/** * @param int $ID ID of the section to get. * @return OnpubSection An {@link OnpubSection} object. NULL if the section does not exist in the database. */ public function get($ID, OnpubQueryOptions $queryOptions = NULL) { if ($queryOptions === NULL) { $queryOptions = new OnpubQueryOptions(); } $query = $this->getQuery($ID, $queryOptions); $result = $this->pdo->query($query); OnpubDatabase::verifyQuery($this->pdo, $result, FALSE); if (!($rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) { return NULL; } $row = $rows[0]; $section = new OnpubSection(); $section->ID = $row["ID"]; $section->imageID = $row["imageID"]; $section->websiteID = $row["websiteID"]; $section->parentID = $row["parentID"]; $section->name = $row["name"]; $section->url = $row["url"]; $section->setCreated(new DateTime($row["created"])); $section->setModified(new DateTime($row["modified"])); if (!$queryOptions->includeArticles) { return $section; } if ($row["imageID"]) { $image = new OnpubImage(); $image->ID = $row["imageID"]; $image->websiteID = $row["websiteID"]; $image->fileName = $row["fileName"]; $image->description = $row["description"]; $image->setCreated(new DateTime($row["imageCreated"])); $image->setModified(new DateTime($row["imageModified"])); $section->image = $image; } $articlesassoc = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $articleID = $row["articleID"]; if ($articleID) { if ($queryOptions->includeContent) { $content = $row["content"]; } else { $content = ""; } $article = new OnpubArticle(); $article->ID = $articleID; $article->imageID = $row["articleImageID"]; $article->title = $row["title"]; $article->content = $content; $article->url = $row["articleURL"]; $article->setCreated(new DateTime($row["articleCreated"])); $article->setModified(new DateTime($row["articleModified"])); if (isset($articlesassoc["{$articleID}"])) { $article = $articlesassoc["{$articleID}"]; } else { $articlesassoc["{$articleID}"] = $article; } if ($row["articleImageID"]) { $image = new OnpubImage(); $image->ID = $row["articleImageID"]; $image->websiteID = $row["articleImageWebsiteID"]; $image->fileName = $row["articleImageFileName"]; $image->description = $row["articleImageDescription"]; $image->url = $row["articleImageURL"]; $image->setCreated(new DateTime($row["articleImageCreated"])); $image->setModified(new DateTime($row["articleImageModified"])); $article->image = $image; } $articles = $section->articles; $exists = FALSE; foreach ($articles as $a) { if ($a->ID == $article->ID) { $exists = TRUE; } } if ($exists == FALSE) { $articles[] = $article; $section->articles = $articles; } } } $authorsassoc = array(); reset($rows); foreach ($rows as $row) { $authorID = $row["authorID"]; $articleID = $row["articleID"]; if ($authorID && $articleID) { $author = new OnpubAuthor(); $author->ID = $authorID; $author->imageID = $row["authorImageID"]; $author->givenNames = $row["givenNames"]; $author->familyName = $row["familyName"]; $author->displayAs = $row["displayAs"]; $author->setCreated(new DateTime($row["authorCreated"])); $author->setModified(new DateTime($row["authorModified"])); if (isset($authorsassoc["{$authorID}"])) { $author = $authorsassoc["{$authorID}"]; } else { $authorsassoc["{$authorID}"] = $author; } if ($row["authorImageID"]) { $image = new OnpubImage(); $image->ID = $row["authorImageID"]; $image->websiteID = $row["authorImageWebsiteID"]; $image->fileName = $row["authorImageFileName"]; $image->description = $row["authorImageDescription"]; $image->setCreated(new DateTime($row["authorImageCreated"])); $image->setModified(new DateTime($row["authorImageModified"])); $author->image = $image; } $article = $articlesassoc["{$articleID}"]; $authors = $article->authors; $exists = FALSE; foreach ($authors as $a) { if ($a->ID == $author->ID) { $exists = TRUE; } } if ($exists == FALSE) { $authors[] = $author; $article->authors = $authors; } } } $result->closeCursor(); return $section; }
/** * @param string $keywords Keyword(s) to search for. * @return array All the images which were found as an array of {@link OnpubImage} objects. */ public function search($keywords, OnpubQueryOptions $queryOptions = NULL) { if ($queryOptions === NULL) { $queryOptions = new OnpubQueryOptions(); } $query = $this->searchQuery($keywords, $queryOptions); $result = $this->pdo->query($query); OnpubDatabase::verifyQuery($this->pdo, $result, FALSE); $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $images = array(); if ($rows) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $image = new OnpubImage(); $image->ID = $row["ID"]; $image->websiteID = $row["websiteID"]; $image->fileName = $row["fileName"]; $image->description = $row["description"]; $image->url = $row["url"]; $image->setCreated(new DateTime($row["created"])); $image->setModified(new DateTime($row["modified"])); $images[] = $image; } } $result->closeCursor(); return $images; }
/** * @param OnpubQueryOptions $queryOptions Database query options. * @return array An array of {@link OnpubSAMap} objects. */ public function select(OnpubQueryOptions $queryOptions = NULL, $sectionID = NULL, $articleID = NULL) { if ($queryOptions === NULL) { $queryOptions = new OnpubQueryOptions(); } $query = $this->selectQuery($queryOptions, $sectionID, $articleID); $result = $this->pdo->query($query); OnpubDatabase::verifyQuery($this->pdo, $result, FALSE); $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $samaps = array(); if ($rows) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $samap = new OnpubSAMap(); $samap->ID = $row["ID"]; $samap->sectionID = $row["sectionID"]; $samap->articleID = $row["articleID"]; $samap->setCreated(new DateTime($row["created"])); $samap->setModified(new DateTime($row["modified"])); $samaps[] = $samap; } } $result->closeCursor(); return $samaps; }
/** * Get multiple articles from the database. * * @param OnpubQueryOptions $queryOptions Database query options. * @return array An array of {@link OnpubArticle} objects. */ public function select(OnpubQueryOptions $queryOptions = NULL, $sectionID = NULL, $websiteID = NULL) { if ($queryOptions === NULL) { $queryOptions = new OnpubQueryOptions(); } $query = $this->selectQuery($queryOptions, $sectionID, $websiteID); $result = $this->pdo->query($query); OnpubDatabase::verifyQuery($this->pdo, $result, FALSE); $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $articles = array(); if ($rows) { $lastID = null; $article = new OnpubArticle(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($lastID != $row["ID"]) { $article = new OnpubArticle(); } if ($queryOptions->includeContent) { $content = $row["content"]; } else { $content = ""; } $article->ID = $row["ID"]; $article->imageID = $row["imageID"]; $article->title = $row["title"]; $article->content = $content; $article->url = $row["url"]; $article->setCreated(new DateTime($row["created"])); $article->setModified(new DateTime($row["modified"])); if ($row["imageID"]) { $image = new OnpubImage(); $image->ID = $row["imageID"]; $image->websiteID = $row["imageWebsiteID"]; $image->fileName = $row["imageFileName"]; $image->description = $row["imageDescription"]; $image->setCreated(new DateTime($row["imageCreated"])); $image->setModified(new DateTime($row["imageModified"])); $article->image = $image; } if ($sectionID || $websiteID) { $article->sectionIDs[] = $row["sectionID"]; } if ($lastID != $row["ID"]) { $articles[] = $article; } $lastID = $article->ID; } } $result->closeCursor(); return $articles; }
/** * Gets a list of MySQL databases that the logged-in user has access to. * System database names are excluded from the list. * * @return array Array will be empty if user has no database access. * Otherwise array will contain the names of the MySQL databases she has * access to. */ public function listDBs() { $result = $this->pdo->query('SHOW DATABASES'); OnpubDatabase::verifyQuery($this->pdo, $result, FALSE); $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $excludes = array('mysql', 'performance_schema', 'information_schema'); $dbs = array(); if ($rows) { foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!in_array($row['Database'], $excludes)) { $dbs[] = $row['Database']; } } } $result->closeCursor(); return $dbs; }
/** * @param OnpubQueryOptions $queryOptions Database query options. * @return array An array of {@link OnpubAuthor} objects. */ public function select(OnpubQueryOptions $queryOptions = NULL) { if ($queryOptions === NULL) { $queryOptions = new OnpubQueryOptions(); } $query = $this->selectQuery($queryOptions); $result = $this->pdo->query($query); OnpubDatabase::verifyQuery($this->pdo, $result, FALSE); $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $authors = array(); if ($rows) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $author = new OnpubAuthor(); $author->ID = $row["ID"]; $author->imageID = $row["imageID"]; $author->givenNames = $row["givenNames"]; $author->familyName = $row["familyName"]; $author->displayAs = $row["displayAs"]; $author->url = $row["url"]; $author->setCreated(new DateTime($row["created"])); $author->setModified(new DateTime($row["modified"])); $authors[] = $author; } } $result->closeCursor(); return $authors; }
/** * @param int $ID ID of the website to get. * @return OnpubWebsite An {@link OnpubWebsite} object. NULL if the website does not exist in the database. */ public function get($ID, OnpubQueryOptions $queryOptions = NULL, $flatArticleList = FALSE) { if ($queryOptions === NULL) { $queryOptions = new OnpubQueryOptions(); } $query = $this->getQuery($ID, $queryOptions); $result = $this->pdo->query($query); OnpubDatabase::verifyQuery($this->pdo, $result, FALSE); if (!($rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) { return NULL; } $row = $rows[0]; $website = new OnpubWebsite(); $website->ID = $row["ID"]; $website->imageID = $row["imageID"]; $website->name = $row["name"]; $website->url = $row["url"]; $website->imagesURL = $row["imagesURL"]; $website->imagesDirectory = $row["imagesDirectory"]; $website->setCreated(new DateTime($row["created"])); $website->setModified(new DateTime($row["modified"])); if ($row["imageID"]) { $image = new OnpubImage(); $image->ID = $row["imageID"]; $image->websiteID = $row["ID"]; $image->fileName = $row["fileName"]; $image->description = $row["description"]; $image->setCreated(new DateTime($row["imageCreated"])); $image->setModified(new DateTime($row["imageModified"])); $website->image = $image; } if (!$queryOptions->includeSections) { return $website; } $osections = new OnpubSections($this->pdo); $sections = array(); $sectionsassoc = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $sectionID = $row["sectionID"]; $ID = $row["ID"]; if ($sectionID) { $section = new OnpubSection(); $section->ID = $sectionID; $section->imageID = $row["sectionImageID"]; $section->websiteID = $row["sectionWebsiteID"]; $section->parentID = $row["sectionParentID"]; $section->name = $row["sectionName"]; $section->url = $row["sectionURL"]; $section->setCreated(new DateTime($row["sectionCreated"])); $section->setModified(new DateTime($row["sectionModified"])); if (isset($sectionsassoc["{$sectionID}"])) { $section = $sectionsassoc["{$sectionID}"]; } else { $sectionsassoc["{$sectionID}"] = $section; } if ($row["sectionImageID"]) { $image = new OnpubImage(); $image->ID = $row["sectionImageID"]; $image->websiteID = $row["sectionImageWebsiteID"]; $image->fileName = $row["sectionImageFileName"]; $image->description = $row["sectionImageDescription"]; $image->setCreated(new DateTime($row["sectionImageCreated"])); $image->setModified(new DateTime($row["sectionImageModified"])); $section->image = $image; } $sections = $website->sections; $exists = FALSE; foreach ($sections as $s) { if ($s->ID == $section->ID) { $exists = TRUE; } } if ($exists == FALSE) { $sections[] = $section; $website->sections = $sections; } } } // An array to track the subsections indexes in the sections array. $subsections = array(); // Loop through all sections and link subsections to their parents and // vice-versa. for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sections); $i++) { $section = $sections[$i]; if ($section->parentID) { $parentID = $section->parentID; if (isset($sectionsassoc["{$parentID}"])) { $parentSection = $sectionsassoc["{$parentID}"]; $parentSection->sections[] = $section; $section->parent = $parentSection; } $subsections[] = $i; } } // Unset subsections from the original sections array now that they are // linked to their parent sections. foreach ($subsections as $subsection) { unset($sections[$subsection]); } // Array now might not be offset from 0 for sections. Re-index from 0. $website->sections = array_values($sections); if (!$queryOptions->includeArticles) { return $website; } $articlesassoc = array(); reset($rows); foreach ($rows as $row) { $articleID = $row["articleID"]; $sectionID = $row["sectionID"]; if ($articleID && $sectionID) { if ($queryOptions->includeContent) { $content = $row["content"]; } else { $content = ""; } $article = new OnpubArticle(); $article->ID = $articleID; $article->imageID = $row["articleImageID"]; $article->title = $row["title"]; $article->content = $content; $article->url = $row["articleURL"]; $article->setCreated(new DateTime($row["articleCreated"])); $article->setModified(new DateTime($row["articleModified"])); if (isset($articlesassoc["{$articleID}"])) { $article = $articlesassoc["{$articleID}"]; } else { $article->sectionIDs[] = $sectionID; $articlesassoc["{$articleID}"] = $article; } if ($row["articleImageID"]) { $image = new OnpubImage(); $image->ID = $row["articleImageID"]; $image->websiteID = $row["articleImageWebsiteID"]; $image->fileName = $row["articleImageFileName"]; $image->description = $row["articleImageDescription"]; $image->url = $row["articleImageURL"]; $image->setCreated(new DateTime($row["articleImageCreated"])); $image->setModified(new DateTime($row["articleImageModified"])); $article->image = $image; } $section = $sectionsassoc["{$sectionID}"]; $articles = $section->articles; $exists = FALSE; foreach ($articles as $a) { if ($a->ID == $article->ID) { $exists = TRUE; } } if ($exists == FALSE) { $articles[] = $article; $section->articles = $articles; } } } if ($flatArticleList) { $articles = array(); foreach ($articlesassoc as $article) { $articles[] = $article; } $website->articles = $articles; } $authorsassoc = array(); reset($rows); foreach ($rows as $row) { $authorID = $row["authorID"]; $articleID = $row["articleID"]; if ($authorID && $articleID) { $author = new OnpubAuthor(); $author->ID = $authorID; $author->imageID = $row["authorImageID"]; $author->givenNames = $row["givenNames"]; $author->familyName = $row["familyName"]; $author->displayAs = $row["displayAs"]; $author->setCreated(new DateTime($row["authorCreated"])); $author->setModified(new DateTime($row["authorModified"])); if (isset($authorsassoc["{$authorID}"])) { $author = $authorsassoc["{$authorID}"]; } else { $authorsassoc["{$authorID}"] = $author; } if ($row["authorImageID"]) { $image = new OnpubImage(); $image->ID = $row["authorImageID"]; $image->websiteID = $row["authorImageWebsiteID"]; $image->fileName = $row["authorImageFileName"]; $image->description = $row["authorImageDescription"]; $image->setCreated(new DateTime($row["authorImageCreated"])); $image->setModified(new DateTime($row["authorImageModified"])); $author->image = $image; } $article = $articlesassoc["{$articleID}"]; $authors = $article->authors; $exists = FALSE; foreach ($authors as $a) { if ($a->ID == $author->ID) { $exists = TRUE; } } if ($exists == FALSE) { $authors[] = $author; $article->authors = $authors; } } } $result->closeCursor(); return $website; }