false)), 'slaves' => $config->getArray('database.slaves', array()));
     return sha1(serialize($assembledConfig));
Example #30
  * Initialize this aggregator.
  * @param string $id  The id of this aggregator.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $config  The configuration for this aggregator.
 protected function __construct($id, SimpleSAML_Configuration $config)
     $this->id = $id;
     $this->logLoc = 'aggregator2:' . $this->id . ': ';
     $this->cronTag = $config->getString('cron.tag', NULL);
     $this->cacheDirectory = $config->getString('', NULL);
     if ($this->cacheDirectory !== NULL) {
         $this->cacheDirectory = SimpleSAML_Utilities::resolvePath($this->cacheDirectory);
     $this->cacheGenerated = $config->getInteger('cache.generated', NULL);
     if ($this->cacheGenerated !== NULL) {
         $this->cacheId = sha1($this->id);
         $this->cacheTag = sha1(serialize($config));
     // configure entity IDs excluded by default
     $this->excludeEntities($config->getArrayize('exclude', null));
     // configure filters
     $this->setFilters($config->getArrayize('filter', null));
     $this->validLength = $config->getInteger('valid.length', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
     $globalConfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
     $certDir = $globalConfig->getPathValue('certdir', 'cert/');
     $signKey = $config->getString('sign.privatekey', NULL);
     if ($signKey !== NULL) {
         $signKey = SimpleSAML_Utilities::resolvePath($signKey, $certDir);
         $this->signKey = @file_get_contents($signKey);
         if ($this->signKey === NULL) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('Unable to load private key from ' . var_export($signKey, TRUE));
     $this->signKeyPass = $config->getString('sign.privatekey_pass', NULL);
     $signCert = $config->getString('sign.certificate', NULL);
     if ($signCert !== NULL) {
         $signCert = SimpleSAML_Utilities::resolvePath($signCert, $certDir);
         $this->signCert = @file_get_contents($signCert);
         if ($this->signCert === NULL) {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('Unable to load certificate file from ' . var_export($signCert, TRUE));
     $this->sslCAFile = $config->getString('ssl.cafile', NULL);
     $this->regInfo = $config->getArray('RegistrationInfo', NULL);