Inheritance: extends JiraRestApi\JiraClient
Example #1
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $nameOrKey = $input->getOption('project');
     $summary = $input->getOption('summary');
     $assignee = $input->getOption('assignee');
     try {
         $issueField = new IssueField();
         $priority = $input->getOption('priority');
         if ($priority) {
         $issueType = $input->getOption('issueType');
         if ($issueType) {
         $desc = $input->getOption('desc');
         if ($desc) {
         $version = $input->getOption('version');
         if ($version) {
         $issueService = new IssueService();
         $ret = $issueService->create($issueField);
         //If success, Returns a link to the created issue.
     } catch (JiraException $e) {
         $output->writeln("Error Occured! " . $e->getMessage());
Example #2
 public function create(\Request $request)
     $data = Request::json()->all();
     $issue_service = new IssueService(app(ConfigurationInterface::class));
     $url_parts = parse_url($data['worklog']['self']);
     $uri = $url_parts['path'];
     $regex = '~^/rest/api/./issue/(?P<issue_id>.*?)/(?P<ignore>.*?)/?$~';
     $matched = preg_match($regex, $uri, $matches);
     if (!$matched) {
         return null;
     $issue = $issue_service->get($matches['issue_id']);
     $project_key = $issue->fields->project->key;
     $project = Project::whereJiraKey($project_key)->first();
     $employee = Staff::whereUserName($data['worklog']['author']['name'])->first();
     //return $project;
     $time_spent = $data['worklog']['timeSpentSeconds'];
     $started = $data['worklog']['started'];
     $timelog_jira_id = $data['worklog']['id'];
     $timelog = Timelog::whereJiraId($timelog_jira_id)->first();
     if ($timelog == null) {
         $timelog = new Timelog();
     $timelog->project_id = $project->id;
     $timelog->staff_id = $employee->id;
     $timelog->started = $started;
     $timelog->time_spent = $time_spent;
     $timelog->jira_id = $timelog_jira_id;
     return $timelog;
  * Register the service provider.
  * @return void
 public function register()
     $config = $this->app['config']->get('jira', []);
     $this->app['config']->set('jira', array_merge(require __DIR__ . '/../../config/jira.php', $config));
     $config = $this->app['config']->get('jira', []);
     $this->app->bindShared('jiraprojectservice', function () use($config) {
         $service = new ProjectService($config);
         return $service;
     $this->app->bindShared('jiraissueservice', function () use($config) {
         $service = new IssueService($config);
         return $service;
     $this->app->bindShared('jirahookservice', function () use($config) {
         $service = new HookService($config);
         return $service;
     $this->app->bindShared('jirasearchservice', function () use($config) {
         $service = new SearchService($config);
         return $service;
function processPushHook($app)
    $json = $app->request->getBody();
    $hook = json_decode($json, true);
    $app->log->debug('processPushHook : ' . json_encode($hook, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
    $u = getGitUserName(2, $app);
    foreach ($hook['commits'] as $commit) {
        $app->log->info('Commit : ' . json_encode($commit, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
        $issueKey = extractIssueKey($commit['message']);
        if (empty($issueKey)) {
        $transitionName = needTransition($commit['message'], $message);
        try {
            if (empty($transitionName)) {
                $comment = new Comment();
                $body = sprintf($message, $u->username, $commit['url']);
                $issueService = new IssueService();
                $ret = $issueService->addComment($issueKey, $comment);
            } else {
                $transition = new Transition();
                $body = sprintf($message, $u->username, $transitionName, $commit['url']);
                $issueService = new IssueService();
                $issueService->transition($issueKey, $transition);
        } catch (JIRAException $e) {
            $app->log->error("add Comment Failed : " . $e->getMessage());
Example #5
 public function syncWithJira()
     $staff_list = Staff::all();
     Timelog::where('project_id', '=', $this->id)->delete();
     $issue_service = new IssueService(app(ConfigurationInterface::class));
     $start = 0;
     while (1) {
         try {
             $issues = $issue_service->search("project={$this->jira_key} and timespent>0 and updated >= {$this->start_date}", $start, 250, ["key", "worklog"]);
         } catch (JiraException $exception) {
             return false;
         if (count($issues->getIssues()) == 0) {
         $timelogs = [];
         foreach ($issues->getIssues() as $issue) {
             $jira_work_logs = $issue->fields->worklog->worklogs;
             foreach ($jira_work_logs as $jira_work_log) {
                 if (!isset($jira_work_log->author)) {
                 $employee = $staff_list->where('email', $jira_work_log->author->emailAddress)->first();
                 if ($employee == null) {
                 $timelogs[] = ['project_id' => $this->id, 'staff_id' => $employee->id, 'time_spent' => $jira_work_log->timeSpentSeconds, 'jira_id' => $jira_work_log->id, 'started' => $jira_work_log->started];
         $start += count($issues->getIssues());
     return true;
Example #6
 public function findTicket($ticket)
     try {
         $issue = $this->issueService->get($ticket);
         return $issue;
     } catch (JiraException $e) {
  * @depends testUpdateWorkLogInIssue
 public function testGetWorkLogById($workLogid)
     try {
         $issueService = new IssueService();
         $worklog = $issueService->getWorklogById($this->issueKey, $workLogid);
     } catch (JiraException $e) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, 'testGetWorkLogById Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());
Example #8
 public function testGetIssue()
     $issueKey = 'TEST-155';
     try {
         $issueService = new IssueService();
         $queryParam = ['fields' => ['summary', 'comment'], 'expand' => ['renderedFields', 'names', 'schema', 'transitions', 'operations', 'editmeta', 'changelog']];
         $issue = $issueService->get($issueKey, $queryParam);
     } catch (JiraException $e) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, 'testSearch Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());
 public function testPostTimeTracking()
     $timeTracking = new TimeTracking();
     $timeTracking->setOriginalEstimate('3w 4d 6h');
     $timeTracking->setRemainingEstimate('1w 2d 3h');
     try {
         $issueService = new IssueService();
         $ret = $issueService->timeTracking($this->issueKey, $timeTracking);
     } catch (JIRAException $e) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, 'testPostTimeTracking Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());
 public function testCreateSubTask()
     try {
         $issueField = new IssueField();
         $issueField->setProjectKey('TEST')->setSummary("Subtask - something's wrong")->setAssigneeName('lesstif')->setPriorityName('Critical')->setIssueType('Sub-task')->setDescription('Subtask - Full description for issue')->addVersion('1.0.1')->addVersion('1.0.3')->setParent($this->issueKey);
         $issueService = new IssueService();
         $ret = $issueService->create($issueField);
         //If success, Returns a link to the created issue.
         $issueKey = $ret->{'key'};
         return $issueKey;
     } catch (JiraException $e) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, 'Create Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());
 public function testSearch()
     $jql = 'project not in (TEST)  and assignee = currentUser() and status in (Resolved, closed)';
     try {
         $issueService = new IssueService();
         $ret = $issueService->search($jql);
     } catch (JIRAException $e) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, 'testSearch Failed : ' . $e->getMessage());
 private function mergeRequestHook(Request $request)
     $userController = new UserController();
     $hook = $request->json();
     // call UserController's method using IoC.
     $user = \App::make('App\\Http\\Controllers\\UserController')->{'getGitUser'}($hook->get('user_id'));
     $attributes = $hook->get('object_attributes');
     if (!is_null($attributes)) {
         $issueKey = $this->extractIssueKey($attributes['title']);
         if (empty($issueKey)) {
             Log::debug('Can\'t found issue Key in merge request title : ' . $attributes['title']);
         } else {
             Log::debug("Found found issue Key({$issueKey}) in merge request title : " . $attributes['title']);
             try {
                 $comment = new Comment();
                 $body = 'Merge Request [' . $attributes['iid'] . '|' . $attributes['source']['web_url'] . '] opened on GitLab {panel}' . $attributes['title'] . '{panel}';
                 $issueService = new IssueService(new DotEnvConfiguration(base_path()));
                 $ret = $issueService->addComment($issueKey, $comment);
             } catch (JIRAException $e) {
                 Log::error("add Comment Failed : " . $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         Log::info("Empty object attributes. " . json_encode($hook->all(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
     return response()->json(['result' => 'Ok']);
 private function pushHook(Request $request)
     $userController = new UserController();
     $hook = $request->json();
     // call UserController's method using IoC.
     $user = \App::make('App\\Http\\Controllers\\UserController')->{'getGitUser'}($hook->get('user_id'));
     $commits = $hook->get('commits');
     // empty commit logs. stop processing.
     if (is_null($commits) || count($commits) == 0) {
         Log::info("Empty commit logs. " . json_encode($hook->all(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
         return response()->json(['result' => 'Ok', 'issue_count' => 0]);
     $issueCount = 0;
     foreach ($commits as $commit) {
         Log::debug('Commit : ' . json_encode($commit, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
         $issueKey = $this->extractIssueKey($commit['message']);
         if (empty($issueKey)) {
             Log::debug('Can\'t found issue Key in commit message : ' . $commit['message']);
         Log::debug("Found found issue Key({$issueKey}) in commit message : " . $commit['message']);
         $transitionName = $this->needTransition($commit['message'], $message);
         try {
             if (empty($transitionName)) {
                 $comment = new Comment();
                 $body = sprintf($message, $user['username'], $commit['url']);
                 $issueService = new IssueService(new DotEnvConfiguration(base_path()));
                 $ret = $issueService->addComment($issueKey, $comment);
             } else {
                 $transition = new Transition();
                 $body = sprintf($message, $user['username'], $transitionName, $commit['url']);
                 $issueService = new IssueService(new DotEnvConfiguration(base_path()));
                 $issueService->transition($issueKey, $transition);
         } catch (JIRAException $e) {
             Log::error("add Comment Failed : " . $e->getMessage());
     return response()->json(['result' => 'Ok', 'issue_count' => $issueCount]);