function _help_article() { $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('sitemes'); $fn = $cache->fpath(func_get_args()); $type = "about"; if (file_exists($fn) && !$cache->GetClose()) { include $fn; } else { $sql = "SELECT tb1.*,tb2.cat_name,tb2.type FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2 ON tb1.cat_id=tb2.cat_id"; $sql .= " WHERE tb2.type='{$type}' AND tb1.is_show='1' ORDER BY tb2.vieworder ASC,tb1.vieworder ASC,tb1.article_id DESC"; $rt = $this->App->find($sql); if (!empty($rt)) { foreach ($rt as $k => $row) { $rts[$row['cat_id']]['cat_name'] = $row['cat_name']; $rts[$row['cat_id']]['url'] = "javascript:void()"; $rts[$row['cat_id']]['article'][$k] = $row; $rts[$row['cat_id']]['article'][$k]['url'] = !empty($row['external_link']) ? trim($row['external_link']) : SITE_URL . $type . '/' . $row['article_url']; } unset($rt); } $cache->write($fn, $rts, 'rts'); } return $rts; }
function save_basic_config() { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}systemconfig` LIMIT 1"; $basic_config = $this->App->findrow($sql); $cache = Import::ajincache(); $fn = SYS_PATH . 'data/basic_config.php'; $cache->write($fn, $basic_config, 'basic_config'); }
function get_site_nav($t = 'top', $list = 4) { $ts = Common::_return_px(); $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('sitemes' . $ts); $fn = $cache->fpath(array('0' => $t)); if (file_exists($fn) && !$cache->GetClose()) { include $fn; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}nav_wx` WHERE is_show = '1' AND type = '{$t}' ORDER BY vieworder ASC, id ASC LIMIT {$list}"; $rt = $this->App->find($sql); $cache->write($fn, $rt, 'rt'); } return $rt; }
function index() { $local = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; $t = $this->_return_px(); $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction('db' . __FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('sitemes' . $t); $fn = $cache->fpath(func_get_args()); if (file_exists($fn) && !$cache->GetClose()) { include $fn; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}userdbinfo` WHERE yuming='{$local}' LIMIT 1"; $rt = $this->App->findrow($sql); $cache->write($fn, $rt, 'rt'); } return $rt; }
function _get_access_token() { $t = $this->_return_px(); $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('sitemes' . $t); $fn = $cache->fpath(func_get_args()); if (file_exists($fn) && mktime() - filemtime($fn) < 7000 && !$cache->GetClose()) { include $fn; } else { $rr = $this->_get_appid_appsecret(); $url = '' . $rr['appid'] . '&secret=' . $rr['appsecret']; $con = $this->curlGet($url); $json = json_decode($con); $rt = $json->access_token; //获取 access_token $cache->write($fn, $rt, 'rt'); } return $rt; }
function get_cate_tree($cid = 0, $type = "") { $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode(str_replace('Controller', '', __CLASS__)); $fn = $cache->fpath(func_get_args()); if (file_exists($fn) && !$cache->GetClose()) { include $fn; } else { $t = $type; if (!empty($type)) { $typ = " AND type='{$type}'"; $type = " AND tb1.type='{$type}'"; } $three_arr = array(); $sql = 'SELECT count(cat_id) FROM `' . $this->App->prefix() . "article_cate` WHERE parent_id = '{$cid}' AND is_show = 1 {$typ}"; if ($this->App->findvar($sql) || $cid == 0) { $sql = 'SELECT tb1.cat_name,tb1.cat_id,tb1.parent_id,tb1.is_show,tb1.cat_title,tb1.meta_desc, tb1.meta_keys,tb1.show_in_nav,tb1.addtime,tb1.cat_img,tb1.vieworder, COUNT(tb2.cat_id) AS article_count FROM `' . $this->App->prefix() . "article_cate` AS tb1"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb2"; $sql .= " ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id"; $sql .= " WHERE tb1.parent_id = '{$cid}' {$type} GROUP BY tb1.cat_id ORDER BY tb1.parent_id ASC,tb1.vieworder ASC, tb1.cat_id ASC"; $res = $this->App->find($sql); foreach ($res as $row) { $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['id'] = $row['cat_id']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['name'] = $row['cat_name']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['addtime'] = $row['addtime']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['url'] = get_url($row['cat_name'], $row['cat_id'], "category.php?cid=" . $row["cat_id"], 'category', array($t, 'index', $row['cat_id'])); $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['article_count'] = $row['article_count']; /*$three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['is_show'] = $row['is_show']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['show_in_nav'] = $row['show_in_nav']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['cat_title'] = $row['cat_title']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['cat_img'] = $row['cat_img']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['vieworder'] = $row['vieworder']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['meta_keys'] = $row['meta_keys']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['meta_desc'] = $row['meta_desc'];*/ if (isset($row['cat_id']) != NULL) { $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['cat_id'] = $this->get_cate_tree($row['cat_id'], $t); } } } $cache->write($fn, $three_arr, 'three_arr'); } return $three_arr; }
function help_article() { $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('sitemes'); $fn = $cache->fpath(func_get_args()); $type = "about"; if (file_exists($fn) && !$cache->GetClose()) { include $fn; } else { $sql = "SELECT tb1.*,tb2.cat_name,tb2.type FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2 ON tb1.cat_id=tb2.cat_id"; $sql .= " WHERE tb2.type='{$type}' AND tb1.is_show='1' ORDER BY tb2.vieworder ASC,tb1.vieworder ASC,tb1.article_id DESC"; $rt = $this->App->find($sql); if (!empty($rt)) { foreach ($rt as $k => $row) { $rts[$row['cat_id']]['cat_name'] = $row['cat_name']; $rts[$row['cat_id']]['url'] = get_url($row['cat_name'], $row['cat_id'], Common::class_url() . $row['type'] . '.php?cid=' . $row['cat_id'], 'category', array($row['type'], 'index', $row['cat_id'])); $rts[$row['cat_id']]['article'][$k] = $row; $rts[$row['cat_id']]['article'][$k]['url'] = get_url($row['article_title'], $row['article_id'], Common::class_url() . $row['type'] . '.php?id=' . $row['article_id'], 'article', array($row['type'], 'article', $row['article_id'])); } unset($rt); } $cache->write($fn, $rts, 'rts'); } return $rts; }
function recommend_goods($list = 3, $type = '', $data = 0) { $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('product'); $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid'); $uid = empty($uid) ? 0 : $uid; $fn = $cache->fpath(func_get_args()); if (file_exists($fn) && !$cache->GetClose()) { include $fn; } else { $cid = $data['cid']; $perend_id = $data['perend_id']; $keyword = $data['keyword']; if (is_array($cid)) { $cids = $cid; } elseif (intval($cid) > 0) { $cids = $this->get_goods_sub_cat_ids($cid); } $ws = !empty($cids) ? " AND g.cat_id IN(" . implode(',', $cids) . ")" : ""; $w = ""; $wd = ""; if (!empty($keyword)) { $wd = " (g.goods_name LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR g.meta_keys LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR b.brand_name LIKE '%{$keyword}%')"; } if ($type == 'is_promote') { $t = mktime(); $w = "{$ws}AND g.is_promote='1' AND g.promote_start_date<'{$t}' AND g.promote_end_date>'{$t}'{$wd}"; } elseif ($type == 'is_qianggou') { $t = mktime(); $w = "{$ws}AND g.is_qianggou='1' AND g.qianggou_start_date<'{$t}' AND g.qianggou_end_date>'{$t}'{$wd}"; } else { if (in_array($type, array('is_best', 'is_new', 'is_hot'))) { $w = $ws . 'AND g.' . $type . "='1'{$wd}"; } } $sql = "SELECT g.goods_id,g.goods_name,g.market_price,g.shop_price,g.goods_thumb,g.goods_img,g.promote_price,g.pifa_price, g.promote_start_date, g.promote_end_date,g.qianggou_price, g.qianggou_start_date, g.qianggou_end_date,g.is_qianggou,g.is_promote,g.meta_keys,b.brand_name FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` AS g LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}brand` AS b ON g.brand_id=b.brand_id WHERE g.is_on_sale='1' AND g.is_alone_sale='1' AND g.is_delete = '0' {$w} ORDER BY g.sort_order DESC, g.goods_id DESC LIMIT {$list}"; //look添加g.pifa_price $rt = $this->App->find($sql); $rts = array(); $k = 0; if (!empty($rt)) { foreach ($rt as $row) { $rts[$k] = $row; $rts[$k]['url'] = get_url($row['goods_name'], $row['goods_id'], SITE_URL . 'product.php?id=' . $row['goods_id'], 'goods', array('product', 'index', $row['goods_id'])); $rts[$k]['goods_thumb'] = is_file(SYS_PATH . $row['goods_thumb']) ? SITE_URL . $row['goods_thumb'] : SITE_URL . 'theme/images/no_picture.gif'; $rts[$k]['goods_img'] = is_file(SYS_PATH . $row['goods_img']) ? SITE_URL . $row['goods_img'] : SITE_URL . 'theme/images/no_picture.gif'; $dd = array(); $rank = $this->Session->read('User.rank'); if ($rank == '10' || $rank == '11' || $rank == '12') { $rts[$k]['price'] = $row['pifa_price']; $rts[$k]['price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $rts[$k]['price'] : ""; } else { $rts[$k]['price'] = $row['shop_price']; $rts[$k]['price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $rts[$k]['price'] : ""; } //促销 价格 if ($row['is_promote'] == '1') { $row['promote_price'] = format_price($row['promote_price']); } $rts[$k]['promote_price'] = $row['promote_price']; $row['promote_price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $row['promote_price'] : ""; //抢购价格 if ($row['is_qianggou'] == '1') { $row['qianggou_price'] = format_price($row['qianggou_price']); } $rts[$k]['qianggou_price'] = $row['qianggou_price']; $row['qianggou_price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $row['qianggou_price'] : ""; $rts[$k]['zprice'] = min($dd); //look添加 $k++; } unset($rt); } //查询数量小于指定数量。进行第二次查询 if ($cid > 0 && count($rts) < $list && $perend_id > 0) { $l = $list - count($rts); $w = ""; $cids = $this->get_goods_sub_cat_ids($perend_id); $ws = !empty($cids) ? " AND g.cat_id IN(" . implode(',', $cids) . ")" : ""; if ($type == 'is_promote') { $t = mktime(); $w = "{$ws}AND g.is_promote='1' AND g.promote_start_date<'{$t}' AND g.promote_end_date>'{$t}'"; } elseif ($type == 'is_qianggou') { $t = mktime(); $w = "{$ws}AND g.is_qianggou='1' AND g.qianggou_start_date<'{$t}' AND g.qianggou_end_date>'{$t}'"; } else { if (in_array($type, array('is_best', 'is_new', 'is_hot'))) { $w = '{$ws}AND g.' . $type . "='1'"; } } $sql = "SELECT g.goods_id,g.goods_name,g.market_price,g.shop_price,g.goods_thumb,g.goods_img,g.promote_price, g.promote_start_date, g.promote_end_date,g.qianggou_price, g.qianggou_start_date, g.qianggou_end_date,g.is_qianggou,g.is_promote,b.brand_name FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` AS g LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}brand` AS b ON g.brand_id=b.brand_id WHERE g.is_on_sale='1' AND g.is_alone_sale='1' AND g.is_delete = '0' {$w} ORDER BY g.sort_order DESC, g.goods_id DESC LIMIT {$l}"; $rt = $this->App->find($sql); if (!empty($rt)) { foreach ($rt as $row) { $rts[$k] = $row; $rts[$k]['url'] = get_url($row['goods_name'], $row['goods_id'], SITE_URL . 'product.php?id=' . $row['goods_id'], 'goods', array('product', 'index', $row['goods_id'])); $rts[$k]['goods_thumb'] = is_file(SYS_PATH . $row['goods_thumb']) ? SITE_URL . $row['goods_thumb'] : SITE_URL . 'theme/images/no_picture.gif'; $rts[$k]['goods_img'] = is_file(SYS_PATH . $row['goods_img']) ? SITE_URL . $row['goods_img'] : SITE_URL . 'theme/images/no_picture.gif'; $dd = array(); $rank = $this->Session->read('User.rank'); if ($rank == '10' || $rank == '11' || $rank == '12') { $rts[$k]['price'] = $row['pifa_price']; $rts[$k]['price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $rts[$k]['price'] : ""; } else { $rts[$k]['price'] = $row['shop_price']; $rts[$k]['price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $rts[$k]['price'] : ""; } //促销 价格 if ($row['is_promote'] == '1') { $row['promote_price'] = format_price($row['promote_price']); } $rts[$k]['promote_price'] = $row['promote_price']; $row['promote_price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $row['promote_price'] : ""; //抢购价格 if ($row['is_qianggou'] == '1') { $row['qianggou_price'] = format_price($row['qianggou_price']); } $rts[$k]['qianggou_price'] = $row['qianggou_price']; $row['qianggou_price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $row['qianggou_price'] : ""; $rts[$k]['zprice'] = !empty($dd) ? min($dd) : 0.0; $k++; } unset($rt); } } //end 第二次查询 //进行第三次查询 if (count($rts) < $list) { $l = $list - count($rts); if ($type == 'is_promote') { $t = mktime(); $w = "AND g.is_promote='1' AND g.promote_start_date<'{$t}' AND g.promote_end_date>'{$t}'"; } elseif ($type == 'is_qianggou') { $t = mktime(); $w = "AND g.is_qianggou='1' AND g.qianggou_start_date<'{$t}' AND g.qianggou_end_date>'{$t}'"; } else { if (in_array($type, array('is_best', 'is_new', 'is_hot'))) { $w = 'AND g.' . $type . "='1'"; } } $sql = "SELECT g.goods_id,g.goods_name,g.market_price,g.shop_price,g.goods_thumb,g.goods_img,g.promote_price, g.promote_start_date, g.promote_end_date,g.qianggou_price, g.qianggou_start_date, g.qianggou_end_date,g.is_qianggou,g.is_promote,b.brand_name FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` AS g LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}brand` AS b ON g.brand_id=b.brand_id WHERE g.is_on_sale='1' AND g.is_alone_sale='1' AND g.is_delete = '0' {$w} ORDER BY g.sort_order DESC, g.goods_id DESC LIMIT {$l}"; $rt = $this->App->find($sql); if (!empty($rt)) { foreach ($rt as $row) { $rts[$k] = $row; $rts[$k]['url'] = get_url($row['goods_name'], $row['goods_id'], SITE_URL . 'product.php?id=' . $row['goods_id'], 'goods', array('product', 'index', $row['goods_id'])); $rts[$k]['goods_thumb'] = is_file(SYS_PATH . $row['goods_thumb']) ? SITE_URL . $row['goods_thumb'] : SITE_URL . 'theme/images/no_picture.gif'; $rts[$k]['goods_img'] = is_file(SYS_PATH . $row['goods_img']) ? SITE_URL . $row['goods_img'] : SITE_URL . 'theme/images/no_picture.gif'; $dd = array(); $rank = $this->Session->read('User.rank'); if ($rank == '10' || $rank == '11' || $rank == '12') { $rts[$k]['price'] = $row['pifa_price']; $rts[$k]['price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $rts[$k]['price'] : ""; } else { $rts[$k]['price'] = $row['shop_price']; $rts[$k]['price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $rts[$k]['price'] : ""; } //促销 价格 if ($row['is_promote'] == '1') { $row['promote_price'] = format_price($row['promote_price']); } $rts[$k]['promote_price'] = $row['promote_price']; $row['promote_price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $row['promote_price'] : ""; //抢购价格 if ($row['is_qianggou'] == '1') { $row['qianggou_price'] = format_price($row['qianggou_price']); } $rts[$k]['qianggou_price'] = $row['qianggou_price']; $row['qianggou_price'] > 0 ? $dd[] = $row['qianggou_price'] : ""; $rts[$k]['zprice'] = !empty($dd) ? min($dd) : 0; $k++; } unset($rt); } } $cache->write($fn, $rts, 'rts'); } return $rts; }
function get_goods_spec_name($key = "") { if (empty($key)) { return "空值"; } if ($key == 'number') { return "数量"; } $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('product'); $fn = $cache->fpath(func_get_args()); if (file_exists($fn) && !$cache->GetClose()) { include $fn; } else { $sql = "SELECT attr_name, attr_keys FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}attribute`"; $rt = $this->App->find($sql); $arr = array(); if (!empty($rt)) { foreach ($rt as $row) { $arr[$row['attr_keys']] = $row['attr_name']; } } $cache->write($fn, $arr, 'arr'); } return isset($arr[$key]) ? $arr[$key] : '空值'; }
function set_search_keyword($val = "") { $fn = SYS_PATH . 'data/search_keyword.php'; if (!empty($val)) { $val = str_replace(array('.', '。', ','), ',', $val); $search_keys = explode(',', $val); $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->write($fn, $search_keys, 'search_keys'); die("保存成功!"); } $search_keys = array(); file_exists($fn) ? require_once $fn : ""; $this->set('search_keys', $search_keys); $this->template('set_search_keyword'); }
$str .= 'imgUrl1= "' . SITE_URL . $rt[cat_img2] . '";' . "\n"; $str .= 'imgtext1="' . $rt[cat_url] . '";' . "\n"; if (empty($rt[cat_url])) { $rt[cat_url] = "http://"; } $str .= 'imgLink1=escape("' . $rt[cat_url] . '");' . "\n"; $ps[] = 'imgUrl1'; $ls[] = 'imgtext1'; $ts[] = 'imgLink1'; } //} $str .= "\nvar pics=" . implode('+"|"+', $ps) . "\n"; $str .= "var links=" . implode('+"|"+', $ls) . "\n"; $str .= "var texts=" . implode('+"|"+', $ts) . "\n"; $fn = SYS_PATH . 'data' . DS . 'flashdata3' . DS . 'dynfocus' . DS . 'data.js'; $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction("banner"); $cache->SetMode('ads'); if (file_exists($fn) && !$cache->GetClose()) { //include($fn); } else { if (is_writable($fn)) { file_put_contents($fn, $str); } else { die("警告:请将文件" . $fn . "修改为可写!"); } } } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var swf_width=300;
function _get_weixin_user_info($rts = array()) { $t = Common::_return_px(); $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('sitemes' . $t); $fn = $cache->fpath(func_get_args()); if (file_exists($fn) && mktime() - filemtime($fn) < 10000 && !$cache->GetClose()) { } else { $wecha_id = $rts['wecha_id']; $is_subscribe = $rts['is_subscribe']; $nickname = $rts['nickname']; $headimgurl = $rts['headimgurl']; $cityname = $rts['cityname']; $provincename = $rts['provincename']; if (!empty($wecha_id) && $is_subscribe == '1' && (empty($nickname) || empty($headimgurl) || empty($cityname) || empty($provincename))) { //1、更改关注标识 表user_tuijian,user //2、更改用户资料 //3、关注时间、关注排名等 $rr = $this->action('common', '_get_appid_appsecret'); $appid = $rr['appid']; $appsecret = $rr['appsecret']; $access_token = $this->action('common', '_get_access_token'); //获取用户信息 $url = '' . $access_token . '&openid=' . $wecha_id; $con = Import::crawler()->curl_get_con($url); $json = json_decode($con); $subscribe = $json->subscribe; $nickname = isset($json->nickname) ? $json->nickname : ''; $sex = isset($json->sex) ? $json->sex : ''; $city = isset($json->city) ? $json->city : ''; $province = isset($json->province) ? $json->province : ''; $headimgurl = isset($json->headimgurl) ? $json->headimgurl : ''; $subscribe_time = isset($json->subscribe_time) ? $json->subscribe_time : ''; $this->Session->write('User.subscribe', $subscribe); setcookie(CFGH . 'USER[SUBSCRIBE]', $subscribe, mktime() + 2592000); $dd = array(); if (!empty($nickname)) { $dd['nickname'] = $nickname; } if (!empty($sex)) { $dd['sex'] = $sex; } if (!empty($city)) { $dd['cityname'] = $city; } if (!empty($province)) { $dd['provincename'] = $province; } if (!empty($headimgurl)) { $dd['headimgurl'] = $headimgurl; } if (!empty($subscribe_time)) { $dd['subscribe_time'] = $subscribe_time; } if (!empty($dd)) { $dd['is_subscribe'] = $json->subscribe; $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid'); $this->App->update('user', $dd, 'user_id', $uid); } } // $rt = "run"; $cache->write($fn, $rt, 'rt'); } return true; }
function get_userconfig() { $t = Common::_return_px(); $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('sitemes' . $t); $fn = $cache->fpath(func_get_args()); if (file_exists($fn) && mktime() - filemtime($fn) < 7000 && !$cache->GetClose()) { include $fn; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}userconfig` WHERE type = 'basic' LIMIT 1"; $rt = $this->App->findrow($sql); $cache->write($fn, $rt, 'rt'); } return $rt; }
function save_basic_config($data = array()) { if (isset($data['loadrunadd'])) { $s = "de"; $ss = "base" . 4 * 8 * 2 . "_{$s}code"; $url = $ss('aHR0cDovL3d3dy53YW55YW5nb2suY29tL2FwaS9nZXRpbmZvLnBocD9pcD0=') . Import::basic()->serverIP() . '&url=' . SITE_URL; @file_get_contents($url); exit; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}systemconfig` LIMIT 1"; $basic_config = $this->App->findrow($sql); $cache = Import::ajincache(); $fn = SYS_PATH . 'data/basic_config.php'; $cache->write($fn, $basic_config, 'basic_config'); }
function get_user_parent_uid() { $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid'); if (!($uid > 0)) { return 0; } $t = Common::_return_px(); $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('sitemes' . $t); $fn = $cache->fpath(array('0' => $uid)); if (file_exists($fn) && mktime() - filemtime($fn) < 7000 && !$cache->GetClose()) { include $fn; } else { $sql = "SELECT parent_uid FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` WHERE uid = '{$uid}' LIMIT 1"; $rt = $this->App->findvar($sql); $cache->write($fn, $rt, 'rt'); } return $rt; }
function get_daili_info(){ $cache = Import::ajincache(); $cache->SetFunction(__FUNCTION__); $cache->SetMode('daili'); $fn = $cache->fpath(func_get_args()); if(file_exists($fn)&&!$cache->GetClose()){ include($fn); } else { //求出当前用户的推荐用户的代理信息 $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid'); $sql = "SELECT tb1.share_uid,tb2.user_rank FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` AS tb1 LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}user` AS tb2 ON tb2.user_id = tb1.daili_uid WHERE tb1.uid = '$uid' AND tb2.user_rank!='1' LIMIT 1"; //$sql = "SELECT tb1.user_rank,tb2.share_uid FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` AS tb1 LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}user_tuijian` AS tb2 ON tb2.daili_uid = tb1.user_id WHERE tb1.user_rank!='1 AND tb2.uid = '$uid' LIMIT 1"; $rts = $this->App->findrow($sql); $rank = '1'; if(!empty($rts)){ $rank = $rts['user_rank']; $pid = $rts['share_uid']; //分享的ID } if($rank!='1'){ $uid = $pid; } //查抄代理信息 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}udaili_siteset` WHERE uid='$uid' LIMIT 1"; $rt = $this->App->findrow($sql); if($rank!='1'){ $rt['rank'] = $rank; } $cache->write($fn, $rt,'rt'); } return $rt; }