There is no built-in function in PHP called "getUser". However, there are several session-related functions that can be used to retrieve user information stored in session variables. Here are some examples:
1. Using $_SESSION superglobal
You can use the $_SESSION superglobal to retrieve values set in session variables. For example:
// Start the session session_start();
// Set a session variable $_SESSION['username'] = 'JohnDoe';
// Retrieve the session variable $username = $_SESSION['username'];
echo "Welcome back, $username!";
This code starts a session, sets a session variable called "username" to "JohnDoe", retrieves the value of that variable using $_SESSION['username'], and prints a welcome message using that value.
Package library: PHP standard library
2. Using session_get_cookie_params()
You can use the session_get_cookie_params() function to retrieve the parameters of the current session cookie. Here is an example:
// Start the session session_start();
// Get the session cookie parameters $cookieParams = session_get_cookie_params();
// Print the cookie parameters echo "Session cookie parameters:";
echo "Name: " . $cookieParams['name'];
echo "Lifetime: " . $cookieParams['lifetime'];
echo "Path: " . $cookieParams['path'];
echo "Domain: " . $cookieParams['domain'];
echo "Secure: " . $cookieParams['secure'];
echo "HttpOnly: " . $cookieParams['httponly'];
This code starts a session, calls session_get_cookie_params() to retrieve the parameters of the session cookie, and prints those parameters to the screen.
Package library: PHP standard library
3. Using session_id()
You can use the session_id() function to retrieve the ID of the current session. Here is an example:
// Start the session session_start();
// Get the session ID $sessionID = session_id();
// Print the session ID echo "Session ID: $sessionID";
This code starts a session, calls session_id() to retrieve the ID of the current session, and prints that ID to the screen.
Package library: PHP standard library
Overall, the package library for these functions is the PHP standard library, as they are all built-in functions provided by PHP itself.
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