public function get_images($chapter_url, $prefix, $infix)
     $ifx = Text::create($infix)->pad(3)->to_s();
     $sitename = "";
     $pref = Text::create($chapter_url);
     if (!$pref->contain('index.php')) {
         $pref = $pref->replace($sitename . '/Manga', $sitename . '/index.php/Manga');
     $finish = false;
     if ($pref->contain('?page=')) {
         $page = (int) $pref->cut_after('?page=')->to_s();
         $pref = $pref->cut_until('?page=');
     } else {
         $page = 1;
     $pages = array();
     while (!$finish) {
         // file_put_contents('/tmp/head', $chapter_url."\n", FILE_APPEND);
         $p = new Page($chapter_url);
         if ($p->curr_line()->contain('&nbsp;&nbsp;&rsaquo;')) {
             $finish = false;
             $chapter_url = $pref . '/?page=' . ++$page;
         } else {
             $finish = true;
         $srcs = $p->curr_line()->extract_to_array('<img src="', '"');
         foreach ($srcs as $src) {
             $parturl = Text::create($src)->replace('index.php', 'mangas')->replace('?action=thumb', '')->to_s();
             $name = basename($parturl);
             $pages["{$prefix}-{$ifx}-{$name}"] = $sitename . $parturl;
     return $pages;
Example #2
 public function extract_info($base)
     // crawl chapters
     $p = new Page($base);
     $p->go_line('h3 class="maintitle"');
     // print_r($p);exit;//debug
     $list = array();
     do {
         if ($p->curr_line()->contain('book_open.png')) {
             $line = $p->curr_line()->dup();
             $href = $line->dup()->cut_between('href="', '"')->to_s();
             $desc = $line->dup()->cut_between('/>', '</a')->to_s();
             preg_match('/h\\.(\\d+):?/', $desc, $m);
             $infix = $m[1];
             preg_match('/_by_(.*)$/', $href, $m);
             $group = $m[1];
             // cek bahasa
             $lang = $p->next_line(2);
             if ($lang->contain('English')) {
                 $list[] = array('url' => $href, 'desc' => $desc . ' by ' . $group, 'infix' => $infix);
     } while (!$p->next_line()->contain('</table>'));
     return $list;
 public function get_images($chapter_url, $prefix, $infix)
     $ifx = Text::create($infix)->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($chapter_url);
     // grab total page
     $p->go_line_regex('/of \\d+\\w+/');
     $tot = $p->curr_line()->regex_match('/of (\\d+)/');
     $tot = $tot[1];
     // grab first image
     $src = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('src="', '"');
     $name = basename($src);
     $result = array("{$prefix}-{$ifx}-{$name}" => $src);
     for ($i = 2; $i <= $tot; $i++) {
         $p = new Page(dirname($chapter_url) . '/' . $i . '.html');
         $src = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('src="', '"');
         $name = basename($src);
         $result["{$prefix}-{$ifx}-{$name}"] = $src;
     return $result;
Example #4
 public function grab_chapter_infix($url)
     $p = new Page($url);
     $m = $p->curr_line()->regex_match('/Chapter (\\w*)<\\//');
     return $m[1];
 private function collect_images($url, $dir)
     $continue = true;
     $domain = '';
     $base = '';
     do {
         echo $url . "\n";
         $p = new Page($url);
         do {
             if ($p->curr_line()->contain('href="')) {
                 $href = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('href="', '"')->to_s();
                 $href = htmlspecialchars_decode($href);
                 echo "{$domain}{$href}\n";
                 $p2 = new Page($domain . $href);
                 $p2->go_line('Original image');
                 $src = $p2->curr_line()->cut_between('href="http:', '"')->to_s();
                 $src = 'http:' . $src;
                 $outpath = $dir . basename($src);
                 download_it($src, $outpath, "--header=\"Accept: image/*\"");
                 // echo '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($p2->curr_line()).'</pre>';
         } while (!$p->next_line()->contain('<center>'));
         if ($p->curr_line()->contain('alt="next"')) {
             $m = $p->curr_line()->regex_match('/href="([^"]+)" alt="next"/');
             $url = $base . html_entity_decode($m[1]);
         } else {
             $continue = false;
     } while ($continue);
Example #6
 public function crawl_chapter($v)
     $ifx = Text::create($v['infix'])->pad(3)->to_s();
     $prefix = $this->prefix;
     $p = new Page($v['url']);
     // grab total page
     $p->go_line_regex('/of \\d+\\w+/');
     $tot = $p->curr_line()->regex_match('/of (\\d+)/');
     $tot = $tot[1];
     // grab first image
     $src = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('src="', '"');
     $name = basename($src);
     echo "<a href='{$src}'>{$prefix}-{$ifx}-{$name}</a><br>\n";
     // iterate
     for ($i = 2; $i <= $tot; $i++) {
         $p = new Page(dirname($v['url']) . '/' . $i . '.html');
         $src = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('src="', '"');
         $name = basename($src);
         echo "<a href='{$src}'>{$prefix}-{$ifx}-{$name}</a><br>\n";
 public function extract($columns, $s, $n, $url)
     $result = array();
     $pattern_url = '';
     for ($i = $s; $i <= $n; $i++) {
         $purl = sprintf($pattern_url, $i);
         $p = new Page($purl);
         $src = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('content="', '"')->to_s();
         $p->go_line("link rel='next'");
         $next = $p->curr_line()->cut_between("href='", "'")->to_s();
         $item = array('image' => "<img src='{$src}'>", 'link' => "<a href='{$purl}'>Link</a>", 'next' => "<a href='{$next}'>Next</a>");
         $result[] = $item;
     return $result;
Example #8
 public function crawl_page($url, $ifx)
     $p = new Page($url);
     $pages = array();
     do {
         $line = $p->curr_line();
         if ($line->contain('</option>')) {
             $pages[] = $line->cut_between('>', '</option')->to_s();
     } while (!$p->next_line()->contain('</select>'));
     $imgurl = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('<img src="', '"')->to_s();
     $imgbase = dirname($imgurl);
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         echo "<a href='{$imgbase}/{$page}'>{$this->prefix}-{$ifx}-{$page}</a><br/>\n";
 public function get_images($chapter_url, $prefix, $infix)
     $ifx = Text::create($infix)->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($chapter_url, array('become_firefox' => true));
     // grab list of pages
     $p->go_line('var lstImages');
     $i = 1;
     $result = array();
     do {
         if ($p->curr_line()->contain('lstImages.push')) {
             $line = $p->curr_line();
             $img = $line->cut_between('push("', '")');
             $iname = Text::create($i++)->pad(3)->to_s() . Text::create(basename($img))->cut_rfrom('.')->cut_before('?')->to_s();
             $name = "{$prefix}-{$ifx}-{$iname}";
             $result[$name] = $img;
     } while (!$p->next_line()->contain('new Array()'));
     $pages = $p->curr_line()->extract_to_array('href="', '"');
     return $result;
 private function collect_streams($url)
     $p = new Page($url);
     $json_part = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('"streams":[{', '}]');
     $streams = '[{' . $json_part . '}]';
     $streams = json_decode($streams);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($streams as $stream) {
         $result[] = (object) array('res' => $stream->width . 'x' . $stream->height, 'url' => $stream->host . $stream->path, 'ext' => $stream->format);
     return $result;
Example #11
 public function crawl_chapter($v)
     $ifx = Text::create($v['infix'])->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($v['url']);
     // grab list of pages
     $pages = $p->curr_line()->extract_to_array('href="', '"');
     // grab current image
     $this->crawl_page($p, $ifx);
     foreach ($pages as $purl) {
         $this->crawl_page(new Page($purl), $ifx);
Example #12
 public function crawl_chapter($v)
     $ifx = Text::create($v['infix'])->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($v['url']);
     // grab list of pages
     $p->go_line('Last Page (');
     $n = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('Last Page (', ')')->to_s();
     $dir_url = dirname($v['url']);
     // grab current image
     $this->crawl_page($p, $ifx, 1);
     for ($i = 2; $i <= $n; $i++) {
         $p = new Page($dir_url . '/' . $i);
         $this->crawl_page($p, $ifx, $i);
 public function get_images($chapter_url, $prefix, $infix)
     $ifx = Text::create($infix)->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($chapter_url);
     // grab list of pages
     $pages = $p->curr_line()->extract_to_array('href="', '"');
     // grab current image
     $result = $this->crawl_page($p, $prefix, $ifx);
     foreach ($pages as $purl) {
         $result = $result + $this->crawl_page(new Page($purl), $prefix, $ifx);
     return $result;
 public function get_images($chapter_url, $prefix, $infix)
     $ifx = Text::create($infix)->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($chapter_url);
     // grab list of pages
     $pages = $p->curr_line()->extract_to_array('value="', '"');
     // grab current image
     $result = $this->crawl_page($p, $prefix, $ifx);
     // grab the rest of pages
     foreach ($pages as $i => $page) {
         $p = new Page($chapter_url . '/page_' . $page);
         $result = $result + $this->crawl_page($p, $prefix, $ifx);
     return $result;
Example #15
 public function crawl_chapter($v)
     $ifx = Text::create($v['infix'])->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($v['url']);
     $p->go_line('var pages');
     $json = $p->curr_line()->cut_between(' = ', ';');
     $list = json_decode($json);
     foreach ($list as $page) {
         $purl = new Text($page->url);
         $name = new Text($page->filename);
         if ($name->strlen() < 15) {
             $name = $this->prefix . '-' . $ifx . '-' . $name;
         if ($purl->contain('resize_img.php')) {
             $purl = $purl->cut_between('resize_img.php?url=', '&width');
         echo "<a href='{$purl}'>{$name}</a><br/>\n";
 public function get_images($chapter_url, $prefix, $infix)
     $ifx = Text::create($infix)->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($chapter_url);
     // grab list of pages
     $p->go_line('Last Page (');
     $n = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('Last Page (', ')')->to_s();
     $dir_url = dirname($chapter_url);
     // grab current image
     $result = array();
     list($img_name, $img_url) = $this->crawl_page($p, $prefix, $ifx, 1);
     $result[$img_name] = $img_url;
     for ($i = 2; $i <= $n; $i++) {
         $p = new Page($dir_url . '/' . $i);
         list($img_name, $img_url) = $this->crawl_page($p, $prefix, $ifx, $i);
         $result[$img_name] = $img_url;
     return $result;
Example #17
 public function crawl_chapter($v)
     $ifx = Text::create($v['infix'])->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($v['url']);
     // grab total page
     $p->go_line('select class="cbo_wpm_pag"');
     $p->go_line('select class="cbo_wpm_pag"');
     $pages = $p->curr_line()->extract_to_array('value="', '"');
     // grab first image
     $this->crawl_page($p, $ifx);
     // iterate
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $purl = $v['url'] . $page . '/';
         $q = new Page($purl);
         $this->crawl_page($q, $ifx);
 public function crawl_page($url, $prefix, $ifx)
     $p = new Page($url);
     $pages = array();
     do {
         $line = $p->curr_line();
         if ($line->contain('</option>')) {
             $pages[] = $line->cut_between('>', '</option')->to_s();
     } while (!$p->next_line()->contain('</select>'));
     $imgurl = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('<img src="', '"')->to_s();
     $imgbase = dirname($imgurl);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $result["{$prefix}-{$ifx}-{$page}"] = "{$imgbase}/{$page}";
     return $result;
 private function download_chapters($chapters)
     $prefix = 'Birth_of_Levi';
     $dir = '/home/khandar-gdp/tmp/birth of levi/';
     foreach ($chapters as $infix => $url) {
         echo "Opening {$url}...\n";
         $p = new Page($url);
         $i = 1;
         do {
             $line = $p->curr_line();
             $img = $line->cut_between('="', '"');
             $suffix = Text::create($i++)->pad(3)->to_s();
             $ext = $img->cut_rafter('.');
             $filename = "{$dir}{$prefix}-{$infix}-{$suffix}.{$ext}";
             if (!is_file($filename)) {
                 download_it($img->to_s(), $filename);
         } while ($p->next_line()->contain('pages['));
 public function get_images($chapter_url, $prefix, $infix)
     $ifx = Text::create($infix)->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($chapter_url);
     // grab total page
     $p->go_line('select class="cbo_wpm_pag"');
     $p->go_line('select class="cbo_wpm_pag"');
     $pages = $p->curr_line()->extract_to_array('value="', '"');
     // grab first image
     $result = $this->crawl_page($p, $prefix, $ifx);
     // iterate
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $purl = $chapter_url . $page . '/';
         $q = new Page($purl);
         $result = $result + $this->crawl_page($q, $prefix, $ifx);
     return $result;
 public function get_images($chapter_url, $prefix, $infix)
     $ifx = Text::create($infix)->pad(3)->to_s();
     $p = new Page($chapter_url);
     // grab list of pages
     $n = $p->curr_line()->cut_between(' of ', '<')->to_s();
     $pages = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) {
         $pages[] = preg_replace('/\\/1\\/$/', '/' . $i . '/', $chapter_url);
     // grab current image
     $result = $this->crawl_page($p, $prefix, $ifx, 1);
     // grab the rest of pages
     foreach ($pages as $i => $page) {
         $p = new Page($page);
         $result = $result + $this->crawl_page($p, $prefix, $ifx, $i + 2);
     return $result;
Example #22
 public function grab_volume_chapters()
     $p = new Page('');
     $list = array();
     while (!$p->end_of_line()) {
         $p->go_line('Main article:');
         if ($p->end_of_line()) {
         $href = '' . $p->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between('href="', '"')->to_s();
         $p2 = new Page($href);
         while (!$p2->end_of_line()) {
             try {
                 $p2->go_line('<td id="vol');
                 $vol = $p2->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between('">', '<')->to_s();
                 do {
                     if ($p2->curr_line()->contain('<li>Round ')) {
                         $last_chapter = $p2->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between('Round ', ':')->to_s();
                 } while (!$p2->next_line()->contain('</table>'));
                 $list[$vol] = $last_chapter;
                 // echo "v $vol c $last_chapter <br/>\n";
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     return $list;
Example #23
        $b = break_url($v['url']);
        $P = new Page($v['url']);
        // Grab all pages
        $pages = array();
        do {
            if ($P->curr_line()->contain('<option')) {
                $pages[] = $P->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between('">', '</')->to_s();
        } while (!$P->next_line()->contain('</select>'));
        // Grab this page's image
        $src = $P->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between('src="', '"')->to_s();
        $name = basename($src);
        echo "<a href='{$domain}{$src}'>{$prefix}-{$ifx}-{$name}</a><br/>\n";
        // Now for the other pages
        foreach ($pages as $p) {
            $the_url = "{$basic_url}{$title}/{$chapter_id}/{$chapter_text}/{$p}/";
            $P = new Page($the_url);
            $src = $P->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between('src="', '"')->to_s();
            $name = basename($src);
            echo "<a href='{$domain}{$src}'>{$prefix}-{$ifx}-{$name}</a><br/>\n";

 public function action_all_pages()
     $start = self::$update;
     // what is the last page?
     $p = new Page($start);
     $p->go_line('Page 1 / ');
     $stop = (int) $p->curr_line()->cut_between('Page 1 / ', '<')->to_s();
     $pre_infos = array();
     for ($i = $stop; $i >= 1; $i--) {
         // file_put_contents('mangafap.links', "//Page {$i}\n", FILE_APPEND);
         $p = new Page($start . ($i > 1 ? 'page/' . $i . '/' : ''));
         $chunk = array_reverse($this->extract_from_list($p));
         // file_put_contents('mangafap.links', "\$links[] = ".var_export($chunk, true).";\n", FILE_APPEND);
         $pre_infos = array_merge($pre_infos, $chunk);
     // Now we have complete books' links
     $complete_links = '<?php $links=' . var_export($pre_infos, true) . ';';
     file_put_contents('hmo.links', $complete_links);
Example #25
 private function get_last_page($url)
     $p = new Page($url);
     $m = $p->curr_line()->regex_match('/(\\d+) Pages/');
     return $m[1];
Example #26

ini untuk crawling webcomic
supply starting chapter, crawl sampe abis
require_once 'class/page.php';
require_once 'class/text.php';
$start = '';
$next = true;
while ($next) {
    $p = new Page($start);
    $src = $p->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between('src="', '"')->to_s();
    $n = Text::create(basename($start))->pad(3, 0)->to_s();
    $year = Text::create($start)->cut_between('.com/', '/')->to_s();
    $text = "{$year}-comic{$n}";
    echo "<a href='{$src}'>{$text}</a><br />\n";
    // determine $next
    if ($p->curr_line()->contain('current-comic')) {
        $next = false;
    $start = $p->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between('href="', '"')->to_s();
Example #27
 public function grab_chapter_urls($start_page_url, $check_database = false)
     $p = new Page($start_page_url);
     // check if there are more pages
     if ($p->curr_line()->exist("class='pages'")) {
         $m = $p->curr_line()->regex_match("/'>Page 1 \\/ (\\d+)<\\//");
         $tot_pages = $m[1];
     } else {
         $tot_pages = 1;
     $chapters = array();
     if (isset($_GET['limitpage'])) {
         $tot_pages = $_GET['limitpage'];
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $tot_pages; $i++) {
         $p = new Page($start_page_url . ($i == 1 ? '' : 'page/' . $i . '/'));
         echo "Grabbing " . $p->url() . "<br/>\n";
         // grab all chapter in this page
         $t_content = new Text($p->content());
         $raw = array_unique($t_content->extract_to_array('href="', '"'));
         foreach ($raw as $e) {
             if (preg_match('/^http:\\/\\/hentaimangaonline\\.com\\/read-[^\\/]*-hentai-manga-online\\/$/', $e)) {
                 if ($check_database) {
                     if ($this->url_already_exist($e)) {
                         return array_reverse(array_unique($chapters));
                 $chapters[] = $e;
         // return $chapters;//DEBUG
     return array_reverse(array_unique($chapters));
Example #28
function fakku($url)
    if (!preg_match('/\\/read$/', $url)) {
        $url .= '/read';
    $title = basename(dirname($url));
    $p = new Page($url);
    $content = new Text($p->content());
    $json = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('=', ';')->to_s();
    $js_thumbs = json_decode($json);
    foreach ($js_thumbs as $thumb) {
        $src = Text::create($thumb)->replace('.thumb.', '.')->replace('/thumbs/', '/images/')->to_s();
        echo "<a href='{$src}'>{$title}</a><br>\n";
Example #29
 public function process()
     $this->go_line('Hayley Marie');
     do {
         if ($this->curr_line()->exist('href=')) {
             $m = $this->curr_line()->regex_match('/' . self::REG_HREF . '\\s+title=["\']([^"\']*)["\']/');
             $url = $m[1];
             $name = $m[2];
             if (!$name) {
                 $name = 'asdf' . $this->current_i;
             $p = new Page($url);
             do {
                 if ($p->curr_line()->exist("href='")) {
                     $img = $p->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between("href='", "'");
                     if ($img->exist('')) {
                         $img->replace('/view/', '/img/')->replace('-', '/');
                     echo "<a href='{$img}'>{$name}</a><br />\n";
             } while (!$p->next_line()->exist('</form>'));
     } while (!$this->next_line()->exist('id="vr_nav"'));
Example #30
 public function get_detail()
     $p = new Page(Fakku::$base . $this->url . '/read');
     $content = new Text($p->content());
     // hack: sometimes old urls gone
     if ($content->contain('<title>Error Message</title>')) {
         $this->is_deleted = true;
         throw new Exception($this->url . ' url is gone');
     if ($content->contain('var data = {')) {
         $p->go_line('var data = {');
         $json = $p->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between(' = ', ';')->to_s();
         $obj = json_decode($json);
         $js_thumbs = $obj->thumbs;
     } else {
         if ($content->contain('var data={')) {
             $p->go_line('var data={');
             $json = $p->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between('data=', ';')->to_s();
             $obj = json_decode($json);
             $js_thumbs = $obj->thumbs;
         } else {
             if ($content->contain('window.params.thumbs')) {
                 $json = $p->curr_line()->cut_between('=', ';')->to_s();
                 $js_thumbs = json_decode($json);
             } else {
                 if ($content->contain('This content has been disabled.')) {
                     $js_thumbs = array();
                 } else {
                     if ($content->contain('This content is not available in your country')) {
                         $js_thumbs = array();
                     } else {
                         if ($content->contain('Content does not exist')) {
                             $js_thumbs = array();
                         } else {
                             echo $p->url();
                             throw new Exception('where is thumbs?');
     $thumbs = array();
     foreach ($js_thumbs as $tpath) {
         $thumbs[] = basename($tpath);
     $this->thumbs = implode('#', $thumbs);
     // grab full image pattern
     $p->go_line('function imgpath(');
     $p->go_line('return \'');
     if ($p->curr_line()->contain('return \'')) {
         $imgpath = $p->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between("return '", "';")->to_s();
         $imgpath = str_replace("' + x + '", '%s', $imgpath);
     } else {
         $p->go_line('function imgpath(');
         $imgpath = $p->curr_line()->dup()->cut_between("return'", "';")->to_s();
         $imgpath = str_replace("'+x+'", '%s', $imgpath);
     $imgpath = str_replace("https://", 'http://', $imgpath);
     $this->pattern = $imgpath;