Example #1
        ZPush::PrintZPushLegal($exclass, sprintf('<pre>%s</pre>', $ex->getMessage()));
        // log the failed login attemt e.g. for fail2ban
        if (defined('LOGAUTHFAIL') && LOGAUTHFAIL != false) {
            ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, sprintf("IP: %s failed to authenticate user '%s'", Request::GetRemoteAddr(), Request::GetAuthUser() ? Request::GetAuthUser() : Request::GetGETUser()));
    } else {
        if ($ex instanceof WBXMLException) {
            ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_FATAL, "Request could not be processed correctly due to a WBXMLException. Please report this including the 'WBXML debug data' logged. Be aware that the debug data could contain confidential information.");
        } else {
            if (!$ex instanceof ZPushException || $ex->showLegalNotice()) {
                $cmdinfo = Request::GetCommand() ? sprintf(" processing command <i>%s</i>", Request::GetCommand()) : "";
                $extrace = $ex->getTrace();
                $trace = !empty($extrace) ? "\n\nTrace:\n" . print_r($extrace, 1) : "";
                ZPush::PrintZPushLegal($exclass . $cmdinfo, sprintf('<pre>%s</pre>', $ex->getMessage() . $trace));
    // Announce exception to process loop detection
    if (ZPush::GetDeviceManager(false)) {
    // Announce exception if the TopCollector if available
    ZPush::GetTopCollector()->AnnounceInformation(get_class($ex), true);
// save device data if the DeviceManager is available
if (ZPush::GetDeviceManager(false)) {
// end gracefully
ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_INFO, sprintf("cmd='%s' memory='%s/%s' time='%ss' devType='%s' devId='%s' getUser='******' from='%s' version='%s' method='%s' httpcode='%s'", Request::GetCommand(), Utils::FormatBytes(memory_get_peak_usage(false)), Utils::FormatBytes(memory_get_peak_usage(true)), number_format(microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"], 2), Request::GetDeviceType(), Request::GetDeviceID(), Request::GetGETUser(), Request::GetRemoteAddr(), @constant('ZPUSH_VERSION'), Request::GetMethod(), http_response_code()));
ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "-------- End");
Example #2
    } else {
        ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_FATAL, "Exception: ({$exclass}) - headers were already sent. Message: " . $ex->getMessage());
    if ($ex instanceof AuthenticationRequiredException) {
        ZPush::PrintZPushLegal($exclass, sprintf('<pre>%s</pre>', $ex->getMessage()));
        // log the failed login attemt e.g. for fail2ban
        if (defined('LOGAUTHFAIL') && LOGAUTHFAIL != false) {
            ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, sprintf("IP: %s failed to authenticate user '%s'", Request::GetRemoteAddr(), Request::GetAuthUser() ? Request::GetAuthUser() : Request::GetGETUser()));
    } else {
        if ($ex instanceof WBXMLException) {
            ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_FATAL, "Request could not be processed correctly due to a WBXMLException. Please report this.");
        } else {
            if (!$ex instanceof ZPushException || $ex->showLegalNotice()) {
                $cmdinfo = Request::GetCommand() ? sprintf(" processing command <i>%s</i>", Request::GetCommand()) : "";
                $extrace = $ex->getTrace();
                $trace = !empty($extrace) ? "\n\nTrace:\n" . print_r($extrace, 1) : "";
                ZPush::PrintZPushLegal($exclass . $cmdinfo, sprintf('<pre>%s</pre>', $ex->getMessage() . $trace));
    // Announce exception to process loop detection
    if (ZPush::GetDeviceManager(false)) {
    // Announce exception if the TopCollector if available
    ZPush::GetTopCollector()->AnnounceInformation(get_class($ex), true);
// save device data if the DeviceManager is available
if (ZPush::GetDeviceManager(false)) {
Example #3
  * Write request header to log
 protected static function RequestHeader()
     self::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "-------- Start");
     self::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("cmd='%s' devType='%s' devId='%s' getUser='******' from='%s' version='%s' method='%s'", Request::GetCommand(), Request::GetDeviceType(), Request::GetDeviceID(), Request::GetGETUser(), Request::GetRemoteAddr(), @constant('ZPUSH_VERSION'), Request::GetMethod()));