RecordsArray() public method

Returns all records from last query and returns contents as array or FALSE on error
public RecordsArray ( integer $resultType = MYSQLI_BOTH ) : Records
$resultType integer (Optional) The type of array Values can be: MYSQLI_ASSOC, MYSQLI_NUM, MYSQLI_BOTH
return Records in array form
Example #1
  * @return array|bool
 public function membership_roles()
     $p = $this->kga['server_prefix'];
     $query = "SELECT a.*, COUNT(DISTINCT b.userID) as count_users FROM `{$p}membershipRoles` a LEFT JOIN `{$p}groups_users` b USING(membershipRoleID) GROUP BY a.membershipRoleID";
     $result = $this->conn->Query($query);
     if ($result == false) {
         return false;
     $rows = $this->conn->RecordsArray(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
     return $rows;
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');
    header('Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400');
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS');
    header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
        header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS");
        header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: {$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS']}");
include "mysql.class.php";
$database = new MySQL();
global $database;
if ($database->Query("SELECT mensaje, url FROM kiiconnect_compartir ")) {
    $mensajes = $database->RecordsArray();
    $tags = array();
    if ($mensajes != false) {
        foreach ($mensajes as $mensaje) {
            $tags['url'] = $mensaje['url'];
            $tags['mensaje'] = $mensaje['mensaje'];
    //echo $database->GetJSON();
    echo json_encode($tags);
} else {
    echo "<p>Query Failed</p>";
Example #3
while ($row = $db->Row()) {
    echo $row->Color . " - " . $row->Age . "<br />\n";
// --- Loop through the records another way -------------------------
while (!$db->EndOfSeek()) {
    $row = $db->Row();
    echo $row->Color . " - " . $row->Age . "<br />\n";
// --- Loop through the records with an index -----------------------
for ($index = 0; $index < $db->RowCount(); $index++) {
    $row = $db->Row($index);
    echo "Row " . $index . ":" . $row->Color . " - " . $row->Age . "<br />\n";
// --- We can even grab array data from the last result set ---------
$myArray = $db->RecordsArray();
// --- List all of the tables in the database -----------------------
$tables = $db->GetTables();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
    echo $table . "<br />\n";
// --- Show the columns (field names) in a table --------------------
$columns = $db->GetColumnNames("test");
foreach ($columns as $column) {
    echo $column . "<br />\n";
// --- Find a column (field) type and length ------------------------
echo "Type: " . $db->GetColumnDataType("Color", "Test") . "<br />\n";
echo "Length: " . $db->GetColumnLength("Color", "Test") . "<br />\n";
// --- Get a column's ordinal position (the column number) ----------
echo $db->GetColumnID("Age", "Test") . "<br />\n";
Example #4

include "mysql.class.php";
$databaseXmltv = new MySQL();
if ($databaseXmltv->Query("SELECT,\n                                    xmltv_canal.nombre as title\n                                     FROM xmltv_canal WHERE activo = 1 ORDER BY orden")) {
    $canales = $databaseXmltv->GetJSON();
    $data = $databaseXmltv->RecordsArray();
} else {
    $canales = "''";
"calendars": <?php 
echo $canales;
Example #5
        $parametros[0] != "0" ? $richpage = $parametros[0] : ($richpage = "");
        $parametros[1] != "0" ? $tag = $parametros[1] : ($tag = "");
        $parametros[2] != "0" ? $l = $parametros[2] : ($l = "");
    } else {
        $richpage = "";
        $tag = "";
} else {
    $header = "";
    $richpage = "";
    $tag = "";
// validar que el mismo registro no exista
//1 recuperamos el ultimo registro
if ($database->Query("SELECT MAX(creado) as creado FROM kiiconnect_mensajes;")) {
    $data = $database->RecordsArray();
    $fechaCreado = $data[0]['creado'];
    //2 comparamos si existio otro registro similar en el tiempo
    $sql = "SELECT NOW() as fecha";
    if ($database->Query($sql)) {
        //  if ($database->Query("select * from kiiconnect_mensajes where creado > date_sub('2015-09-23 11:16:30', interval 1 minute) ;")) {
        $data = $database->RecordsArray();
        $fechaServidor = $data[0]['fecha'];
        $datetime1 = new DateTime($fechaCreado);
        $datetime2 = new DateTime($fechaServidor);
        $diferencia = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
        if ($diferencia->y == 0 && $diferencia->m == 0 && $diferencia->d == 0 && $diferencia->h == 0 && $diferencia->i == 0 && $diferencia->s == 0) {
            // registro en el mismo minuto se omite
        } else {
            // registro se inserta
            $update["body"] = MySQL::SQLValue($body);
 $noticiasOrden = array();
 if (count($totalsecciones) != 0) {
     $total = count($totalsecciones) * 2;
 } else {
     $total = 0;
 $secciones2 = explode("/", $secciones);
 $secciones = $secciones2[0];
 $seccionesNew = '"' . str_replace(',', '","', $secciones) . '"';
 // todo , DAYOFYEAR(kiiconnect_mensajes.creado) para el caso de que se quiera hacer que se repita dependiendo del día
 $seccion = str_replace('interno', '', $seccionesNew);
 $resultados = array();
 foreach ($totalsecciones as $index1 => $seccion) {
     $sql = "SELECT kiiconnect_setting.icono,\n             ,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.body,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.title,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.header,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.p,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.l,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.tag,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.longuitud,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.latitud,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.richpage,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.activo,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.creado,\n                       kiiconnect_mensajes.tagsetings,\n                       kiiconnect_setting.nombre,\n                       kiiconnect_setting.file\n                                FROM kiiconnect_mensajes INNER JOIN kiiconnect_setting ON kiiconnect_mensajes.tag = kiiconnect_setting.tag\n                                WHERE kiiconnect_mensajes.activo = 1 AND kiiconnect_mensajes.tag IN ('{$seccion}') {$fecha}\n\n                                ORDER BY kiiconnect_mensajes.creado DESC";
     if ($databaseKiiconnect->Query($sql)) {
         if ($databaseKiiconnect->RecordsArray(MYSQL_ASSOC) != 'null') {
             $data = $databaseKiiconnect->RecordsArray(MYSQL_ASSOC);
             if ($data) {
                 $resultados = array_merge($resultados, $data);
         } else {
             echo "[]";
     } else {
         echo "<p>Query Failed</p>";
 foreach ($resultados as $key => $arr) {
     $resultados[$key]['body'] = $arr['body'];
     $pun[$key] = $arr['creado'];
     if (isset($arr['title'])) {