include 'php/checklogged.php'; include 'php/opendatabase.php'; include 'php/club.php'; include 'php/rank.php'; include 'php/player.php'; include 'php/team.php'; include 'php/teammemb.php'; // This is the module called when all goes OK with the initial transaction, we need to get details of the // transaction from Paypal and set up to call the final confirmation. function apiapp(&$arr, $k, $v) { array_push($arr, "{$k}={$v}"); } try { $player = new Player(); $player->fromid($userid); } catch (PlayerException $e) { $mess = $e->getMessage(); include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } $ind = $_GET["ind"]; $tok = $_GET["token"]; if (strlen($ind) == 0 || strlen($tok) == 0) { $mess = "No indicator given ind={$ind} tok={$tok}???"; include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } $ret = mysql_query("select league,descr1,descr2,token,amount from pendpay where ind={$ind}"); if (!$ret) { $mess = mysql_error();
$gid = $row["gameind"]; $subj = $row["subject"]; $hsubj = htmlspecialchars($subj); $hasr = $row["hasread"]; $cont = $row["contents"]; try { $fp = new Player(); $fp->fromid($fu); } catch (PlayerException $e) { $mess = "Unknown sender id {$fu}"; include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } try { $tp = new Player(); $tp->fromid($tu); } catch (PlayerException $e) { $mess = "Unknown recipient id {$tu}"; include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } if (!$hasr && !$sent) { mysql_query("update message set hasread=1 where ind={$messid}"); } if (preg_match("/(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+)/", $cr, $matches)) { $dat = $matches[3] . '/' . $matches[2] . '/' . $matches[1]; $tim = $matches[4] . ':' . $matches[5] . ':' . $matches[6]; } else { $dat = $tim = $cr; } if ($mid != 0) {
function listmessages($userid, $sent) { if ($sent) { $searchid = 'touser'; $fetchid = 'fromuser'; $msgt = "Sent"; $fl = "&sent=y"; $th = "To"; } else { $searchid = 'fromuser'; $fetchid = 'touser'; $msgt = "Received"; $fl = ""; $th = "From"; } print "<h1>{$msgt} messages</h1>"; $Sun = mysql_real_escape_string($userid); $ret = mysql_query("select {$searchid},created,matchind,gameind,subject,hasread,ind from message where {$fetchid}='{$Sun}' order by created,subject"); if (!$ret || mysql_num_rows($ret) == 0) { print "<p>No messages found.</p>\n"; } else { print <<<EOT <table class="resultsb"> <tr> \t<th>{$th}</th> \t<th>Date</th> \t<th>Time</th> \t<th>Match</th> \t<th>Game</th> \t<th>Subject</th> EOT; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ret)) { $fu = $row[$searchid]; $cr = $row["created"]; $mid = $row["matchind"]; $gid = $row["gameind"]; $subj = $row["subject"]; $qsubj = htmlspecialchars($subj); $hasr = $row["hasread"]; $ind = $row["ind"]; $fp = new Player(); $fp->fromid($fu); $pre = $post = ""; if (!$hasr) { $pre = "<strong>"; $post = "</strong>"; } if (preg_match("/(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+)/", $cr, $matches)) { $dat = $matches[3] . '/' . $matches[2] . '/' . $matches[1]; $tim = $matches[4] . ':' . $matches[5] . ':' . $matches[6]; } else { $dat = $tim = $cr; } $am = $mid == 0 ? "-" : "About match"; $ag = $gid == 0 ? "-" : "About game"; print <<<EOT <tr> \t<td>{$pre}{$fp->display_name()}{$post}</td> \t<td>{$pre}{$dat}{$post}</td> \t<td>{$pre}{$tim}{$post}</td> \t<td>{$pre}{$am}{$post}</td> \t<td>{$pre}{$ag}{$post}</td> \t<td><a href="dispmessage.php?msgi={$ind}{$fl}">{$pre}{$qsubj}{$post}</a></td> </tr> EOT; } print "</table>\n"; } }
} $messid = $_POST["msgi"]; $mid = $_POST["mi"]; $gid = $_POST["gn"]; $subj = $_POST["subject"]; $msgt = $_POST["mcont"]; $ret = mysql_query("select fromuser from message where ind={$messid}"); if (!$ret || mysql_num_rows($ret) == 0) { $mess = "Cannot find mess id {$messid}"; include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } $row = mysql_fetch_array($ret); $recipid = $row[0]; $recip = new Player(); $recip->fromid($recipid); $qfrom = mysql_real_escape_string($player->Userid); $qto = mysql_real_escape_string($recipid); $qsubj = mysql_real_escape_string($subj); $qmsgt = mysql_real_escape_string($msgt); mysql_query("insert into message (fromuser,touser,created,gameind,matchind,subject,contents) values ('{$qfrom}','{$qto}',now(),{$gid},{$mid},'{$qsubj}','{$qmsgt}')"); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <?php $Qun = htmlspecialchars($username); $Sun = mysql_real_escape_string($userid); $Title = "Reply Sent"; include 'php/head.php'; ?> <body>
include 'php/team.php'; include 'php/match.php'; include 'php/matchdate.php'; include 'php/game.php'; include 'php/params.php'; include 'php/hcp_message.php'; $asuser = $userid; if ($admin && strlen($_GET["asuser"]) != 0) { $asuser = $_GET["asuser"]; } // Get parameters to include handicap info $pars = new Params(); $pars->fetchvalues(); $player = new Player(); try { $player->fromid($asuser); } catch (PlayerException $e) { $mess = $e->getMessage(); include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } // Get the teams this player is captain of try { $captain_of = list_teams_captof($player); } catch (TeamException $e) { $mess = $e->getMessage(); include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } $unalloc_matches = array(); $oppunalloc_matches = array();
// (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. // This is invoked from a subwindow so we don't do the frame emulation stuff. include 'php/session.php'; include 'php/opendatabase.php'; include 'php/rank.php'; include 'php/player.php'; include 'php/club.php'; try { $player = new Player(); $player->fromid($_GET['uid']); } catch (PlayerException $e) { $mess = $e->getMessage(); include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } $em = $player->Email; $pw = $player->get_passwd(); if (strlen($em) == 0) { $Title = "No email address"; $Mess = "Player {$player->display_name(false)} has no email address set up."; } elseif (strlen($pw) == 0) { $Title = "No password"; $Mess = "Player {$player->display_name(false)} has no password set."; } else { $Title = "Reminder sent";