 * Handle on_dashboard_important_section event
 * @param NamedList $items
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_dashboard_important_section(&$items, &$user)
    $company = $user->getCompany();
    // if user can manage invoices, list overdue invoices for all companies
    if ($user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        // if it's administrator list only overdue invoices
        if (($admin_overdue_invoices = Invoices::countOverdue()) > 0) {
            $items->add('admin_overdue_invoices', array('label' => $admin_overdue_invoices > 1 ? lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoices for all companies', array('count' => $admin_overdue_invoices)) : lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoice for all companies', array('count' => $admin_overdue_invoices)), 'class' => 'adminoverdue_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('important.gif'), 'url' => assemble_url('invoices')));
        // if
    // if
    // if user is company manager or can manage invoices show outstanding and overdue invoices for his company
    if ($user->isCompanyManager($company) || $user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        // Outstanding Invoices
        $issued_invoices_count = Invoices::countOutstanding($company);
        if ($issued_invoices_count > 0) {
            if ($issued_invoices_count == 1) {
                // if there is only one outstanding invoice, then link should open that very same invoice
                $issued_invoices = Invoices::findOutstanding($company, array(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED));
                $link_url = $issued_invoices[0]->getCompanyViewUrl();
                $label = lang('<strong>1</strong> outstanding invoice for your company');
            } else {
                // if there is multuple outstanding invoices, then link should open company invoices pages
                $link_url = assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId()));
                $label = lang('<strong>:count</strong> outstanding invoices for your company', array('count' => $issued_invoices_count));
            // if
            $items->add('issued_invoices', array('label' => $label, 'class' => 'issued_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('icon_small.gif', INVOICING_MODULE), 'url' => $link_url));
        // if
        // Overdue Invoices
        $overdue_invoices_count = Invoices::countOverdue($company);
        if ($overdue_invoices_count > 0) {
            if ($overdue_invoices_count == 1) {
                // if there is only one overdue invoice, then link should open that very same invoice
                $overdue_invoices = Invoices::findOverdue($company, array(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED));
                $link_url = $overdue_invoices[0]->getCompanyViewUrl();
                $label = lang('<strong>1</strong> overdue invoice for your company');
            } else {
                // if there is multuple overdue invoices, then link should open company invoices pages
                $link_url = assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId()));
                $label = lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoices for your company', array('count' => $overdue_invoices));
            // if
            $items->add('overdue_invoices', array('label' => $label, 'class' => 'overdue_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('important.gif'), 'url' => $link_url));
        // if
    // if