Example #1
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('lockdown' => 'verified', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_invite')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$max_allowed_invites = 5;
if ($_POST) {
    // send invites.
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_allowed_invites; $i++) {
        if (isset($_POST["email{$i}"]) && $_POST["email{$i}"] != '') {
            $POD->currentUser()->sendInvite($_POST["email{$i}"], $_POST['message'], @$_POST['group']);
            $POD->addMessage("Invites sent!");
$POD->header('Send Invites');
	<form method="post" action="<?php 
/invite" class="valid" id="invite">
	<div class="column_6">
				<h1>Send Invites</h1>

			<p class="normal_input"><label for="email1">Email:</label><input name="email1" id="email1" class="text required validate-email" /></p>
			<p class="normal_input"><label for="email2">Email:</label><input name="email2" id="email2" class="text  validate-email"  /></p>
			<p class="normal_input"><label for="email3">Email:</label><input name="email3" id="email3" class="text  validate-email"  /></p>
			<p class="normal_input"><label for="email4">Email:</label><input name="email4" id="email4" class="text  validate-email"  /></p>
Example #2

// include the peoplepods library and instantiate a pod object
require_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth'], 'debug' => 2));
// create an empty piece of content
$doc = $POD->getContent();
if (isset($_GET['q'])) {
    $doc->headline = 'Sample pod with parameter = ' . $_GET['q'];
} else {
    $doc->headline = 'Sample pod with no parameters';
// print the header
// output the sample content using a custom template that is included with the pod.
$doc->output('custom.template', dirname(__FILE__));
// print the footer.
Example #3
        if (!$POD->currentUser()->success()) {
        } else {
            $POD->addMessage("Your email has been changed.");
        $days = 15;
        setcookie('pp_auth', $POD->currentUser()->get('authSecret'), time() + 86400 * $days, "/");
if (@$_POST['newpassword'] != '') {
    if ($POD->currentUser()->get('authSecret') != md5($POD->currentUser()->get('email') . @$_POST['oldpassword'])) {
        $POD->addMessage("Your Current Pass is wrong.");
    } else {
        if (@$_POST['newpassword'] != @$_POST['conpassword']) {
            $POD->addMessage("Your New Pass does not match Confirm.");
        } else {
            $POD->currentUser()->set('password', $_POST['newpassword']);
            if (!$POD->currentUser()->success()) {
            } else {
                $POD->addMessage("Your password has been changed.");
            $days = 15;
            setcookie('pp_auth', $POD->currentUser()->get('authSecret'), time() + 86400 * $days, "/");
$POD->header('Edit Profile');
Example #4
* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_profiles/profile.php
* Handles requests to user profiles
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme/messaging
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_profiles')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$profile_username = $_GET['username'];
$PROFILE_PERSON = $POD->getPerson(array('stub' => $profile_username));
if ($POD->isAuthenticated()) {
if ($PROFILE_PERSON->success()) {
    $POD->header($PROFILE_PERSON->get('nick'), $POD->siteRoot(false) . '/feeds/person/' . $PROFILE_PERSON->get('stub'));
} else {
    header("Status: 404 Not Found");
    echo "404 Not Found";
Example #5
        if ($invite_deets['groupId']) {
            $p->set('invited_to_group', $POD->getGroup(array('id' => $invite_deets['groupId'])), false);
    } else {
        $POD->addMessage("Sorry, but the invite code you used has expired.");
if ($redir) {
    // if we logged in correctly, we redirect to the homepage of the site, or to any url passed in as a parameter
    if ($redirect) {
        print header("Location: " . $redirect);
    } else {
        print header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$POD->header("Create an account");
function generatePassword($length = 9, $strength = 8)
    $vowels = 'aeuy';
    $consonants = 'bdghjmnpqrstvz';
    if ($strength & 1) {
        $consonants .= 'BDGHJLMNPQRSTVWXZ';
    if ($strength & 2) {
        $vowels .= "AEUY";
    if ($strength & 4) {
        $consonants .= '23456789';
Example #6
    $POD->setLibOptions('peopleImageMaxWidth', $_POST['peopleImageMaxWidth']);
    $POD->setLibOptions('peopleIconSquare', $_POST['peopleIconSquare']);
    $POD->setLibOptions('peopleIconMaxWidth', $_POST['peopleIconMaxWidth']);
    $POD->setLibOptions('documentImageResize', $_POST['documentImageResize']);
    $POD->setLibOptions('documentImageMaxWidth', $_POST['documentImageMaxWidth']);
    $POD->setLibOptions('documentIconSquare', $_POST['documentIconSquare']);
    $POD->setLibOptions('documentIconMaxWidth', $_POST['documentIconMaxWidth']);
    if ($POD->success()) {
        $message = "Config updated.";
    } else {
        $message = $POD->error();
$current_tab = "images";
include_once "option_nav.php";

if (isset($message)) {
		<div class="info">
    echo $message;
Example #7
* http://peoplepods.net/readme/new-content-type
include_once "content_type.php";
// this defines some variables for use within this pod
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth'], 'debug' => 0));
if (!$POD->libOptions("enable_contenttype_{$content_type}_list")) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$offset = 0;
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = $_GET['offset'];
$docs = $POD->getContents(array('type' => $content_type, 'status:!=' => 'friends_only'), null, 30, $offset);
$POD->header('What\'s New?');

	<div class="column_8">
$docs->output('short', 'header', 'pager', 'What\'s New?', 'Nothing has been posted on this site yet. Wow, it must be brand new!');
	<div class="column_4 structure_only">

Example #8
				$POD->addMessage("ERROR! " . $group->error());
		if ($_GET['command'] == "addwiki") {
			$template = "edit_group";		
			$wiki = $POD->getContent(array('id'=>$_POST['selected_wiki']));
			$wiki->addFlag('track', $group);
		if ($_GET['command'] == "removewiki") {
			$template = "edit_group";		
			$wiki = $POD->getContent(array('id'=>$_POST['selected_wiki']));
			$wiki->removeFlag('track', $group);
		if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {


Example #9
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'lockdown' => 'verified', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_private_messaging')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$inbox = $POD->getInbox();
$username = $_GET['username'];
$user = $POD->getPerson(array('stub' => $username));
if (!$user->success()) {
    header("Status: 404 Not Found");
    echo "404 Not Found";
$thread = $inbox->newThread($user->get('id'));
if (isset($_POST['message'])) {
if (isset($_GET['clear'])) {
    if (!$thread->success()) {
        $POD->addMessage("Conversation could not be cleared! " . $thread->error());
    } else {
        $POD->addMessage("Conversation cleared.");
$POD->header('Conversation with ' . $user->get('nick'));
Example #10
* http://peoplepods.net/readme
include_once "../../lib/Core.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('lockdown' => 'login', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_authentication_creation')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
if (@$_GET['key'] != '') {
    // we've got a key to verify.
    // user does not have to be logged in - we match by key and set cookies for login.
    if ($POD->currentUser()->success()) {
        $status = 'ok';
    } else {
        $status = 'bad_key';
} else {
    if (@$_GET['resend']) {
        $status = 'key_resent';
    } else {
        // no key specified.  user may need a reminder mail, or may need to enter key manually.
        $status = 'no_key';
$POD->header('Verify Your Account');
$POD->currentUser()->set('verify_status', $status, false);
// set temporary status field
Example #11
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
$key = $POD->libOptions('fb_connect_api');
$secret = $POD->libOptions('fb_connect_secret');
// we need to make sure sessions are on so we can store the twitter codes
if (isset($_GET['rfb'])) {
    $POD->addMessage("Your Facebook account has been removed.");
$display = 'page';
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "iPhone") || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "Android")) {
    //	$display='touch';
if (!($key && $secret)) {
    $POD->header('Configuration Required');
    echo '<div class="info">Configuration required!</div>';
    echo '<p>To enable Facebook login, please set the Facebook API key and secret via the PeoplePods command center.</p>';
    echo '<P>To obtain the necessary details from Facebook, <a href="http://www.facebook.com/developers/">register your app</a>.</p>';
$user = null;
if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
    $code = $_GET['code'];
    $oauth_token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=" . $key . "&redirect_uri=" . $POD->siteRoot(false) . "/facebook&client_secret=" . urlencode($secret) . "&code=" . urlencode($code));
    list($junk, $oauth_token) = explode("=", $oauth_token);
    // if authenticated, add to user
    // if not, new user time!
    if ($POD->isAuthenticated() && !$POD->currentUser()->facebook_token) {
        $user = $POD->currentUser();
Example #12

include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
// this page is only available to facebook users.
if (!$POD->isAuthenticated() || !$POD->currentUser()->twitter_token) {
    header("Location: /twitter");
$POD->header("Twitter Friends");
$friends = $POD->currentUser()->getTwitterFriends();
$friends->output('short', 'header', 'footer', 'Twitter Friends', 'None of your Twitter friends are members of this site.');
Example #13
if (@$_POST['password'] && @$_POST['resetCode']) {
    $user = $POD->getPerson(array('passwordResetCode' => $_POST['resetCode']));
    if ($user->success()) {
        $user->set('password', $_POST['password']);
        $user->set('passwordResetCode', '');
        $days = 1;
        setcookie('pp_auth', $user->get('authSecret'), time() + 86400 * $days, "/");
        header("Location: /");
    } else {
        // nothing.  the user submitted a password reset attempt without a valid reset code, which means they are probably lying!
$POD->header('Reset Password');
// get a blank person for the output.
$p = $POD->getPerson();
if (@$_POST['email']) {
    $user = $POD->getPerson(array('email' => $_POST['email']));
    if ($user->success()) {
        $user->set('passwordResetCode', md5($user->get('nick') . getmypid()));
        $p->set('msg', 'Check your email!  A message has been sent to the address you used to sign up that contains a link that will allow you to reset your password.', false);
    } else {
        $p->set('msg', 'The email address you specified could not be found in the database.', false);
} else {
    if (@$_GET['resetCode']) {
        $p->set('resetCode', $_GET['resetCode'], false);
Example #14
* http://peoplepods.net/readme/new-content-type
include_once "content_type.php";
// this defines some variables for use within this pod
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth'], 'debug' => 0));
if (!$POD->libOptions("enable_contenttype_{$content_type}_list")) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$offset = 0;
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = $_GET['offset'];
$wikis = $POD->getContents(array('type' => $content_type));
$POD->header('List of supported wikis!');

	<div class="column_8">
		if ($POD->libOptions("enable_contenttype_wiki_add")) 
			if($POD->isAuthenticated() && $POD->currentUser()->get('adminUser')){ ?>
				<p>Add a new wiki now! <a href="<? $POD->siteRoot(); echo $edit_pattern; ?>">Click here!</a></p>
		<? }
		else {
			?><p>This software is under developement. Adding new wikis by users will be enabled in coming releases inshalla!</p><?
		?><p>To connect your account on one of the wikis below, please add it <a href="wikiman">here</a></p><?

Example #15

include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
// this page is only available to facebook users.
if (!$POD->isAuthenticated() || !$POD->currentUser()->facebook_token) {
    header("Location: /facebook");
$POD->header("Facebook Friends");
$friends = $POD->currentUser()->getFacebookFriends();
$friends->output('short', 'header', 'footer', 'Facebook Friends', 'None of your Facebook friends are members of this site.');
Example #16
    } else {
        $msg = $comment->error();
$types = array();
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT type FROM comments";
$res = mysql_query($sql, $POD->DATABASE);
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
    while ($type = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
        if ($type[0] == '') {
            $type[0] = 'comment';
        array_push($types, $type[0]);
include_once 'tools.php';
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    // edit this comment
    $comment = $POD->getComment(array('id' => $_GET['id']));
    if ($comment->success()) {
    } else {
			<div class="info">
        echo $comment->error();
Example #17

* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_private_messaging/inbox.php
* Handles requests to /inbox
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme/messaging
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 2, 'lockdown' => 'verified', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_private_messaging')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$offset = 0;
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = $_GET['offset'];
$inbox = $POD->getInbox(20, $offset);
$inbox->output('thread_short', 'header', 'pager', 'Conversations', 'You don\'t have any messages. :(');
Example #18
        $POD = new PeoplePod(array('authSecret' => md5($_POST['email'] . $_POST['password'])));
        if (!$POD->success()) {
        if (!$POD->isAuthenticated()) {
            $POD->addMessage("Oops!  We could not log you in using that email address and password.");
        } else {
            $days = 15;
            if ($_POST['remember_me']) {
                $days = 100;
            setcookie('pp_auth', $POD->currentUser()->get('authSecret'), time() + 86400 * $days, "/");
            $redirect_after_login = true;
if ($redirect_after_login) {
    // if we logged in correctly, we redirect to the homepage of the site, or to any url passed in as a parameter
    if ($_POST['redirect']) {
        header("Location: " . $_POST['redirect']);
    } else {
        header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
} else {
    $p = $POD->getPerson();
    // create an empty person record
    $p->set('redirect', @$_GET['redirect']);
Example #19
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = $_GET['offset'];
} else {
    $offset = 0;
$POD->tolog("DOING SEARCH");
if ($keyword = @$_GET['q']) {
    $docs = $POD->getContents(array('or' => array('headline:like' => "%{$keyword}%", 'body:like' => "%{$keyword}%")), null, 20, $offset);
} else {
    if ($keyword = @$_GET['p']) {
        $people = $POD->getPeople(array('or' => array('nick:like' => "%{$keyword}%", 'email:like' => "%{$keyword}%")), null, 20, $offset);
$POD->header('Search results for "' . $keyword . '"', '/feeds/search/' . $keyword);
	<div class="column_8">

				<form method="get" action="<?php 
					<label for="q">Search:</label>
					<input name="q" id="q" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars(@$_GET['q']);
" />
					<input type="submit" class="button" value="Search" />
Example #20

include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
$request = 'http://twitter.com/oauth/request_token';
$access = 'http://twitter.com/oauth/access_token';
$auth = 'http://twitter.com/oauth/authorize';
$key = $POD->libOptions('twitter_api');
$secret = $POD->libOptions('twitter_secret');
if (!($key && $secret)) {
    $POD->header('Configuration Required');
    echo '<div class="info">Configuration required!</div>';
    echo '<p>To enable Twitter login, please set the Twitter API key and secret via the PeoplePods command center.</p>';
    echo '<P>To obtain the necessary details from Twitter, <a href="https://dev.twitter.com/apps">register your app</a>.</p>';
// we need to make sure sessions are on so we can store the twitter codes
if (isset($_GET['remove'])) {
    $POD->currentUser()->addMeta('twitter_name', null);
    $POD->currentUser()->addMeta('twitter_secret', null);
    $POD->currentUser()->addMeta('twitter_token', null);
    $POD->currentUser()->addMeta('twitter_id', null);
    $POD->addMessage("Your Twitter account has been removed.");
$access_token_info = array();
if (@$_GET['mode'] == 'verify') {
    if ($_SESSION['twitter_state'] == 1 && !isset($_GET['oauth_token'])) {
        $_SESSION['twitter_state'] = 0;
Example #21
    } else {
        $POD->addMessage("Error! " . $content->error());
    $msg = implode("\n", $POD->messages());
    if (isset($_POST['redirect'])) {
        if ($_POST['redirect'] == "permalink") {
            $redirect = $content->get('permalink');
        } else {
            $redirect = $_POST['redirect'];
    header("Location: {$redirect}?msg=" . urlencode($msg));
} else {
    if ($_GET['id']) {
        $content = $POD->getContent(array('id' => $_GET['id']));
        if (!$content->isEditable()) {
            header("Location: {$redirect}?msg=" . urlencode("Access Denied"));
        } else {
            $POD->header("Edit " . $content->get('headline'));
    } else {
        $POD->header("Add Something");
        $POD->getContent(array('type' => $content_type))->output($input_template);
Example #22
    if ($POD->isAuthenticated()) {
        $header = "My Groups";
        $groups = $POD->getGroups(array('mem.userId' => $POD->currentUser()->get('id')), 'mem.date DESC', $max, $offset);
        if ($groups->totalCount() == 0) {
            $header = "Newish Groups";
            $groups = $POD->getGroups(array('type' => 'public'), 'g.date DESC', $max, $offset);
    } else {
        $header = "Newish Groups";
        $groups = $POD->getGroups(array('type' => 'public'), 'g.date DESC', $max, $offset);
if (!$groups->success()) {
$POD->header('My Groups');
	<div class="column_8">	
$groups->output('short', 'header', 'pager', $header, 'No groups have been created');

	<div class="column_4 structure_only">
Example #23
} else {
    // no parameters were specified, we should send this person back to the homepage
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$count = 20;
$offset = 0;
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = $_GET['offset'];
$docs = $POD->getContents($params, null, $count, $offset);
$description = "{$scope} {$type} " . implode(" and ", $conditions);
$feedurl = $POD->siteRoot(false) . '/feeds/' . $_GET['args'];
$POD->header($description, $feedurl);
	<div class="column_8">
$docs->output('short', 'header', 'pager', $description);
	<div class="column_4 structure_only">
Example #24
        if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
            $doc = $POD->getContent(array('id' => $_POST['id']));
if (!$doc->success()) {
    header("Status: 404 Not Found");
    echo "404 Not Found";
if (isset($_POST['comment'])) {
    // this is a request to post a comment
    $comment = $doc->addComment($_POST['comment']);
    if (!$comment || !$comment->success()) {
        $POD->addMessage("Couldn't add comment! " . $doc->error());
    } else {
        header("Location: " . $doc->get('permalink') . "#" . $comment->get('id'));
if (isset($_GET['vote'])) {
    // this is a request to vote
    if ($POD->isAuthenticated()) {
        if (!$POD->currentUser()->getVote($doc)) {
Example #25
if ($mode == "friends") {
    $people = $POD->currentUser()->friends($max_friends, $offset);
    $title = "My Friends";
    $header = "You have " . $people->totalCount() . " " . $POD->pluralize($people->totalCount(), 'friend', 'friends');
if ($mode == "followers") {
    $people = $POD->currentUser()->followers($max_friends, $offset);
    $title = "My Followers";
    $header = "You have " . $people->totalCount() . " " . $POD->pluralize($people->totalCount(), 'follower', 'followers');
if ($mode == "recommended") {
    $people = $POD->currentUser()->recommendFriends(2);
    $title = "Recommended Friends";
    $header = "You might like these folks";
		<div id="friends_actions">
echo $header;
				<li <?php 
if ($mode == "friends") {
><a href="<?php