function account() { $fields = array('name' => ['Username', false], 'pass1' => ['Enter Password', true], 'pass2' => ['Confirm Password', true]); if (CLISetup::readInput($fields)) { CLISetup::log(); if (!User::isValidName($fields['name'], $e)) { CLISetup::log(Lang::account($e == 1 ? 'errNameLength' : 'errNameChars'), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); } else { if (!User::isValidPass($fields['pass1'], $e)) { CLISetup::log(Lang::account($e == 1 ? 'errPassLength' : 'errPassChars'), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); } else { if ($fields['pass1'] != $fields['pass2']) { CLISetup::log(Lang::account('passMismatch'), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); } else { if ($_ = DB::Aowow()->SelectCell('SELECT 1 FROM ?_account WHERE user = ? AND (status <> ?d OR (status = ?d AND statusTimer > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))', $fields['name'], ACC_STATUS_NEW, ACC_STATUS_NEW)) { CLISetup::log(Lang::account('nameInUse'), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); } else { // write to db $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('REPLACE INTO ?_account (user, passHash, displayName, joindate, email, allowExpire, userGroups, userPerms) VALUES (?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, 0, ?d, 1)', $fields['name'], User::hashCrypt($fields['pass1']), Util::ucFirst($fields['name']), CFG_CONTACT_EMAIL, U_GROUP_ADMIN); if ($ok) { $newId = DB::Aowow()->selectCell('SELECT id FROM ?_account WHERE user = ?', $fields['name']); Util::gainSiteReputation($newId, SITEREP_ACTION_REGISTER); CLISetup::log("account " . $fields['name'] . " created successfully", CLISetup::LOG_OK); } else { // something went wrong CLISetup::log(Lang::main('intError'), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR); } } } } } } else { CLISetup::log(); CLISetup::log("account creation aborted", CLISetup::LOG_WARN); } }
protected function generateContent() { /***********/ /* Infobox */ /***********/ $infobox = $contrib = $groups = []; foreach (Lang::account('groups') as $idx => $key) { if ($idx >= 0 && $this->user['userGroups'] & 1 << $idx) { $groups[] = (!fMod(count($groups) + 1, 3) ? '[br]' : null) . Lang::account('groups', $idx); } } $infobox[] = Lang::user('joinDate') . Lang::main('colon') . '[tooltip name=joinDate]' . date('l, G:i:s', $this->user['joinDate']) . '[/tooltip][span class=tip tooltip=joinDate]' . date(Lang::main('dateFmtShort'), $this->user['joinDate']) . '[/span]'; $infobox[] = Lang::user('lastLogin') . Lang::main('colon') . '[tooltip name=lastLogin]' . date('l, G:i:s', $this->user['prevLogin']) . '[/tooltip][span class=tip tooltip=lastLogin]' . date(Lang::main('dateFmtShort'), $this->user['prevLogin']) . '[/span]'; $infobox[] = Lang::user('userGroups') . Lang::main('colon') . ($groups ? implode(', ', $groups) : Lang::account('groups', -1)); $infobox[] = Lang::user('consecVisits') . Lang::main('colon') . $this->user['consecutiveVisits']; $infobox[] = Util::ucFirst(Lang::main('siteRep')) . Lang::main('colon') . Lang::nf($this->user['sumRep']); // contrib -> [url=]Data uploads: n [small]([tooltip=tooltip_totaldatauploads]xx.y MB[/tooltip])[/small][/url] $co = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT AS sum, SUM(IFNULL(cr.value, 0)) AS nRates FROM ?_comments c LEFT JOIN ?_comments_rates cr ON cr.commentId = AND cr.userId <> 0 WHERE c.replyTo = 0 AND c.userId = ?d', $this->user['id']); if ($co['sum']) { $contrib[] = Lang::user('comments') . Lang::main('colon') . $co['sum'] . ($co['nRates'] ? ' [small]([tooltip=tooltip_totalratings]' . $co['nRates'] . '[/tooltip])[/small]' : null); } $ss = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum, SUM(IF(status & ?d, 1, 0)) AS nSticky, SUM(IF(status & ?d, 0, 1)) AS nPending FROM ?_screenshots WHERE userIdOwner = ?d AND (status & ?d) = 0', CC_FLAG_STICKY, CC_FLAG_APPROVED, $this->user['id'], CC_FLAG_DELETED); if ($ss['sum']) { $buff = []; if ($ss['nSticky'] || $ss['nPending']) { if ($normal = $ss['sum'] - $ss['nSticky'] - $ss['nPending']) { $buff[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_normal]' . $normal . '[/tooltip]'; } if ($ss['nSticky']) { $buff[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_sticky]' . $ss['nSticky'] . '[/tooltip]'; } if ($ss['nPending']) { $buff[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_pending]' . $ss['nPending'] . '[/tooltip]'; } } $contrib[] = Lang::user('screenshots') . Lang::main('colon') . $ss['sum'] . ($buff ? ' [small](' . implode($buff, ' + ') . ')[/small]' : null); } $vi = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT COUNT(id) AS sum, SUM(IF(status & ?d, 1, 0)) AS nSticky, SUM(IF(status & ?d, 0, 1)) AS nPending FROM ?_videos WHERE userIdOwner = ?d AND (status & ?d) = 0', CC_FLAG_STICKY, CC_FLAG_APPROVED, $this->user['id'], CC_FLAG_DELETED); if ($vi['sum']) { $buff = []; if ($vi['nSticky'] || $vi['nPending']) { if ($normal = $vi['sum'] - $vi['nSticky'] - $vi['nPending']) { $buff[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_normal]' . $normal . '[/tooltip]'; } if ($vi['nSticky']) { $buff[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_sticky]' . $vi['nSticky'] . '[/tooltip]'; } if ($vi['nPending']) { $buff[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_pending]' . $vi['nPending'] . '[/tooltip]'; } } $contrib[] = Lang::user('videos') . Lang::main('colon') . $vi['sum'] . ($buff ? ' [small](' . implode($buff, ' + ') . ')[/small]' : null); } // contrib -> Forum posts: 5769 [small]([tooltip=topics]579[/tooltip] + [tooltip=replies]5190[/tooltip])[/small] $this->infobox = '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $infobox) . '[/li][/ul]'; if ($contrib) { $this->contributions = '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $contrib) . '[/li][/ul]'; } /****************/ /* Main Content */ /****************/ $this->name = $this->user['title'] ? $this->user['displayName'] . ' <' . $this->user['title'] . '>' : sprintf(Lang::user('profileTitle'), $this->user['displayName']); /**************/ /* Extra Tabs */ /**************/ $this->lvTabs = []; $this->forceTabs = true; // [unused] Site Achievements // Reputation changelog (params only for comment-events) if ($repData = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT action, amount, date AS \'when\', IF(action IN (3, 4, 5), sourceA, 0) AS param FROM ?_account_reputation WHERE userId = ?d', $this->user['id'])) { foreach ($repData as &$r) { $r['when'] = date(Util::$dateFormatInternal, $r['when']); } $this->lvTabs[] = ['reputationhistory', ['data' => $repData]]; } // Comments if ($_ = CommunityContent::getCommentPreviews(['user' => $this->user['id'], 'replies' => false], $nFound)) { $tabData = array('data' => $_, 'hiddenCols' => ['author'], 'onBeforeCreate' => '$Listview.funcBox.beforeUserComments', '_totalCount' => $nFound); if ($nFound > CFG_SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT) { $tabData['name'] = '$LANG.tab_latestcomments'; $tabData['note'] = '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.lvnote_usercomments, ' . $nFound . ')'; } $this->lvTabs[] = ['commentpreview', $tabData]; } // Comment Replies if ($_ = CommunityContent::getCommentPreviews(['user' => $this->user['id'], 'replies' => true], $nFound)) { $tabData = array('data' => $_, 'hiddenCols' => ['author'], 'onBeforeCreate' => '$Listview.funcBox.beforeUserComments', '_totalCount' => $nFound); if ($nFound > CFG_SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT) { $tabData['name'] = '$LANG.tab_latestreplies'; $tabData['note'] = '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.lvnote_userreplies, ' . $nFound . ')'; } $this->lvTabs[] = ['replypreview', $tabData]; } // Screenshots if ($_ = CommunityContent::getScreenshots(-$this->user['id'], 0, $nFound)) { $tabData = array('data' => $_, '_totalCount' => $nFound); if ($nFound > CFG_SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT) { $tabData['name'] = '$LANG.tab_latestscreenshots'; $tabData['note'] = '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.lvnote_userscreenshots, ' . $nFound . ')'; } $this->lvTabs[] = ['screenshot', $tabData]; } // Videos if ($_ = CommunityContent::getVideos(-$this->user['id'], 0, $nFound)) { $tabData = array('data' => $_, '_totalCount' => $nFound); if ($nFound > CFG_SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT) { $tabData['name'] = '$LANG.tab_latestvideos'; $tabData['note'] = '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.lvnote_uservideos, ' . $nFound . ')'; } $this->lvTabs[] = ['video', $tabData]; } // forum -> latest topics [unused] // forum -> latest replies [unused] // Characters [todo] $this->user['characterData'] = []; /* us_addCharactersTab([ { id:763, "name":"Lilywhite", "achievementpoints":"0", "guild":"whatever", "guildrank":"0", "realm":"draenor", "realmname":"Draenor", "battlegroup":"cyclone", "battlegroupname":"Cyclone", "region":"us", "level":"10", "race":"7", "gender":"0", "classs":"1", "faction":"0", "gearscore":"0", "talenttree1":"0", "talenttree2":"0", "talenttree3":"0", "talentspec":0, "published":1, "pinned":0 } ]); */ // Profiles [todo] $this->user['profileData'] = []; }
</td> </tr> </table> <br> <div style="position: absolute; right: 5px; bottom: 5px;"><?php echo Lang::account('forgot') . Lang::main('colon'); ?> <a href="?account=forgotusername"><?php echo Lang::account('forgotUser'); ?> </a> | <a href="?account=forgotpassword"><?php echo Lang::account('forgotPass'); ?> </a></div> </div> </form> <div class="pad3"></div> <?php if (CFG_ACC_ALLOW_REGISTER) { echo ' <div style="text-align: center; line-height: 1.5em; font-size: 125%">' . Lang::account('accCreate') . "</div>\n"; } ?> <script type="text/javascript">$'username-generic').focus()</script> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- main-contents --> </div><!-- main --> <?php $this->brick('footer');
<div style="max-width:300px;" class="minibox"> <h1 class="q10"><?php echo Lang::account('accBanned'); ?> </h1> <ul style="text-align:left"> <li><div><?php echo '<b>' . Lang::account('bannedBy') . '</b>' . Lang::main('colon') . '<a href="?user='******'by'][0] . '">' . $b['by'][1] . '</a>'; ?> </div></li> <li><div><?php echo '<b>' . Lang::account('ends') . '</b>' . Lang::main('colon') . ($b['end'] ? date(Lang::main('dateFmtLong'), $b['end']) : Lang::account('permanent')); ?> </div></li> <li><div><?php echo '<b>' . Lang::account('reason') . '</b>' . Lang::main('colon') . '<span class="msg-failure">' . ($b['reason'] ?: Lang::account('noReason')) . '</span>'; ?> </div></li> </ul> </div> <?php /* todo (sometime else) else: // profile editing echo ' '.Lang::account('editAccount')."\n"; ?> <ul class="last"> <li><div><a href="#community">{$lang.publicDesc}</a></div></li> <li><div><a href="#claim-characters">{$lang.claimChars}</a></div></li>
private function initRecovery($type, $delay, &$token) { if (!$type) { return Lang::main('intError'); } // check if already processing if ($_ = DB::Aowow()->selectCell('SELECT statusTimer - UNIX_TIMESTAMP() FROM ?_account WHERE email = ? AND status <> ?d AND statusTimer > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()', $this->_post['email'], ACC_STATUS_OK)) { return sprintf(Lang::account('isRecovering'), Util::formatTime($_ * 1000)); } // create new token and write to db $token = Util::createHash(); if (!DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_account SET token = ?, status = ?d, statusTimer = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?d WHERE email = ?', $token, $type, $delay, $this->_post['email'])) { return Lang::main('intError'); } }
protected function generateContent() { /***********/ /* Infobox */ /***********/ $infobox = $contrib = $groups = []; foreach (Lang::account('groups') as $idx => $key) { if ($idx >= 0 && $this->user['userGroups'] & 1 << $idx) { $groups[] = (!fMod(count($groups) + 1, 3) ? '[br]' : null) . Lang::account('groups', $idx); } } $infobox[] = Lang::user('joinDate') . Lang::main('colon') . '[tooltip name=joinDate]' . date('l, G:i:s', $this->user['joinDate']) . '[/tooltip][span class=tip tooltip=joinDate]' . date(Lang::main('dateFmtShort'), $this->user['joinDate']) . '[/span]'; $infobox[] = Lang::user('lastLogin') . Lang::main('colon') . '[tooltip name=lastLogin]' . date('l, G:i:s', $this->user['prevLogin']) . '[/tooltip][span class=tip tooltip=lastLogin]' . date(Lang::main('dateFmtShort'), $this->user['prevLogin']) . '[/span]'; $infobox[] = Lang::user('userGroups') . Lang::main('colon') . ($groups ? implode(', ', $groups) : Lang::account('groups', -1)); $infobox[] = Lang::user('consecVisits') . Lang::main('colon') . $this->user['consecutiveVisits']; $infobox[] = Util::ucFirst(Lang::main('siteRep')) . Lang::main('colon') . number_format($this->user['sumRep']); // contrib -> [url=]Data uploads: n [small]([tooltip=tooltip_totaldatauploads]xx.y MB[/tooltip])[/small][/url] $co = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT AS sum, COUNT(cr.commentId) AS nRates FROM ?_comments c LEFT JOIN ?_comments_rates cr ON cr.commentId = WHERE c.replyTo = 0 AND c.userId = ?d', $this->user['id']); if ($co['sum']) { $contrib[] = Lang::user('comments') . Lang::main('colon') . $co['sum'] . ' [small]([tooltip=tooltip_totalratings]' . $co['nRates'] . '[/tooltip])[/small]'; } $ss = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT COUNT(id) AS sum, SUM(IF(status & ?d, 1, 0)) as nSticky FROM ?_screenshots WHERE userIdOwner = ?d AND status & ?d AND (status & ?d) = 0', CC_FLAG_STICKY, $this->user['id'], CC_FLAG_APPROVED, CC_FLAG_DELETED); if ($ss['sum']) { $contrib[] = Lang::user('screenshots') . Lang::main('colon') . $ss['sum'] . ' [small]([tooltip=tooltip_normal]' . ($ss['sum'] - $ss['nSticky']) . '[/tooltip] + [tooltip=tooltip_sticky]' . $ss['nSticky'] . '[/tooltip])[/small]'; } $vi = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT COUNT(id) AS sum, SUM(IF(status & ?d, 1, 0)) as nSticky FROM ?_videos WHERE userIdOwner = ?d AND status & ?d AND (status & ?d) = 0', CC_FLAG_STICKY, $this->user['id'], CC_FLAG_APPROVED, CC_FLAG_DELETED); if ($vi['sum']) { $contrib[] = Lang::user('videos') . Lang::main('colon') . $vi['sum'] . ' [small]([tooltip=tooltip_normal]' . ($vi['sum'] - $vi['nSticky']) . '[/tooltip] + [tooltip=tooltip_sticky]' . $vi['nSticky'] . '[/tooltip])[/small]'; } // contrib -> Forum posts: 5769 [small]([tooltip=topics]579[/tooltip] + [tooltip=replies]5190[/tooltip])[/small] $this->infobox = '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $infobox) . '[/li][/ul]'; if ($contrib) { $this->contributions = '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $contrib) . '[/li][/ul]'; } /****************/ /* Main Content */ /****************/ $this->name = $this->user['title'] ? $this->user['displayName'] . ' <' . $this->user['title'] . '>' : sprintf(Lang::user('profileTitle'), $this->user['displayName']); /**************/ /* Extra Tabs */ /**************/ $this->lvTabs = []; $this->forceTabs = true; // [unused] Site Achievements // Reputation changelog (params only for comment-events) if ($repData = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT action, amount, date AS \'when\', IF(action IN (3, 4, 5), sourceA, 0) AS param FROM ?_account_reputation WHERE userId = ?d', $this->user['id'])) { foreach ($repData as &$r) { $r['when'] = date(Util::$dateFormatInternal, $r['when']); } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'reputationhistory', 'data' => $repData, 'params' => []); } // Comments if ($_ = CommunityContent::getCommentPreviews(['user' => $this->user['id'], 'replies' => false], $nFound)) { $lvData = array('file' => 'commentpreview', 'data' => $_, 'params' => array('hiddenCols' => "\$['author']", 'onBeforeCreate' => '$Listview.funcBox.beforeUserComments', '_totalCount' => $nFound)); if ($nFound > CFG_SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT) { $lvData['params']['name'] = '$LANG.tab_latestcomments'; $lvData['params']['note'] = '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.lvnote_usercomments, ' . $nFound . ')'; } $this->lvTabs[] = $lvData; } // Comment Replies if ($_ = CommunityContent::getCommentPreviews(['user' => $this->user['id'], 'replies' => true], $nFound)) { $lvData = array('file' => 'replypreview', 'data' => $_, 'params' => array('hiddenCols' => "\$['author']", 'onBeforeCreate' => '$Listview.funcBox.beforeUserComments', '_totalCount' => $nFound)); if ($nFound > CFG_SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT) { $lvData['params']['name'] = '$LANG.tab_latestreplies'; $lvData['params']['note'] = '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.lvnote_userreplies, ' . $nFound . ')'; } $this->lvTabs[] = $lvData; } // Screenshots if ($_ = CommunityContent::getScreenshots(-$this->user['id'], 0, $nFound)) { $lvData = array('file' => 'screenshot', 'data' => $_, 'params' => array('_totalCount' => $nFound)); if ($nFound > CFG_SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT) { $lvData['params']['name'] = '$LANG.tab_latestscreenshots'; $lvData['params']['note'] = '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.lvnote_userscreenshots, ' . $nFound . ')'; } $this->lvTabs[] = $lvData; } // Videos if ($_ = CommunityContent::getVideos(-$this->user['id'], 0, $nFound)) { $lvData = array('file' => 'video', 'data' => $_, 'params' => array('_totalCount' => $nFound)); if ($nFound > CFG_SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT) { $lvData['params']['name'] = '$LANG.tab_latestvideos'; $lvData['params']['note'] = '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.lvnote_uservideos, ' . $nFound . ')'; } $this->lvTabs[] = $lvData; } // forum -> latest topics [unused] // forum -> latest replies [unused] // Characters [todo] $this->user['characterData'] = []; // Profiles [todo] $this->user['profileData'] = []; }
?> </h1> <div id="inputbox-error"><?php echo $this->error; ?> </div> <div style="text-align: center"> <?php echo Lang::account('email') . Lang::main('colon'); ?> <input type="text" name="email" value="" id="email-generic" style="width: 12em" /> <div class="pad2"></div> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo Lang::account('continue'); ?> " /> </div> </div> </form> <script type="text/javascript">$'email-generic').focus()</script> <?php } ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- main-contents --> </div><!-- main --> <?php