Example #1
  * This function builds the the queries for the backup
  * @param string $query
  * @param string $table
  * @return   array
 public function buildInsertQueries($query, $table)
     if (!($result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($query))) {
     $ret = [];
     $ret[] = "\r\n-- Table: " . $table;
     while ($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchArray($result)) {
         $p1 = [];
         $p2 = [];
         foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
             $p1[] = $key;
             if ('rights' != $key && is_numeric($val)) {
                 $p2[] = $val;
             } else {
                 if (is_null($val)) {
                     $p2[] = 'NULL';
                 } else {
                     $p2[] = sprintf("'%s'", $this->_config->getDb()->escape($val));
         $ret[] = "INSERT INTO " . $table . " (" . implode(",", $p1) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", $p2) . ");";
     return $ret;
Example #2
  * Returns all relevant articles for a FAQ record with the same language
  * @param integer $recordId FAQ ID
  * @param string  $question FAQ title
  * @param string  $keywords FAQ keywords
  * @return array
 public function getAllRelatedById($recordId, $question, $keywords)
     $terms = str_replace('-', ' ', $question) . $keywords;
     $search = PMF_Search_Factory::create($this->_config, array('database' => PMF_Db::getType()));
     $search->setTable(PMF_Db::getTablePrefix() . 'faqdata AS fd')->setResultColumns(array('fd.id AS id', 'fd.lang AS lang', 'fcr.category_id AS category_id', 'fd.thema AS question', 'fd.content AS answer'))->setJoinedTable(PMF_Db::getTablePrefix() . 'faqcategoryrelations AS fcr')->setJoinedColumns(array('fd.id = fcr.record_id', 'fd.lang = fcr.record_lang'))->setConditions(array('fd.active' => "'yes'", 'fd.lang' => "'" . $this->_config->getLanguage()->getLanguage() . "'"))->setMatchingColumns(array('fd.thema', 'fd.content', 'fd.keywords'));
     $result = $search->search($terms);
     return $this->_config->getDb()->fetchAll($result);
  * Get an array with minimalistic attachment meta data
  * @return array
 public function getBreadcrumbs()
     $retval = array();
     $query = sprintf("\n            SELECT\n                fa.id AS ID,\n                fa.record_id AS record_id,\n                fa.record_lang AS record_lang,\n                fa.filename AS filename,\n                fa.filesize AS filesize,\n                fa.mime_type AS mime_type,\n                fd.thema AS thema\n            FROM\n                %s fa\n            JOIN\n                %s fd\n            ON\n                fa.record_id = fd.id\n            GROUP BY\n                fa.id", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix() . 'faqattachment', PMF_Db::getTablePrefix() . 'faqdata');
     $result = $this->config->getDb()->query($query);
     if ($result) {
         $retval = $this->config->getDb()->fetchAll($result);
     return $retval;
Example #4
  * Create a matrix for representing categories and faq records
  * @return array
 public function getCategoryRecordsMatrix()
     $matrix = [];
     $query = sprintf('
             fcr.category_id AS id_cat,
             fd.id AS id
             %sfaqdata fd
         INNER JOIN
             %sfaqcategoryrelations fcr
             fd.id = fcr.record_id
             fd.lang = fcr.category_lang
         ORDER BY
             fcr.category_id, fd.id', PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix());
     $result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($query);
     if ($this->_config->getDb()->numRows($result) > 0) {
         while ($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
             $matrix[$row->id_cat][$row->id] = true;
     return $matrix;
  * Delete old captcha records.
  * During normal use the <b>faqcaptcha</b> table would be empty, on average:
  * each record is created when a captcha image is showed to the user
  * and deleted upon a successful matching, so, on average, a record
  * in this table is probably related to a spam attack.
  * @param  int $time The time (sec) to define a captcha code old and ready 
  *                   to be deleted (default: 1 week)
  * @return void
 private function garbageCollector($time = 604800)
     $delete = sprintf("\n            DELETE FROM \n                %sfaqcaptcha \n            WHERE \n                captcha_time < %d", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $time);
     $delete = sprintf("\n            DELETE FROM\n                %sfaqcaptcha\n            WHERE\n                useragent = '%s' AND language = '%s' AND ip = '%s'", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $this->userAgent, $this->_config->getLanguage()->getLanguage(), $this->ip);
Example #6
  * Generates a huge array for the report 
  * @return array
 public function getReportingData()
     $report = [];
     $query = sprintf("\n            SELECT\n                fd.id AS id,\n                fd.lang AS lang,\n                fcr.category_id AS category_id,\n                c.name as category_name,\n                c.parent_id as parent_id,\n                fd.sticky AS sticky,\n                fd.thema AS question,\n                fd.author AS original_author,\n                fd.datum AS creation_date,\n                fv.visits AS visits,\n                u.display_name AS last_author\n            FROM\n                %sfaqdata fd\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaqcategoryrelations fcr\n            ON\n                (fd.id = fcr.record_id AND fd.lang = fcr.record_lang)\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaqvisits fv\n            ON\n                (fd.id = fv.id AND fd.lang = fv.lang)\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaqchanges as fc\n            ON\n                (fd.id = fc.id AND fd.lang = fc.lang)\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaquserdata as u\n            ON\n                (u.user_id = fc.usr)\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaqcategories as c\n            ON\n                (c.id = fcr.category_id AND c.lang = fcr.record_lang)\n            ORDER BY\n                fd.id\n            ASC", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix());
     $result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($query);
     $lastId = 0;
     while ($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
         if ($row->id == $lastId) {
             $report[$row->id]['faq_translations'] += 1;
         } else {
             $report[$row->id] = array('faq_id' => $row->id, 'faq_language' => $row->lang, 'category_id' => $row->category_id, 'category_parent' => $row->parent_id, 'category_name' => $row->category_name, 'faq_translations' => 0, 'faq_sticky' => $row->sticky, 'faq_question' => $row->question, 'faq_org_author' => $row->original_author, 'faq_creation' => PMF_Date::createIsoDate($row->creation_date), 'faq_visits' => $row->visits, 'faq_last_author' => $row->last_author);
         $lastId = $row->id;
     return $report;
Example #7
  * Deletes a news entry identified by its ID
  * @todo check if there are comments attached to the deleted news
  * @param integer $id News ID
  * @return boolean
 function deleteNews($id)
     $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM\n                %sfaqnews\n            WHERE\n                id = %d\n            AND\n                lang = '%s'", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $id, $this->_config->getLanguage()->getLanguage());
     if (!$this->_config->getDb()->query($query)) {
         return false;
     return true;
  * Deletes an item and definition into the database
  * @param  integer $id Glossary ID
  * @return boolean
 public function deleteGlossaryItem($id)
     $query = sprintf("\n            DELETE FROM\n                %sfaqglossary\n            WHERE\n                id = %d AND lang = '%s'", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), (int) $id, $this->config->getLanguage()->getLanguage());
     if ($this->config->getDb()->query($query)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Example #9
  * Deletes logging data older than 30 days
  * @return boolean
 public function delete()
     $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM\n                %sfaqadminlog\n            WHERE\n                time < %d", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 30 * 86400);
     if ($this->_config->getDb()->query($query)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Example #10
  * Get all the entries from the table faqvisits
  * @return array
 public function getAllData()
     $data = [];
     $query = sprintf("\n            SELECT\n                *\n             FROM\n                %sfaqvisits\n             ORDER BY\n                visits DESC", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix());
     $result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($query);
     while ($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
         $data[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'lang' => $row->lang, 'visits' => $row->visits, 'last_visit' => $row->last_visit);
     return $data;
Example #11
  * Returns all comments with their categories
  * @param  string $type Type of comment: faq or news
  * @return array
 public function getAllComments($type = self::COMMENT_TYPE_FAQ)
     $comments = [];
     $query = sprintf("\n            SELECT\n                fc.id_comment AS comment_id,\n                fc.id AS record_id,\n                %s\n                fc.usr AS username,\n                fc.email AS email,\n                fc.comment AS comment,\n                fc.datum AS comment_date\n            FROM\n                %sfaqcomments fc\n            %s\n            WHERE\n                type = '%s'", $type == self::COMMENT_TYPE_FAQ ? "fcg.category_id,\n" : '', PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $type == self::COMMENT_TYPE_FAQ ? "LEFT JOIN\n                " . PMF_Db::getTablePrefix() . "faqcategoryrelations fcg\n            ON\n                fc.id = fcg.record_id\n" : '', $type);
     $result = $this->config->getDb()->query($query);
     if ($this->config->getDb()->numRows($result) > 0) {
         while ($row = $this->config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
             $comments[] = array('comment_id' => $row->comment_id, 'record_id' => $row->record_id, 'category_id' => isset($row->category_id) ? $row->category_id : null, 'content' => $row->comment, 'date' => $row->comment_date, 'username' => $row->username, 'email' => $row->email);
     return $comments;
  * Check if at least one faq has been tagged with a tag
  * @return boolean
 public function existTagRelations()
     $query = sprintf('
             COUNT(record_id) AS n
             %sfaqdata_tags', PMF_Db::getTablePrefix());
     $result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($query);
     if ($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
         return $row->n > 0;
     return false;
  * Deletes the user-data entry for the given user-ID $userId.
  * Returns true on success, otherwise false.
  * @param  integer $userId User ID
  * @return bool
 public function delete($userId)
     $userId = (int) $userId;
     if ($userId <= 0 && $userId != -1) {
         return false;
     $this->userId = $userId;
     $delete = sprintf("\n            DELETE FROM\n                %sfaquserdata\n            WHERE\n                user_id = %d", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $this->userId);
     $res = $this->config->getDb()->query($delete);
     if (!$res) {
         return false;
     $this->data = array();
     return true;
Example #14
  * Retrieve all the stop words by a certain language
  * @param string  $lang      Language to retrieve stop words by
  * @param boolean $wordsOnly
  * @return array
 public function getByLang($lang = null, $wordsOnly = false)
     $lang = is_null($lang) ? $this->_config->getLanguage()->getLanguage() : $lang;
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT id, lang, LOWER(stopword) AS stopword FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE lang = '%s'", $lang);
     $result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($sql);
     $retval = [];
     if ($wordsOnly) {
         while (($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) == true) {
             $retval[] = $row->stopword;
     } else {
         return $this->_config->getDb()->fetchAll($result);
     return $retval;
Example #15
  * @param integer $limit Specify the maximum amount of records to return
  * @return Array $tagId => $tagFrequency
 public function getPopularTags($limit = 0)
     $tags = [];
     $query = sprintf("\n            SELECT\n                COUNT(record_id) as freq, tagging_id\n            FROM\n                %sfaqdata_tags\n            JOIN\n                %sfaqdata ON id = record_id\n            WHERE\n              lang = '%s'\n            GROUP BY tagging_id\n            ORDER BY freq DESC", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $this->_config->getLanguage()->getLanguage());
     $result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($query);
     if ($result) {
         while ($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
             $tags[$row->tagging_id] = $row->freq;
             if (--$limit === 0) {
     return $tags;
Example #16
  * Calculates the rating of the user votings
  * @param integer $id
  * @return  string
 function getVotingResult($id)
     $query = sprintf('
             (vote/usr) as voting, usr
             artikel = %d', PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $id);
     $result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($query);
     if ($this->_config->getDb()->numRows($result) > 0) {
         $row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result);
         return sprintf(' %s (' . $this->plr->GetMsg('plmsgVotes', $row->usr) . ')', round($row->voting, 2));
     } else {
         return '0 (' . $this->plr->GetMsg('plmsgVotes', 0) . ')';
  * Calculates the number of visits per day the last 30 days
  * @returns array
 public function getLast30DaysVisits()
     $stats = $visits = array();
     $startDate = strtotime('-1 month');
     $endDate = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
     $query = sprintf("\n            SELECT\n                time\n            FROM\n                %sfaqsessions\n            WHERE\n                time > %d\n            AND\n                time < %d;", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $startDate, $endDate);
     $result = $this->config->getDb()->query($query);
     while ($row = $this->config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
         $visits[] = $row->time;
     for ($date = $startDate; $date <= $endDate; $date += 86400) {
         $stats[date('Y-m-d', $date)] = 0;
     foreach ($visits as $visitDate) {
         $stats[date('Y-m-d', $visitDate)]++;
     return $stats;
Example #18
  * Returns an array of country codes for a specific FAQ record ID,
  * specific category ID or all languages used by FAQ records , categories
  * @param  integer $id    ID
  * @param  string  $table Specifies table
  * @return array
 public function languageAvailable($id, $table = 'faqdata')
     $output = [];
     if (isset($id)) {
         if ($id == 0) {
             // get languages for all ids
             $distinct = ' DISTINCT ';
             $where = '';
         } else {
             // get languages for specified id
             $distinct = '';
             $where = " WHERE id = " . $id;
         $query = sprintf("\n                SELECT %s\n                    lang\n                FROM\n                    %s%s\n                %s", $distinct, PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $table, $where);
         $result = $this->config->getDb()->query($query);
         if ($this->config->getDb()->numRows($result) > 0) {
             while ($row = $this->config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
                 $output[] = $row->lang;
     return $output;
Example #19
  * Returns all records from the current first letter
  * @param  string $letter Letter
  * @return array
  * @since  2007-03-30
  * @author Thorsten Rinne <*****@*****.**>
 public function getRecordsFromLetter($letter = 'A')
     global $sids, $PMF_LANG;
     if ($this->groupSupport) {
         $permPart = sprintf("( fdg.group_id IN (%s)\n            OR\n                (fdu.user_id = %d AND fdg.group_id IN (%s)))", implode(', ', $this->groups), $this->user, implode(', ', $this->groups));
     } else {
         $permPart = sprintf("( fdu.user_id = %d OR fdu.user_id = -1 )", $this->user);
     $letter = PMF_String::strtoupper($this->_config->getDb()->escape(PMF_String::substr($letter, 0, 1)));
     $writeMap = '';
     switch ($this->type) {
         case 'db2':
         case 'sqlite':
             $query = sprintf("\n                    SELECT\n                        fd.thema AS thema,\n                        fd.id AS id,\n                        fd.lang AS lang,\n                        fcr.category_id AS category_id,\n                        fd.content AS snap\n                    FROM\n                        %sfaqcategoryrelations fcr,\n                        %sfaqdata fd\n                    LEFT JOIN\n                        %sfaqdata_group AS fdg\n                    ON\n                        fd.id = fdg.record_id\n                    LEFT JOIN\n                        %sfaqdata_user AS fdu\n                    ON\n                        fd.id = fdu.record_id\n                    WHERE\n                        fd.id = fcr.record_id\n                    AND\n                        SUBSTR(fd.thema, 1, 1) = '%s'\n                    AND\n                        fd.lang = '%s'\n                    AND\n                        fd.active = 'yes'\n                    AND\n                        %s", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $letter, $this->_config->getLanguage()->getLanguage(), $permPart);
             $query = sprintf("\n                    SELECT\n                        fd.thema AS thema,\n                        fd.id AS id,\n                        fd.lang AS lang,\n                        fcr.category_id AS category_id,\n                        fd.content AS snap\n                    FROM\n                        %sfaqcategoryrelations fcr,\n                        %sfaqdata fd\n                    LEFT JOIN\n                        %sfaqdata_group AS fdg\n                    ON\n                        fd.id = fdg.record_id\n                    LEFT JOIN\n                        %sfaqdata_user AS fdu\n                    ON\n                        fd.id = fdu.record_id\n                    WHERE\n                        fd.id = fcr.record_id\n                    AND\n                        SUBSTRING(fd.thema, 1, 1) = '%s'\n                    AND\n                        fd.lang = '%s'\n                    AND\n                        fd.active = 'yes'\n                    AND\n                        %s", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $letter, $this->_config->getLanguage()->getLanguage(), $permPart);
     $result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($query);
     $oldId = 0;
     while ($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
         if ($oldId != $row->id) {
             $title = PMF_String::htmlspecialchars($row->thema, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
             $url = sprintf('%s?%saction=artikel&amp;cat=%d&amp;id=%d&amp;artlang=%s', PMF_Link::getSystemRelativeUri(), $sids, $row->category_id, $row->id, $row->lang);
             $oLink = new PMF_Link($url, $this->_config);
             $oLink->itemTitle = $row->thema;
             $oLink->text = $title;
             $oLink->tooltip = $title;
             $writeMap .= '<li>' . $oLink->toHtmlAnchor() . '<br />' . "\n";
             $writeMap .= PMF_Utils::chopString(strip_tags($row->snap), 25) . " ...</li>\n";
         $oldId = $row->id;
     $writeMap = empty($writeMap) ? '' : '<ul>' . $writeMap . '</ul>';
     return $writeMap;
  * Adds a configuration item for the database
  * @param string $name
  * @param mixed  $value
  * @return boolean
 public function addConfig($name, $value)
     $insert = sprintf("INSERT INTO\n                %sfaqinstances_config\n            VALUES\n                (%d, '%s', '%s')", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $this->getId(), $this->config->getDb()->escape(trim($name)), $this->config->getDb()->escape(trim($value)));
     return $this->config->getDb()->query($insert);
Example #21
  * Delete old captcha records.
  * During normal use the <b>faqcaptcha</b> table would be empty, on average:
  * each record is created when a captcha image is showed to the user
  * and deleted upon a successful matching, so, on average, a record
  * in this table is probably related to a spam attack.
  * @param  int $time The time (sec) to define a captcha code old and ready 
  *                   to be deleted (default: 1 week)
  * @return void
 private function garbageCollector($time = 604800)
     $delete = sprintf("\n            DELETE FROM \n                %sfaqcaptcha \n            WHERE \n                captcha_time < %d", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $time);
  * Updates field answer_id in faqquestion
  * @param integer $openQuestionId
  * @param integer $faqId
  * @param integer $categoryId
  * @return boolean
 public function updateQuestionAnswer($openQuestionId, $faqId, $categoryId)
     $query = sprintf('UPDATE %sfaqquestions SET answer_id = %d, category_id= %d, WHERE id= %d', PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $faqId, $categoryId, $openQuestionId);
     return $this->_config->getDb()->query($query);
  * Fetch all record attachments
  * @param PMF_Configuration $config
  * @param integer $recordId ID of the record
  * @return array
 public static function fetchByRecordId(PMF_Configuration $config, $recordId)
     $retval = array();
     $sql = sprintf("\n                        SELECT\n                            id\n                        FROM\n                            %sfaqattachment\n                        WHERE\n                            record_id = %d\n                        AND\n                            record_lang = '%s'", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $recordId, PMF_Language::$language);
     $result = $config->getDb()->fetchAll($config->getDb()->query($sql));
     if ($result) {
         foreach ($result as $item) {
             $retval[] = self::create($item->id);
     return $retval;
Example #24
  * retrieves stored link state and validates timestamp
  * @param int     $id
  * @param string  $artlang
  * @param boolean $checkDate
  * @return boolean|string
 public function getEntryState($id = 0, $artlang = '', $checkDate = false)
     $interval = $this->getURLValidateInterval();
     $query = sprintf("\n            SELECT \n                links_state, links_check_date \n            FROM \n                %sfaqdata \n            WHERE \n                id = %d \n            AND \n                lang = '%s'", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $id, $this->_config->getDb()->escape($artlang));
     if ($result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($query)) {
         while ($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
             $_linkState = $row->links_state;
             if (trim($_linkState) == "") {
                 $_linkState = true;
             if ($row->links_check_date > $interval) {
                 return $_linkState;
             } else {
                 if ($checkDate == false) {
                     return $_linkState;
                 } else {
                     return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #25
  * Returns an array of all users found in the database. By default, the 
  * anonymous User will not be returned. The returned array contains the
  * user ID as key, the values are login name, account status, authentication
  * source and the user creation date.
  * @param  boolean $withoutAnonymous Without anonymous?
  * @return array
 public function getAllUserData($withoutAnonymous = true)
     $select = sprintf("\n            SELECT\n                user_id, login, account_status, auth_source, member_since\n            FROM\n                %sfaquser\n            %s\n            ORDER BY\n               login ASC", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $withoutAnonymous ? 'WHERE user_id <> -1' : '');
     $res = $this->config->getDb()->query($select);
     if (!$res) {
         return [];
     $result = [];
     while ($row = $this->config->getDb()->fetchArray($res)) {
         $result[$row['user_id']] = $row;
     return $result;
Example #26
  * Returns row count from the "faqsearches" table
  * @return integer
 public function getSearchesCount()
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(1) AS count FROM %s", $this->_table);
     $result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($sql);
     return (int) $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)->count;