if (!$ret) { $mess = "Cannot delete player"; include 'php/dataerror.php'; exit(0); } $nrows = mysql_affected_rows(); if ($nrows == 0) { $mess = "No player deleted"; include 'php/dataerror.php'; exit(0); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <?php $Title = "Deletion of {$player->display_name(false)} complete"; include 'php/head.php'; ?> <body> <script language="javascript" src="webfn.js"></script> <?php $showadmmenu = true; include 'php/nav.php'; print <<<EOT <h1>Deletion of {$player->display_name(false)} complete</h1> <p> Deletion of player {$player->display_name(false)} was successful.</p> EOT; ?> <p>Click <a href="playupd.php" title="Go back to editing players">here</a> to return to the player update menu.</p>
$mess = "No user name given"; include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } // Get player name and check he doesn't clash try { $player = new Player($playname); } catch (PlayerException $e) { $mess = $e->getMessage(); include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } $ret = mysql_query("select first,last from player where {$player->queryof()}"); if ($ret && mysql_num_rows($ret) != 0) { $column = "name"; $value = $player->display_name(false); include 'php/nameclash.php'; exit(0); } function checkclash($column, $value) { if (strlen($value) == 0) { return; } $qvalue = mysql_real_escape_string($value); $ret = mysql_query("select {$column} from player where {$column}='{$qvalue}'"); if ($ret && mysql_num_rows($ret) != 0) { include 'php/nameclash.php'; exit(0); } }
?> <body> <?php include 'php/nav.php'; $mhdr = $hasr ? "Message" : "New message"; print <<<EOT <h1>{$mhdr}</h1> <table class="resultsb"> <tr> \t<td><strong>From:</strong></td> \t<td>{$fp->display_name()}<td> </tr> <tr> \t<td><strong>To:</strong></td> \t<td>{$tp->display_name()}<td> </tr> <tr> \t<td><strong>Sent:</strong</td> \t<td>{$dat} at {$tim}</td> </tr> <tr> \t<td><strong>Subject:</strong</td> \t<td>{$hsubj}</td> </tr> EOT; concmatch($mid, $mtch); concmatch($gid, $gmtch); $hcont = htmlspecialchars($cont); $hcont = preg_replace("/(\r\n)+\$/", "", $hcont);
include 'php/player.php'; include 'php/club.php'; try { $player = new Player(); $player->fromget(); $player->fetchdets(); } catch (PlayerException $e) { $mess = $e->getMessage(); include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } $em = $player->Email; $pw = $player->get_passwd(); if (strlen($em) == 0) { $Title = "No email address"; $Mess = "Player {$player->display_name(false)} has no email address set up."; } elseif (strlen($pw) == 0) { $Title = "No password"; $Mess = "Player {$player->display_name(false)} has no password set."; } else { $Title = "Reminder sent"; $Mess = "Reminder was sent OK."; $fh = popen("mail -s 'Go League email - password reminder' {$em}", "w"); fwrite($fh, "Your userid is {$player->Userid}.\n"); fwrite($fh, "Your password is {$pw}\n"); pclose($fh); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <?php
$recip = new Player(); $recip->fromid($recipid); $qfrom = mysql_real_escape_string($player->Userid); $qto = mysql_real_escape_string($recipid); $qsubj = mysql_real_escape_string($subj); $qmsgt = mysql_real_escape_string($msgt); mysql_query("insert into message (fromuser,touser,created,gameind,matchind,subject,contents) values ('{$qfrom}','{$qto}',now(),{$gid},{$mid},'{$qsubj}','{$qmsgt}')"); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <?php $Qun = htmlspecialchars($username); $Sun = mysql_real_escape_string($userid); $Title = "Reply Sent"; include 'php/head.php'; ?> <body> <?php include 'php/nav.php'; print <<<EOT <h1>Reply Sent</h1> <p>I believe your reply was sent OK to {$recip->display_name()}.</p> <p><a href="messages.php">Click Here</a> to go back to messages.</p> EOT; ?> </div> </div> </body> </html>
function listmessages($userid, $sent) { if ($sent) { $searchid = 'touser'; $fetchid = 'fromuser'; $msgt = "Sent"; $fl = "&sent=y"; $th = "To"; } else { $searchid = 'fromuser'; $fetchid = 'touser'; $msgt = "Received"; $fl = ""; $th = "From"; } print "<h1>{$msgt} messages</h1>"; $Sun = mysql_real_escape_string($userid); $ret = mysql_query("select {$searchid},created,matchind,gameind,subject,hasread,ind from message where {$fetchid}='{$Sun}' order by created,subject"); if (!$ret || mysql_num_rows($ret) == 0) { print "<p>No messages found.</p>\n"; } else { print <<<EOT <table class="resultsb"> <tr> \t<th>{$th}</th> \t<th>Date</th> \t<th>Time</th> \t<th>Match</th> \t<th>Game</th> \t<th>Subject</th> EOT; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ret)) { $fu = $row[$searchid]; $cr = $row["created"]; $mid = $row["matchind"]; $gid = $row["gameind"]; $subj = $row["subject"]; $qsubj = htmlspecialchars($subj); $hasr = $row["hasread"]; $ind = $row["ind"]; $fp = new Player(); $fp->fromid($fu); $pre = $post = ""; if (!$hasr) { $pre = "<strong>"; $post = "</strong>"; } if (preg_match("/(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+)/", $cr, $matches)) { $dat = $matches[3] . '/' . $matches[2] . '/' . $matches[1]; $tim = $matches[4] . ':' . $matches[5] . ':' . $matches[6]; } else { $dat = $tim = $cr; } $am = $mid == 0 ? "-" : "About match"; $ag = $gid == 0 ? "-" : "About game"; print <<<EOT <tr> \t<td>{$pre}{$fp->display_name()}{$post}</td> \t<td>{$pre}{$dat}{$post}</td> \t<td>{$pre}{$tim}{$post}</td> \t<td>{$pre}{$am}{$post}</td> \t<td>{$pre}{$ag}{$post}</td> \t<td><a href="dispmessage.php?msgi={$ind}{$fl}">{$pre}{$qsubj}{$post}</a></td> </tr> EOT; } print "</table>\n"; } }
<?php include 'php/nav.php'; ?> <h1>Add Game Result</h1> <p> Finished adding result with game record for Game between <?php print <<<EOT <b>{$g->Wplayer->display_name()}</b> ({$g->Wplayer->display_rank()}) as White and <b>{$g->Bplayer->display_name()}</b> ({$g->Bplayer->display_rank()}) as Black was {$g->display_result()}. </p> EOT; if (strlen($msg) != 0) { print <<<EOT <p>However the game SGF could not be added because of {$msg}.</p> EOT; } $n = new News($userid, "Individual League game completed between {$player->display_name(false)} and {$opp->display_name(false)} in Division {$player->ILdiv}"); $n->addnews(); ?> <p>Click <a href="ileague.php">here</a> to see the league status now.</p> </div> </div> </body> </html>
EOT; include 'php/nav.php'; print <<<EOT <h1>Update Details userid {$player->display_userid(0)}</h1> <p>Please update your details as required using the form below.</p> EOT; ?> <p>Please note that email addresses are <b>not</b> published anywhere. The "send email" links are all indirect.</p> <?php print <<<EOT <form name="playform" action="ownupd2.php" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" onsubmit="javascript:return formvalid();"> {$player->save_hidden()} <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" border="0"> <tr><td>Player Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="playname" value="{$player->display_name(false)}"></td></tr> <tr><td>Club</td> <td> EOT; $player->clubopt(); print <<<EOT </td></tr> <tr><td>Rank</td><td> EOT; $player->rankopt(); print "</td></tr>\n"; $dp = $player->disp_passwd(); if (strlen($dp) != 0) { $dp = " value=\"" . $dp . "\""; } $okemch = $player->OKemail ? " checked" : "";
</body> </html> EOT; exit(0); } if ($player->ILdiv == 0) { print <<<EOT <html> <head> <title>Not in league</title> <link href="/league/bgaleague-style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"></link> </head> <body class="il"> <h1>Not in individual league</h1> <p>Sorry, but you, {$player->display_name(false)} are not currently in the individual league.</p> <p>If you want to join it, please update your account <a href="ownupd.php" title="Edit you own details, including joining the Individual League">here</a>, otherwise please go back to the top by <a href="index.php" title="Go back to home page">clicking here</a>.</p> </body> </html> EOT; exit(0); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <?php $Title = "Add result in individual League";
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // No frame-ish stuff - done in new window include 'php/session.php'; include 'php/checklogged.php'; include 'php/club.php'; include 'php/rank.php'; include 'php/player.php'; include 'php/opendatabase.php'; try { $via = $_POST["via"]; switch ($via) { default: $player = new Player(); $player->frompost(); $player->fetchdets(); $name = $player->display_name(false); $dest = $player->Email; break; case "club": $club = new Club(); $club->frompost(); $club->fetchdets(); $name = $club->display_contact(); $dest = $club->Contactemail; break; } } catch (PlayerException $e) { $mess = $e->getMessage(); include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } catch (ClubException $e) {
include 'php/player.php'; try { $player = new Player(); $player->fromget(); $player->fetchdets(); $player->fetchclub(); } catch (PlayerException $e) { $mess = $e->getMessage(); include 'php/wrongentry.php'; exit(0); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <?php $Title = "Update Player {$player->display_name(false)}"; include 'php/head.php'; ?> <body> <script language="javascript" src="webfn.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> function formvalid() { var form = document.playform; if (!nonblank(form.playname.value)) { alert("No player name given"); return false; } if (!nonblank(form.userid.value)) { alert("No userid given"); return false;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <?php $Title = "Payment Cancelled"; include 'php/head.php'; ?> <body> <?php include 'php/nav.php'; ?> <h1>Payment OK</h1> <?php if ($type == 'T') { print <<<EOT <p>Payment on behalf of {$team->display_name()} has been cancelled.</p> EOT; } else { print <<<EOT <p>Payment on behalf of {$pplayer->display_name()} has been cancelled.</p> EOT; } ?> <p>Please re-enter the <a href="https://league.britgo.org/payments.php">payments page</a> when you are ready to start again.</p> </div> </div> </body> </html>
$origplayer->Admin = $admin; } $origplayer->update(); if ($origplayer->ILpaid) { if (!$ilpaid) { $origplayer->setpaid(false); } } else { if ($ilpaid) { $origplayer->setpaid(true); } } if (strlen($passw) != 0 && $passw != $origplayer->get_passwd()) { $origplayer->set_passwd($passw); } $Title = "Player {$origplayer->display_name(false)} updated OK"; break; } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <?php $Title = "Completed player update"; include 'php/head.php'; ?> <body> <script language="javascript" src="webfn.js"></script> <?php $showadmmenu = true; include 'php/nav.php'; print <<<EOT
} print <<<EOT <tr><th colspan={$cs} align="center">Not in a team</th></tr> EOT; $ret = mysql_query("select first,last from player order by last,first,rank desc"); if ($ret) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ret)) { $p = new Player($row["first"], $row["last"]); if ($p->count_teams() != 0) { continue; } $p->fetchdets(); $p->fetchclub(); print <<<EOT <tr> <td>{$p->display_name()}</td> <td>{$p->display_rank()}</td> <td>{$p->display_online()}</td> <td>{$p->played_games(true, 'T')}</td> <td>{$p->won_games(true, 'T')}</td> <td>{$p->drawn_games(true, 'T')}</td> <td>{$p->lost_games(true, 'T')}</td> <td> </td> <td>{$p->played_games()}</td> <td>{$p->won_games()}</td> <td>{$p->drawn_games()}</td> <td>{$p->lost_games()}</td> <td>{$p->Club->display_name()}</td> </tr> EOT;
?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <?php $Title = "Payment OK"; include 'php/head.php'; ?> <body> <?php include 'php/nav.php'; ?> <h1>Payment OK</h1> <?php if ($type == 'T') { print <<<EOT <p>Recorded payment of £{$amount} on behalf of {$team->display_name()}.</p> EOT; } else { print <<<EOT <p>Recorded payment of £{$amount} on behalf of {$pplayer->display_name()}.</p> EOT; } ?> <p><strong>Thank you!</strong></p> </div> </div> </body> </html>
include 'php/head.php'; ?> <body> <?php include 'php/nav.php'; ?> <h1>Please Confirm Payment OK</h1> <?php if ($type == 'T') { print <<<EOT <p>About to record payment of £{$amount} on behalf of {$team->display_name()}.</p> EOT; } else { print <<<EOT <p>About to record payment of £{$amount} on behalf of {$pplayer->display_name()}.</p> EOT; } print <<<EOT <p>The payment has been entered by {$player->display_name(false)}, PayPal account details are for EOT; print " "; print htmlspecialchars($parsedresp["FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $parsedresp["LASTNAME"]); print <<<EOT .</p> <p>Please confirm this is OK and click the button below:</p> <form action="payok.php" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <input type="hidden" name="ind" value="{$ind}" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="{$utok}" />
$mid = $_POST["mi"]; } if (isset($_POST["gn"])) { $gid = $_POST["gn"]; } $qfrom = mysql_real_escape_string($player->Userid); $qto = mysql_real_escape_string($recip->Userid); $qsubj = mysql_real_escape_string($subj); $qmsgt = mysql_real_escape_string($msgt); mysql_query("insert into message (fromuser,touser,created,gameind,matchind,subject,contents) values ('{$qfrom}','{$qto}',now(),{$gid},{$mid},'{$qsubj}','{$qmsgt}')"); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <?php $Title = "Message Sent"; include 'php/head.php'; ?> <body> <?php include 'php/nav.php'; print <<<EOT <h1>Message Sent</h1> <p>I believe your message was sent OK to {$recip->display_name()}.</p> <p><a href="messages.php">Click Here</a> to go back to messages.</p> EOT; ?> </div> </div> </body> </html>