Example #1
 function prepareInputForAdd($input)
     global $DB;
     //parse name
     $input['name'] = $this->prepareName($input);
     //dropdowns : create files
     if ($input['type'] === "dropdown") {
         //search if dropdown already exist in this container
         $found = $this->find("name = '" . $input['name'] . "'\n                              AND plugin_fields_containers_id = '" . $input['plugin_fields_containers_id'] . "'");
         //reject adding for same dropdown on same bloc
         if (!empty($found)) {
             Session::AddMessageAfterRedirect(__("You cannot add same field 'dropdown' on same bloc", 'fields', false, ERROR));
             return false;
         //search if dropdown already exist in other container
         $found = $this->find("name = '" . $input['name'] . "'");
         //for dropdown, if already exist, don't create files
         if (empty($found)) {
         $oldname = $input['name'];
         $input['name'] = getForeignKeyFieldForItemType(PluginFieldsDropdown::getClassname($input['name']));
     // Before adding, add the ranking of the new field
     if (empty($input["ranking"])) {
         $input["ranking"] = $this->getNextRanking();
     //add field to container table
     if ($input['type'] !== "header") {
         $container_obj = new PluginFieldsContainer();
         foreach (json_decode($container_obj->fields['itemtypes']) as $itemtype) {
             $classname = "PluginFields" . ucfirst(strtolower($itemtype . preg_replace('/s$/', '', $container_obj->fields['name'])));
             $classname::addField($input['name'], $input['type']);
     if (isset($oldname)) {
         $input['name'] = $oldname;
     return $input;
Example #2
  * check datas inserted
  * display a message when not ok
  * @param  array $datas : datas send by form
  * @return boolean
 static function validateValues($datas)
     $valid = true;
     $empty_errors = array();
     $number_errors = array();
     $field_obj = new PluginFieldsField();
     $fields = $field_obj->find("plugin_fields_containers_id = " . $datas['plugin_fields_containers_id']);
     foreach ($fields as $fields_id => $field) {
         if ($field['type'] == "yesno") {
         if ($field['type'] == "header") {
         $name = $field['name'];
         if (isset($datas[$name])) {
             $value = $datas[$name];
         } elseif (isset($datas['plugin_fields_' . $name . 'dropdowns_id'])) {
             $value = $datas['plugin_fields_' . $name . 'dropdowns_id'];
         } else {
             $value = '';
         // Check mandatory fields
         if ($field['mandatory'] == 1 && (empty($value) || in_array($field['type'], array('date', 'datetime')) && $value == 'NULL')) {
             $empty_errors[] = $field['label'];
             $valid = false;
             // Check number fields
         } elseif ($field['type'] == 'number' && !empty($value) && !is_numeric($value)) {
             $number_errors[] = $field['label'];
             $valid = false;
     if (!empty($empty_errors)) {
         Session::AddMessageAfterRedirect(__("Some mandatory fields are empty", "fields") . " : " . implode(', ', $empty_errors), false, ERROR);
     if (!empty($number_errors)) {
         Session::AddMessageAfterRedirect(__("Some numeric fields contains non numeric values", "fields") . " : " . implode(', ', $number_errors), false, ERROR);
     return $valid;
Example #3
  * check data inserted
  * display a message when not ok
  * @param array $data            Data send by form
  * @param string $itemtype       Item type
  * @param boolean $massiveaction ?
  * @return boolean
 static function validateValues($data, $itemtype, $massiveaction)
     global $DB;
     $valid = true;
     $empty_errors = array();
     $number_errors = array();
     $container = new self();
     $field_obj = new PluginFieldsField();
     $fields = $field_obj->find("plugin_fields_containers_id = " . $data['plugin_fields_containers_id']);
     foreach ($fields as $fields_id => $field) {
         if ($field['type'] == "yesno") {
         if ($field['type'] == "header") {
         $name = $field['name'];
         if (isset($data[$name])) {
             $value = $data[$name];
         } else {
             if (isset($data['plugin_fields_' . $name . 'dropdowns_id'])) {
                 $value = $data['plugin_fields_' . $name . 'dropdowns_id'];
             } else {
                 if ($field['mandatory'] == 1) {
                     $tablename = "glpi_plugin_fields_" . strtolower($itemtype . getPlural(preg_replace('/s$/', '', $container->fields['name'])));
                     $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$tablename}` WHERE\n               `itemtype`='{$itemtype}'\n               AND `items_id`='{$data['items_id']}'\n               AND `plugin_fields_containers_id`='{$data['plugin_fields_containers_id']}'";
                     $db_result = [];
                     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
                         $db_result = $DB->fetch_assoc($result);
                         if (isset($db_result[$name])) {
                             $value = $db_result[$name];
                 } else {
                     if ($massiveaction) {
                     $value = '';
         //translate label
         $field['itemtype'] = PluginFieldsField::getType();
         $field['label'] = PluginFieldsLabelTranslation::getLabelFor($field);
         // Check mandatory fields
         if ($field['mandatory'] == 1 && (empty($value) || in_array($field['type'], array('date', 'datetime')) && $value == 'NULL')) {
             $empty_errors[] = $field['label'];
             $valid = false;
         } else {
             if ($field['type'] == 'number' && !empty($value) && !is_numeric($value)) {
                 // Check number fields
                 $number_errors[] = $field['label'];
                 $valid = false;
             } else {
                 if ($field['type'] == 'url' && !empty($value)) {
                     if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) {
                         $url_errors[] = $field['label'];
                         $valid = false;
     if (!empty($empty_errors)) {
         Session::AddMessageAfterRedirect(__("Some mandatory fields are empty", "fields") . " : " . implode(', ', $empty_errors), false, ERROR);
     if (!empty($number_errors)) {
         Session::AddMessageAfterRedirect(__("Some numeric fields contains non numeric values", "fields") . " : " . implode(', ', $number_errors), false, ERROR);
     if (!empty($url_errors)) {
         Session::AddMessageAfterRedirect(__("Some URL fields contains invalid links", "fields") . " : " . implode(', ', $url_errors), false, ERROR);
     return $valid;