public static function run($request) { if (!$request instanceof Request) { $request = new Request($request); } $file = $request->getFile(); $class = $request->getClass(); $method = $request->getMethod(); $args = $request->getArgs(); $front = FrontController::getInstance(); $registry = $front->getRegistry(); $registry->oRequest = $request; $front->setRegistry($registry); if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; $rc = new ReflectionClass($class); // if the controller exists and implements IController // if($rc->implementsInterface('IController')) if ($rc->isSubclassOf('BaseController')) { try { $controller = $rc->newInstance(); $classMethod = $rc->getMethod($method); return $classMethod->invokeArgs($controller, $args); } catch (ReflectionException $e) { throw new MvcException($e->getMessage()); } } else { // throw new MvcException("Interface iController must be implemented"); throw new MvcException("abstract class BaseController must be extended"); } } else { throw new MvcException("Controller file not found"); } }
{ $localPath = $this->downloadTemp($path); if ($localPath) { return @file_get_contents($localPath); } } } ExceptionCatcherJSON::register(); $oResponse = new Response(); $oFtp = new FileManager(array('hostname' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '')); if (!$oFtp->connect()) { throw new Exception("Cannot connect to the FTP server"); } if (Request::getFile() && ($dest = Request::getPost('destination'))) { $errors = array(); foreach (Request::getFile() as $file) { $filePath = $file['tmp_name']; $destPath = $dest . '/' . $file['name']; $result = $oFtp->upload($filePath, $destPath); if (!$result) { $errors[] = $file['name']; } } if ($errors) { throw new Exception("Unknown error uploading: \n\n" . implode(", \n", $errors)); } $oResponse->setData($result); $oResponse->flushJson(); } if (Request::getApiParam('mode') === 'list') { $list = $oFtp->listFilesRaw(Request::getApiParam('path'));
public static function getImageFile($key, $allowedMimeTypes = array()) { if (!($file = Request::getFile($key))) { return false; } if (empty($allowedMimeTypes)) { $allowedMimeTypes = MimeType::getDefaultInternetImageTypeList(); } if (!in_array($file['type'], $allowedMimeTypes)) { throw new Exception\NotAllowedFileType(); } // IMPLEMENTAR VERIFICAÇÃO DA EXTENSÃO DA IMAGEM // $extList = array_keys ( $allowedMimeTypes ); // $fileExt = EXTENSAO EXTRAIDA DE => $file['name'] ; // if ( !in_array ( $fileExt , $extList ) ) throw new Exception\NotAllowedFileType(); return new Upload($file); // return $file ; }