Example #1
  * @param int $ID ID of the image to delete.
  * @return int 1 if the image was deleted, 0 if the image does not exist in the database.
 public function delete($ID)
     $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM OnpubImages WHERE ID = :ID");
     OnpubDatabase::verifyPrepare($this->pdo, $stmt, FALSE);
     $stmt->bindParam(':ID', $ID);
     $result = $stmt->execute();
     OnpubDatabase::verifyExecute($this->pdo, $result, FALSE, $stmt->errorInfo());
     return $stmt->rowCount();
Example #2
  * @param OnpubSAMap $samap The map to be updated.
  * @return int 1 if the map was updated. 0 if the map does not exist in the database.
 public function update(OnpubSAMap $samap)
     $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE OnpubSAMaps SET sectionID = :sectionID, articleID = :articleID, created = :created, modified = :modified WHERE ID = :ID");
     OnpubDatabase::verifyPrepare($this->pdo, $stmt, $this->enableTransactions);
     $ID = $samap->ID;
     $sectionID = $samap->sectionID;
     $articleID = $samap->articleID;
     $created = $samap->getCreated()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $modified = $samap->getModified()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $stmt->bindParam(':ID', $ID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':sectionID', $sectionID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':articleID', $articleID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':created', $created);
     $stmt->bindParam(':modified', $modified);
     $result = $stmt->execute();
     OnpubDatabase::verifyExecute($this->pdo, $result, $this->enableTransactions, $stmt->errorInfo());
     return $stmt->rowCount();
Example #3
  * @param OnpubSection $section The section to be updated.
  * @return int 1 if the section was updated. 0 if the section was not updated or does not exist.
 public function update(OnpubSection $section)
     $oarticles = new OnpubArticles($this->pdo, FALSE);
     $osamaps = new OnpubSAMaps($this->pdo, FALSE);
     $now = new DateTime();
     $inTransaction = FALSE;
     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         $status = $this->pdo->beginTransaction();
         OnpubDatabase::verifyTransaction($this->pdo, $status);
         $inTransaction = TRUE;
     if ($section->ID == $section->parentID) {
         $section->parentID = NULL;
     if ($section->parentID) {
         $this->enableTransactions = FALSE;
         $parentID = $section->parentID;
         while ($parentID) {
             try {
                 $parent = $this->get($parentID);
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
                 if ($inTransaction) {
                 throw $e;
             if (!$parent) {
                 $section->parentID = NULL;
             if ($section->ID == $parent->parentID) {
                 $section->parentID = NULL;
             $parentID = $parent->parentID;
         $this->enableTransactions = TRUE;
     $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE OnpubSections SET imageID = :imageID, parentID = :parentID, name = :name, url = :url, modified = :modified WHERE ID = :ID");
     OnpubDatabase::verifyPrepare($this->pdo, $stmt, $this->enableTransactions);
     $ID = $section->ID;
     $imageID = $section->imageID;
     $parentID = $section->parentID;
     $name = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($section->name));
     $url = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($section->url));
     $modified = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $stmt->bindParam(':ID', $ID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':imageID', $imageID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':parentID', $parentID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':name', $name);
     $stmt->bindParam(':url', $url);
     $stmt->bindParam(':modified', $modified);
     $result = $stmt->execute();
     OnpubDatabase::verifyExecute($this->pdo, $result, $this->enableTransactions, $stmt->errorInfo());
     try {
         $osamaps->delete($section->ID, NULL);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         throw $e;
     $articles = $section->articles;
     $samaps = array();
     foreach ($articles as $article) {
         if ($article->ID) {
             try {
                 $article = $oarticles->get($article->ID, new OnpubQueryOptions());
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
                 if ($this->enableTransactions) {
                 throw $e;
             $samap = new OnpubSAMap();
             $samap->sectionID = $section->ID;
             $samap->articleID = $article->ID;
             $samaps[] = $samap;
         } else {
             try {
                 $articleID = $oarticles->insert($article);
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
                 if ($this->enableTransactions) {
                 throw $e;
             $samap = new OnpubSAMap();
             $samap->sectionID = $section->ID;
             $samap->articleID = $articleID;
             $samaps[] = $samap;
     try {
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         throw $e;
     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         $status = $this->pdo->commit();
         OnpubDatabase::verifyTransaction($this->pdo, $status);
     return $stmt->rowCount();
Example #4
  * Update an article already in the database.
  * If you set the article's sectionIDs to NULL, it will be unmapped from
  * any sections it was previously mapped to.
  * @param OnpubArticle $article The article to be updated.
  * @param bool $overwriteAAMaps False by default. If set to TRUE, the
  * article-author maps for this article will be deleted and recreated, if
  * applicable.
  * @return int 1 if the article was updated. 0 if the article does not exist in the database.
 public function update(OnpubArticle $article, $overwriteAAMaps = FALSE)
     $oaamaps = new OnpubAAMaps($this->pdo, FALSE);
     $oauthors = new OnpubAuthors($this->pdo, FALSE);
     $osamaps = new OnpubSAMaps($this->pdo, FALSE);
     $oimages = new OnpubImages($this->pdo, FALSE);
     $now = new DateTime();
     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         $status = $this->pdo->beginTransaction();
         OnpubDatabase::verifyTransaction($this->pdo, $status);
     $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE OnpubArticles SET imageID = :imageID, title = :title, content = :content, url = :url, created = :created, modified = :modified WHERE ID = :ID");
     OnpubDatabase::verifyPrepare($this->pdo, $stmt, $this->enableTransactions);
     if ($article->image) {
         try {
             $imageID = $oimages->insert($article->image);
             $article->imageID = $imageID;
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             if ($this->enableTransactions) {
             throw $e;
     $ID = $article->ID;
     $imageID = $article->imageID;
     $title = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($article->title));
     $content = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($article->content));
     $url = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($article->url));
     $created = $article->getCreated()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $modified = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $stmt->bindParam(':ID', $ID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':imageID', $imageID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':title', $title);
     $stmt->bindParam(':content', $content);
     $stmt->bindParam(':url', $url);
     $stmt->bindParam(':created', $created);
     $stmt->bindParam(':modified', $modified);
     $result = $stmt->execute();
     OnpubDatabase::verifyExecute($this->pdo, $result, $this->enableTransactions, $stmt->errorInfo());
     if ($overwriteAAMaps) {
         try {
             $oaamaps->delete($article->ID, NULL);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             if ($this->enableTransactions) {
             throw $e;
     $authors = $article->authors;
     foreach ($authors as $author) {
         if ($author->ID) {
             try {
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
                 if ($this->enableTransactions) {
                 throw $e;
         } else {
             try {
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
                 if ($this->enableTransactions) {
                 throw $e;
         try {
             $aamap = new OnpubAAMap();
             $aamap->articleID = $article->ID;
             $aamap->authorID = $author->ID;
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             if ($this->enableTransactions) {
             throw $e;
     $sectionIDs = $article->sectionIDs;
     if ($sectionIDs === NULL) {
         try {
             $samaps = $osamaps->delete(NULL, $article->ID);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             if ($this->enableTransactions) {
             throw $e;
     } elseif (sizeof($sectionIDs)) {
         $queryOptions = new OnpubQueryOptions();
         $queryOptions->orderBy = "ID";
         $queryOptions->order = "ASC";
         try {
             $samaps = $osamaps->select($queryOptions, NULL, $article->ID);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             if ($this->enableTransactions) {
             throw $e;
         // Unmap sections not included in $sectionIDs.
         foreach ($samaps as $samap) {
             if (!in_array($samap->sectionID, $sectionIDs)) {
                 try {
                     $osamaps->delete($samap->sectionID, $article->ID);
                 } catch (PDOException $e) {
                     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
                     throw $e;
         foreach ($sectionIDs as $sectionID) {
             $samap = new OnpubSAMap();
             $samap->sectionID = $sectionID;
             $samap->articleID = $article->ID;
             try {
                 $samapID = $osamaps->getID($samap);
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
                 if ($this->enableTransactions) {
                 throw $e;
             if ($samapID) {
                 $samap->ID = $samapID;
                 try {
                 } catch (PDOException $e) {
                     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
                     throw $e;
             } else {
                 try {
                 } catch (PDOException $e) {
                     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
                     throw $e;
     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         $status = $this->pdo->commit();
         OnpubDatabase::verifyTransaction($this->pdo, $status);
     return $stmt->rowCount();
Example #5
 public function display()
     if ($this->pdo) {
         $odatabase = new OnpubDatabase($this->pdo);
         $oarticles = new OnpubArticles($this->pdo);
         $oauthors = new OnpubAuthors($this->pdo);
         $oimages = new OnpubImages($this->pdo);
         $osections = new OnpubSections($this->pdo);
         $owebsites = new OnpubWebsites($this->pdo);
         $status = $odatabase->status();
         $driver = $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
         $widget = new OnpubWidgetHeader("Dashboard", $status, $this->pdo);
     } else {
         $status = null;
         $widget = new OnpubWidgetHeader("Dashboard", $status, $this->pdo);
     en('<div class="yui3-g">');
     if ($status == ONPUBAPI_SCHEMA_VERSION) {
         // Onpub schema is installed.
         $numsites = $owebsites->count();
         $numarticles = $oarticles->count();
         en('<div class="yui3-u-1-2">');
         en('<div style="padding-right: 1em;">');
         if ($numsites == 0) {
             en('<h3 style="margin-top: 0;">You are ready to start publishing content with Onpub.</h3>');
             en('<p><b><a href="index.php?onpub=NewWebsite">Create a website</a></b> to get started.</p>');
         } else {
             if ($numarticles) {
                 en('<form id="onpub-form" action="index.php" method="get">');
                 en('<input type="hidden" name="onpub" value="EditArticles">');
                 en('<input type="hidden" name="fullTextSearch" value="1">');
                 en('<p style="margin-top: 0;"><input type="text" name="keywords" style="width: 18.5em;"> <input type="submit" value="Search Articles"></p>');
                 //en(' For what: <select name="onpub"><option value="EditArticles">Articles</option><option value="EditSections">Sections</option><option value="EditWebsites">Websites</option></select>');
             $queryOptions = new OnpubQueryOptions();
             $queryOptions->rowLimit = 10;
             $queryOptions->orderBy = "created";
             $queryOptions->order = "DESC";
             $articles = $oarticles->select($queryOptions);
             if (sizeof($articles)) {
                 en('<table style="width: 100%;" colspan="2">');
                 en('<tr><th style="text-align: left; width: 75%;">Recent Articles</th><th>Created</th></tr>');
                 foreach ($articles as $article) {
                     en('<tr><td><a href="index.php?onpub=EditArticle&amp;articleID=' . $article->ID . '" title="Edit">' . $article->title . '</a></td><td>' . $article->getCreated()->format("M j, Y") . '</td></tr>');
         en('<div class="yui3-g">');
         en('<div class="yui3-u-1-2">');
         en('<h3 style="margin-top: 0;">Quick Links</h3>');
         en('<li><a href="index.php?onpub=NewArticle">New Article</a></li>');
         en('<li><a href="index.php?onpub=NewSection">New Section</a></li>');
         en('<li><a href="index.php?onpub=UploadImages">Upload Images</a></li>');
         en('<div class="yui3-u-1-2">');
         en('<table style="float: right;">');
         en('<tr><th colspan="2">Content Stats</th></tr>');
         en('<tr><td><a href="index.php?onpub=EditArticles">Articles</a>:</td><td>' . $numarticles . '</td></tr>');
         //en('<tr><td>Authors:</td><td>' . $oauthors->count() . '</td></tr>');
         en('<tr><td><a href="index.php?onpub=EditImages">Images</a>:</td><td>' . $oimages->count() . '</td></tr>');
         en('<tr><td><a href="index.php?onpub=EditSections">Sections</a>:</td><td>' . $osections->count() . '</td></tr>');
         en('<tr><td><a href="index.php?onpub=EditWebsites">Websites</a>:</td><td>' . $numsites . '</td></tr>');
         en('<div class="yui3-u-1-2">');
     } elseif ($this->pdo === NULL) {
         en('<div class="yui3-u-1-2">');
         en('<h3><span class="onpub-error">PDOException:</span> ' . $this->pdoException->getMessage() . '</h3>');
         switch ($this->pdoException->getCode()) {
             case 1044:
                 // Bad database name.
                 en('<p>Onpub is unable to connect to the specified MySQL database.</p>');
             case 1045:
                 // Bad credentials.
                 en('<p>Onpub is unable to connect to the specified MySQL database using the logged-in user\'s username and/or password.</p>');
                 en('<p>Try logging out and log back in with the correct MySQL credentials.</p>');
             case 2002:
                 // Server is down
                 en('<p>Onpub is unable to connect to the database server.</p>');
                 en('<p>Start the specified MySQL server and reload this page to try again.</p>');
             case 2003:
                 // Server is inaccessible (firewall, wrong port, etc.)
                 en('<p>Onpub is unable to access the specified MySQL database server.</p>');
             case 2005:
                 // Bad host name
                 en('<p>Onpub is unable to connect to the specified MySQL database server host.</p>');
         if ($this->pdoException->getMessage() == 'could not find driver') {
             en('<p>Either PDO_MYSQL is not installed or it is not configured correctly.</p>');
             en('<p>Onpub requires the PDO and PDO_MYSQL PHP extensions in order to connect to a MySQL database server.</p>');
             en('<p>You will be unable to use Onpub until PDO_MYSQL is installed.</p>');
             en('<p>Please refer to the <a href="http://onpub.com/index.php?s=8&a=11" target="_blank">Onpub System Requirements</a> and the <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-mysql.php" target="_blank">PHP Manual</a> for more information.</p>');
         en('<div class="yui3-u-1-2">');
     } else {
         // Onpub schema is not installed yet. Prompt user to install.
         en('<div class="yui3-u-1-2">');
         en('<h2 style="margin-top: 0;">Welcome to Onpub</h2>');
         if ($odatabase->current()) {
             en('<p>This appears to be the first time you have connected to this MySQL database with Onpub.</p>');
             en('<p>Before you can publish a website with Onpub, you must add the Onpub schema to the connected database: <em>' . $_SESSION['PDO_DATABASE'] . '</em>.</p>');
             en('<p>Please click the link below to continue:</p>');
             en('<ul><li><b><a href="index.php?onpub=SchemaInstall">Install the Onpub MySQL database schema</a></b></li></ul>');
         } else {
             $dbs = $odatabase->listDBs();
             if (sizeof($dbs)) {
                 en('<p>Please select the MySQL Database that you would like to work with and click Connect.</p>');
                 en('<form id="onpub-form" action="index.php" method="post">');
                 en('<select name="pdoDatabase">');
                 foreach ($dbs as $db) {
                     en('<option value="' . $db . '">' . $db . '</option>');
                 en('<p><input type="submit" value="Connect"></p>');
                 en('<input type="hidden" name="onpub" value="LoginProcess">');
             } else {
                 // User has no database permissions.
                 en('<p>Your MySQL User <em>' . $_SESSION['PDO_USER'] . '</em> does not have the permissions to access any databases on this host.</p>');
                 en('<p><a href="http://onpub.com/index.php?s=8&a=118#setup" target="_blank">Click here for instructions</a> on how to setup a MySQL User and Database for use with Onpub.');
         en('<div class="yui3-u-1-2">');
     if ($this->pdo) {
         en('<tr><th colspan="2">Database Connection</th></tr>');
         en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td>MySQL Host:</td><td>' . $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS) . '</td></tr>');
         en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td>MySQL Client:</td><td>' . $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION) . '</td></tr>');
         en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td>MySQL Server:</td><td>' . $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION) . '</td></tr>');
         en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td>MySQL User:</td><td>' . $_SESSION['PDO_USER'] . '</td></tr>');
         if ($_SESSION['PDO_DATABASE']) {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td>Connected Database:</td><td>' . $_SESSION['PDO_DATABASE'] . ' (<a href="index.php?onpub=Disconnect">Disconnect</a>)</td></tr>');
         if ($status == ONPUBAPI_SCHEMA_VERSION) {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td>Onpub Schema:</td><td>Rev. ' . ONPUBAPI_SCHEMA_VERSION . '</td></tr>');
         en('<tr><th colspan="2">PHP Configuration</th></tr>');
         if (function_exists("gd_info")) {
             $gdinfo = gd_info();
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/manual/en/book.image.php" target="_blank">GD</a>:</td><td>Installed: ' . $gdinfo['GD Version'] . '</td></tr>');
         } else {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/manual/en/book.image.php" target="_blank">GD</a>:</td><td><span class="onpub-error">Not installed.</span> <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/image.setup.php" target="_blank">Installing GD</a> is required.</td></tr>');
         if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/manual/en/info.configuration.php#ini.magic-quotes-gpc" target="_blank">Magic Quotes</a>:</td><td><span class="onpub-error">On</span>: <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.disabling.php" target="_blank">Disabling Magic Quotes</a> is required.</td></tr>');
         } else {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/manual/en/info.configuration.php#ini.magic-quotes-gpc" target="_blank">Magic Quotes</a>:</td><td>Off</td></tr>');
         if (ini_get("allow_url_fopen")) {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/manual/en/filesystem.configuration.php#ini.allow-url-fopen" target="_blank">Allow URL File Open</a>:</td><td>Yes</td></tr>');
         } else {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/manual/en/filesystem.configuration.php#ini.allow-url-fopen" target="_blank">Allow URL File Open</a>:</td><td><span class="onpub-error">No</span>: <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/filesystem.configuration.php#ini.allow-url-fopen" target="_blank">Enabling URL File Open</a> is required.</td></tr>');
         if (ini_get("file_uploads")) {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/ini.core#ini.file-uploads" target="_blank">Allow File Uploads</a>:</td><td>Yes</td></tr>');
         } else {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/ini.core#ini.file-uploads" target="_blank">Allow File Uploads</a>:</td><td>No</td></tr>');
         if (ini_get("upload_max_filesize")) {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/ini.core#ini.upload-max-filesize" target="_blank">Upload Maximum File Size</a>:</td><td>' . ini_get("upload_max_filesize") . '</td></tr>');
         } else {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/ini.core#ini.upload-max-filesize" target="_blank">Upload Maximum File Size</a>:</td><td>undefined</td></tr>');
         if (ini_get("date.timezone")) {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/ref.datetime" target="_blank">Timezone</a>:</td><td>' . ini_get("date.timezone") . '</td></tr>');
         } else {
             en('<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td><a href="http://php.net/ref.datetime" target="_blank">Timezone</a>:</td><td>' . ONPUBGUI_DEFAULT_TZ . '</td></tr>');
     $widget = new OnpubWidgetFooter();
Example #6
  * Gets a list of MySQL databases that the logged-in user has access to.
  * System database names are excluded from the list.
  * @return array Array will be empty if user has no database access.
  * Otherwise array will contain the names of the MySQL databases she has
  * access to.
 public function listDBs()
     $result = $this->pdo->query('SHOW DATABASES');
     OnpubDatabase::verifyQuery($this->pdo, $result, FALSE);
     $rows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $excludes = array('mysql', 'performance_schema', 'information_schema');
     $dbs = array();
     if ($rows) {
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             if (!in_array($row['Database'], $excludes)) {
                 $dbs[] = $row['Database'];
     return $dbs;
Example #7
  * @param mixed $aamaps A single {@link OnpubAAMap} object or an array of {@link OnpubAAMap} objects (to insert multiple maps at a time).
  * @return mixed The ID(s) of the new map(s). An int will be returned if a single map was inserted. An array of ints will be returned if multiple maps were inserted.
  * @throws PDOException if there's a database error.
 public function insert($aamaps)
     $aamapIDs = array();
     $isArray = TRUE;
     if (!is_array($aamaps)) {
         $aamaps = array($aamaps);
         $isArray = FALSE;
     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         $status = $this->pdo->beginTransaction();
         OnpubDatabase::verifyTransaction($this->pdo, $status);
     $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO OnpubAAMaps (ID, articleID, authorID, created, modified) VALUES (:ID, :articleID, :authorID, :created, :modified)");
     OnpubDatabase::verifyPrepare($this->pdo, $stmt, $this->enableTransactions);
     foreach ($aamaps as $aamap) {
         try {
             $aamapID = $this->getID($aamap);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             if ($this->enableTransactions) {
             throw $e;
         if ($aamapID) {
             $aamapIDs[] = $aamapID;
             $aamap->ID = $aamapID;
         } else {
             $ID = $aamap->ID;
             $articleID = $aamap->articleID;
             $authorID = $aamap->authorID;
             $created = $aamap->getCreated()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $modified = $aamap->getModified()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $stmt->bindParam(':ID', $ID);
             $stmt->bindParam(':articleID', $articleID);
             $stmt->bindParam(':authorID', $authorID);
             $stmt->bindParam(':created', $created);
             $stmt->bindParam(':modified', $modified);
             $result = $stmt->execute();
             OnpubDatabase::verifyExecute($this->pdo, $result, $this->enableTransactions, $stmt->errorInfo());
             $aamapIDs[] = $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
             $aamap->ID = $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         $status = $this->pdo->commit();
         OnpubDatabase::verifyTransaction($this->pdo, $status);
     if ($isArray) {
         return $aamapIDs;
     } else {
         return end($aamapIDs);
Example #8
  * @param OnpubAuthor $author The author to be updated.
  * @return int 1 if the author was updated. 0 if the author does not exist in the database.
 public function update(OnpubAuthor $author)
     $now = new DateTime();
     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         $status = $this->pdo->beginTransaction();
         OnpubDatabase::verifyTransaction($this->pdo, $status);
     $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE OnpubAuthors SET imageID = :imageID, givenNames = :givenNames, familyName = :familyName, displayAs = :displayAs, url = :url, modified = :modified WHERE ID = :ID");
     OnpubDatabase::verifyPrepare($this->pdo, $stmt, $this->enableTransactions);
     $ID = $author->ID;
     $imageID = $author->imageID;
     $givenNames = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($author->givenNames));
     $familyName = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($author->familyName));
     $displayAs = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($author->displayAs));
     $url = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($author->url));
     $modified = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $stmt->bindParam(':ID', $ID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':imageID', $imageID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':givenNames', $givenNames);
     $stmt->bindParam(':familyName', $familyName);
     $stmt->bindParam(':displayAs', $displayAs);
     $stmt->bindParam(':url', $url);
     $stmt->bindParam(':modified', $modified);
     $result = $stmt->execute();
     OnpubDatabase::verifyExecute($this->pdo, $result, $this->enableTransactions, $stmt->errorInfo());
     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         $status = $this->pdo->commit();
         OnpubDatabase::verifyTransaction($this->pdo, $status);
     return $stmt->rowCount();
Example #9
  * @param OnpubWebsite $website The website to be updated.
  * @return int 1 if the website was updated. 0 if the website does not exist in the database.
 public function update(OnpubWebsite $website)
     $owsmaps = new OnpubWSMaps($this->pdo, FALSE);
     $now = new DateTime();
     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         $status = $this->pdo->beginTransaction();
         OnpubDatabase::verifyTransaction($this->pdo, $status);
     $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("UPDATE OnpubWebsites SET imageID = :imageID, name = :name, url = :url, imagesURL = :imagesURL, imagesDirectory = :imagesDirectory, modified = :modified WHERE ID = :ID");
     OnpubDatabase::verifyPrepare($this->pdo, $stmt, $this->enableTransactions);
     $ID = $website->ID;
     $imageID = $website->imageID;
     $name = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($website->name));
     $url = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($website->url));
     $imagesURL = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($website->imagesURL));
     $imagesDirectory = OnpubDatabase::utf8Decode(trim($website->imagesDirectory));
     $modified = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $stmt->bindParam(':ID', $ID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':imageID', $imageID);
     $stmt->bindParam(':name', $name);
     $stmt->bindParam(':url', $url);
     $stmt->bindParam(':imagesURL', $imagesURL);
     $stmt->bindParam(':imagesDirectory', $imagesDirectory);
     $stmt->bindParam(':modified', $modified);
     $result = $stmt->execute();
     OnpubDatabase::verifyExecute($this->pdo, $result, $this->enableTransactions, $stmt->errorInfo());
     try {
         $owsmaps->delete($website->ID, NULL);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         throw $e;
     $sections = $website->sections;
     $wsmaps = array();
     foreach ($sections as $section) {
         $wsmap = new OnpubWSMap();
         $wsmap->websiteID = $section->websiteID;
         $wsmap->sectionID = $section->ID;
         $wsmaps[] = $wsmap;
     try {
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         throw $e;
     if ($this->enableTransactions) {
         $status = $this->pdo->commit();
         OnpubDatabase::verifyTransaction($this->pdo, $status);
     return $stmt->rowCount();
Example #10
 switch ($_GET['onpub']) {
     case "Logout":
         $login = new OnpubLogin("", "", "", "", TRUE);
         header("Location: index.php");
     case "Disconnect":
         $_SESSION['PDO_DATABASE'] = '';
         header("Location: index.php");
     case "SchemaInstall":
         $odatabase = new OnpubDatabase($pdo);
         $owebsites = new OnpubWebsites($pdo);
         $osections = new OnpubSections($pdo);
         $oarticles = new OnpubArticles($pdo);
         try {
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             $widget = new OnpubWidgetPDOException($e);
             $pdo = NULL;
         $pdo = NULL;
         header("Location: index.php");