Example #1
function check_forum_perm($forum_id, $g_id, $perm)
    global $CONFIG_sql_cpdbname;
    $sql = new MySQL();
    $query = "SELECT forum_perm FROM {$CONFIG_sql_cpdbname}.forum WHERE forum_id=\"" . mysql_res($forum_id) . "\"";
    $sql->result = $sql->execute_query($query, 'function.php');
    if ($sql->count_rows()) {
        $row = $sql->fetch_row();
        if (preg_match("#\\[g" . $g_id . "\\](.+?)\\[/g" . $g_id . "\\]#is", $row[0])) {
            preg_replace_callback("#\\[g" . $g_id . "\\](.+?)\\[/g" . $g_id . "\\]#is", 'get_forum_perm', $row[0]);
            global $forum_permission;
            switch ($perm) {
                case "read_perm":
                    if (!strstr($forum_permission, ":show_perm:")) {
                        return false;
                case "reply_perm":
                case "start_perm":
                    if (!strstr($forum_permission, ":show_perm:")) {
                        return false;
                    if (!strstr($forum_permission, ":read_perm:")) {
                        return false;
            if (strstr($forum_permission, ":" . $perm . ":")) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        return false;
Example #2
// Copyright (c) Stargames Control Panel - Licensed under GNU GPL.
// See LICENSE File
// =========================================================================
// Project Lead by: Mysterious
// =========================================================================
require_once "memory.php";
$sql = new MySQL();
$sql->Connect($CONFIG_sql_host, $CONFIG_sql_username, $CONFIG_sql_password);
$CP['start_time'] = getmicrotime();
$query = "SELECT memory_value1 FROM {$CONFIG_sql_cpdbname}.memory WHERE memory_object =\"sgcp_install\" AND memory_value1=\"1\"";
$sql->result = mysql_query($query);
if ($sql->count_rows()) {
    $query = "SELECT memory_value2,memory_value3 FROM {$CONFIG_sql_cpdbname}.memory WHERE memory_object =\"ip_blacklist\" AND memory_value1=\"" . mysql_res($CP['ip_address']) . "\"";
    $sql->result = $sql->execute_query($query, 'index.php');
    $check_iplist = $sql->count_rows();
    $iplist = $sql->fetch_row();
    if ($_COOKIE['IP_Blacklist'] || $check_iplist) {
        $query = "SELECT memory_value3 FROM {$CONFIG_sql_cpdbname}.memory WHERE memory_object =\"ip_blacklist\" AND memory_value3=\"" . mysql_res($_COOKIE['IP_Blacklist']) . "\"";
        $sql->result = $sql->execute_query($query, 'index.php');
        if ($_COOKIE['IP_Blacklist'] && !$sql->count_rows()) {
        } else {
            $ip_state = $iplist[memory_value2];
            if ($_COOKIE[IP_Blacklist] && $_COOKIE[IP_Blacklist] == $iplist[memory_value3] && $ip_state != "block") {
                do_blacklist(2, $iplist[memory_value3]);
            } else {
                if ($check_iplist && empty($_COOKIE[IP_Blacklist])) {
                    switch ($ip_state) {
                        case block:
Example #3
// / /__/ _ \/ _ \/ __/ __/ _ \/ / / ___/ _ `/ _ \/ -_) / 
// \___/\___/_//_/\__/_/  \___/_/ /_/   \_,_/_//_/\__/_/ 
// =========================================================================
// Copyright (c) Stargames Control Panel - Licensed under GNU GPL.
// See LICENSE File
// =========================================================================
// Project Lead by: Mysterious
// =========================================================================
if ($_GET['sc']) {
    require_once "memory.php";
    $sql = new MySQL();
    $sql->Connect($CONFIG_sql_host, $CONFIG_sql_username, $CONFIG_sql_password);
    $query = "SELECT sc_code FROM {$CONFIG_sql_cpdbname}.security_code WHERE sc_id = \"" . mysql_res($_GET['sc']) . "\"";
    $sql->result = $sql->execute_query($query, 'reg_code.php');
    $row = $sql->fetch_row();
    $sc_code = $row['sc_code'];
    $reg_str = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
        $ret_str .= $sc_code[$i];
        $ret_str .= " ";
    $sc_code = $ret_str;
    $im = imagecreate(85, 20);
    $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
    // Background Color
    $fontcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 00, 00, 00);
    // Font Color
    imagestring($im, 3, 5, 5, $sc_code, $fontcolor);
    header("Content-type: image/png");
Example #4
// draw $STORED Variables...
$sql = new MySQL();
$sql->Connect($CONFIG_sql_host, $CONFIG_sql_username, $CONFIG_sql_password);
// save the SQL Link in SG CP's global var... so the Querys should work
$GLOBALS['link'] = $sql->link;
$site = $_GET['site'];
$link = unserialize(VOTE_LINK);
if (!isset($site) || !isset($link[$site])) {
    header('Location: index.php');
} else {
    if (!isset($STORED_loginname)) {
    } else {
        $STORED_loginname = mysql_res($STORED_loginname);
        $sql->result = $sql->execute_query("SELECT `last_vote" . $site . "` FROM {$CONFIG_sql_dbname}.`vote_point` WHERE `loginname` = '" . $STORED_loginname . "' LIMIT 0,1", "vote.php");
        if ($sql->count_rows() > 0) {
            $row = $sql->fetch_row();
            if (time() - $row[0] > 60 * 60 * VOTE_TIME) {
                $sql->execute_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG_sql_dbname}.`vote_point` SET `point` = `point` + 1 , `last_vote" . $site . "` = '" . time() . "', `date` = '" . date("d-M-Y H:i") . "' WHERE `loginname` = '" . $STORED_loginname . "'", "vote.php");
        } else {
            $sql->execute_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG_sql_dbname}.`vote_point` ( `loginname` , `point` , `last_vote" . $site . "` , `date` ) VALUES ( '" . $STORED_loginname . "' , 1 , '" . time() . "' , '" . date("d-M-Y H:i") . "')", "vote.php");
function votes()
    global $site, $link;
Example #5
// =========================================================================
// Copyright (c) Stargames Control Panel - Licensed under GNU GPL.
// See LICENSE File
// =========================================================================
// Project Lead by: Mysterious
// =========================================================================
require "memory.php";
include_once "gzip_header.php";
echo "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n\t<title>View Security Code</title>\n\t<meta name=\"Author\" content=\"" . $CP[author] . "\">\n\t<meta name=\"Keywords\" content=\"" . $CP[name] . "\">\n\t<meta name=\"Description\" content=\"" . $CP[credit] . "\">\n\t<meta name=\"Copyright\" content=\"" . $CP[name] . " (c) " . $CP[corp] . "\">\n\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-874\">\n\t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"theme/{$STORED['THEME']}/style.css\">\n\t<style type=\"text/css\">\n\t\t.title_bar {\n\t\t\tBACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(theme/{$STORED['THEME']}/{$THEME['title_bar_img_url']})\n\t\t}\n\t\t.title_bar2 {\n\t\t\tBACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(theme/{$STORED['THEME']}/{$THEME['title_bar2_img_url']})\n\t\t}\n\t</style>\n</head>\n<body " . $THEME[background] . ">\n";
if ($_GET[sc] && isAlphaNumeric($_GET[sc])) {
    $sql = new MySQL();
    $sql->Connect($CONFIG_sql_host, $CONFIG_sql_username, $CONFIG_sql_password);
    $query = "SELECT sc_code FROM {$CONFIG_sql_cpdbname}.security_code WHERE sc_id = \"" . mysql_res($_GET[sc]) . "\"";
    $sql->result = $sql->execute_query($query, 'viewcode.php');
    if ($sql->count_rows()) {
        $row = $sql->fetch_row();
        $sc_code = $row[sc_code];
        $num = strlen($sc_code);
        $reg_str = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
            $ret_str .= $sc_code[$i];
            $ret_str .= " ";
        $sc_code = $ret_str;
        $display = "{$lang['Reg_view_sc_code_success']}: <B>{$sc_code}</B>";
    } else {
        $display = $lang[Reg_view_sc_code_fail];
    opmain_body("View Security Code", "20", "270");
Example #6
function get_save_quick_edit($val, $reply_id)
    header("Content-type: text/xml;charset=windows-874");
    global $CONFIG_sql_cpdbname, $STORED, $SERVER, $CONFIG_max_post_length, $CP;
    $reply_id = (int) $reply_id;
    $val = iconv("UTF-8", "windows-874", $val);
    $val = str_replace("symbol_and", "&", $val);
    $val = str_replace("symbol_plus", "+", $val);
    $form_id = "quick_edit_form_" . $reply_id . "";
    $sql = new MySQL();
    $query = "SELECT reply_id,reply_message,reply_edit_date,reply_edit_name FROM {$CONFIG_sql_cpdbname}.board_reply WHERE reply_id =\"" . mysql_res($reply_id) . "\"";
    $sql->result = $sql->execute_query($query, 'lib_ajax.php');
    $row = $sql->fetch_row();
    $IS_EDIT_POST = checkprivilege_action($CP[login_id], g_edit_posts) ? 1 : 0;
    if (!empty($CP[login_id]) && ($CP[login_id] == $row[reply_user_id] || $IS_EDIT_POST) && length($val, 3, $CONFIG_max_post_length)) {
        $val = checkstring($val, 1);
        $sql->execute_query("UPDATE {$CONFIG_sql_cpdbname}.board_reply SET reply_message = \"" . $val . "\", reply_ip=\"" . $CP['ip_address'] . "\",reply_edit_name=\"" . $CP['login_name'] . "\",reply_edit_date=\"" . $CP['time'] . "\" WHERE reply_id = \"" . mysql_res($row['reply_id']) . "\"", 'lib_ajax.php');
        $query = "SELECT reply_message,reply_edit_date,reply_edit_name FROM {$CONFIG_sql_cpdbname}.board_reply WHERE reply_id =\"" . mysql_res($row['reply_id']) . "\"";
        $sql->result = $sql->execute_query($query, 'lib_ajax.php');
        $row = $sql->fetch_row();
        $reply_message = replace_text($row[reply_message], $img_num);
        $reply_edit_date = get_date("M j y, H:i:s A", $row[reply_edit_date]);
        echo "<div class=\"poststyle\">{$reply_message}</div>\n<br /><br /><span class=\"edit\">This post has been edited by <B>{$row['reply_edit_name']}</B> on {$reply_edit_date}</span>\n";
    } else {
        $reply_message = replace_text($row[reply_message]);
        echo "<div class=\"poststyle\">{$reply_message}</div>";
        if (!empty($row[reply_edit_name])) {
            $reply_edit_date = get_date("M j y, H:i:s A", $row[reply_edit_date]);
            echo "<br /><br /><span class=\"edit\">This post has been edited by <B>{$row['reply_edit_name']}</B> on {$reply_edit_date}</span>";