Example #1
	<div class="column_8">
		if ($POD->libOptions("enable_contenttype_wiki_add")) 
			if($POD->isAuthenticated() && $POD->currentUser()->get('adminUser')){ ?>
				<p>Add a new wiki now! <a href="<? $POD->siteRoot(); echo $edit_pattern; ?>">Click here!</a></p>
		<? }
		else {
			?><p>This software is under developement. Adding new wikis by users will be enabled in coming releases inshalla!</p><?
		?><p>To connect your account on one of the wikis below, please add it <a href="wikiman">here</a></p><?

		$wikis->output('short_wiki','header','pager','List of supported wikis','Nothing has been posted on this site yet. Wow, it must be brand new!'); ?>
	<div class="column_4 structure_only">
		<? $POD->output('sidebars/search'); ?>

		<? $POD->output('sidebars/ad_unit'); ?>

		<? $POD->output('sidebars/tag_cloud'); ?>

		<? $POD->output('sidebars/recent_visitors'); ?>

<?	$POD->footer(); ?>
Example #2
        $header = "Newish Groups";
        $groups = $POD->getGroups(array('type' => 'public'), 'g.date DESC', $max, $offset);
if (!$groups->success()) {
$POD->header('My Groups');
	<div class="column_8">	
$groups->output('short', 'header', 'pager', $header, 'No groups have been created');

	<div class="column_4 structure_only">
Example #3
        echo $people->error();
	<div class="column_4 structure_only">


