function testGetTranslatedLanguages()
     $origPage = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'testpage_en');
     // through createTranslation()
     $translationAf = $origPage->createTranslation('af_ZA');
     // create a new language on an unrelated page which shouldnt be returned from $origPage
     $otherPage = new Page();
     $otherTranslationEs = $otherPage->createTranslation('es_ES');
     $this->assertEquals($origPage->getTranslatedLangs(), array('af_ZA'), 'Language codes are returned specifically for the queried page through getTranslatedLangs()');
     $pageWithoutTranslations = new Page();
     $this->assertEquals($pageWithoutTranslations->getTranslatedLangs(), array(), 'A page without translations returns empty array through getTranslatedLangs(), ' . 'even if translations for other pages exist in the database');
     // manual creation of page without an original link
     $translationDeWithoutOriginal = new Page();
     $translationDeWithoutOriginal->Locale = 'de_DE';
     $this->assertEquals($translationDeWithoutOriginal->getTranslatedLangs(), array(), 'A translated page without an original doesn\'t return anything through getTranslatedLang()');