function onAction()
     global $application;
     $this->topics = modApiFunc('Request', 'getValueByKey', 'topic');
     if (empty($this->topics)) {
         $this->topics = array();
     $SessionPost = array();
     $this->email = trim(modApiFunc('Request', 'getValueByKey', 'email'));
     if (modApiFunc('Users', 'isValidEmail', $this->email)) {
         if (modApiFunc('Subscriptions', 'canClientUnsubscribe')) {
             $ViewState = $this->changeSubscriptions();
         } else {
             $ViewState = $this->addSubscriptions();
         $SessionPost['ViewState'] = $ViewState;
         if ($this->signed_in) {
             $params = array('account' => $this->account, 'email' => $this->email);
             execQuery('SUBSCR_LINK_SUBSCRIPTION_TO_CUSTOMER', $params);
         } else {
             modApiFunc('Subscriptions', 'setCustomerSubscribedEmail', $this->email);
     } else {
         $SessionPost['ViewState']['ErrorsArray'][] = getMsg('SUBSCR', 'ERROR_SUBSCR_INVALID_EMAIL');
     modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'SessionPost', $SessionPost);
     $r = new Request();
  * Returns Review info tag value
 function getReviewTagValue($tag)
     $output = '';
     // if productid is incorrect returns '' in any case
     if ($this->_productid_invalid) {
         return '';
     switch ($tag) {
         case 'number':
             $output = modApiFunc('Customer_Reviews', 'getProductCustomerReviewNumber', $this->_productid);
             if (!$this->checkReviewAvail(6, 7)) {
                 $output = 0;
         case 'averagerating':
             $output = modApiFunc('Customer_Reviews', 'getTotalProductRating', $this->_productid);
             $output = $output['total_rating'];
             if (!$this->checkReviewAvail(7)) {
                 $output = 0;
         case 'link':
             $cid = modApiFunc('CProductListFilter', 'getCurrentCategoryId');
             $r = new Request();
             $r->setKey('prod_id', $this->_productid);
             $r->setAnchor('customer_reviews_' . $this->_productid);
             return $r->getURL();
     return $output;
 function onAction()
     global $application;
     $SessionPost = array('ViewState' => array());
     if ($this->signed_in) {
         $this->email = modApiFunc('Request', 'getValueByKey', 'email');
         $emails = modApiFunc('Subscriptions', 'getCustomerSubscriptionEmails', $this->account);
         if (in_array($this->email, $emails)) {
             execQuery('SUBSCR_LINK_SUBSCRIPTION_TO_CUSTOMER', array('email' => $this->email, 'customer_id' => 0));
             execQuery('SUBSCR_UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_ALL', array('email' => $this->email));
             $SessionPost['ViewState']['Messages'][] = getMsg('SUBSCR', 'MSG_SUBSCR_EMAIL_REMOVED');
     } else {
     modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'SessionPost', $SessionPost);
     $r = new Request();
 function onAction()
     global $application;
     $request =& $application->getInstance('Request');
     // getting posted review data
     $review_data = array('author' => $request->getValueByKey('author'), 'review' => $request->getValueByKey('review'), 'rating' => $request->getValueByKey('rating'), 'product_id' => $request->getValueByKey('product_id'));
     // saving product_id in stand alone variable
     // we will need it while redirecting
     $product_id = $review_data['product_id'];
     // getting settings for customer reviews
     // if customer reviews are enabled
     $reviews_enable = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS_ENABLE');
     // if only registered customers can post the reviews
     $reviews_writing = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS_WRITING');
     // if multiple reviews from the same IP is enabled
     $reviews_multiple = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS_MULTIPLE');
     $reviews_approving = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS_APPROVING');
     // the number of reviews for the product posted from the IP
     $ip_reviews = modApiFunc('Customer_Reviews', 'getReviewsCountForProductByIP', $product_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     // getting the product data
     $product_data = modApiFunc('Customer_Reviews', 'getBaseProductInfo', array('product_id' => $product_id));
     // getting the list of rates
     $rating = modApiFunc('Customer_Reviews', 'getCustomerReviewsRates', 0, 'Y');
     // validating the data
     $error = '';
     $review_data['error'] = '';
     // checking the author
     if ($review_data['author'] == '') {
         $error = 'no_author';
         $review_data['error'] .= "\n" . $this->_errors[$error];
     // checking the review
     if ($review_data['review'] == '' && in_array($product_data['product_cr'], array(5, 6))) {
         $error = 'no_review';
         $review_data['error'] .= "\n" . $this->_errors[$error];
     // checking the rating
     if (is_array($rating) && !empty($rating) && in_array($product_data['product_cr'], array(5, 7))) {
         if (!is_array($review_data['rating'])) {
             $error = 'no_rating';
         } else {
             foreach ($rating as $k => $v) {
                 if (!isset($review_data['rating'][$v['cr_rl_id']])) {
                     $error = 'no_rating';
                 } else {
                     $rating[$k]['rate'] = $review_data['rating'][$v['cr_rl_id']];
     // filling the error (to avoid several messages)
     if ($error == 'no_rating') {
         $review_data['error'] .= "\n" . $this->_errors[$error];
     // checking the product_id
     // abnormal error...
     if ($product_id <= 0) {
         $error = 'no_product';
         $review_data['error'] .= "\n" . $this->_errors[$error];
     // if posting reviews is still available
     // use case: settings have been changed
     // before customer submits the form
     if ($reviews_enable == 'NO' || $reviews_writing == 'NONE' || !in_array($product_data['product_cr'], array(5, 6, 7))) {
         $error = 'disabled';
         $review_data['error'] .= "\n" . $this->_errors[$error];
     // if multiple reviews from the same IP is disabled
     // while a review for the IP exists
     if ($reviews_multiple == 'NO' && $ip_reviews > 0) {
         $error = 'multiple';
         $review_data['error'] .= "\n" . $this->_errors[$error];
     // if the customer is anonymous while writing reviews is available
     // for signed in customers
     if ($reviews_writing == 'REGONLY' && !modApiFunc('Customer_Account', 'getCurrentSignedCustomer')) {
         $error = 'anonymous';
         $review_data['error'] .= "\n" . $this->_errors[$error];
     $moduleexists = modApiFunc('Modules_Manager', 'isModulePresentInAvactisExtensionsFolder', 'captcha');
     if ($moduleexists == 1) {
         if (!modApiFunc('Captcha', 'validateCaptcha', 'review')) {
             $error = 'captcha';
             $review_data['error'] .= "\n" . getMsg('CS', 'E_INCORRECT_CAPTCHA');
     // if any error save the error in review_data
     if ($error) {
         $review_data['error'] = _ml_substr($review_data['error'], 1);
     } else {
         // no errors, we are ready to save the data
         // filling the missing information before saving
         // datetime
         $review_data['datetime'] = '\'' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '\'';
         // status (depending if the review needs to be approved)
         $review_data['status'] = 'P';
         if ($reviews_approving == 'NONE' || $reviews_approving == 'ANONYMOUS' && modApiFunc('Customer_Account', 'getCurrentSignedCustomer')) {
             $review_data['status'] = 'A';
         // IP address
         $review_data['ip_address'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         // inserting fake review
         execQuery('INSERT_FAKE_CUSTOMER_REVIEW', array());
         $mysql =& $application->getInstance('DB_MySQL');
         $review_data['cr_id'] = $mysql->DB_Insert_Id();
         $this->_cr_id_posted = $review_data['cr_id'];
         // updating the data
         execQuery('UPDATE_CUSTOMER_REVIEW_RECORD', $review_data);
         // saving the rating
         if (is_array($rating)) {
             foreach ($rating as $v) {
                 execQuery('INSERT_CUSTOMER_REVIEW_RATE_RECORD', array('cr_id' => $review_data['cr_id'], 'cr_rl_id' => $v['cr_rl_id'], 'rate' => $v['rate']));
         // review has been changed, setting up the success message
         // depending on the status
         // other data is not needed so we clear it
         if ($review_data['status'] == 'A') {
             $review_data = array('success' => $this->_success['added']);
         } else {
             $review_data = array('success' => $this->_success['accepted']);
     // saving the review_data in the session
     if (modApiFunc('Session', 'is_set', 'PostingReviewData')) {
         $posting_review_data = modApiFunc('Session', 'get', 'PostingReviewData');
     } else {
         $posting_review_data = array();
     $posting_review_data[$product_id] = $review_data;
     modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'PostingReviewData', $posting_review_data);
     // all is done, redirecting...
     $return_url = $request->getValueByKey('return_url');
     // removing the anchor if any
     if (_ml_strpos($return_url, '#') !== false) {
         $return_url = _ml_substr($return_url, 0, _ml_strpos($return_url, '#'));
     if ($return_url != '') {
         $req_to_redirect = new Request($return_url);
     } else {
         // abnormal situation...
         $req_to_redirect = new Request();
         $req_to_redirect->setKey('prod_id', $product_id);
     // setting the anchor
     $req_to_redirect->setAnchor('add_review_' . $product_id);
     // redirecting
  * Outputs Forbidden Template
  * use case: customer is anonyous while posting a review
  *           is available for signed-in customers
 function outputForbidden()
     global $application;
     if ($this->_view == CURRENT_REQUEST_URL) {
         $return_url = modApiFunc('Request', 'selfURL');
         if (_ml_strpos($return_url, '#') !== false) {
             $return_url = _ml_substr($return_url, 0, _ml_strpos($return_url, '#'));
         $return_url .= '#add_review_' . $this->_product_data['product_id'];
     } else {
         $r = new Request();
         $r->setKey('prod_id', $this->_product_data['product_id']);
         $r->setAnchor('add_review_' . $this->_product_data['product_id']);
         $return_url = $r->getURL();
     $r = new Request();
     $r->setKey('returnURL', urlencode($return_url));
     $_tags = array('Local_Link' => $r->getURL());
     $this->_Template_Contents = $_tags;
     return $this->mTmplFiller->fill($this->_templates['forbidden']);